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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - February 2022

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - February 2021

4 cup strawberry fruit spread, divided (we recommend Bonne Maman INTENSE) • • DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - February 2020

2 tsp oregano DIRECTIONS 1. In a skillet over medium heat, melt 2 tbsp of butter with 2 tbsp of oliv

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - March 2022

5 of the normal bite force. That’s reduced by well over 50%! This kind of bite force can greatly aff

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - April 2022

Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - April 2022 APRIL 2022 *NEW ADDRESS! TYLER LONGVIEW 444 Fore

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - May 2022

Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - May 2022 MAY 2022 *NEW ADDRESS! TYLER LONGVIEW 444 Forest S

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - January 2022

3 cup olive oil, garlic, salt, parsley, mint, pepper, and lemon zest and juice and blend ingredients

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - June 2022

3 cup sugar. Pulse to combine crumb mixture. 6. In a bowl, whip the cream with powdered sugar until

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - September 2021

11 What is Bruxism and How Do I Treat it? 3 Why Is Gum Care So Important? One-Pan Apple Cider Chicke

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - December 2021

2 cup blanched hazelnuts, chopped • 2 tsp lemon juice • Lemon wedges, for garnish DIRECTIONS 1. In a

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - July 2021

2 cup cotija or feta cheese, crumbled DIRECTIONS 1. In a cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat, ad

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - February 2022




444 Forest Square Suite E Longview, TX 75605

1520 Rice Road Suite 100 Tyler, TX 75703




Finding Opportunities for Growth

Last month, many of us made resolutions to better ourselves. We set out to visit the gymmore frequently, eat healthier, be more productive at work, read more, or be kinder to ourselves. While resolutions are fabulous, sadly, the second Friday in January is famously known as the day when most people give up on their resolutions. It’s called Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day. At the beginning of a new year, the gyms all pile up with people ready to work to achieve those goals, and just a few short weeks later, the gym crowds dwindle back down. It’s nice if you’re an avid gym-goer, but the rate at which people give up is disheartening. But Feb. 1 is National Get Up Day. It’s a day intended to remind us all to get back up after we stumble or get knocked down. No matter how many times we feel like giving up, it’s important to always try again. And this applies to all aspects of life. If you are experiencing difficulty at a new job, going through a breakup or loss of a loved one, becoming frustrated with the challenges of learning a new skill or trying to tackle a certain task, there is value in persevering. When you feel like giving up, trying a new approach while maintaining faith is paramount.

built something much greater than what I had in California. I’m grateful I never looked back, but I did stumble along the way, and the key is knowing how to get back up and try again. When you begin to stumble, the first step is to take a step in the right direction — just one step to get back up. Take some time to recharge your batteries and regroup. Remember that it’s okay to approach something the wrong way as long as you allow yourself room for growth. How can a new approach breed success? By learning to use our stumbles as opportunities to learn and progress! Take the power back from the situations that knock you down. Failure doesn’t have to be the end of the road. It’s all about how we handle it, move ahead, and apply the lessons we learn.

When I first moved to Texas, I was starting over from scratch. I had sold my busy, thriving, and successful business in California and was starting over. Everything was fresh and new, and I had to navigate a whole new maze of strategies to figure


out what worked and what did not. Every day was full of struggles, discouragement, and difficulties, but it was all well worth the effort, and I’m glad I never threw in the towel. Over the past six years, I have

-Dr. Travis Kendall

LONGVIEW - 903-758-5551 | TYLER - 903-597-2201



Getting your wisdom teeth removed is a rite of passage for many young dental patients, and it doesn’t come without its fair share of stories. From viral videos of woozy patients crying post-surgery to entire blog posts about what to eat afterward, there’s no shortage of “expert” tips. In the last year, several videos of people drinking 64 ounces of pineapple juice prior to wisdom teeth surgery have gone viral on TikTok. The idea is that because pineapple contains bromelain, which acts as a natural anti-inflammatory, drinking the juice prior to surgery can reduce or eliminate potential swelling after the operation. The video makers claim that their swelling was minor post-surgery and encourage others to try this “hack.” They may not be totally wrong. A 2014 study found that patients who were given bromelain supplements after wisdom teeth extraction surgery

experienced less inflammation than their placebo counterparts. Another 2016 study found that bromelain offered a powerful boost to those who also took amoxicillin (which can have anti- inflammatory properties) post-surgery. It’s worth noting, though, that none of these studies included pineapple juice; patients were given supplements instead. Before you buy all the pineapple juice you can find, dental experts are cautioning patients against this trend. The reason is simpler than you think: It’s bad for your teeth! Pineapple juice is highly acidic, and it contains high levels of sugar. So, while you may lower your chances of swelling post-surgery, you could create an unhealthy oral environment right before a major trauma occurs in your mouth. Drinking something so acidic with open wounds in your mouth can be dangerous and painful, too. Furthermore, other health experts point

out that too much pineapple juice can wreak havoc on your digestive system, menstrual health, and heart health. So, 64 ounces of pineapple juice may not be the answer for wisdom teeth surgery swelling, but dental professionals do greenlight drinking a serving or two prior to surgery — and before they need to stop eating or drinking — if patients wish to do so. It just may offer the little boost you need without the negative impacts of too much juice.

Do You Suffer From Seasonal Allergies?


Allergy season is quickly approaching — bring on the itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, and uncontrollable sneezing. If you experience seasonal allergies, you’re likely dreading the rising pollen in the air in the next few months to come. But, while you battle all the annoyances that your allergies bring to the table, your teeth face some battles as well.

complications within your mouth. When the pH levels are off and your mouth is dry, your mouth may suffer from tooth and enamel decay and bad breath. Canker sores may also form on the inside of your mouth as a result of the dry mouth. Post-nasal drip is a symptom of allergies and often leads to swollen tonsils and a sore throat. When you combine that with a dry mouth full of bacteria from congestion and mouth breathing, your gums run the risk of becoming irritated, sore, and swollen. Here’s the thing about sore gums: The pain makes it difficult to thoroughly brush, which may lead to gingivitis. To prevent tooth issues that result from seasonal allergies, treat your allergies right away. Get ahead of the symptoms before they arise and have a chance to prey on your

teeth! However, if you currently suffer from seasonal allergies and suspect they may be causing problems for your teeth, call us today and set up an appointment!

So how can allergies affect your teeth? Let’s take a look.

Allergies irritate your sinuses by causing pain and congestion. When your nasal passageways become congested and it gets tough to breathe, you become a mouth breather, which can cause your saliva production to decrease, potentially leading to bacteria buildup, dry mouth, and pH


LONGVIEW - 903-758-5551


Inspired by

For a nonalcoholic version of these cake balls, swap the brandy for fruit juice. INGREDIENTS

• 1 package fudge marble cake mix • 1 1/4 cups and 3 tbsp

• 1/3 cup brandy • 1/4 cup cherry preserves • 1 cup chocolate frosting • 1 lb chocolate candy coating, chopped

Did You Know?

brewed coffee, divided

• 1/4 cup canola oil • 3 eggs • 10 oz maraschino cherries, stemmed,

5 Fun Facts About Saliva

drained, and chopped


1. In a large bowl, combine cake mix, 1 1/4 cups coffee, canola oil, and eggs. Beat on low for 30 seconds, then on high for 2 minutes. 2. Preheat the oven to 350 F. 3. Pour batter into a greased, floured 9-by-13-inch baking pan. Bake for 30–35 minutes and let cool. 4. In a small bowl, combine cherries, brandy, cherry preserves, and remaining coffee. 5. Crumble cake. Add frosting and cherry mixture. Combine and shape into 1-inch balls. 6. Melt chocolate coating, following package directions. 7. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Dip balls into coating. Let them stand on the paper for 20 minutes, then serve! TAKE A BREAK

Saliva — it’s just there. We don’t even pay attention to it. To many, it’s nothing beyond a lubricant — something to keep your tongue from getting stuck to the walls of your mouth. But the water-like, slimy substance does a lot more than you’d think!

Did you know that …

1. Your adult mouth produces about 1–2 liters of saliva each day via the salivary glands located on the insides of your cheeks. Candy, sweets, and delicious foods can get your mouth watering a little extra, though! 2. Saliva helps your body to digest food before it even enters your stomach. Once food enters your mouth, your saliva moistens the food, helping your mouth to form a bolus, or mass of chewed food. Saliva has enzymes that start breaking down food while its on its way through your body’s digestive system. 3. Human saliva contains neutrophils, a type of white blood cell that aids the body’s natural immune response. Thus, saliva helps to fight bacteria in the mouth, preventing bacteria colonies from building up inside of our mouths. Without saliva, bacteria would take over, leading to horrible breath, infection, and decay. 4. Stress can affect how much saliva your body produces. Your body, when faced with stressful situations, slows down the production of saliva to make sure your body’s energy is reallocated elsewhere, depending on the situation. 5. It also protects your teeth against the erosion of tooth enamel. If you consume acidic or sugary foods that could potentially lead to tooth decay, your saliva works with you to neutralize the effects of the acid.


TYLER - 903-597-2201






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National Get Up Day

Pineapple Juice Before Surgery?

Allergies andYourTeeth


Saliva Fun Facts

Cherry Cordial Cake Balls


3 Major Benefits of Meal Prepping


going to the grocery store and getting the ingredients to prepare your meals in advance, you will be saving money. And you will never ask yourself, “What should I have for dinner tonight?” YOU’LL SAVE TIME. Our days are already hectic and busy

With Meal Prepping

Have you ever intended to eat healthy meals throughout the week, but as the days went on, you either ran out of time or patience and picked up unhealthy eating habits? We’ve all been there, but if you find yourself falling into this routine regularly, you might want to give meal prepping a chance. Meal prepping has gained popularity over the past few years, and social media has been flooded with images of fitness gurus’ meal- prepping habits. To properly meal prep, you need to plan and shop for your meals in advance. You then need to cook all of your meals for the week and store them for easy access. This way, you won’t be tempted to eat fast food or other unhealthy options since your meals will already be prepared and ready to eat.

enough, and more often than not, cooking after working or running errands seems like just another chore. With meal prep, you can spend the time you would have spent cooking on hobbies or relaxation since your meals will already be cooked and prepared. It’s a great way to make more time for yourself. YOU’LL BE EATING HEALTHIER. Eating out at restaurants, especially if it’s fast food, can be quite unhealthy. You may find yourself putting on weight if you’re eating out every other day. By meal prepping, you can introduce more home- cooked meals into your diet. You can choose healthier foods, and your portion sizes will be limited since the food is already made. This way you won’t overeat, and you can enjoy fresh and delicious meals every day of the week.

While there are many benefits to meal prepping, there are three that stand above the rest.

YOU’LL CUT FOOD COSTS. Eating out at restaurants several days a week can get incredibly expensive. Even fast food can quickly burn a hole in your pocket. By


LONGVIEW - 903-758-5551 | TYLER - 903-597-2201