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Wealth From Wisdom August 2018

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Wealth From Wisdom April 2018

4 pound pasta (shells or orecchiette) 2 cups broccoli florets 3 tablespoons olive oil 1 pound ground

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Wealth From Wisdom December 2018

2 cup unsalted butter, melted • • • • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste 5. Pat dry

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Wealth From Wisdom February 2018

2 teaspoon sesame oil Salt and pepper, to taste 1 tablespoon honey • • • • • • • • • • •

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Wealth From Wisdom September 2018

2 red onion, thinly sliced 1 cucumber, sliced into rounds 20 basil leaves, chopped 1 small loaf Fren

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Wealth From Wisdom JULY 2018

4 cup olive oil 2 green bell peppers Salt and pepper, to taste INSTRUCTIONS 1. Heat grill to medium.

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Wealth From Wisdom MAY 2018

4-inch-thick semicircles. Dice onion. 2. Heat a large skillet to medium high. Add olive oil, onion,

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Wealth From Wisdom October 2018

spirits-meath-halloween-festival-2018. Fans of Halloween don’t need to look far to find somewhere to

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Wealth From Wisdom June 2018

4 tablespoons Thai red curry paste 1 lime, halved Extra-virgin olive oil Kosher salt and freshly gro

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Wealth From Wisdom January 2018

Wealth From Wisdom January 2018 | 866-485-8505 You Haven’t Failed UNTI

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Wealth From Wisdom News

Wealth From Wisdom News | 866-485-8505 You Haven’t Failed UNTIL You Qu

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Wealth From Wisdom August 2018 | 866-485-8505 You Haven’t Failed UNTIL You Quit Trying

RADIO It’s All About First

August 2018

If you’ve met

me, you know I’m a ‘people person.’ I love being able to work with our clients, and honestly, I’m protective of that.”

Impressions Catching Up With ERICA SHAW

Chances are, if you’ve visited our office, we’ve met! I’m often one of the first faces you see when you come into Cornerstone, whether you’re a newer client or you’ve been with us for a while. I’m here to answer the phone, plan events, and bake cookies for the lobby — just to name a few of my many responsibilities. But I also spearhead what we call “love affair marketing.” Here’s a little look behind the scenes at Cornerstone. I help put together the gifts or random acts of kindness we share with clients. When you love your clients, you want to show it, and through the love affair marketing concept, we get to do just that. It’s part of building lasting relationships with the people who choose to do business with us. These relationships mean a lot to all of us at

Cornerstone — and they mean a lot to me personally.

family, you can create truly special bonds. It’s an incredible feeling.

If you’ve met me, you know I’m a “people person.” I love being able to work with our clients, and honestly, I’m protective of that. I love being in a place that allows me to help develop those relationships. It brings me so much satisfaction. I mean, come this October, I’ll have been with Cornerstone for 16 years! That says a lot! client comes in for an annual review. When they come in, I greet them, and I often get to sit down with them and catch up. There’s something about just chatting with a client — having a real conversation. It’s not something you see a lot of these days in the business world. One of my favorite parts about working at Cornerstone is when a

It goes without saying that family means everything to me. From my husband to my daughter to my dog, my family is my world. Our Yorkshire terrier, Rocky, is now 17 years old, and he’s as spunky as ever. It’s hard to believe he still has as much energy as he does! Just this year, my husband, Brian, and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary. We didn’t do anything out of the ordinary to celebrate, but we still recognized the occasion. Right now, however, I’m over the moon that my daughter, Ragan, is graduating from physical therapy school. She’ll be graduating this month with a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. It’s been a long road to get to this point; it seems like Ragan’s been in school forever! But now she’s getting ready to step out into a much larger world and start her career. This was a goal she set for herself back when she was a sophomore in high school. Now, that goal is coming to fruition. I’m really proud of her!

What makes it really special, though, is that it’s not just a conversation with a client in the traditional sense. It’s more like a conversation with family. That’s what really sets Cornerstone apart. It’s like working with family. And I also consider many of our clients a part of my extended family. When you treat people like

Erica Shaw | 1

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The Benefits of Open-Skill Sports Want to Improve Brain Health? Grab a Sword!

D id you know fencing is making a comeback? No longer just for heartsick gentlemen of the Regency era, fencing is increasingly being taught in public schools, displayed in the pages of popular indie comics, and practiced among seniors. Plenty of baby boomers are picking up swords, or “sabers” — and it’s not because they’re preparing to fight dragons. Exercise is important no matter your age, but some activities are more beneficial than others. Research published in the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise (PSE) suggests activities defined as “open- skill sports,” like fencing, can do more to improve brain health than “closed-skill sports.” Open or Closed? The difference between an open-skill sport and a closed-skill sport lies in the dynamic nature of the activity. Going for a jog is great for your heart health, but your body is doing the same thing during the entire workout. This makes it a closed-skill sport.

The same goes for swimming; you might have different strokes to choose from when you jump in the pool, but your brain is focused on repeating the action while doing your laps. Open-skill sports require players to respond to unpredictable circumstances in unpredictable ways. Fencing is a great open-skill sport because, while you have to learn the right way to hold the saber and move your body, you also have to think on your feet and react quickly to your opponent’s attacks. Researchers from the Foro Italico University of Rome believe that it’s the required adaptability that makes open-skill sports so good for your brain. You challenge your body with complex motor movements and your mind with fast decisions. In the study from PSE, the researchers reported that “the open-skill athletes used less brainpower to do the same thing than the closed-skill exercisers did.” to prepare for major life events, such as marriage, the birth of a child, retirement, moving, and more. On the flip side of that coin, accidents, injuries, and even death can happen in the blink of an eye. We may have little notice and no way to prepare ourselves emotionally or financially. When you have important legal documents and financial information at your disposal in the days and weeks following the incapacitation or loss of a loved one, you are a step ahead. You face less stress and are in a place to help other family members avoid mistakes that may be irreversible later on. It is just as important, however, to discuss legal and financial matters before anything happens. This is before the onset of illness or incapacity, the diagnosis of dementia or mental incompetence, or death. Having this discussion helps you and your family know the following:

What’s the Best Open-Skill Sport? If fencing isn’t your thing, there are plenty of other great open-skill sports, including tennis, badminton, basketball, and racquetball. What are you waiting for? Swing by your local rec center and find out what open-skill sport will be your new favorite pastime!

THE POWEROF COMMUNICATION The Discussion You Need to Have With Your Family

One of the most important functions of trusts and wills is to keep family members in the loop. These documents effectively communicate crucial details and next steps. They provide stability in a time when stability is much-needed. Take a step back and consider other life events. Throughout our lives, we have the benefit of time — that is to say, time

The directives (including living wills) that specify wanted and unwanted procedures and do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders. These documents should be readily available for you to take to the hospital if a loved one is admitted. marriage certificates, Social Security information, life-insurance policies, financial documents, keys to a safety deposit box, etc. It’s also a good idea to inform grown children or another trusted individual about the location of important documents in the event of an accident or illness while traveling. Your wishes and preferences regarding funeral arrangements, organ donation, burial or cremation, and more. The location of wills, trust documents, birth certificates,

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The Best Thing to Do When You Receive an Inheritance Highlights From ‘Wealth From Wisdom Radio’

You’re receiving an inheritance — here’s what you need to know.

beneficiaries. We don’t always think about what we as beneficiaries need to do when we receive the inheritance. Too often, people look at money and think, “How can I spend this?” And they end up spending it right away, often on things they wouldn’t ordinarily buy with their own earned money. In reality, the first thing you should do is nothing . If you get the money on a Tuesday, it will still be there on Wednesday. It’s not going to go anywhere if you sit on it for a while. You need to give yourself a financial time out. Don’t spend, don’t quit your job, and don’t do anything impulsive or out of the ordinary. Give a lot of thought to your next step and what you really want to do with that money. That is to say, develop a plan.

For instance, if you want to pay off debt, plan for that. A lot of people also see an inheritance as an opportunity to pay off all their debt and rush into it. Paying off all your debt might not be the best move. That isn’t to say paying off debt is a bad idea, but having a plan will make a huge difference. You might put together a plan that eliminates your high-interest credit-card debt but keeps your mortgage intact. A financial advisor will help walk you through the process to determine your best next step. After all, when you receive an inheritance, you want to be a good steward for that money. Someone worked hard for that money and would probably like to see it passed on to be used in the best way possible.

Over the next several years, baby boomers will inherit north of $11 trillion from their parents, the “greatest generation.” At the same time, 1 in 3 people who end up with that inheritance will be broke within two years of receiving it. While most of us don’t think about it until the time comes, inheriting money can be a lot of work for the beneficiary. It takes serious planning to avoid overspending or ending up in debt, as host Paul West and special guest Jeremy Willner discuss in this edition of “Wealth From Wisdom Radio,” dated 06/02/2018 ( Think about it. When a person is putting together trusts or a will, they’re planning for the future of their family or other


Grilled Leg of Lamb


1 4–5-pound boneless leg of lamb, not butterflied

8 cloves garlic, smashed and coarsely chopped

1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

2 tablespoons fresh rosemary, minced

Salt and pepper, to taste

INSTRUCTIONS 1. On a large cutting board, cut between the muscles on the leg of lamb to divide into 4 pieces, pulling apart with your fingers if need be. 2. In a mixing bowl, combine olive oil, garlic, and rosemary. Add lamb and toss to coat. Marinate for 4 hours at room temperature. 3. Heat grill to medium-high. Season lamb with salt and pepper and grill until lamb reaches an internal temperature of 130 F (medium rare). Cook time will vary depending on size of lamb pieces. 4. Let lamb rest, covered with tin foil, for 15 minutes. Slice thinly and serve.

Answer on page 4 | 3

Inspired by Food & Wine magazine

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Provided by CornerstoneWealth Management Group Advisory services offered through CWM, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor

19833 Leitersburg Pike, Suite 1 Hagerstown, MD 21742

Sudoku Answer


• Catching Up With Erica Shaw PAGE 1

• Fence Your Way to Better Brain Health PAGE 2

• The Discussion You Need to Have With Your Family Now PAGE 2 • Your Best Next Move After Receiving an Inheritance PAGE 3

• Grilled Leg of Lamb PAGE 3

• Safe Sailing This Hurricane Season PAGE 4

Book a Caribbean Cruise Safe Sailing This Hurricane Season

FLEXIBILITY IS A MUST The flipside of this ability to dodge storms is the fact that your ship may not be able to stick to its original itinerary. You may have to anchor at an island you weren’t expecting to or miss out on seeing a port you were supposed to visit. If you have your heart set on seeing a specific location, cruise travel this time of year may not be for you. But if you are simply looking for a safe, affordable vacation to a beautiful region, then it doesn’t much matter which white-sanded beach you wake up to next. While unpredictable weather will always be a concern for any vacation, the safety and variety cruises offer make them great options for anyone looking for a Caribbean getaway before the holiday season. So if you have a flexible schedule and a healthy sense of adventure, it’s time to call your travel agent, pack your sunscreen and bathing suit, and head to paradise!

than a floating hotel room where you fall asleep in one country and wake up in another? This charming mobility is also what makes cruise travel the safest option for visiting the Caribbean and the coast of Mexico this time of year. SAFETY AND SAVINGS Much like resorts and airfare, cruise lines discount their Caribbean fares significantly during peak hurricane season, from August to October. However, unlike a traditional hotel, these massive ships have the luxury of navigating out of a storm’s path with ease. For all their ferocity, hurricanes move slowly across the Atlantic and have relatively predictable trajectories. Meanwhile, modern cruise ships carry the most sophisticated weather-tracking instruments, allowing them to bypass even small storms and inclement weather.

After last year’s devastating storm season, would-be tropical travelers are undoubtedly hesitant about purchasing those discounted plane tickets to the Caribbean Basin. No one wants to face a possible evacuation during their vacation — or worse, be forced to weather a hurricane at a beachfront resort. If you want the most bang for your buck while enjoying the turquoise waters of the Caribbean this fall, consider booking a cruise. Cruise-ship travel is a fun and adventurous way to explore any time of year. After all, what could be more magical

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