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Unlimited Health Institute April 2018

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Unlimited Health Institute May 2018

4-inch-thick semicircles. Dice onion. 2. Heat a large skillet to medium high. Add olive oil, onion,

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Unlimited Health Institute - July 2018

4 cup olive oil • 2 green bell peppers • Salt and pepper, to taste Directions • Heat grill

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Unlimited Health Institute January 2018

Unlimited Health Institute January 2018 UNLIMITED You 5 FITNESS TRENDS FROM 2017 ... And Where We’re

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Unlimited Health Institute August 2018

2 cup hearts of palm, drained • Basil leaves, for garnish • • Kosher salt and black pepper, to

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Unlimited Health Institute March 2018

Unlimited Health Institute March 2018 UNLIMITED You www. un l imitedhea lt hinst itute. com M-Th : 9

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New Jersey Institute of Balance - April 2018

3 cup plus 2 tablespoons extra- virgin olive oil • • Kosher salt Freshly ground pepper • • 2 teaspoo

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Urban Career Institute October 2018

4 cup organic pumpkin purée • 1 cup ice • 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice (or substitute with cinnamon

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Health Masters Had & PT APRIL 2018


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April Naples Health 2019

or a cardio- vascular condition. However, current research suggests otherwise. Based on a recent stu

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New Jersey Institute of Balance - June 2018

2 cup broccoli florets 1 handful kale, roughly chopped 1 teaspoon dried Italian herbs 1 red onion, c

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Unlimited Health Institute April 2018


www. un l imitedhea lt hinst itute. com M-Th : 9 a .m. to 4 p.m. 626-389-8922 APRIL 2018


Dr. Henry


With all of the craziness going on in our lives, I think it’s helpful for us to sometimes take a step back and remember that we are in charge. We are so much more than what our negative thoughts tell us. I know from personal experience that if you listen to that inner voice telling you that you’re not good enough, not pretty enough, not [fill in the blank] enough, you will never realize your full potential. You must realize that you are so much more than what your negative thoughts tell you! You are a beautiful soul trapped in an imperfect body. It’s ok to make mistakes. It’s ok to fail - that doesn’t make you a failure, no matter what you’re inner “mother” tells you. This one idea is the entire reason I started the Unlimited Health Institute. As you’ve no doubt heard me say, “Unlimited Thinking - Unlimited You.” It’s so much more than an affirmation. Unlimited thinking happens when you allow your soul to overtake your negative thoughts and embrace your whole truth. If you’d like to learn more about how to achieve unlimited thinking and to start living vibrantly, please visit and claim a copy of my new book, Unlimited You Detox , I explain exactly what you need to do to silence those negative thoughts and become who you were always meant to be.

When hitting the gym or sweating through another exercise class loses its appeal, you might feel like there’s nothing left to do. You want to stay fit, but you don’t have the enthusiasm you once had, and the thought of dragging yourself to the gym is no longer motivating. Don’t throw in the towel yet, though. It might be time to try something different. Why not join an adult sports team? There are some surprising benefits to adult sports teams. Of course, sports will keep you physically healthy, but they can also keep you fit mentally. Unlike rote exercise, sports keep your mind active as you think through strategies before and during the game. Doesn’t that sound more stimulating than grinding out another mile on the treadmill or another set of reps on the bench? Sports leagues are also a great way to meet people. Creating a social circle is immensely beneficial to your mental and emotional health. You’ll have a new group of friends, and the team aspect of the sport creates long-lasting connections. Being part of a team also holds you accountable. You can’t miss the big game when the team is counting on you. THE BENEFITS OF ADULT SPORTS TEAMS

On top of revamping your social life, team sports can add some much-needed variety to your daily or weekly routine. Competing against and working with other adults

–Tamika Henry

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Cover story, continued ...

When the gym seems like a bore, a sports team can be just what you need to pick your motivation back up. Get out there and enjoy the thrill of playing on a team!

advance to the higher levels so you can stay in shape and continue to challenge yourself.

with whom you share at least one interest will make you forget you’re even working out in the first place. The prospect of actually looking for a local team to participate in can be daunting. Don’t worry, though — the process is actually pretty simple. Start by talking to your co-workers. Learn about any sports they’re involved in, either through sponsorship or as part of a team, and ask for more info on any leagues that sound promising. Another method is to do a quick internet search of teams in your area. You’ll be shocked by how many options there are. Don’t let inexperience scare you off. Many adult sports teams encourage people of all skill sets to join, and most offer a variety of experience levels to meet the needs of newbies and veterans alike. If your main goal is a fun workout, there’s a casual league out there for you. If you’re seeking the thrill of competition, opt for something a little more serious. As you participate in the sport of your choice, you’ll have opportunities to

If you’re stuck wondering which sport you’ll enjoy most, here are a few popular choices to consider. Soccer is one of the most popular adult sports. Soccer does require a lot of physical activity — games are usually 90 minutes long, during which you will have to run up and down a large field. But you won’t need to buy a ton of equipment. Basketball is another perennial favorite for adults. It can be played casually at a park with a group of friends or competitively in a league. Both can get pretty intense when the game heats up! Kickball is a sport that requires less physical involvement than soccer or basketball, but it’s definitely fun. If you think an adult kickball league will be hard to find in your area, think again. They’re growing in popularity every year.

Build the Ultimate Workout Playlist CARDIO If you love pounding the pavement or just hitting the cardio machines at the gym, odds are you’ve searched for running playlists before. Many of these are great, but some fall short. If you’re looking to build your own specific running list, start with songs that range from 147–160 bpm. Getting something more upbeat like this will help you consistently push your pace and even help release endorphins so you can achieve a great runner’s high. COOL-DOWN One of the most commonly overlooked aspects of a workout is the cool- down. A proper cool-down will not only help you mentally wrap up your workout mindset, but it’s pivotal for injury prevention. The best range for a cool-down is around 120 bpm, but you can also go lower. To find the ideal tempo for your playlists, you’ll want to get the bpm of your music to match the bpm of your heart. There are a multitude of ways to find this, but now that you know the ideal ranges for your exercise, you can start to amass your ultimate workout jams!

As streaming services take over the music industry, the search for the perfect workout playlist is as popular as ever. We have the choice of any song we want right at our fingertips, and the difficult part is how to choose the right music for the workout. Nothing can dry up an intense sweat faster than a slow song. The key to making the right song choices is making sure the beats per minute (bpm) match the intensity of your workout. WARMUP A good warmup is paramount to making sure your workout goes well. This means finding the right music to get your muscles primed and ready to go. When you’re warming up, you want to find something steady that has a solid beat to it. An ideal range for your warmup tunes should be around 115–120 bpm. You want enough energy to get going, but not so much that you overdo it. LIFTING Finding the right bpm for your weightlifting music is a little trickier. If the bpm is too high, you risk speeding up your technique and subjecting yourself to the dangers of poor form. 130–140 bpm is a great range for lifting because it keeps the pace fast, but not too fast.

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HIIT IT: HIIT promises an effective workout in under an hour, and it ranked third in the American College of Sports and Medicine’s worldwide survey of top fitness trends from 2017. What’s HIIT all about? One of the biggest fitness crazes to take gyms and backyards by storm in the last few years, high-intensity interval training, better known as HIIT, packs a lot of punch into a short amount of time. Unlike weightlifting and grueling gym sessions, HIIT is designed to burn fat in a minimum amount of time.

An Action-Packed Workout in Half the Time

Ready to do a HIIT workout of your own? Here are a few tips.

You can have too much of a good thing. While there are many benefits to this workout, it shouldn’t be your only exercise, and doing it too often will actually prevent you from making progress. Trainer and exercise physiologist Franci Cohen recommends trying HIIT three days a week with moderate cardio days between to allow your body time to recover and get back up to speed for your next workout. In addition, consult your doctor before beginning a new workout program to make sure it’s safe for you. You can try this workout at home. Since there’s little to no equipment involved, HIIT can be a great workout to try at home. There are many HIIT programs you can follow on YouTube fitness channels or sites like Invite a friend to join. If you prefer a group atmosphere, many gyms have classes that incorporate HIIT principles for a fast- paced fat-burning workout. HIIT may have health benefits beyond burning fat. A study by the International Journal of Epidemiology found that women who did intense activity for just 1–2 minutes a day reduced their risk for osteoporosis.

Each interval in a HIIT workout is designed to push you to the max for a brief period of time —“short bursts of very hard work,” explains SELF magazine. Intervals may be as short as 20–90 seconds, enough time to make you breathe really hard (and burn a lot of fat) if you’re going all-out. Another key component of HIIT is resting between intervals so you can be ready to kick it up again in 20 seconds.


Take a Break

With Lemon Breadcrumbs


• 1 cup panko breadcrumbs • 1 tablespoon flat-leaf parsley, chopped • 2 teaspoons lemon zest • Juice of one lemon (not packaged lemon juice)

• 2 pounds asparagus • 1/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil • Kosher salt • Freshly ground pepper • 2 garlic cloves, minced


and cook for 1 minute. Add breadcrumbs and

1. Heat oven to 425 F. Toss asparagus with 2 tablespoons olive oil

cook for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Remove from heat and fold in parsley and lemon zest.

and season with salt and pepper. Place on baking sheet and bake for 20–26 minutes, turning asparagus halfway through. 2. When asparagus is nearly done, heat remaining olive

3. Transfer asparagus to

serving platter, drizzle with lemon juice, and top with breadcrumb mixture.

oil in a small skillet over medium heat. Add garlic

Recipe courtesy of Food and Wine Magazine

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M-Th: 9 - 4pm 626-389-8922

Unlimited Health Institute 225 South Lake Ave #300 Pasadena, CA 91101

INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Dr. Henry PAGE 1 Sports Aren’t Just for Kids! PAGE 1 How Exercise Music Affects Intensity PAGE 2 What HIIT’s All About PAGE 3 Take a Break! PAGE 3 Roasted Asparagus With Lemon Breadcrumbs PAGE 3 Have You TriedThis Natural Healing Remedy? PAGE 4 Have you ever fallen asleep on the beach after swimming in the ocean? If you have, you know it’s the most restful and relaxing sleep imaginable. You might have thought it was just the result of warm sunlight and vacation vibes, but research suggests you may have been experiencing the effects of a practice called “earthing.” Earthing, sometimes referred to as “grounding,” helps bring our bodies into a natural balance. The theory states that our bodies naturally develop a positive charge. As leading nutritionist Dr. John Briffa explains, “During the normal processes of metabolism, the body generates what are called ‘reactive oxygen species,’ which are commonly referred to as ‘free radicals’ ... Free radicals lack sparks of energy known as ‘electrons.’”When a molecule lacks electrons, it gives off a positive charge. EARTHING:

Sleep Like You’re on Vacation

chronic diseases, including heart disease. You should balance your natural positive charge with a negative charge. How can you safely expose yourself to a negative charge? Just let your skin touch the earth.

Many people who practice earthing make it a point to walk outside barefoot on grass, soil, or sand at least once a day. You have to be careful where you walk, as you don’t want to get cut on sharp rocks or broken glass. An alternative to walking barefoot is to use an earthing pad, which can imitate the negative charge of our planet inside your home. Earthing is quickly gaining a following in the health community. If you are looking for a natural way to improve your overall health and sleep better, why not try taking a walk? Just remember to leave your shoes behind.

Earth gives off a mild electric charge, with plenty of electrons to balance out our overabundance of free radicals. There has yet to be a large-scale scientific study about the benefits of earthing, but current research is promising. One study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found earthing helps reduce blood viscosity, which is a major factor in cardiovascular disease. Another study in the Journal of Inflammation Research showed that earthing might speed up healing. Firsthand accounts from individuals who practice earthing often report lower stress levels, increased energy, and better sleep.

An unbalanced positive charge contributes to inflammation, which can then cause many

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