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The rennie ambassador program guide & FAQ

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The rennie ambassador program | guide & faq

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The rennie ambassador program guide & faq

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The rennie ambassador program guide & FAQ

RENNIE EDUCATION the rennie ambassador program The rennie ambassador program is an intimate and interactive 6-month program designed to help advisors with at least one year of active real estate experience further their career and apply specific industry-specific skills. Through the guidance of your ambassador, you will overcome challenges you may face within your business, gain confidence, and develop a sol i d foundation of knowledge to improve your resale business performance. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ● Learn from experienced industry leaders with a breadth of knowledge and skills in sales and marketing including: presale projects, resale (detached and attached), and much more. ● Setting clear S.M.A.R.T. goals at the beginning of the program and doing structured activities each week can help you achieve more in your career. ● Your ambassador will challenge you to look deeply at your business and help you see where your strengths and opportunities are, what challenges are holding you back, and help you overcome these challenges to succeed in your real estate career. OTHER BENEFITS ● Increase your knowledge and gain a deeper and wider perspective of your real estate business. ● Learn the tools, skills, and approach by leveraging your ambassador’s experience in a way that is sustainable, personal, and effective. ● Build personal awareness. ● Get direct access to experience. ● Make new connections.. ● More support for improving specific skills.

● Face new challenges and learn how to overcome those challenges. ● Measure and track performance, and do more for your business.


GETTING STARTED & WHAT TO EXPECT 1. Fill out the rennie ambassador application - by Friday, January 7th, 2022. 2. Through a selection process, candidates will be paired with an ambassador and notified in mid to late January. 3. The Winter term will run for 6-months, starting on January 3 1st until Ju ly 3 1st . 4. You will be required to attend a training session before the start of the program in late January. 5. During your program, you and your ambassador will be meeting two times per month; the program will require up to 10 hours per month for personal development sessions, learning activities, and meeting with your ambassador.


PHIL CHANG Phil began his career as a rennie advisor in 2010, and has consistently been recognized as a top-producing advisor and recipient of the annual rennie leaders award. Phil has led various new developments in Metro Vancouver as the Sales Lead including the Olympic Village and most recently The Pacific and Grosvenor Ambleside by Grosvenor. After a stellar career with well-respected brands such as Fairmont Hotels, Canadian Pacific, and Westin Hotels, Phil brings a passion for quality and luxury hotels, and a high level of customer service. Phil’s vast experience leading presale project teams to building a reputable resale business built on service excellence, integrity, and knowledge can help you set the right path for your career goals. JANE CHU Jane started her real estate career as a rennie advisor in 2011, and she has since won both the rennie leaders award and the Medallion Club award. The best part of Jane’s job is helping clients filter through information to arrive at a better understanding of the market, so they can make decisions wisely. Jane specializes in helping clients find homes in Vancouver, Richmond, and Burnaby in areas of presale and resale (both attached and detached product types). Jane’s passion for helping clients and peers, aspirations to do more, and experiences in all aspects of real estate can help you move the dial on your business.


ERIC LANGHJELM Eric is the former owner of VPG Realty. Like many new Realtors, he entered the industry thinking this business is about selling homes. Now 13 years in, he’s come to realize that selling homes isn’t really the business we’re in. This business is about people, their lives, and the problems that need to be solved. Over the course of Eric’s real estate career, he’s been fortunate to have sold over 250 homes on the North Shore and have been just as fortunate to have had the crucial learning experiences that come from all of the deals that he has tried, but failed to put together. Eric knows the North Shore like the back of his hand and knows this business inside and out. With his experience, knowledge, and skills with people, transactions, and the detached market, he can provide guidance and empower you to sharpen your skills.


frequently asked questions

HOW DO I APPLY TO BE PART OF THE PROGRAM? An email will be sent to you with a link to an online application. You will be required to fill out and submit the application by January 7, 2022. WHO WILL BENEFIT FROM THE RENNIE AMBASSADOR PROGRAM? Ideally an advisor who is looking to grow their resale portfolio (you are currently in the 1-10 ends range per year and want to increase your ends by 2-3 per year); independent and motivated to drive your learning(s) from the program. CAN MY AMBASSADOR HELP ME WITH DAY-TODAY TRANSACTIONS & CONTRACT WRITING? No; the ambassadors are here to support your career development through the goals you have set as part of this program and challenge you to look deeply at your business. For transaction and contract-related questions, please contact Justine Loo at [email protected] or Gerald Soong at [email protected].


DOES IT COST ME ANYTHING TO PARTICIPATE? No; there is no financial cost but there is a fully refundable deposit requirement . The Ambassador program is a unique opportunity to develop your business with the guidance of an industry leader. With a 6 month duration, this program requires thought and consideration prior to sign-up. In order to ensure a successful outcome, this year we are requiring a refundable $1,000 deposit for the Ambassador Program as a means to establish a commitment from each participant and a respect for the Ambassador's time. The deposit is refundable by completing the program in its entirety and will be refunded within one week of completing the out-take survey at the end of the program. Please note that the deposit will be charged at the beginning of the program once you've been notified of acceptance and if we are not able to process the deposit within one week of acceptance, you will forfeit your spot for this session. The deposit will also be forfeited should you cancel three or more sessions with your ambassador with less than 48 hours' notice. HOW MUCH TIME COMMITMENT IS REQUIRED? The program will require up to 10 hours per month for personal development sessions, learning activities, and meeting with your ambassador. You are encouraged to set S.M.A.R.T. goals at the start of the program and complete the activities in the workbook to help you achieve your goals and objectives. The most success will come from the time you spend in the market completing the suggested activities. What you put in, you take out.

HOW LONG IS THE PROGRAM? The program term is 6-months.

WHO CAN I CONTACT TO LEARN MORE? As we receive more questions, we will continuously update this document as it’s a work-in-progress. If you see anything that’s not answered in this document or have any questions, please email us at [email protected].