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Wade Law Group January 2018

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Wade Law Group January 2019

4 small red onion, thinly sliced DIRECTIONS 4. Add citrus, arugula, and mint to onion mixture. Drizz

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Wade Law Group February 2018

Presidents Day,” “Washington-Lincoln Day,” “George Washington Day,” and more. Let’s untangle how all

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Wade Law Group July 2018

4 cup balsamic vinegar • 1 teaspoon fresh thyme • 3 tablespoons raw honey • Salt and freshly ground

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Wade Law Group May 2018

2 pounds skirt steak • Salt and pepper to taste • 2 tablespoons canola oil • Grated pecorino Romano

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Wade Law Group November 2018

how-to- write-a-killer-thank-you-note. 2 3 TRUE CRIME SHOWS YOU HAVE TO SEE M

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Wade Law Group March 2018

Wade Law Group March 2018 MAR 2018 WADE LAW GROUP THE LEGAL ISSUE 408-842-1688

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Wade Law Group December 2018

Wade Law Group December 2018 DEC 2018 WADE LAW GROUP THE LEGAL ISSUE 408-842-1688 www.WadeLitigation

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Wade Law Group April 2018

3 cup plus 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil • 1 tablespoon flat-leaf parsley, chopped • Kosher s

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Wade Law Group June 2018

Wade Law Group June 2018 JUNE 2018 WADE LAW GROUP THE LEGAL ISSUE 408-842-1688

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Wade Law Group August 2018

Wade Law Group August 2018 AUG 2018 WADE LAW GROUP THE LEGAL ISSUE 408-842-1688 www.WadeLitigation.c

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Wade Law Group January 2018

JAN 2018


THE LEGAL ISSUE 408-842-1688


As a native Californian, it’s an honor to serve you in this great state. Our firm takes pride in providing you with representation that will fight for your case. The recognition we’ve received, like being elected to the list of 10 best attorneys in California in the area of client satisfaction, comes after we’ve put in many hours of hard work and dedication to your cases. Outside of the courtroom, I spend most of my time with my kids. I love to sing, and our family likes to play music at home. I play the piano and bass guitar, and my son plays the guitar, sax, and piano. He’s always picking up something new. We even put on mini concerts at home. Don’t be surprised if we start a YouTube channel! Really, though, we do it because we love it. My daughter goes to UC Riverside, and one of the greatest joys of my life is to watch her and her brother grow up and find their own passions. While I don’t know if either of them will become lawyers, as long as they find something they love to do, I’ll be happy for them. These days, I don’t play much basketball or baseball. I prefer to challenge my greatest competitor — myself. I like to push myself and see how far I can go. Running fulfills my need to move, and I’ve done a few marathons and half- marathons now. I’ve also found fulfillment and discipline in martial arts, pursuing taekwondo all the way to a black belt. I told you I was competitive, didn’t I? But like music, we don’t practice for the recognition, for the awards, or for a belt. We practice because we love what we do, and because we have a passion that drives us to be our best. We want to be a better option when you or your loved ones are in need of representation. BETTER

I’ve always been an athlete. From baseball to basketball, I love the art of competition. There’s a strategy to sports that I’ve found applicable to law, so being a lawyer has allowed me to utilize my competitiveness off the field. Before I became a lawyer, I enforced another side of the law as a police officer. There were many aspects I enjoyed about that job, but I soon realized my interests would lead me in another direction. As a police officer, I found myself in court frequently to testify on behalf of the prosecution. The more time I spent in court, the more I wanted to be on the other side, to be the person presenting evidence, making a case for someone who needs a voice. So I went to law school, where I could delve into some of the concepts I’d only observed as a police officer, and my excitement for practicing law has never dwindled.

A few years ago, I was asked to be a guest lecturer at Stanford. Sharing my passion with a room full of future lawyers? I loved it! I’m sure all the students could tell how enthusiastic I was — I talked too much and too fast. I’ve learned not to do that in the courtroom, but it was hard not to gush about my favorite subject in a classroom full of pre-law college kids. “We practice because we love what we do, and because we have a passion that drives us to be our best.”

The only way to get better at anything is to practice, right?

Until next month,

–Amiel Wade

1 408-842-1688


Isn’t Just for Nonprofits

Sharen Murnaghan’s LinkedIn page features the line, “Always be helping.” When you look at Hubspot’s “About Us” page, you’ll notice their vision is to build a company where business is “empathetic, human, and personable.” Do these philosophies sound like they’re in alignment? She and Hubspot both believe that helping others is essential to business success, so it should come as no surprise that Murnaghan is Hubspot’s No. 1 salesperson. When two MIT graduates, Dharmesh Shah and Brian Halligan, realized that customers weren’t responding to tried-and-true marketing tactics — and that Shah’s unassuming blog was driving way more web traffic than sites with huge marketing budgets — they created Hubspot, a marketing and sales software company. Most companies were forgetting about the human element of sales. Instead of helping people, these businesses treated customers like numbers, all in the pursuit of their bottom line. So, Shah and Halligan started a company that would do the opposite. They decided to help other businesses forge human relationships with their customers and create an “inbound world.” Before joining their company, Murnaghan had a successful sales career in the publishing world, but she was ready for something new. She had an impressive amount of sales experience but almost no knowledge of digital marketing, an industry she knew was clearly on the rise. So, “armed with nothing but a desire to learn and a willingness to work hard,” she enrolled in a digital marketing course, got a certification, and eventually found her way to Hubspot. She

started in an entry-level sales position, and, after putting in 12-hour days and many more hours on continued education, she became their No. 1 salesperson. She’s held the spot ever since.

But what got her there? She found success by using the same philosophy that Hubspot was built on. “People don’t want to be interrupted by marketers or harassed by salespeople,” Shah and Halligan say of their empathetic approach. “They want to be helped.” Murnaghan’s interactions with customers hinged on her desire to help others, and she was determined to carry out that mission. Once, she connected a client’s daughter with friends in Canada after learning the girl was starting university there. What lessons can we glean from Murnaghan’s and Hubspot’s success? Perhaps it’s this: Don’t forget about the simple act of helping people. Make this a priority above selling a good or service. As you shape and define your company’s values, hire people who exemplify them. Like Murnaghan, if they live your values, they’ll wow your clients, help grow your brand, and bring you both to the top.


See What Our Clients Are Saying

“I would highly recommend Wade Law Group. They treated me with nothing but respect as their client, and their work ethic was excellent. Before hiring the firm, I thought I had an impossible case. The prior attorneys that I had spoken with did not seem to know how to help. However, when I spoke to Amiel Wade, he knew exactly how to help, and he did exactly what he said he would do to win my case. On a scale of 1–10, their service was a 10.” “I used Mr. Wade for a very complicated business litigation case. He is an excellent litigator who possesses a superior command of the law. This was evident during our initial meeting when I explained to him the issues with my business partners. He recognized the numerous legal violations and was ready to fight for me. He was a highly prepared

and sharp advocate who fought my case every step of the way, from the multiple depositions to mediation and, finally, to the successful negotiated settlement.” “I was very impressed with Amiel Wade. I had a situation which required an attorney to spring into action immediately to provide help. I didn’t think I was going to find a favorable solution to my problem. However, Mr. Wade stepped in and seemed to know all the answers. He was sincere, honest, and knowledgeable. I would recommend him to anyone who needs a great attorney.” 2

Stories of well-known celebrities suing each other make the evening news every day. But there are some parameters around when you can sue another person. If you’ve dealt with someone who has not followed through on their contract to deliver a service, you may have a right to sue and initiate litigation against them. Whether or not you can, though, depends on the circumstances of your agreement. Is Your Next Move WHEN A LAWSUIT You’ve made an agreement with a person in which you will do something in exchange for something else. You follow through and perform your part of the agreement, but the other person does not. In this circumstance, you can initiate litigation against the other person for failing to perform. This is often referred to as a breach of contract. The contract does not need to be in writing, either. In the same way people initiate litigation against someone for breaching a written contract, you can initiate litigation against others for breaching a verbal contract. Another situation you might find yourself in is someone making a false or misleading statement in an effort to get you to do something. Based on their statement, you perform some act that you otherwise would not have performed. You could sue them for damages as a result of any harm you experienced. A BREACH OF CONTRACT

In order to determine whether you have a right to initiate litigation to enforce your rights, you should seek the advice of an experienced litigation attorney such as those employed at Wade Law Group. Wade Law Group offers legal services throughout the entire state of California. Call today at 888-909-9430.


There’s nothing like curling up under a blanket with a warm mug and a novel that finally came out in paperback. Break out the slow cooker and let the sweet aroma waft through your living room as your start Chapter 1. SLOW COOKER RASPBERRY WHITE HOT CHOCOLATE


1 cup white chocolate chips

2 tablespoons powdered sugar

14 ounces sweetened condensed milk

1 teaspoon vanilla

2 cups heavy cream, divided

4 tablespoons raspberry liqueur or syrup

3 cups milk (any variety will do)


1. In a slow cooker, combine white

3. Using a hand or stand mixer, whip until stiff peaks form. 4. Serve mugs of hot chocolate with about

chocolate chips, condensed milk, 1 cup cream, and milk. Cover and heat on low about 2 hours. 2. In a large bowl, mix remaining 1 cup cream, powdered sugar, and vanilla.

1 tablespoon of raspberry liqueur or syrup to taste and a dollop of whipped cream.

Recipe inspired by

3 408-842-1688




84 West Santa Clara Street, Ste 750 San Jose, CA 95113


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Thoughts From Our Founder

The Secret Behind Hubspot’s No. 1 Salesperson



When Should I Sue?

Warm Up With Some Hot Cocoa


Do You Have the Success Gene?


explained that someone who practices grit goes through life like a marathon, not a sprint.

Perhaps most instructive is Duckworth’s equation (she was a math teacher, after all):

Talent x effort = skill. Skill x effort = achievement.

“Effort counts twice” could be the battle cry of grit. Gritty people are willing to put in the extra effort to achieve their goals, and that’s what helps them reach their goals if they don’t have innate talent. While this provides a strong case that those born with grit will succeed, grit doesn’t factor luck and opportunity into the equation, something that Duckworth is transparent about in her book. She says those who aren’t born with grit can develop it in four simple steps. First, identify an interest that can blossom into a passion. Second, practice that passion a lot. Third, develop the belief that your passion has purpose. While it’s not an overnight transformation, these guidelines can at least give us hope, which is the fourth step: Hold on to hope that you can succeed. Our biggest takeaway from “Grit”? Look at failures as milestones on the journey to success. Getting gritty means failing and learning from it. Any of us can get gritty if we’re willing to put in a little elbow grease.

If you’ve ever been told you won’t succeed because you lack talent, bring a copy of “Grit” to your next meeting.

While teaching high school math, author Angela Duckworth noticed some of her highest-achieving students weren’t the ones with the highest IQs, while some of her “smartest” students weren’t doing all that well in class. “Why?” she wondered. She followed her curiosity to Penn State’s psychology program. There, she studied several demographics, including cadets at West Point, young teachers, and sales representatives. After numerous psychological studies, Duckworth discovered that “grit” was the common denominator in successful people. Duckworth defines grit as “passion and perseverance for very long-term goals.” People who display grit don’t start a project and abandon it a month later. They devote themselves to an overarching goal that drives everything they do. She