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TEXAN ENT - November 2021

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Texan ENT - May 2021

8 tsp red pepper flakes • 3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste Dire

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Texan ENT Specialists - November 2018

4 cup sunflower seeds 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar 1 teaspoon garlic granules Directions Pat into

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Texan ENT - November 2019

2 tsp ground ginger • 1 tsp crushed red pepper • Kosher salt, to taste • 2 lbs whole green beans, en

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Texan ENT Specialists - November 2020

2 tbsp maple syrup 1 tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped Directions 1. Preheat oven to 400 F, placing the t

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Texan ENT - October 2017

symptoms. At the moment, there are no scientifically proven cures for tinnitus. However, there are t

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TEXAN ENT - December 2021

2 cup blanched hazelnuts, chopped 4 5-oz Chilean sea bass or salmon filets, skin-on 2 tsp lemon juic

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Texan ENT Specialists - October 2021

2 cup of baking soda and about 2–3 cups of white vinegar into the machine. (Bleach will work, too!)

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Texan ENT Specialists - February 2021

2 tsp pepper 2 tsp sugar 1 lb ground turkey 3 medium zucchini 1 28-oz can crushed tomatoes Parmesan

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Texan ENT Specialists - September 2021

4 tsp pepper. Set aside. 2. In a small bowl, combine apple cider and mustard. Set aside. 3. In a lar

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Texan ENT Specialists - July 2021

Texan ENT Specialists - July 2021 512.550.0321 JULY 2021 Main Office: Satellite Office:

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TEXAN ENT - November 2021



Main Office:

1009 W. San Antonio Street Lockhart, TX 78644 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month ‘EAR, NEWS, AND THROAT’ Satellite Office:

1180 Seton Parkway, Suite 330 Kyle TX 78640

The first Thursday of November is National Men Make Dinner Day, and I have to laugh because that’s almost every night in our house. While women are still the primary cooks in most households, more men are getting into their home kitchens than ever. In my case, my wife Renee does not enjoy cooking. If it was up to her, we’d get takeout seven nights a week. But I’m over 40 now and my metabolism has been changing for years. I’ve realized that I can’t eat the same things I used to when I was younger, and it’s so much easier to eat a consistently healthy diet when you’re cooking for yourself. Back in college and medical school, my eating habits would make me incredibly unhealthy today. Despite eating fast food and drinking more beer than I should have, I stayed skinny. By the time I was in residency, I was feeling lethargic, and I was gaining weight — even though my diet was the same. Around the time I turned 30, I decided to make a change. I started eating better food and dropped 25 pounds during my last year of residency. Eventually, of course, the bad stuff started to creep in again. This past year, between the pandemic and time away from our house during renovations, we were eating takeout almost every night. I wasn’t feeling well, and I was gaining weight again. So, I’ve banished the candy, cookies, and chips for now and returned to cooking. Growing up, I hadn’t cooked much more than grilled cheese or lasagna, so I had to learn as an adult. When I was single, I was happy to make the same dinner four nights in a row. But Renee needs variety, so I try to make a lot of different dishes. As other parents will know, cooking for kids can be tricky. Our 3-year-old Audrey is picky, so most nights she gets something simple and kid-friendly. Our youngest, Claire, however, will eat pretty much anything. We decided early on to just try giving Claire all kinds of food and see what happens. It’s worked out so far, but only time will tell if either of the girls will end up being adventurous eaters later in life. We’re doing our best to slowly expand their horizons. A HOME- COOKED MEAL How Dr. Evans Eats Healthy by Staying In

I don’t enjoy standing over a hot stove for hours on end, so I try to keep it simple. I also find that the simpler recipes are the best; spices, oils, and vegetables taste pretty good. I’m a big fan of the Whole 30 cookbook, which has recipes that are both healthy and tasty. Even better, they don’t take all day to make. My favorite thing to cook is pulled pork carnitas. You brown the pork shoulder, then put it in a dutch oven and allow it to cook for two and a half hours. After about 15 minutes of actual work, it’s just a matter of leaving it on the stove. The carnitas are a great dish to make on a weekend and it makes the whole house smell amazing. Add a bit of guacamole and you’re in flavor heaven.

I’m always looking for new recipes that will keep me motivated to stay on the right track, so if you’ve got a quick, healthy, delicious meal up your sleeve, I’d love to hear about it. I’ll be glad to share one or two of my own in return.

–Dr. Seth Evans



Dogs can be trained to obey a lot of commands: sit, stay, rollover, play dead. But “dial 911”? Well, that would probably be a foreign command for most dogs. Luckily, it wasn’t for Buddy, an 18-month-old German shepherd who remembered his training and saved his owner’s life. Joe Stalnaker of Scottsdale, Arizona, sustained a head injury during a military training exercise 10 years prior to the incident. Because of that injury, he suffered from seizures. Normally, a condition like that would make it unwise for him to live alone, but Stalnaker valued his independence and wanted to find a way to lead as normal a life as possible. Joe adopted Buddy from a Michigan-based organization called Paws With a Cause when the pup was just 8 weeks old. Paws with a Cause trains assistance dogs, and after adopting him, Joe trained Buddy to dial 911 until an operator was on the line in the event that he had a seizure. A year and a half later, that training saved Joe’s life. One day, Joe began seizing when he was home alone with Buddy. Buddy rushed to the phone and dialed 911, whimpering to the dispatcher. Even if they don’t hear anyone on the line, dispatchers are required to send police. When police arrived at Joe’s home, they found him and

Alongside family and football, food is often the highlight of Thanksgiving. But if you’re cooking dinner for a large group, crafting the perfect menu can be difficult. Veganism and vegetarianism are more popular than ever, and it can be frustrating finding dishes that everyone can enjoy — or even eat at all, in the case of a diabetic friend or family member. Luckily, there are plenty of options to create an amazing meal for any group of diverse diners. HOW TO COOK FOR DIABETICS AND VEGANS ON TURKEY DAY THANKSGIVING DINNER FOR ALL


Thanksgiving is a stressful time for anyone who monitors their blood sugar. Sweet potato casserole and sugar-packed pies can tempt even the most diet-conscious diabetic. But undereating can be as unhealthy for diabetics as overeating, so it’s important to include appetizers in your Thanksgiving menu. Healthy options include raw vegetables and hummus, roasted nuts, shrimp cocktail, or a cheeseboard. For the main meal, turkey is fine if you hold off on any brown sugar or honey glaze. Green bean casserole is safe as well, and stuffing can be included as long as you use whole-grain bread. For dessert, parfaits made with Greek yogurt, fresh fruit, and sliced almonds are healthy and tasty and can round out the perfect meal.

Buddy, who was barking loudly. They

took Joe to the nearby hospital, where in a few


days, he made a

full recovery.

The best thing about cooking Thanksgiving for a vegan is that there are plenty of substitutes for classic dishes. Vegan turkeys are available at most grocery stores. It may not look like your traditional turkey since there are no bones, but it still cooks and tastes like a turkey. If a vegan turkey is out of the question, you can try making a mushroom Wellington or roasted cauliflower as a replacement. For side dishes, vegan macaroni and cheese and roasted Brussels sprouts are easy and safe. As for dessert, most grocery stores carry a variety of gluten-free and vegan desserts at their bakery, such as nondairy ice cream and flourless cookies, that taste similar or identical to their gluten-filled, non- vegan counterparts.

Some might say that Buddy was just following his training, but this heroic act goes far beyond just sitting and rolling over for treats. Even the veteran dispatchers hadn’t heard of a dog dialing 911 before. Buddy knew it was his mission to keep his owner safe, and thankfully, he knew exactly

what to do under pressure — because that’s what heroes do.

The holidays are a great time to come together, and with these options, you can make everyone feel included in the celebration.




ear, it causes hearing loss. Abnormal eardrums can also cause this type of hearing loss.

If you’re concerned that your child might be suffering from hearing loss, you can watch out for a few signs. For babies, you should seek the guidance of a doctor if your infant stops babbling or is unable to construct simple phrases by 12 months of age. For children of all ages, you should be mindful of speech delays or difficulties in school. A child failing to turn their head toward sources of sound is another telltale sign. If you believe your child is experiencing hearing loss, contact Texan ENT today for a full evaluation. Dr. Evans will confirm your child’s hearing loss, determine the cause, and construct a unique treatment plan to fit their needs. Early intervention is critical, and someday, your child will thank you. HAVE A LAUGH

About 6 in 1,000 children experience temporary hearing loss, and for 1 in 1,000 children, the hearing loss will be permanent. If your child is among them, it’s natural to be worried and have questions. So, what causes hearing loss in children, and how can a pediatric ENT help? Nerve hearing loss is permanent, and hereditary factors are usually behind it. In other cases, infection, medication, loud noise, head trauma, or an anatomic abnormality can cause it. Conductive hearing loss is temporary but still requires treatment. Ear infections are usually the catalyst because they leave fluid behind in the ear. When the fluid migrates to the middle

Whether a child’s hearing loss is temporary or permanent, early diagnosis tends to lead to better outcomes. An ENT will conduct several tests to determine both the cause and extent of the hearing loss.

If the hearing loss is temporary, the doctor will likely recommend noninvasive interventions. They could include clinical earwax removal, ear tube placement, or other outpatient procedures. In the case of permanent hearing loss, the doctor may recommend hearing aids or implants. If related health issues are present, they will also refer you to other specialists. Additionally, all children with permanent hearing loss should begin speech therapy immediately.


Inspired by

Want the taste of fall without the calories? Try this quick and easy salad, topped with homemade apple cider vinaigrette.

For the salad: • Ingredients

For the dressing: •

1/4 cup dried pumpkin seeds

1/4 cup olive oil

• •

5 cups salad mix

• • • •

1 1/2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

2 Granny Smith apples, chopped into bite- size pieces

1 1/2 tsp honey

1 tsp Dijon mustard

• •

1/3 cup dried cranberries

Salt and pepper to taste

1/3 cup goat cheese, crumbled


1. In a skillet over medium heat, toast the pumpkin seeds until fragrant, then set aside. 2. In a small jar or bowl, whisk together all dressing ingredients, then set aside. 3. Combine all salad ingredients in a large bowl. Drizzle with dressing until lightly coated, then toss and serve!





INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Cover Dr. Evans on Eating Well and Getting Older

Page 2 Dog Dials 911 to Save His Owner

Thanksgiving Dinner That Everyone Can Enjoy

Page 3 How Can a Pediatric ENT Help With Childhood Hearing Loss?

Easy Cranberry-Apple Salad

Page 4 The Westies Give Thanks

Hours: Monday–Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. | Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


What theWesties AreThankful For

We heard the humans say Thanksgiving is soon, and we’re pretty excited. We like this holiday because there’s lots of turkey, and we love to eat turkey even more than people do. We’ve also heard that lots of humans use this time of year to share what they’re thankful for. That sounds like a good idea to us, so we want to get in on the fun! We’ll start with what we’re both thankful for. We’re grateful for our whole family — even the kids, who are a little scary sometimes. We’re also grateful for all of the animals outside, like squirrels, deer, and other dogs, because they give us a good reason to bark. (Westies are hunting dogs, and we love barking!) And, of course, we’re thankful to our humans for playing tug of war with us. Izzy is especially thankful for our mom, Renee, and likes to give her lots of love. (She thinks the other humans in the house are just okay.) She’s also thankful for Bully Sticks because they’re delicious and last for hours. Even better, they’re healthy — talk about a win-win.

Emma is thankful for every human because they’re all her favorite. She’s also thankful for her leash, though, because it keeps her from getting excited and running off with a new family. Most of all, she’s grateful for belly rubs. (Though she thinks she probably deserves some more.) Lastly, we’re thankful for each other! When we first met, Izzy wasn’t looking for a new friend and got kind of annoyed. But now we keep each other company. We don’t have to spend every minute together, but when we do hang out, we get along really well! We know we’re really lucky to have so many great things, and we hope all the humans reading this are, too. Happy Thanksgiving!