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visitingangelscentralcoast. Thank you for your support. “See” you out there! Cindy Saunders, EXECUTI

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November 2020

5274 Scotts Valley Dr., #102 Scotts Valley, CA 95066 831-430-0616 229 Reindollar Ave., Suite E Marina, CA 93933 831-392-0876


Finding Gratitude e S

In the Aftermath of 2020

Thanksgiving is a little different this year, isn’t it? Our community has gone through so much in 2020, but I believe we’ve all learned how to appreciate what we do have just a little bit more. I don’t take anything for granted anymore. From the pandemic to historic wildfires that ravaged our California coast, I’ve learned to appreciate all of the good in my life. It hasn’t always been easy, but I’ve been able to find some positives in 2020. I’ve had to develop a new routine this year, but I’ve found that I actually enjoy the new components of it. For example, I’ve always enjoyed getting pedicures. My worries melt away as I stick my feet into warm, soothing water while someone pampers me for an hour or so. It’s a little indulgence I used to allow myself on a regular basis, but since COVID-19 and the wildfires, that’s been impossible. Instead, I’ve found other ways to pamper myself at home. I eat better, and I’m really enjoying my time in the kitchen and the moments I can spend with my family. We can’t hug, but at least we can see each other. The strange part about gratitude and actively thinking about what makes me happy is that there is some guilt that often comes with it. I’ve found myself having to battle guilt for being one of the lucky ones in our region. My home wasn’t destroyed in the wildfires, and my family is safe. I feel incredibly grateful, but I also feel guilty for having such circumstances. I think it’s important to recognize that guilt and use my position to help others as best as I can. Luckily, the work I do every day with Visiting Angels gives me many opportunities

to help others. Just this past fall, I posted in a community aid Facebook group that Visiting Angels was available for any and all seniors in need of assistance following the wildfires. Moments later, I received a call from a friend, whose friend happened to see my post. They knew of an older gentleman who, having driven straight through the flames, narrowly escaped the fires, and he was in need of help. More than anything else, he wanted to return to his home and his work. Given the nature of the work I do every day, I had a few contacts who I knew could help this gentleman and the community that had rallied around him. I gave them the name of a social worker, and they took it from there! He now has a cellphone, new clothes, and soon, he will have the ability to work again. With one simple connection over Facebook, our community members deployed whatever resources we have to help one another. Visiting Angels didn’t do much other than foster that connection, but we are proud to be the link. Our region has weathered quite the storm in 2020, but we’re already rising from the ashes. We’re coming together, forging new routines, and building our community back up again. If you ask me, that’s something to be grateful for this Thanksgiving. If our Visiting Angels team can be a resource to any older adults struggling in the aftermath of wildfires and the pandemic, please don’t hesitate to call.

Have a happy and safe holiday!


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Top 5 Healthy Life Hacks to Have an Awesome Morning

Take a quick morning walk — and have your meetings on the go.

Getting your day started with coffee isn’t always enough. Sometimes, you need to give yourself an extra boost, especially when you have little energy or trouble focusing. For an awesome start to your day, here are five tips to get you going right off the bat. Wake up 5 minutes early. What’s the power of five minutes? It can be more than you think. Spend this time doing simple breathing exercises or a quick meditation so you can get focused for the rest of the day. If that’s not your style, you can prepare a quick to-do list for your day ahead. Either way, it’s always nice to have a little extra time for yourself without losing too much sleep.

Morning meetings can make us want to fall asleep again. Don’t spend all of them sitting down if you don’t have to! Not only will morning walks help you wake up, but they can also add some extra physical activity to your day. Write in your journal. Who says you have to journal at the end of the day when you’re tired and ready to sleep? You can journal in the morning about what happened yesterday and the things you’re looking forward to that day. Journaling can remind you of your daily goals and motivate you to stick to your commitments. Pack your lunch (or snacks!). Staying on track with your goals starts with having the energy to do them. Plan a healthy balance of fats, vegetables, carbohydrates, and proteins. This can be as simple as assembling dips, carrots, wraps, and salads each morning.

Start with green tea, then coffee. A cup of coffee at 7 a.m. can leave you burned out by 10 a.m. Try swapping it with green tea for a more gentle wake-up call. After that, you can brew your favorite coffee to keep you going strong. This practice also might help you consume less caffeine overall!

It’s time to try these tactics to jump-start your day!

THE POLLS AND YOUR PORTFOLIO How Does the Election Affect My Retirement Savings?

As Americans head to the polls to exercise their right to vote in the presidential election, they bring many issues and beliefs with them. For some voters, these include questions about their portfolio and how the winner of the election could impact their savings, retirement, and ultimately, their future.

downward trend if a new president (not incumbent) takes office. Again, this is likely due to uncertainty and concern. Still, the market always ebbs and flows, and most presidents leave office with normal markets. However, what impacts your portfolio more may be congressional elections, which decide who our lawmakers are. Law creation, divided government, and responses to those laws influence portfolio performance more than most presidential elections. Remember,

The pandemic that has rocked 2020 has given us plenty of lessons on market volatility. As COVID-19 swept across the U.S., many residents had to shelter in place while industries shut down for an unprecedented hiatus. Financial planners and analysts encouraged patience to allow this storm to pass while they tried to identify long-term change. As we’re still recovering from this pandemic, so is the market, which could have an influence on the correlation between the election and the stock market. That said, if the past 100 years are any indication, you have little to worry about. Whoever occupies the Oval Office in 2021 will have very little influence on your portfolio. Your best financial strategy is to do the same thing you’ve been doing throughout the pandemic: Remain patient.

The answer, many financial analysts say, is not much.

Analysts have found that the market has remained stagnant in the year leading up to an election for the past 100 years. Although there hasn’t been any significant change to warrant concern, voter concern over uncertainty tends to be reflected in the market. After the ballots are counted and a president-elect is chosen, the market may see a

the market responds to reaction, and

whom we elect to Congress and how they legislate more directly impacts our lives than the president.



Focus, Focus, Focus 3 Tips for Practicing Mindfulness as You Age

Focus on Breathing When you’re feeling stressed or anxious, take a few moments to slow your breathing.

Mindfulness may seem like a goofy buzzword that gets tossed around by health gurus, but it just might actually be a powerful tool as we age. After all, meditation is a centuries- old practice that has been shown to have real psychological and physiological benefits for participants. According to U.S. News and World Report, studies have linked meditation to better cognitive function, improved memory, better digestion, and decreased stress and loneliness. ( Note: Loneliness is often thought to be a contributing factor to chronic conditions in older adults.) With these benefits in mind, it just might be time for you to begin your mindfulness journey! Here are a few ways to get started. Journal If you’re someone who feels burdened by a barrage of thoughts, consider collecting those in a journal. At the end of each day, record a few reflections. What did you learn? What challenged you? Do you have a goal for tomorrow? And did you meet today’s goals? Soon, you’ll notice a pattern emerging. You’ll find common thoughts and understand what is triggering those thoughts. With this information in mind, you can make mindful changes to combat stress.

Focus on breathing deeply and exhaling fully. If it helps, picture a flower blossoming as you exhale and closing as you inhale. You

could also count, blow on a feather, or practice with a friend. This moment of concentration pulls your focus away from what’s causing you stress and helps you focus your mind. This improved concentration will help you tackle your tasks. Find a Practice That Works For You No matter whether you prefer to focus on one body part, or you’re someone who needs to focus on an image to find peace, just start practicing meditation. Set a timer for five minutes and practice concentrating your mind on one thing. This could be your breath, a word, an image, or even a body part. As you do this more, increase the time you spend meditating until you find your sweet spot. ( Pro Tip: Check out meditation apps or programs to help you start and stay accountable!)



Ingredients • 1 large butternut squash, peeled, seeded, and cut into 1-inch cubes • 1 1/2 tbsp olive oil • 1 1/2 tbsp maple syrup

• 1 3/4 tsp kosher salt • 3/4 tsp cinnamon • 1/2 tsp black pepper • 1 tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 400 F, placing the two oven racks at the top and bottom of the oven. Then grease two baking sheets. 2. In a large bowl, combine squash cubes, olive oil, maple syrup, salt, and spices. Toss to coat, then spread mixture in a single layer over the baking sheets. 3. Place both pans in the oven and bake 15 minutes. Turn the cubes with a spatula and return them to the oven, swapping them to different racks. Continue baking 10–15 minutes until tender. 4. Sprinkle with rosemary and serve! Inspired by

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5274 Scotts Valley Dr., #102 Scotts Valley, CA 95066 24/7 831-430-0616


Scotts Valley Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday–Friday Home Care Organization #444700002



Using Gratitude to Help Others


Top 5 Healthy Life Hacks to Have an Awesome Morning The Surprising Non-Link Between an Election and Your Portfolio


Mindfulness and Aging: Why They Go Hand in Hand! Sinfully Sweet Butternut Squash


3 Resources for Our Nation’s Veterans


This Veteran’s Day, Visiting Angels would like to recognize the numerous veterans’ organizations in California. Each organization is committed to helping our community, whether that’s by lifting up those who have served or by providing servicemen and women opportunities to lift up their community. Check these groups out for resources, to volunteer, or to learn more! Armed Services YMCA Locations: Camp Pendleton, San Diego, and Twentynine Palms Website: You already know the YMCA from that famous Village People song and its commitment to community wellness, but did you know the YMCA also has a specialized sector that’s solely devoted to helping

veterans? The Armed Services YMCA (ASYMCA) has locations across the nation, including three in southern California. The organization provides educational services to military youth, food and housing relief for families, child care programs, and more. Since COVID-19, the ASYMCA has increased its efforts to help military families. Find its resources online! Disabled Veterans Charities Location: Redlands Website: Despite the name, Disabled Veterans Charities (DVC) helps all Southern California veterans through a network of local nonprofits and charities. The DVC does focus on helping at-risk veterans and their families find the resources they need to live healthy, full lives while facing

the challenges of homelessness, mental health, and other common adversities. You can donate to the charity or learn more about its mission online. Veterans Transition Center of Monterey County Location: Marina Website: For nearly 25 years, the Veterans Transition Center (VTC) has supplied clothing, food, counseling, medical resources, education, and more to veterans transitioning into civilian life. The VTC also has emergency, transitional, and permanent housing resources to help veterans in all stages of their return. The VTC continues to grow, and its needs are growing, too. Discover resources, donation needs, and more on its website.

