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CentralCoast 229 Reindollar Ave., Suite E Marina, CA 93933 831-392-0876 A e S Pawprints on Our Heart

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CentralCoast 229 Reindollar Ave., Suite E Marina, CA 93933 831-392-0876 A e S Kindness Changes Every

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Visiting Angels February 2019

February 2019

5274 Scotts Valley Dr., #102 Scotts Valley, CA 95066 831-430-0616 229 Reindollar Ave., Suite E Marina, CA 93933 831-392-0876


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All of My Heart M y grandmother’s favorite friend was a woman named Mamie. They were so different; I was never sure how the two even became friends. Mamie was a southern belle who wouldn’t settle for anything less than the finer things in life. My grandmother was a refined woman, but she didn’t have a lot. They met while my grandmother was traveling in Mexico, and despite their differences, they became the best of friends. They would talk every week, sharing stories about what they did, what their grandkids were up to and, when they got older, about their various illnesses. Having Mamie in her life was so important to my grandmother. They shared a tight bond, and I could see how much joy that relationship brought to both of their lives. Those two women really loved each other. With Valentine’s Day coming up, I’ve been thinking about love. Romantic love between couples is a wonderful gift of life, but we often overlook the value of the love we share with friends. This is what the ancient Greeks called “philia,” that platonic love we have for friends who we know will always have our backs. Sometimes it can feel like you’re all alone in the world, especially if you happen to find yourself single on Valentine’s Day. But when you realize you have really good friends who care about you and truly love you, it’s obvious you’re not alone at all. I am fortunate to have relationships like that in my own life. In high school, my really good friend was a girl named Victoria. I called her Vickie. Our boyfriends both did sports together, so we hung out at their games a lot. After graduation, she stayed in her hometown, I moved away, and we lost contact. Then,

Who Do We Celebrate on Valentine’s Day?

“It’s amazing to know there are people out there who would be there for you in a heartbeat.”

just before our 40th high school reunion, we reconnected. Vickie happened to be in town for a conference, and she reached out to me about getting dinner. When we first saw each other, Vickie ran over and gave me a big hug. Then we sat down for dinner and started talking as if no time had passed at all. Since then, she and I have talked every other week. We make a phone date to catch up on life, and if something comes up and we need to talk right away, we call or text. I’m so happy to have Vickie in my life again and cherish our friendship. If you find yourself feeling lonely on Valentine’s Day, I highly recommend taking stock of the friend love in your life. It’s amazing to know there are people out there who would be there for you in a heartbeat. It’s truly a love worth celebrating.


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Strength of Mind

Tips to Keep Memory Sharp and Improve Cognitive Function

Get Physical Taking care of our physical health has also been shown to help brain function. According to a study by Sydney University in Australia, aerobic exercise is particularly good at jogging our memory. The researchers note that “aerobic exercise acts by preventing the usual decrease in neurogenesis associated with aging, thus resulting in greater retention of neural matter — particularly in the hippocampus.” In short, exercises like swimming and running keep the part of our brain responsible for memory from shrinking. Spend Time With Friends and Family Humans are social creatures. Many studies have shown that being a part of a supportive social group can significantly benefit our physical and mental health. In fact, the American Journal of Public Health reports that people who have daily contact with friends and family cut their risk of dementia and mental impairment almost in half. Our mental diaries may be longer and fuller than they were in Wilde’s day, but if we fill those pages with hobbies, exercise, and close friends, our memories will remain sharp and vivid for the rest of our days. savings to last? Travel, however, is one thing you can indulge in early without feeling guilty. Even the most leisurely trips can be physically demanding, so it’s better to see the world at 70 rather than wait until you’re 90. To keep yourself on track financially, use the bucket system to set up a separate savings account just for travel. Invest in Your Home Once you no longer have to work five days a week, you’ll be in your home more often, so why not make it amazing? An in-ground pool or a private tennis court might be outside your budget, but new kitchen countertops or a deeper tub will add a touch of luxury to the space you spend the most time in. Upgrading your home is almost always a good investment because it adds equity, which will pay off down the road. That extra cash will come in handy if you decide to sell later on in order to downsize or you plan to enter assisted living. Don’t forget to set aside money for ongoing maintenance, such as a new water heater or roof repairs.

Irish poet Oscar Wilde once called memory “the diary that we all carry

about with us.” Of course, in Wilde’s time, the average life expectancy was less than 50 years old. As modern

medicine continues to enable people to live longer, these “diaries” tend to become muddled. Fortunately, there are ways to counteract the natural dulling of our memory that comes with time. Puzzle Yourself Just like any other muscle, our brain needs a workout in order to stay strong. As Dr. Celeste Robb-Nicholson of Harvard Medical School writes, “Challenging your brain with mental exercise is believed to activate processes that help maintain individual brain cells.” Activities like solving puzzles, learning a musical instrument, or picking up a new hobby work wonders to keep your mind active and your memory sharp. These mental exercises are especially important after retirement, often to make up for the loss of stimulating challenges that work used to provide.

Embracing ‘Spendophobia’ 2 Ways to Invest in Yourself After Retirement

You’ve spent your entire life being told to save, save, save. Now you’re finally retired, so it’s time to spend some of that money — but you’re scared! This is only natural because it means breaking a lifelong habit of socking away money and refusing to touch it. You’re not alone. A recent study of retirees’ spending habits showed many people actually spend less than they can afford to. They’re scared of the “what ifs” that come with living on a fixed income. However, at

age 70 1/2, you have to start taking the required minimum distributions (RMDs) from your traditional IRA and 401(k) whether you want to or not. Instead of stressing over the fact that you’re pulling money out of these accounts, embrace the opportunity to do something for yourself. Travel It can be tempting to hold off spending money as long as possible. After all, who knows how long you need your




3 Ways to Love More Every Day

levels. Have a laugh by catching a local comedy show, checking Netflix for a special by your favorite comedian, or watching your favorite funny movie. Plus, laughter is contagious. When you laugh with the people you care about, you all fall in love with life a little more. Celebrate Yourself There are days when we just ask, “What’s the point?” Sometimes we just want to wear sweatpants all day and eat potato chips for breakfast. Don’t let these days win. When you wake up feeling down, make that extra push to get up. Wash your face, wear something that makes you feel good, and go outside. That little push can help you turn a bad day into a great one. Love is a mysterious, powerful thing, and it makes life so much more enjoyable. Do something that helps you love life a little more each day.

There are countless songs, stories, and poems that try to capture the meaning of love. It’s notoriously difficult to describe, but what creates that feeling is actually quite simple. A chemical in our brain called dopamine is responsible for boosting our mood and creating feelings of love. It’s easy to encourage our brains to create a little more dopamine by enjoying the simple things in life. Do Something New It’s hard to fall in love when you are bored. If life feels predictable, surprise yourself with something new. Pick a different place to go on a walk; try that restaurant you’ve driven past for years; or plan a board game day with your grandkids. Little changes can offer big surprises. Laugh More Humor can improve your mood faster than almost anything else. There’s nothing like a good laugh to raise your dopamine


Bistecca Alla Fiorentina

For a sinfully delicious Valentine’s Day dinner, turn to this classic Italian steak preparation. It’s simply flavored with rosemary and lemon, allowing the meat to take center stage.

Ingredients • 2 bone-in porterhouse steaks • 1/4 cup olive oil • 2 sprigs rosemary Directions 1. 30 minutes before cooking, remove steaks from fridge to bring them to room temperature. 2. Heat a grill or large cast-iron skillet to high. While heating, brush steaks with half the oil and season liberally with salt and pepper. 3. Place steaks on the hottest part of the grill or pan and cook for 5 minutes.

• Kosher salt and fresh ground black pepper, to taste • Lemon wedges, for serving

4. Flip steaks and baste with remaining oil, using rosemary sprigs as a brush. If cooking in a pan, place sprigs next to steaks after basting. 5. Cook for 5–6 minutes for medium-rare. 6. Let steaks sit for at least 5 minutes, slice against the grain, and serve with bone.

Inspired by Saveur magazine

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Personalized Homecare ... When You Need It ... From People You Trust!

5274 Scotts Valley Dr., #102 Scotts Valley, CA 95066 24/7 831-430-0616


Scotts Valley Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday–Friday Home Care Organization #444700002



The Love Between Friends


3 Ways to Improve Your Memory

2 Ways to Invest in Yourself After Retirement


How to Fall in Love

Bistecca Alla Fiorentina


Local Events

Make Plans to Fall in Love With These Great Local Events!

RED BALL 2019 WHERE: Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History, Santa Cruz WHEN: Saturday, Feb. 23, 6–10 p.m. ADMISSION: $200 WEBSITE:

Quilting is a truly underappreciated art form. A talented quilter can create a work of art that will become a treasured heirloom for generations. If you want to share the joy of quilting with others, then make plans to be at the Pajaro Valley Quilt Association’s 41st Annual Quilt Show. Attend demonstrations, bid in a live auction, browse through quilting materials, and see over 300 incredible quilts, including the work of featured artist Sujata Shah. This is a celebration of quilting you don’t want to miss. MIGRATION FESTIVAL WHERE: Natural Bridges State Beach, Santa Cruz WHEN: Saturday, Feb. 9, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. ADMISSION: Free with museum admission WEBSITE: There are still a few weeks left of winter, but all kinds of animals are making the trip to their summer homes. To celebrate, Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks and California State Parks are putting on a full day of activities. Play games, listen to live music, and enjoy a slice of famous habitat cake as your family learns about the migration of birds, butterflies, and blue whales, too!

Get groovy to support art and culture in Santa Cruz. The Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History is throwing their biggest, most psychedelic fundraiser of the year — with a disco twist. Reach far back in your closet to pull out those jumpsuits,

sequins, or platform shoes, and get ready to party like it’s 1975. Last year’s Red Ball raised over $100,000 to support projects inside and outside of the museum. It’s gonna be far out, man! PAJARO VALLEY QUILT ASSOCIATION ANNUAL QUILT SHOW AND AUCTION WHERE: Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds, Watsonville WHEN: Saturday, Feb. 23 to Sunday, Feb. 24 ADMISSION: $10 WEBSITE:

