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VB300 Manual


Optical Projector OPERATORS MANUAL




Page Safety ...................................................................................................... 5 1 Introduction ........................................................................................... 5 2 Unpacking .............................................................................................. 6 3 Installation .............................................................................................. 7 3.1 Selecting Location .......................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Power Supply ................................................................................................................. 7 3.3 Moving the Projector into Position ................................................................................. 7 3.4 Removing Transit Straps and Screws ............................................................................ 7 3.5 Mains Connection ........................................................................................................ 8 3.6 Commissioning Checks ................................................................................................... 8 4 Description of Equipment ..................................................................... 9 5 Operation ............................................................................................ 11 5.1 Controls ......................................................................................................................... 11 5.2 Taking Measurements .................................................................................................. 12 5.3 Using the Digital Protractor ........................................................................................... 14 6 Maintenance ......................................................................................... 15 6.1 Access to Components ................................................................................................ 15 6.2 Cleaning Lenses .......................................................................................................... 15 6.3 Cleaning the Mirror ....................................................................................................... 16 6.4 Cleaning the Screen ..................................................................................................... 16 6.5 Changing the Projection Lens....................................................................................... 16 6.6 Renewing the Profile Illumination …........................................................................... 16 6.7 Renewing the Surface Illumination ……........................................................................ 17 6.8 Lubrication .................................................................................................................... 17 6.9 Latch Block Adjustment ................................................................................................ 17 6.10 Calibration ...................................................................................................................... 17 7 Specification ......................................................................................... 18 8 Spare Parts ........................................................................................... 19 8.1 How to Order Spares ................................................................................................... 19 8.2 Mechanical Parts ......................................................................................................... 19 8.3 Electrical Parts .............................................................................................................. 19 9 Wiring Diagram ..................................................................................... 20




Main Voltage

Main voltage is present inside the screen housing and a 110V supply inside the profile main body. Access must be restricted to authorized and qualified personnel. Switch off and disconnect the main supply before gaining access to the internal equipment. Before switching on the projector for the first time, check the main voltage setting as detailed in Section 3 - Installation .

1 Introduction

This manual applies to the Starrett VB300 Optical Projector which is supplied with the following equipment:

LED readout .

Operating instructions for the LED readout are given in this manual. Operating instructions for the digital protractor are given in this manual. This manual deals with installation of a projector fitted with an edge detector.

Digital protractor .

Edge detector (optional) .



2 Unpacking

Open the packing case and remove loose items and packing material. Referring to the packing list, identify the following items before discarding the packing material:

Optical Projector

The projector is usually supported on a wooden base.

Glass Plate and Screw

For the work stage.

Mounting Bracket and Screws

For fitting DRO on arm.

Main Supply Cable

Screen Clips (4 units)

Edge Detector (if ordered)

The edge detector will be fitted over the projector screen.

Additional Lenses

If ordered.

Accessories (if ordered)

For example work holding equipment, and projector stand.

WARNING: Before attempting to move the projector, refer to Section 3 - Installation - 3.3 moving the Projector into position .



3 Installation

3.1 Selecting Location The projector is designed for use in a normal workshop environment, but should be sited as far away as possible from sources of grinding grit, oil mist and vibration. Choose a convenient location with a firm, level floor, where the screen will not be subject to glare from sunlight or artificial lighting. Make sure that a suitable mains supply is available, (see below). The projector should be mounted on a bench, or on the optional stand supplied, so that the controls will be easily accessible. Note: The bench must be firm, flat and level. The projector mounting feet are factory set on a flat, level surface, and adjustment is not recommended.

3.2 Power Supply

A main supply of the correct voltage is required.

WARNING: Check the main voltage setting before connecting the main supply (see 3.5 - Mains connection).

3.3 Moving the Projector into Position (Figure 1) Pull out the lifting bars from the base and lift the projector using suitable equipment. The weight of the unit is approximately 123kg. CAUTION: Do not attempt to lift the unit by the screen housing.

Fig. 1

3.4 Removing Transit Straps and Screws

The transit straps are red.

CAUTION: The transit strap and screw must be removed before any attempt is made to move the workstage or to use the projector.

Fig. 2



3.5 Mains Connection WARNING: A secure earth connection must be provided.

The cable color code is as follows: Brown: Live Blue: Neutral Green/Yellow: Earth

The main voltage is factory set to the correct value for the local supply. Please check that local supply is the same as voltage label on rear of Projector (Fig 3).

Fig. 3

3.6 Commissioning Checks Make the following checks before putting the projector into service, referring to Section 5 - Operation as necessary:

1. Make sure that the projector is secure and level on its bench or stand.

2. Fit a work piece securely to the workstage.

3. Switch on the power supply.

4. Check that the LED readout is working.

5. Switch on the profile illumination, and turn the focus (Z-axis) hand wheel to bring the work piece into focus. Check that the screen image is satisfactory.

6. Switch on the surface illumination and check that light turns on.

NOTE – Do not look directly at the Surface Illumination light source.

7. Release the latch block on the X-axis slide, check that the slide moves freely, and apply the latch.

8. Turn the X-axis and Y-axis hand wheels and check that the workstage moves freely.



4 Description of Equipment

The Starrett VB300 Optical Projector is designed for 2-dimensional optical measurement of profiles and surface features of parts.





4 5


The projector comprises the following main items:

1. Screen Housing

The Screen Housing contains the projection lens and mirrors.

2. LED Readout

The LED readout is displaying the measurement of X and Y axes, and rotation angle.

3. Projection Lens

Projects the image on to the screen via the mirror in the screen housing. A range of lenses is available; for details see Section 7 - Specification.

For changing lenses see Section 6 - Maintenance.

4. Projector Body

Contains the transformer, Surface Illumination Assembly, Surface illumination Power Supply Unit and Profile Power Supply Unit. Access is through maintenance hatch located at the rear.



5. Workstage

Movable in the X and Y axes for measurement, and in the Z axis for focus, with a single dovetail slot for fitting work holders w ith angular clamping screws.

6. Projector Base

Houses the knee assembly and the Profile Illumination Assembly

7. Surface Illumination Light

LED Lighting is use via a lens reflecting mirror from the surface illumination. LED’s have a long life time up to 60 Directed through precision optics and mirrors to the surface of parts, providing cleaner, sharper light and outstanding imagery of the surface ,000 hours as well as low power consumption.

Fig. 5

X50 Reflecting Mirror



X10 Reflecting Mirror

Surface Illumination



5 Operation

5.1 Controls






5 7



Fig. 6

1. Screen

Glass screen, which overlay clips mounting on.

2. Angular Adjustment Handwheel

For rotating the screen, for angular measurement.

3. LED Readout

Displaying the measurement of X and Y axes, and rotation angle.

4. Switch Panel

Rocker switches for POWER on/off, the SURFACE illumination lamp, and the PROFILE illumination lamp with HIGH/LOW settings.

5. Latch Block

Quick-release control for moving the workstage along the X-axis and Y-axis. Lift the handle to release the latch, move the workstage to the required position, and lower the handle. (Use the X & Y axis handwheel for fine adjustment).

Fig. 7



6. Focus Handwheel

Moves the workstage along the Z-axis for focusing.

7. X & Y Axis Handwheel

For fine adjustment of the workstage along the X & Y-axis.

8. LED Surface Illumination

Provide surface illumination for measuring surface features of flat components. For the optimum illumination, switch on surface illumination on front facia and adjust surface variable dial until best definition is observed. For components with a directional surface finish (such as ground faces), the surface texture should be vertical to give the brightest image on the screen.

5.2 Taking Measurements

1. Secure the component to the workstage with a suitable work holder.

2. Turn on the POWER switch.

3. Turn on the PROFILE lamp switch, and turn the focus control to produce a sharp image on the screen.

4. Refer to the below for setting up the LED readout and taking measurements.

LED readout: Operating panel as shown:

1 Angle value display 2 Incremental/Absolute angle toggle key 3 Angle value Zero key 4 Mode toggle key`



5 Metric/Inch toggle key 6 RS232 serial port >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20

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