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The Holdsworth Group - January 2019

reset to get started! 1 • HOLDSWORTH.COM • ‘WADING INTO CHAOS’ A Veteran Paramedic Recounts Some of

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contact. A pril kicks off annual spring-cleaning. Whether you enjoy this time of year or absolutely

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4-inch-thick patties. Season patties. 5. Meanwhile, heat a cast-iron skillet to medium-high. 6. Ligh

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4 teaspoon ground coriander • Mint leaves, poppy seeds, and olive oil, for garnish DIRECTIONS 1. Hea

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7. Just like patients don’t plan for the most opportune time to suffer an injury or have a heart att

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4 bunch cilantro leaves, sliced • Juice of 1 lime • Kosher salt, to taste Where’s the Fun? DIRECTION

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The Holdsworth Group - February 2019

4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour DIRECTIONS 1. Beat together butter, cream cheese, and sugar. 2.

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4 cup roasted pistachios, chopped 1. In a small bowl, combine balsamic vinegar, olive oil, chopped g

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The Holdsworth Group - May 2019


Volume 1 • MAY 2019

2 EARS + 1 MOUTH = 1 UNDERUTILIZED DESIGN Aim to Listen Twice as Much as You Talk!

both the volume and the quality of output has increased exponentially. Another benefit is that their employees are finally taking ownership, freeing their leaders to actually grow the business. Here are some ideas that have manifested for other companies who’ve tried it: • Wholesale changes to archaic customer service practices • Creation of project-bid teams made up of marketing, sales, and service reps to ensure workable delivery deadlines • Changes to purchasing patterns, resulting in significant cost savings • Employee/management teams that collaboratively create specs for capital equipment purchases • Creation of an award-winning client service website • New and different marketing ideas • Development of new profit centers • A renewed sense of purpose after employees knew they were being listened to It’s time to utilize the full potential of the tools you’ve been given and improve your listening ability as a leader. If you listen more and use the insights you gain to improve your effectiveness, you will ultimately be able to outsmart, outmaneuver, and outgrow your competition. If I can be of help to you or your leadership team, please connect with me. Get in touch at

I n today’s overcrowded, constantly moving, and overly public world, it is imperative that leaders take a step back and begin to use their original input-output devices — better known as the ears and mouth —more effectively. Look in the mirror, and you will see that not a lot has changed from the original design of Human 1.0. We still have two ears to absorb information and one mouth to regurgitate it. Of course, we’ve also developed two opposable thumbs, which started out as an advancement but has now become problematic with cellphone usage. In short, our ‘evolution’ now causes us to spew out more than we take in, resulting in miscommunication and misunderstanding on a massive level. After witnessing this happen to me and others all around me, I made a firm commitment to return to my roots: listening, absorbing, and observing more. Additionally, I am spending far less time texting and scrolling through social media. The other day, I actually had to go look for my phone! From a leadership perspective, more time spent with your team members and clients in a state of active listening and observation will provide a lot of free advice and direction, helping you improve what you do, or even create something new. Over the years, I’ve found that simply asking questions and sincerely listening to the answers provides a wealth of information. Solutions are found by asking team members about the issues they are facing in their specific roles. Then, as the leader, our job is to eliminate barriers and give the team the tools or training they need to help them do the best job possible.

The process is simple: Sit down with your employees for a candid discussion, ideally one-on-one and out of the office. The larger the company, the harder this is to do. You may have to resort to small groups of 5–10 people instead. In a small business, meeting with a single employee for coffee, lunch, breakfast, or any other 30–45-minute session works. I strongly advise you to avoid dinner or heading to a bar. I’ve found that a diner serves as a great location for these daytime meetups. Before you start these one-on-ones, let everyone know ahead of time and encourage them to be honest. Then, once you sit down to talk, start with some basic chitchat to help them feel comfortable before asking the Five Critical Questions . Be sure to stick to the following list to get good, multifaceted feedback. 1. As a company, what are we doing poorly? 2. What am I, or what is management, doing that gets in your way? 3. As a company, what are we doing well? 4. What can I, or what can management, do to make your job easier? 5. And here’s the million-dollar question: If time and money were not factors, what would you stop, start, or change that can help us do better for our clients? Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to coach several business leaders through this process of improving their own active- listening capabilities. After asking the Five Critical Questions, they’ve all attested that their level of communication with employees is at an all-time high, and that



LEARNING TO BE GRATEFUL Some Ways to Help Children Appreciate Their Teachers

Teacher Appreciation Week runs from May 6–10 this year, and there are plenty of ways students of all ages can thank their educators for everything they do. Being a teacher isn’t an easy job, and the people who make it their profession are passionate about helping kids learn. Depending on how old your child is, they may need a parent’s help in showing their appreciation. Here are a few ways parents and children can appreciate teachers together. THANK-YOU NOTES This gesture is simple and sweet and can be very thoughtful. Telling a teacher what makes them outstanding can often be just as valuable as a gift. Help your child write an appreciative note and then write one yourself. Teachers often have to maintain the happiness of students, administrators, and parents. Your card could relieve some of the stress of that balancing act and let them know that you acknowledge their efforts. A HOMEMADE MEAL Making a homemade meal (or dessert) shows teachers that you went the extra mile to appreciate their

hard work. You could make a favorite dish of yours or try to find a new recipe online. Either way, encourage your child to help you with the process so that the meal is truly a gift from both of you. DONATING SCHOOL SUPPLIES

Many teachers use their own money to buy school supplies for their classroom. This is just one of the ways teachers go above and beyond on a daily basis, and buying some extra school supplies can help ease that cost. Take your child shopping with you and help them pick out supplies that you know their teacher will appreciate. Your children spend several hours a day with their teachers, so fostering relationships with them is vital. Use this day to help your children understand the importance of teachers, to teach them the power of gratitude, and to encourage them to show respect for everyone who helps them in life.

Holdsworth Group Service Announcement! OUR NEW, CONSULTANT-ON-DEMAND, MEMBERS-ONLY PROGRAM: Access Point sm

Here are just a few of the benefits members will receive: • Annual review of your billing, collection, and payer mix, including a letter formatted to share with municipal leaders • A fully developed, ready-to-implement marketing/public-relations campaign each month • Operational questions answered via email, typically within 24 business hours • A 60-minute, one-on-one call every month with Bob Holdsworth and other experts as needed. This call will be recorded and archived for your private files • Monthly group Leader Learning call with Access Point sm members only • ‘In Perspective’ print newsletter monthly with a special Access Point sm members- only content section As a member, you’ll also have unlimited access to the following:

• Policy and procedure library • Article archive • Leader Learning conference call archives • Marketing idea library • Newsletter archives If you are serious about making positive changes in your agency, our team of experts can help. Our Access Point sm membership program, starting this July, is unlike anything else in the industry. To make sure that you get maximum value from the services we’ll be providing to you, we simply can’t help everyone. If you think Access Point sm membership sounds like a great option for you, don’t waste time. We have to limit membership to only 50 agency leaders, therefore space really is limited! Go to to complete the membership application. One of our team members will connect with you to answer any questions you might have.

To make decisions as an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) leader, you need quick access to state-of-the-art industry information. I’m willing to bet that you and your agency would benefit from an unbiased, fresh set of eyes that can help you identify opportunities, create powerful action steps, discuss exactly how to better position your agency, and show you how to resolve any issues that are keeping you awake at night —whether it’s increasing revenue, recruiting, marketing, fixing your governmental relations, dealing with increased competition, or simply wanting to have a proactive business development plan for the future. You need access to someone you can trust, someone to bounce ideas off of who’s not competing with you, and you need expertise you don’t have in-house. You’re in luck! You can have access to our team of industry experts through Access Point sm , our new consultant-on-demand, members- only program.



A Guide for Defusing Confrontation and Generating Cooperation ‘VERBAL JUDO: THE GENTLE ART OF PERSUASION’

4. All people want to be given options rather than threats. 5. All people want a second chance when they make a mistake. “Verbal Judo” has chapters on parenting, marriage, managing employees, and other areas in which you need to make your feelings known, have priorities, and want to communicate with others without escalating conflict. This isn’t manipulation. Instead, it involves empathy. It’s trying to understand what others are attempting to communicate, making sure you understand, then responding to those people in a way that honors their needs. In short, “Verbal Judo” is a martial art of the mind and mouth that can show you how to be better prepared for every verbal encounter.

The late Dr. George J. Thompson, president and founder of Verbal Judo Institute and doctor of rhetoric and persuasion, trained in judo and aikido before becoming a police officer in his early 30s. Throughout his career as a public servant, Thompson noticed that some of the officers he worked with seemed to have a natural talent for defusing conflicts and calming people under stress. The ability to resolve conflict through communication didn’t come naturally to Thompson, so he started to analyze the actions of great communicators. That’s when he noticed a similarity between their verbal styles and judo, “the gentle way,” and aikido, “unifying spirit way.”

Drawing from that similarity, Thompson wrote “Verbal Judo: The Gentle Art of Persuasion,” a book that works to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and avoid the most common conversational disasters through simple, easily remembered strategies that deflect and redirect negative behavior. In writing this book, Thompson developed five universal truths: 1. All people want to be treated with dignity and respect. 2. All people want to be asked rather than being told to do something. 3. All people want to know why they are being asked to do something.


• 1 1/4 cups strawberries, chopped • 1/2 cup granulated sugar • 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt • 2 medium ripe mangoes, peeled, pitted, and chopped

Where’s the Fun?


1. In a saucepan, toss strawberries with 1/4 cup sugar and let stand at room temperature for 15 minutes. 2. Add 1/4 cup water and bring to a simmer over moderate heat. Cook strawberries until mixture thickens, about 5 minutes. 3. Remove from heat and stir in 1 tablespoon of lime juice and 1/4 teaspoon of salt. Let cool completely, about 45 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, in a blender, purée mangoes with 1/4 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons lime juice, and 1/4 teaspoon salt until smooth. Scrape into a medium bowl and clean the blender. Then, purée strawberry mixture until smooth. 5. Into 8 3-ounce ice pop molds, spoon 2 tablespoons mango purée. Add 2 tablespoons strawberry purée to each mold, then top with remaining mango purée, leaving 1/2 inch between filling and top of mold. 6. Using a small knife, gently swirl layers together. 7. Insert ice pop sticks and freeze until solid. 8. Dip molds in hot water for a few seconds, then unmold paletas and serve immediately.

Inspired by Food & Wine Magazine



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2 Ears + 1 Mouth = 1 Underutilized Design

Teacher Appreciation Week Is Here!

Holdsworth Group Service Announcement!

‘Verbal Judo: The Gentle Art of Persuasion’

Strawberry Mango Paletas

How to Travel Sustainably


Go Green

to oceans, and airplanes emit large amounts of toxins into the air. However, you can cruise and fly with the earth in mind. Some cruise lines are working to reduce their impact by installing more eco-friendly lighting and materials, and flight experts recommend using “green” airports, choosing fuel-efficient airlines, staying longer, and traveling less. If anything, it’s an excuse to extend your European vacation! STAY GREEN Where you stay impacts the environment as much as how you get there. Hotels use copious amounts of water for bathing and laundry, and they struggle to reduce energy because guests leave their lights and televisions on. However, many luxury resorts, woodsy cabins, and even entire countries have opted to make eco-tourism easier. If you’re looking for a region of the world committed to preserving nature,

look no further than Iceland, Finland, and Sweden, which are ranked the three most environmentally friendly places in the world. DO GREEN Man-made attractions like the Egyptian pyramids and Machu Picchu are some of the world’s greatest wonders, but Earth itself is pretty breathtaking. Check out natural attractions while hiking or camping in preserved forests, or soak up all the Caribbean has to offer by snorkeling, scuba diving, sailing, kayaking, canoeing, and paddleboarding. When you’re mindful of your surroundings and remain unobtrusive, there are endless outdoor activities you can explore. Some locations even partner with environmentally conscious organizations you can donate to or volunteer with.

Vacations can come with great expense, and not just for your bank account. According to a 2018 study published in Nature Climate Change, travel accounts for 8 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Cut through the greenwashing and do your part to lessen these emissions by traveling sustainably. TRAVEL GREEN When possible, trains, hybrid buses, and carpooling are great alternatives to larger, more environmentally intrusive travel methods. Large cruise liners are detrimental

Opt for a green vacation and know that while you relax, the earth is getting a little relief too.