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Van Dyk Mortgage - January 2019

owner of Steelbridge Realty, Jeff Tumbarello, recently had me on his podcast to talk about the diffi

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Van Dyk Mortgage - January 2020

podcast.php . SUDOKU Trivia Question: What do we call "Florida's Bigfoot"? Solution on Pg. 4 VanDyk

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Van Dyk Mortgage - February 2018

MAX Realty Team and her clients, Betty and Arthur Powers VanDyk Mortgage: “As always, they exceed Va

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Van Dyk Mortgage June 2017

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Van Dyk Mortgage July 2017

Van Dyk Mortgage July 2017 July 2017 Letters From The Hart Give us a call! 239-437-4278 or visit www

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Van Dyk Mortgage - August 2017

2 minutes. Plenty of hotels make Columbia a great viewing location for those who don’t want to camp

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VanDyk Mortgage - January 2022

energy practitioner after work, leveraging her degrees in psychology and integrative health and heal

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VanDyk Mortgage - January 2021

11 for $11.11 ‘SPIRITUAL RECIPE’ RW: Thank you! It needed to be an easy read. I’ve read a gazillion

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Goldpoint Mortgage November 2018

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VanDyk Mortgage March 2018

VanDyk Mortgage March 2018 Mar 2018 Letters From The Hart Give us a call! 239-437-4278 or visit www.

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Van Dyk Mortgage - January 2018

Jan. 2018

Letters From The Hart Give us a call! 239-437-4278 or visit Corporate NMLS #3035


board. To achieve the things you want, you need to put it at the front of your attention. When you imagine yourself

A couple years back, I was looking for a new truck. I did a little research and came across a particular make, model, and color I liked. As I’ve long been a firm believer in visualizing the things you want (more on that later), I printed out a picture of my dream truck and pinned it to the vision board in my office. Over the next couple months, my wife shopped around to find the ideal vehicle. She’s a true expert at online shopping and researching potential purchases to find the best deals. Lo and behold, one day she caught me right as I was walking in the door and told me, “I’ve

living your dream, mustering all of your imagination, suddenly, even the loftiest goals seem remarkably within reach. It alters your subconscious to the point that you believe whatever you’re looking

toward is on its way to you, keeping you firmly on the right path toward the desired endpoint. For almost five years, I had a cut-and-paste picture of my buddy Travis Smith and I holding snooks on a fishing boat, with a cameraman filming us for the fishing show I always dreamed of having. Then finally, in September 2016, I made my show “Rates and Reels” a reality and had Travis on as my first guest. The show, a chicken coop, a truck, and a boat are all dreams that became a reality, thanks in part to the vision board. I find goals give us purpose and direction, keeping us zeroed in on things that matter

found it. You’re going to love this truck.” Excited, but not thinking much of it, I went to the dealership to give it a test drive. I could tell almost immediately that it was the one. A hulking 4x4, black, with all the features I’d been looking for. And of course, since my wife had been the one doing all the research, it was priced perfectly for our budget and was a fantastic deal. Thrilled, we bought it immediately. The following day, I was happily admiring my new truck in the office parking lot from my desk when I looked at my vision

most. For 2018, I’m looking forward, more than ever, to helping more people own the home of their dreams, while offering better educational resources and tools to make the process as easy as possible. In addition, I’m hoping to expand the viewership for “Rates and Reels.” I’ve even been playing with the idea of starting a podcast, assuming I can figure out what exactly I want to talk about without just rambling incoherently. Here’s hoping, like me, you’re finding a lot to look forward to in this coming year, and you’re able to visualize and realize whatever goals you dream of achieving. Happy New Year!

board. Right there, pinned to the corkboard, was the spitting image of the truck I’d just purchased — almost exactly the same one I’d envisioned months before. Oh, by the way, my wife had never seen the truck I had on my vision board. How’s that for the power of visualization? I’ve been thinking a lot about my tendencies for setting and meeting goals as we move into 2018. I may not be the type of person to set a resolution that starts Jan. 1, but I’ve always been interested in finding ways to reach higher in both my professional and personal life. At some point, I think while reading Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen’s “The Power of Focus,” I came across the idea of a vision

–Tim Hart

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RATES & REELS ... Continued from page 4 see this massive fish, it felt a little wrong to have to throw it back into the water.

But what about events at the tavern? “A big thing we have is live, local music,” he says. “We have live bands Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and sometimes more.” In addition, he told me, they do big bashes for St. Patty’s Day, New Year’s, a big block party, a big chili dog eating contest, and tons of charity events. After talking with him about running his bar, I was just glad Kevin was

Every parent wants to see their child do well in school, and there’s one fun activity that benefits students of all ages: reading. In a world with so much stimulation, however, it can be difficult to motivate kids to put down a screen and pick up a book. New Year’s resolutions are the perfect opportunity to make reading a priority. Here are a few tips to make 2018 the year your kids become bookworms. Make It a Family Resolution There’s no better motivator than solidarity! Plus, we’re guessing everyone in your household could stand to read a little more. You don’t have to read the same books or set identical goals, but it’s a lot more fun when everyone participates. Schedule weekly reading discussions so everyone can share the cool stories they’ve read. Stack your completed books in your house somewhere as a monument to all the knowledge your family has gained. For this episode’s Three Questions, I met with Kevin back at City Tavern, a bar I admit I used to frequent before getting married and starting a family. First was a viewer question from Capt. John Conway, who wanted to know Kevin’s advice for anyone starting their own pub. “First, I’d ask him to ask himself why he wants to be in the business,” Kevin said. “A lot of people go into the business for the wrong reasons because they like to throw parties or make a great dish at home. You gotta surround yourself with great people … big factors are cleanliness, organization, accountability, and relevance.” When asked how he imagined Fort Myers looking in the next 5 to 10 years, Kevin was optimistic that growth would continue at a rapid pace.

Thanks to Captain Kerry Trotter and Kevin Offerman for joining me for this episode of Rates and Reels. Get downtown and support Kevin’s place — I can vouch that it’s a great place to hang out!

able to take the time to head out onto the open ocean with me for the show. After landing a couple more keepers, including a few tasty-looking groupers and another Amberjack — which a shark decapitated as we reeled in — we were all wiped out.

TRIVIA QUESTION: What is another name for the Amberjack? The first person to email the correct answer to thart@ vandykmortgage will win two free dinners at Zaxby’s Fort Myers location WANT TO SEE BETTER REPORT CARDS IN 2018? Make Reading a Family Resolution

Set Reward Milestones Positive reinforcement will propel your kids to keep reading long after the calendars have turned. For a certain number of books completed or hours spent reading, offer them a prize. You can even create a big end goal to really cement those reading habits. Better yet, set a combined goal that the entire family can work toward. Don’t be afraid to pull out all the stops. If your kids know that reading one book per week through June means an extra-special summer vacation, their enthusiasm won’t wane come spring.

but it’s designed specifically for children. Talk to other parents and create a network of friends and classmates. After all, nothing is cooler to a kid than what their friends are doing. Avid readers tend to do better academically from kindergarten through college. In fact, a study from the Journal of Education and Practice found that reading comprehension predicted success in other subjects more than any other factor. If you want to see improved report cards, make a reading resolution for your entire household.

Use Reading Apps Goodreads is a social network for bibliophiles. You can find

recommendations, share ratings, and create lists of both completed and to-be- read books. Users also create reading lists based on topic, genre, decade, and more. With over 2 billion books added, you’ll never run out of inspiration. Biblionasium offers the same services,

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NEW YEAR, NEW TECH! 3 of 2018’s Most Futuristic Gadgets

A ‘Hybrid Reality Environment’ From Science Fiction Composed of 72 LCD panels, a 20-speaker immersive surround sound system, and an optical motion tracking system powered by 10 separate cameras, Cave2 is half virtual reality, half insanely futuristic whiteboard. After donning a pair of 3-D glasses, users, namely scientists and engineers, can fully immerse themselves in whatever they want, whether it’s a visualization of >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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