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The Training Room: September Issue

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The Great Room - Afternoon Menu

Hot) Cappuccino Chamomile Tea Soft and soothing, these rare TWG Tea chamomile flowers boast a rich h

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The Drawing Room Menu

Corona 355 mL اﻟﻨﺒﻴﺬ اﻷﺑﻴﺾ Sauvion dommaine Du Cleray, Chardonnay اﻟﻨﺒﻴﺬ اﻷﺣﻤﺮ Calvet Reserve, Caber

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The Dining Room - March

4 fl ight jam, honey, nuts, berr ies, crost ini SHORT RIB + BABY PORTABELL A RAVIOLI • 14 braised be

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Sandler Training - September 2018


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The Great Room - Morning Menu

Hot) Cappuccino Chamomile Tea Soft and soothing, these rare TWG Tea chamomile flowers boast a rich h

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The Great Room - Drink Menu

Hot) Cappuccino Chamomile Tea Soft and soothing, these rare TWG Tea chamomile flowers boast a rich h

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The Training Room_Injury Prevention

Liverpool in soccer and generally enjoying a place to now call home to settle into (hoping to knock

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Room Service Menu

Shiraz Margaret River, AU Cabernet Sauvignon, Yarra Valley, AU 2020 TK ‘TE KAIRANGA’ ESTATE Pinot No

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Job Announcement Locker Room

Job Announcement Locker Room Announcement Date: May 8th, 2020 Position: Men ’ s Locker Room Attendan

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The Training Room: September Issue

The Training Room Bulletin The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


At The Training Room

Get To KnowOur New

Hey, y’all! I’m Anne, the newest PT to join The Training Room family at theHaddonfieldclinic. I’moriginallyfromDallas,TX,and Ineverthought that I would find myself up on the East Coast but I am loving it, minus thewinters.Y’allcanhaveyourfourdistinctseasons, I’mperfectlyhappy with the “hot” and “less hot” seasons down in Texas. After taking a bit of a circuitous route through health care options in undergrad (MD, social worker, and neuropsychologist just to name a few), I landed on physical therapy as the ideal profession in which my skills, talents, and personality lend themselves best to helping patients reach their goals and maximize their potential. Ihavealways lovedtryingnewworkouts,exercises,groupfitnessclasses, andanyandalloutdooractivities,and I’m luckyenough tohavefounda profession that not only supports these endeavors but also allows me to share this passion and enthusiasm with my patients as we jointly create a plan to get them back to their lifestyle. ANNE DIAZ-ARRASTIA, PT, DPT Haddonfield Clinic

Anne’s Favorite No Bake Energy Bites Recipe

Here’s my go-to recipe for a feel-good, on-the-go snack between working out, runningerrands,andmeetingupwithfriends:NoBakeEnergyBites(adaptedfrom Gimme Some Oven

Ingredients: • 1 cup dry old-fashioned oatmeal • ⅔ cut toasted coconut flakes • ½ cup peanut butter (or other nut butter) • ½ cup flax seeds • 1 tablespoon chia seeds • ½ cup chocolate chips of any variety • ⅓ cup honey • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Directions: 1. Dump all ingredients into a large bowl and mix thoroughly (using your hands works great!). Cover and let chill in fridge for 15-30 min. 2. Remove from fridge, and roll mixture into ~1 tablespoon-sized balls. Makes ~2 dozen balls. 3. Store in airtight container in fridge for up to 1 week (if they last that long).

ysical Therapy Experts


A quote that I try to embody in my general life and when I am working with patients is; “slow is smooth and smooth is fast.”

As a student it is easy to forget that there is a life outside of school. After graduating andpassing theNPTE licensingexam thissummer, Ihavehadsome time to reconnect with family and friends, travel, and get back to playing soccer again. With this new time to myself, I find that I am feeling grateful for my education, particularly my last 3 years as a Widener physical therapy student. It was a place where I met great people who I amproudtocallmypeers inmynewprofessionandwhere Icultivatedastrong interest in sports and orthopedic rehabilitation. Lifeoutsideofbeingastudent isarelativelynewexperienceforme.Theonlyothertime since I began college that I had extended time off was after graduating in December, a semester earlier than most of my friends of my age group. I used this time to train youthsoccerteams,workformyfriend’sfamily’srestaurant inEdison,NewJersey,and working as a PT aid in a physical therapy office in North Jersey. Looking forward, I plan on building on my foundation by taking continuing education classes this fall and winter while working in a great environment to learn and grow. As a former patient and student atTheTraining Room, I know I am going to fit in well with the community and am eager to get back in front of patients. Some of my favorite patients to work with are soccer players. Playing the sport all of my life has led me to have a strong passion and good understanding of the game. My favorite exercises to work with are ones that focus on single leg strength and stability, such as single leg squats and lunges. These are exercises I incorporate into my own workouts, in addition to a specific warm-up, to improve my performance on the soccer field and to actively prevent injuries.

When I’mnotfocusingonrehabilitation, Ienjoyfindingnewrecipesto learnhowtocook, practicing speaking and reading in Italian, and catching up with my friends and family. Steve grew up in Cherry Hill and attended Cherry Hill East High School. He is looking forward to making an impact in his home community.

No Doctor Referral Necessary Whether you want to come in for a check-up, suffered a recent injury or you want to improve your health, a doctor referral is not needed. In the states of Pennsylvania and New Jersey you have direct access to physical therapy!

Improve your health naturally

See our physical therapists for: • Recent injury • Nagging aches and pains • Back and neck pain • Joint pain and movement problems

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The Training Room Bulletin The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

NICK PERUGINI, PT, DPT Garnet Valley Clinic

IgraduatedfromTempleUniversity in2015withabachelor’sdegree in Kinesiology. During my time at Temple, I served as an intern for TempleUniversity’sStrengthandConditioningdepartment,assisting inthedevelopmentof18Division-1athleticteams.Priortograduation, Ibeganmycoachingdevelopment intheCrossFitcommunity,where I accumulated over six years of coaching experience with athletes ranging from novice to the regional level. After receiving a degree from Temple, I earned my Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2018. Throughout my time in school, I dedicated myself to furthering my education in the management of active populations through the pursuit of certifications and courses which allowme to provide the highestqualityofcareforthosecompeting,moving,andperforming at a high level. Ialsohaveapassionfortreatingpatientsusingaholisticapproach, ensuring that all systems of the body are addressed to ensure optimal outcomes while considering patient values and the latest evidence-based research. Outside of the clinic, I enjoy competing in CrossFit, Olympic Weightlighting, Powerlifting, and distance running to stay active.

Nick’s Favorite Exercise is The Clean and Jerk

Patient Appreciation Event A ONE DAY SPECIAL OFFER

As we grow, we want to take time to celebrate those who have helped and supported us along the way. To do this we are offering a day of completely free exams for: • All past clients who have not been seen in PT in the past 2 months • All present clients who have another problem currently not being treated • All loved ones, family, friends, neighbors and co-workers of our past and present clients If you are a past or present patient, call now to schedule your Free Exam. If you are referring a friend or family member, just give them the certificate included in this letter and have them call to schedule their Free Exam. THE EXAMS WILL BE HELD ON: >> WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26TH