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build project delivery, construction complexity with increased costs, and public-private partnership

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or design competence, we desperately need people who have good communication skills – people who can

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2020 This document contains >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10

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casualty insurance and risk management assistance. Established in 1992, Ames & Gough has offices in

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development firm doing accounting and other stuff when she was an undergraduate college student. Whe

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TZL 1387 (web)

T R E N D L I N E S A p r i l 1 2 , 2 0 2 1 , I s s u e 1 3 8 7 W W W . T H E Z W E I G L E T T E R . C O M

Value per employee

Women in the AEC industry leave at a faster rate than men, and COVID-19 has only accelerated this phenomenon. COVID and workplace diversity

In Zweig Group’s 2021 Valuation Report of AEC Firms , yearly trends for the value per employee ratio were analyzed to better understand the market. As one of the least volatile value ratios calculated by Zweig Group, the value per employee ratio is a quick way for firms to assess their relative value. The median value for 2021 was $77,556, which was a 2.4 percent increase from 2020. By comparison, the average annual increase for this value was 4.3 percent between 2011 and 2020. Participate in a survey and save 50 percent on the final or pre- publication price of any Zweig Group research publication. F I R M I N D E X Colliers Engineering & Design..................4 Dewberry................................................8 ENGEO.................................................10 Maser Consulting....................................4 raSmith...................................................6 WSB.....................................................12 MO R E A R T I C L E S xz PETER ATHERTON: How “grow” became a four-letter word Page 3 xz Creating opportunities: Ricky Smith, Jr. Page 6 xz MARK ZWEIG: Improving financial management Page 9 xz LAURA RESCORLA: Designing a more diverse AEC industry Page 11

I t’s an unfortunately well-known fact that women in the AEC industry leave at a faster rate than men. COVID-19 has accelerated this phenomenon – but a few notes of positivity for gender equity and inclusion may be on the horizon. Among Zweig Group’s Best Firms To Work For, 40 percent of employees aged 18-25 are female. In this age range, the number of women has been slowly and steadily rising, indicating an interest in the field. Unfortunately, this doesn’t hold – the next age bracket is made up of less women, and by the 56-66 year old range, the number of women has been cut almost in half – just 23 percent female. Women with the most age and experience (over age 67) make up less than 1 percent of the entire industry. This >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12

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