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The Spirit Within- Discussion Guide


This FREE discussion guide had been created for church groups and book clubs. You can download free copies of this guide at: The Spirit Within by Rob King and Eric Ferris Chosen Books- A Division of Baker Publishing Trade Paper ISBN: 978-0-8007-9952-6 $14.99; 192 pp.

Ebook ISBN: 978-1-4934-2049-0 Release Date: September 2019

Available at your local bookstore, or by calling 1-800-877-2665.

For bulk book orders (30-50% off):

Media Contacts PUBLICIST: Holly Maxwell 952-829-2555 [email protected]

CANADIAN MEDIA: Ellen Graf-Martin 519-342-3703 [email protected]

Please send tear sheets to: Holly Maxwell Chosen Books 11400 Hampshire Ave. S. #200 Bloomington, MN 55438

“With clarity, deep insight and wit, King and Ferris help us take steps toward a faith that embraces the possibilities God has for us.” —Vincent Bacote, Ph.D., director, Center for Applied Christian Ethics, Wheaton College “Written in an everyday, relatable style, The Spirit Within warmly and humorously guides readers to recognize, to engage and to depend on God’s Spirit for abundant living and empowerment for Gospel mission.” —Joel Willitts, Ph.D., professor of biblical and theological studies and practical theology, North Park University

The Spirit Within: Getting to Know the Person and Purpose of the Holy Spirit FREE DISCUSSION GUIDE provided by

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● We don’t know how talkative your group is. Go as fast or as slow as you want with this discussion guide. You might discuss one chapter each time you meet, or go for two...or three. You get the point. ● It will be helpful for you to bring your book to the group discussion each time you meet. ● All portions of Scripture that the questions ask you to read can be found in the book. ● The first six chapters have the same first two discussion questions. This is designed to challenge you to come to the discussion for each chapter with two things: 1) Your main takeaway from the chapter, and 2) The biggest question you have after reading the chapter. You may want to write those down on the reflection page at the end of each chapter.


1. Was there a challenging thought or “a-ha” moment in this chapter for you? Share. 2. Did this chapter raise any questions in your mind that you hope the rest of the book answers? 3. Read Mark 9:20-27 together. Do you relate at all to the father’s statement “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”? If so, in what way? 4. In what ways has your expectation of the Christian life differed from your experience of living the Christian life? 5. How do your answers to the previous two questions make you feel? Not think...feel. See if you can come up with a few descriptive words, then explain your answer. 6. What are you hoping that reading this book and participating in the discussions will accomplish in your life?


1. Was there a challenging thought or “a-ha” moment in this chapter for you? Share. 2. Did this chapter raise any questions in your mind that you hope the rest of the book answers?

The Spirit Within: Getting to Know the Person and Purpose of the Holy Spirit FREE DISCUSSION GUIDE provided by

3. Read John 14:16-17 together. What does the fact that Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as your “Helper” make you think about you and/or the Christian life? 4. What do you think was the point of the paragraph on pg 28 that compares the Spirit within with living in the same house or apartment as someone? 5. Why does it matter that the Holy Spirit is a “He” (someone) and not an “it” (something)? 6. How does recognizing the Holy Spirit as a person of the Trinity change the way you might relate to Him? 7. The Christian life is not to be expected or attempted without the Helper. In what ways have you tried to live the Christian life on your own?

CHAPTER 3 DISCUSSION Defusing The Fear Factor

1. Was there a challenging thought or “a-ha” moment in this chapter for you? Share. 2. Did this chapter raise any questions in your mind that you hope the rest of the book answers? 3. Look at the reflection question on page 40. Where did you put yourself on the continuum? Explain. 4. What has your experience been, up to this point in your life, regarding the Holy Spirit? 5. Do you have any apprehensions regarding the Holy Spirit? If so, what are they? 6. What do you think was the point the authors were trying to make by pointing out that the “love chapter” (1Cor 13) is right in the middle of teaching about the Holy Spirit? 7. Read 1Cor 13:1-8. What one or two aspects of being more loving described in this text do you most want to see more of in your life? 8. Discuss the Gravitron analogy. How might the analogy apply to choices you might need to make regarding the person and purpose of the Holy Spirit?

CHAPTER 4 DISCUSSION The Promise and the Package

1. Was there a challenging thought or “a-ha” moment in this chapter for you? Share. 2. Did this chapter raise any questions in your mind that you hope the rest of the book answers? 3. What do you think when you consider that the Holy Spirit residing within you has been God’s plan from the beginning? 4. How does it make you feel that the three Persons of the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) are in perfect unity, and that they work together in your life in complete agreement- sort of a package deal? 5. Read these three Bible texts-John 14:9-13, Phil 2:6-9, Acts 2:1-4. Now finish this statement: If the Holy Spirit is within me, then…

The Spirit Within: Getting to Know the Person and Purpose of the Holy Spirit FREE DISCUSSION GUIDE provided by

CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION Living Confidently

1. Was there a challenging thought or “a-ha” moment in this chapter for you? Share. 2. Did this chapter raise any questions in your mind that you hope the rest of the book answers? 3. How does it make you think or feel to hear that you can belong to God’s family? 4. Do you think that most Christians feel like they belong? Explain your answer. 5. On page 55, it says “Jesus did not say that all people are children of God”. Based on the Scriptures used in this chapter, how does a person become adopted into the family? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in all of this? 6. What tends to make you forget that you are one of God’s kids? And when do you most need to be reminded?

CHAPTER 6 DISCUSSION Living with Clarity

1. Was there a challenging thought or “a-ha” moment in this chapter for you? Share. 2. Did this chapter raise any questions in your mind that you hope the rest of the book answers? 3. Do you have a hard time recognizing the difference between conviction and condemnation (pg 64-65)? Describe and discuss. 4. Do you remember how God gathered you to Himself? Tell the story. 5. Read Romans 8:14. Have you ever felt that God was telling you to do something? What was it and what did you do? 6. What does “hearing with your feet” mean to you?

CHAPTER 7 DISCUSSION Living in Good Company

1. Was there a challenging thought or “a-ha” moment in this chapter for you? Share. 2. If you had to pick one sentence from this chapter to tweet or post that you think would help a bunch of people, what would it be? 3. Have you ever felt alone when it comes to living out your faith? Explain. 4. Are you satisfied with your prayer life? Why or why not? 5. In what ways do you need the Holy Spirit to help you pray? 6. How does it change the way you think about praying to know that the Holy Spirit is right there praying with you and for you?

The Spirit Within: Getting to Know the Person and Purpose of the Holy Spirit FREE DISCUSSION GUIDE provided by

CHAPTER 8 DISCUSSION Growing More LIke the Person God Created You to Be

1. Was there a challenging thought or “a-ha” moment in this chapter for you? Share. 2. If you had to pick one sentence from this chapter to tweet or post that you think would help a bunch of people, what would it be? 3. Read Romans 7:21-25, 8:1 (pg 94). In what ways do you connect with this passage? 4. What were Billy Graham and Paul NOT saying (pg 98)? What does that mean for you? 5. What’s the difference between “walking in the Spirit” and “sin management”? 6. Was this chapter frustrating, encouraging, or some mix of both for you? Explain. 7. How does it change your mindset to know that temptation is not sin? 8. What is one tip in this chapter that you can implement, starting today, regarding your relationship with the Holy Spirit?

CHAPTER 9 DISCUSSION Surviving and Thriving

1. Was there a challenging thought or “a-ha” moment in this chapter for you? Share. 2. What has been your biggest learning or takeaway from this book so far? 3. “Often, God’s plan is not to give us more ease, but to give us more strength” (pg 114). Respond. 4. Read James 1:2-4 (pg 115). Why is this portion of Scripture challenging us to do something that is so counter-intuitive? 5. Read 1 Cor 10:13 (pg 117). How does this verse inform the way you can think about trials and temptations? 6. The Holy Spirit is the perfect personal trainer. What reassurances does that give you?

CHAPTER 10 DISCUSSION Looking Good, Living Better

1. Was there a challenging thought or “a-ha” moment in this chapter for you? Share. 2. According to this chapter, what is the purpose of spiritual gifts? 3. How does the purpose of spiritual gifts push against “rugged American individualism”? 4. How would any particular local church be more effective with a better understanding of spiritual gifts? In what ways are churches worse off for not embracing/understanding spiritual gifts? 5. “Your gift is not for you”. Discuss. 6. What are you good at? Could this point toward your gift(s)? 7. In what ways are you currently serving with your gifts? If you are not serving with your gifts, what one step can you take this week to move in that direction?

The Spirit Within: Getting to Know the Person and Purpose of the Holy Spirit FREE DISCUSSION GUIDE provided by

CHAPTER 11 DISCUSSION Walking on Water

1. Was there a challenging thought or “a-ha” moment in this chapter for you? Share. 2. Read 1 Cor 14:1 (pg 141). The authors paraphrase this verse by saying “Go for it. Just never forget or neglect to pursue love”. In what way does that challenge you? 3. Has your understanding of prophecy changed at all after reading this chapter? If so, in what way? 4. What do you feel and/or think when the topic of “speaking in tongues” is discussed? 5. Read the last two paragraphs on page 156. Discuss. 6. If you have always believed that the gifts ended with the early Church, has your perception changed after reading this chapter? If not, why might you still feel hesitant to receive gifts from the Holy Spirit? 7. If you believe the gifts are for today, how might you be more open to their operation in your life?

CHAPTER 12 DISCUSSION Living in the Right Direction

1. Was there a challenging thought or “a-ha” moment in this chapter for you? Share. 2. You are involved in a process (pg 159). How does your cooperation or lack of cooperation affect the process? 3. Read Galatians 5:16-25 (pg 161). This is not just a list of good things and bad things. What is Paul trying to point out as obvious? 4. How does changing the analogy from water filling a cup to wind filling a sail change the way you think about “being filled with the Spirit”? 5. Other than the “wind in the sails” analogy, how would you describe the Spirit-filled life?


1. So what? What has been your biggest takeaway from this book and what are you going to do about it? 2. What is still confusing to you that you need to learn more about? 3. How, if at all, has your understanding of the person and purpose of the Holy Spirit shifted after reading this book?

The Spirit Within: Getting to Know the Person and Purpose of the Holy Spirit FREE DISCUSSION GUIDE provided by

Find more great resources or contact Eric Ferris to speak at your event.

The Spirit Within: Getting to Know the Person and Purpose of the Holy Spirit FREE DISCUSSION GUIDE provided by