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The Ideal Treatment For Low Back Pain

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The Ideal Treatment For Low Back Pain

Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

“I’ve BeenMore Active Since Seeking Treatment ! ” The Ideal Treatment For Low Back Pain

Do you suffer from an aching back? Whether it is a short-lived muscle spasm, or a long-term problem, your back is telling you something! Your spine is a complex structure made up of bones, muscles, discs, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. It is the hub of your nervous systemwhere messages to and from your brain travel to different parts of your body. It is so complex, that it takes years for you to master the ability to stand up straight, walk, and run. As we age, it is very common to suffer aches and pains in the lower back, typically because of poor posture and prolonged sitting, or previous injuries; however aches and pains are a sign of underlying problems. Your spine relies on proper posture, alignment, strength, and coordination. When any one of these key areas doesn’t work right, strain and stress occurs on the spine, sparking inflammation and pain. (continued inside)

INSIDE: • The Ideal Treatment For Low Back Pain

• Staff Spotlight

• Exercise Essentials

• Patient Spotlight

Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

“Why Not Give Everyone Access To A Pain Free Lifestyle? ” The Ideal Treatment For Low Back Pain (continued from outside cover)

Inflammation weakens the spinal muscles and leg muscles, causingdifficultywitheverydayactivities.Gettingupanddown from the floor, squatting, standing for long periods, and even walking can become a problem. This can really affect your life and the longer the problem persists, the more long-term damage can occur. Quickly Relieve Low Back Pain Most low back pain can easily be treated with physical therapy and without the need for surgery, or prolonged medication. Physical therapy can reduce inflammation, restore proper function, restore normal back strength and prevent future injury.Maintainingandbuildingmusclestrength isparticularly important to getting you back to doing the things you love to do, without worrying about the pain. Not all low back pain is the same, so your treatment will be tailored to for your specific symptoms and condition. Once the examination is complete, your physical therapist will evaluate the results, identify the factors that have contributed to your specific back problem, and design an individualized treatment plan for your specific back problem. Ourphysicaltherapistshaveyearsofmedicaltrainingandskills tothoroughlyevaluateandpinpointthecauseofyourbackpain. Look inside to learn more about our physical therapy and personal training programs and say hello to healthy living and good-bye to that aching back!

Have an injury and need to see a specialist? Franklin Rehabilitation has relationships with every physician specialty group in the area. Contact us at [email protected] if you need advice or if you would like us to help get you in to see the doctor quickly.

Exercise Essentials Try this exercise to keep you help with pain...

Staff Spotlight

Isaiah Wenzel

MINI SQUAT Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Perform a squatting motion initiated by bending at the hip. Only bend knees slightly, do not bend knees beyond 45 degrees. Rise up by straightening at the hip. Repeat 8 times.

Strengthens Core & Relieves Back Pain

Isaiah graduated from Carroll University with a Bachelor’s degree in Organizational Leadership and Management and Administration. Shortly after, he became an integral part of the Franklin Rehabilitation team.Stepping intoanadministrative


role, he hopes to further develop the excellent care and services provided by the staff at Franklin Rehabilitation. Isaiah is mostly situatedat the frontdesk inFranklinRehabilitation–atour Innovative Health & Fitness location. From there, he is always greeting patients, answering their questions regarding services and care and helping in any way to provide the best experience for each person. While his degree is in Business, he doesn’t want to be stuck in a cubicle. He loves being present with our patients, is extremely personable and enjoys helping others reach their full potential as they journey on their way to optimal health.

Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.

To read more about Isaiah, visit us online at

3 Common Spine Problem Areas

Whether you have back pain, neck pain, or radiating arm / leg pain, we can help. Your spine must be flexible, strong, and healthy in order for you to maintain a pain free body. We ensure that you’ll achieve the best results for your back/neck pain with the Franklin Rehabilitation spine program. UPPER SPINE Pain or injury here is often responsible for headaches to the scalp and face. This area helps with overall body balance and the ability to rotate the neck. Conditions involving the upper spine often present as limited motion and contribute to a forward head posture. As a result, this increases strain on the neck causing muscle pain and tension. In addition, weakness and pain to the shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers can be common. MID SPINE Pain or injuries here can cause limited motion and mid-back pain. The nerves exiting this area are responsible for digestion, heart and lung function. Limited motion here also increases the amount of strain on the lower spine. LOWER SPINE A common area of low back pain and radiating leg pain. This area can cause a significant amount of back pain because it is supposed to rotate with walking. Furthermore, this is a common area for disc herniation that can cause pain, numbness and tingling into the buttocks, thighs, legs or feet.

“For most of my life, I have had three major issues: dizziness and balance problems, major anxiety and bowel issues. After coming to Franklin Rehab, all three issues are so much better. I had a lot of work done on my neck and all those issues [stemmed from] that area. I am round- shouldered and my head is very far forward. The neck work has been amazing and helped me so much. Franklin Rehab is the best and they have given me my life back.” - Sandy R. When even one piece is out of place – nothing in our body works the way it should. Many times patients are hesitant to seek help because they don’t know where to start. For someone like Sandy, with several seemingly unrelated issues found out first hand that sometimes relief can come from the most unlikely place. Patient Spotlight “They have given me my life back!”

Think PT First

Why You Need To Come Back In For A Check-Up: � Move without pain � Walk for long distances � Live an active & healthy lifestyle TAKE CARE OF YOUR ACHES & PAINS. BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE. � Bend and move freely � Balance confidently & securely � Sit for long periods comfortably • Have loved ones stopped listening to your complaints because they have heard it so many times before? • Does back & neck pain put a frown on your face? ATTENTION Pain Sufferers

Spinach and Kale Smoothie Healthy Recipe

Learn 5 Simple Ways To Stop Your Back & Neck Pain Naturally With This FREE eBook IfYou’reNoddingYesTakeOneEasyBabyStep inTheRightDirectionToTakingChargeofHow YouFeel. DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK TODAY!

INGREDIENTS • 2 cups fresh spinach • 1 cup almond milk • 1 tablespoon peanut butter • 1 tablespoon chia seeds (optional) • 1 leaf kale • 1 sliced frozen banana DIRECTIONS Blend spinach, almond milk, peanut butter, chia seeds, and kale together in a blender until smooth. Add banana and blend until smooth.

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