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Employee productivity

Training is an investment with big payoffs, so do your research when determining the best fit for your firm. Finding the right fit

F I R M I N D E X AG&E Associates, PLLC.................................10 Blue Ridge Design.............................................10 Integral Group, LLC..............................................2 Lamar Johnson Collaborative..................... 6 Ross & Baruzzini, Inc...........................................2 SCS Engineers......................................................10 Ware Malcomb........................................................4 MO R E A R T I C L E S n ROB HUGHES: Managing employment-related exposures Page 3 n Opportunity builder: Erik Anderson Page 6 n BRITTNEY ODOM & EDUARDO SMITH: Delivering desired outcomes consistently Page 9 n MARK ZWEIG: You and your business Page 11 In Zweig Group’s AEC Workplace of the Future survey , firm participants are asked about current and future policies in their company as well as their current personal ideals. For example, participants were asked to rate their current productivity level versus their productivity level pre-pandemic. Participants that work from home expressed that their productivity level was generally higher now. Participants that primarily work at the office or on the road said that their productivity level remained the same. The other participants that worked a hybrid model fell in-between. The main purpose of this is not to compare the options one-to-one, but to understand your staff and implement policies with them in mind. Participate in a survey and save 50 percent on the final or pre- publication price of any Zweig Group research publication.

T raining and development for your team is a powerful tool to target when assessing your firm’s recruiting and retention strategy. Training opportunities can increase knowledge, teach people new skills, improve motivation, and encourage people to stay with your firm (e.g., Bibi et al., 2018; Ozkeser, 2019). This not only supports the employees but also the organization, as the combination of reduced turnover and increased engagement of skilled team members increases the efficiency and productivity of the firm. Employee training and development is becoming increasingly sought after, according to Zweig Group’s Policies, Procedures & Benefits Report , with it being the highest ranked benefit by survey participants two years in a row. Not all training is equal in its quality and impact; choosing high quality trainings that work toward the goals of the individuals and firm is critical. When speaking with stakeholders across firms, we hear similar feedback on what type of trainings are truly useful – engaging trainings that include skill development, active participation, and support for how to apply the skill back in the office (outside of the training room). Although many trainings provide great theoretical information, many do not provide actual tangible skills that can be used, and even fewer tailor the application of skills to the actual needs of the organization. Both organizations and employees want to see the knowledge and skills learned translate into everyday work. The majority of training experiences and opportunities out there are described, like learning how to hit a golf ball by simply detailing the process rather than providing an actual golf club, tee, ball, and feedback as they try swinging for the first time. A simple description of a topic does not translate into how to do something and definitely does not translate into actually doing it. So how can we fix this? The first step is choosing the right training and doing research on which program will be best for you. Finding the right fit will help you achieve your goals, as well as those of your firm. Here are a few questions to guide you in this journey of finding the right training and development opportunities: 1. What are your training goals? Ask your team what training they are interested in and determine if this fits within your evaluation of the organization’s training needs. Consider potentially limiting factors such as time, money, resources, and change orientation. Are there options available in the market that speak to your unique

Justin Smith

See JUSTIN SMITH, page 2



TRANSACTIONS INTEGRAL GROUP AND ROSS & BARUZZINI ANNOUNCE MERGER Integral Group, LLC, and Ross & Baruzzini, Inc. announced an intent to merge. Expected to be finalized in late-2022, the new company will consist of more than 1,000 employees located in 31 offices in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Serbia, and Australia, creating one of the largest building engineering and consulting firms. Ross & Baruzzini has demonstrated expertise across the transportation and buildings sectors through a well- diversified market approach, underpinned by delivering cutting-edge technology

solutions. Integral Group has built a global business delivering deep green engineering solutions on some of the world’s most complex projects with an emphasis on decarbonization and resilience. The future is at the intersection of technology and sustainability within the built environment — where buildings and infrastructure become living systems that address the complex challenges facing society and connecting communities. The name of the new company and the timing for the merger will be announced in the months ahead.

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about the projects and ideas driving the AEC industry forward? Learn more with Civil+Structural Engineer Media.

JUSTIN SMITH , from page 1

needs? Oftentimes custom in-house trainings that hit all of your firm’s identified needs are the best way to ensure training has the best return on investment. Many are concerned these programs cost more. However, figure out the cost of multiple trainings that you need to touch on the areas identified and compare this to the cost of custom trainings. It could be more cost effective, have a better return on investment, and most importantly be more impactful for your organization. 2. Will my team leave the training with knowledge of skills that have been shown to work? Much like learning to golf, effective training blends expanding your knowledge of the topic, skill development, and practice – and, more importantly, practice with support and feedback! Most training presents information in lectures and leaves attendees able to pass a declarative knowledge quiz, but does not actually change behavior or skills used when they return to the office (e.g., Turk et al., 2019). Seek out opportunities that blend all three pillars for maximum results. 3. How strong is this training? It’s all too easy to create beautiful websites with great marketing these days. When it comes to your people, the stakes are too high to take chances on something that does not have outcomes to back it up. Do your own research. Ask the trainers for feedback, >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12

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