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Weight Management Guide


A complete guide to managing your weight & maintaining your weightloss goals

The Institute of Nutritional Science Weight Management Program


Researched and Developed by K. Steven Whiting, PhD Offered through Be Young Total Health


© Copyright 2015 Be Young Total Health. All rights reserved. The intellectual property of this publication are the copyright of The Institute of Nutritional Science, Dr. K. Steven Whiting, PhD. and are used with permission under a license agreement. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or use of any information-storage or retrieval system, for any purpose without the express written permission of Be Young Total Health and The Institute of Nutritional Science. Registered and/or pending trademarks of Be Young Total Health in the United States and in foreign countries are used throughout this work. Use of the trademark symbols “ ® ” or “ ™ ” is limited to one or two prominent trademark usages for each mark. Trademarks understood to be owned by others are used in a non-trademark manner for explanatory purposes only, or ownership by others is indicated to the extent known. This book is not intended to diagnose disease or provide specific medical advice. Its intention is solely to inform and to educate. The author intends that readers will use the information presented in this book in cooperation with the advice of a qualified health professional trained in nutritional science or weight management.



Excess weight and obesity are an epidemic in most industrialized nations. The United States leads the world in the highest percentage of obese individuals. Our culture embraces the causes of obesity while attacking other forms of self-destruction such as smoking and drug abuse. The fact is, however, obesity-related health problems kill more people each year than all other forms of self-abuse combined! Countless epidemic chronic degenerative diseases are either directly linked to excess weight or are compromised and worsened by obesity. Heart disease, type II diabetes, gallbladder disorders, digestive problems and many forms of cancer are directly linked to obesity. This book will explore why this epidemic exists, why it has not been solved before now, and will outline individual programs based on each individual’s metabolism. We are all unique; assuming that one weight loss program will be right for everyone is absurd. One of the most obvious omissions in most all weight loss programs is the maintenance phase. People lose weight only to regain it, and sometimes more, over and over again. This yo-yo approach to weight management is not only pointless, itcan severely damage your metabolism. Our program will teach you how to prevent this excessive yo-yo effect forever. Another phase of our programs that set them aside from all others is that we encourage cheating, in fact, insist on it! We know you will cheat anyway so we will teach you how to cheat with little or no impact on your weight loss progress.

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Be Young University & The Institute of Nutritional Science

Because people have never been taught to make the right dietary choices based on their individual body chemistry, most are committing slow dietary suicide with every bite of food. Armed with the information in this book, you will learn how to make the right choices for you, not someone else. You will learn how to enjoy all the good things in life without letting them destroy your health. Lastly, we will explore the physical and psychological reasons why millions continually fail at achieving their weight loss goals. Once you understand these factors you will be empowered to manage your health. Let’s get started!

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Why We Gain Excess Weight

Have you ever wondered why some people can appear to consume copious amounts of food and never gain an extra pound, while others, millions of others, can continue to gain and gain extra weight while consuming comparatively little food? The answer to this seemingly unfair mystery lies in our metabolism, a term that describes how our bodies utilize various foods and how fast those foods are turned into energy. The conventional wisdom for the past many decades has been that excess weight gain is caused by the consumption of excess calories beyond what the body is able to utilize for energy and bodily function. While this outdated paradigm is true for many, it is completely untrue for the majority of those suffering from moderate to severe obesity. If a simplistic system of calories in and calories out were the cause of obesity, how could we account for the millions of people who can consume food in almost any amount and never gain a pound? How could we account for millions who take up the diet gauntlet and starve on very low calorie diets for months on end and lose only a few pounds only to plateau, with further weight loss ceasing? How is it that health care professionals routinely put patients on lower and lower calorie diets with no results? After all, it’s just simple calories in and calories out, right? Obviously not, and until we answer these questions and find the real cause of the problem, we will never win the battle of the bulge. What then is the real cause of obesity? The reason this question has never been

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fully answered is because there is no one single answer. Medical science looks for the “magic bullet” or a drug, pill, or injection that will solve this medical problem. What they often fail to recognize is that there are multiple factors involved in the cause of a problem. Obesity is the result of many different potential problems within the body. These problems can be due to a person’s metabolism, their glandular function, excess stress, candida or yeast overgrowth and many other factors. These will all be discussed at further length later, but for now we will focus on the number one reason why people fail at their weight management goals: they are following the wrong program for them! Evidence as far back as the 1970’s and before, has shown that the majority of obese individuals are hyper-sensitive to sugar-forming foods or carbohydrates. When you put these people on a low calorie diet, their results will almost always be less than desirable because calorie consumption, in and of itself, is not the issue. Rather, the amount of carbohydrate food consumed is to be blamed. Since low calorie diets are almost always made up of carbohydrate foods, it is easy to see why they almost always fail. The important point to realize is that if you are not getting results on a weight management program, something is wrong. Either you are non- compliant or your body chemistry is not centered around whatever concept your program is based upon. It is pointless to continue to repeat the same failed program over and over expecting that eventually it will work. It will not. Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that you have picked a weight loss program and it is working well for you. The next pitfall in the weight loss trap appears when your ideal weight goal has been reached. You will find that virtually all of the popular diets have no guidelines to maintain your newly found body weight. Why? The answer is simple; these diets almost always offer special foods, pre-cooked, pre-portioned meals, often at high prices. Participants pay for the convenience, but once their weight loss goal has been reached, the weight loss center loses a client and also loses that revenue. By eliminating a maintenance program, they ensure that people will regain all their lost weight (and

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often more) and be back soon to follow their program and purchase their products. While this may be good for their business, it is terrible for your metabolism. Repeated losing and gaining, or the yo-yo effect, can severely damage your metabolism and other body chemistry factors, making it harder and harder to lose the excess weight. Further, due to the hibernation effect, you will almost always gain more weight each time you go through this process, increasing your odds for frustration and failure. Here at our Centers we do not put anyone on a weight loss program before testing them to determine their metabolic type. Once we know how their body handles or metabolizes food, we can direct them to the program that will most likely produce the fastest and longest lasting result. We have worked with many people who have been victims of yoyo dieting and each time they go through one of these cycles it is more difficult for us to repair their metabolism, but repair we can, by placing them on a program that is compatible with their chemistry and not someone else’s. Let’s find out which metabolic type belongs to you.

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Your Metabolic Type

Science has identified many different metabolic factors that can influence how your body might handle the food and food choices you make. The vast majority of us, however, fall into one of three categories. Each of these categories can produce weight gain, but they must be addressed in distinctly different ways in order to achieve weight loss and ongoing stability. Our first goal then is to discover in which of these three main categories your body chemistry falls. We do this through a series of questions based on symptoms, reactions, and specific physical conditions. This evaluation has been incredibly accurate in determining what type of weight management program will likely produce the best results in the shortest amount of time. The first metabolic type we see is what we refer to as the calorie sensitive person. These people tend to gain weight mostly around the mid- section due to the consumption of excess calories. These individuals are the classic “eat too much” people and will respond best to a program that controls caloric intake. The second metabolic type, and the one responsible for the majority of obesity, is called carbohydrate intolerance. These people gain excess weight all over their bodies and can seem to gain an unlimited amount of body weight. They respond to excess carbohydrate ingestion by over-producing a hormone from the pancreas called insulin. Insulin’s primary job is to remove excess blood sugar, convert it to a storage form and place it in the fat cells. This process can go on and on and is almost

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exclusively responsible for the severely or morbidly obese individuals. The last major metabolic type is a combination the previous two factors. These individuals are affected by both calorie and carbohydrate excesses. For these people, we design a program that effectively addresses both calorie and carbohydrates at the same time. Let’s take the test now.

Weight Management Tests

TEST ONE: BLOOD SUGAR/ INSULIN SENSITIVITY Check off each symptom that occurs with any degree of regularity Nervousness Irritability Fatigue & Exhaustion Faintness, dizziness, cold sweats Shakiness or weak spells Depression Drowsiness, especially after meals or in the mid-afternoon

Headaches with no obvious cause Repeated digestive disturbances Forgetfulness Insomnia

Needless Worrying Mental Confusion Rapid pulse, especially after eating certain foods Muscle pain Antisocial behavior Over-emotionality, crying spells

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Lack of sex drive Leg cramps Blurred vision

Shortness of breath, sighing, excess yawning Cravings for starch and sugar-rich foods Add the total checked answers: ___________

TEST TWO: CALORIE SENSITIVE TEST Check off each that applies to you You had a normal bodyweight when younger, but slowly gained weight after age 30 You are presently overweight, but only by approximately 25 pounds. You have a normal appetite (You only get hungry at mealtimes) You have few, if any food cravings You eat three meals a day whenever possible You have maintained the same basic eating habits all your life You have gained a certain amount of extra body weight but seem to have tapered off and not continued to gain You have less than 6 yes answers on test number one Add the total checked answers ___________ TEST THREE: CARBOHYDRATE INTOLERANT TEST Check off each that applies to you You are more than 25 pounds overweight You have had a tendency to be overweight all your adult life.

You have been overweight since you were younger You have a poor appetite and skip meals often

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You prefer not to eat in the morning You have food cravings that temporarily go away when starch or sugary foods are consumed There are foods that you feel you could absolutely not do without Your waist is bigger than your hips (men.) Your waist is more than twice the size of your hips (women.) You have more than 6 yes answers on test number one Add the total checked answers ___________ EVALUATING THE FIRST SET OF RESULTS If you had more checked answers on the Calorie Sensitive Test (test one), than on the Carbohydrate Intolerant Test (test three), you are likely more calorie sensitive. If, however, you had more checked answers on the Carbohydrate Intolerant Test than on the Calorie Sensitive Test, and you had a significant number of yes answers on test one, you are very likely sensitive to excess carbohydrate intake. To further confirm the presence of carbohydrate intolerance, review the following statements and check off all that apply to you: Frequent cravings for sweet or salty, crunchy snack foods Difficulty losing weight even if you exercise and cut back on food Difficulty with weight gain even when eating small amounts of food Weight gain distributed all over your body (from neck to ankles) Skin Tags (small painless, floppy skin growths) High triglycerides

Low HDL (good cholesterol) High LDL (bad cholesterol) Afternoon Fatigue High uric acid or gout

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History of having blood clots in the legs, lungs or brain Native-American, Asian, African-American, Pacific Islander or Hispanic ancestry Family history of type II diabetes or hypoglycemia The more checked answers in this section, this may be a confirmation that you are more severely carbohydrate intolerant and must control carbohydrate intake in order to manage your weight and improve your health. If your answers are more or less divided equally on the tests, you are likely a combination metabolism and are being affected by both excess calories and carbohydrates. Now that you have some idea of where you lie on the scale, let’s take a closer look at each of these types and how we build a weight management program for each of them. Carbohydrate Intolerance Sensitivity to excess carbohydrate consumption is, by far, the single greatest cause of obesity. This epidemic has continuously increased in frequency for the past five decades and continues in staggering frequency today. Carbohydrate intolerance is caused by the over-production of a hormone called insulin, which is produced by the pancreas in response to the ingestion of sugar-forming foods. In a healthy metabolism, insulin is secreted in relation to the level of blood sugar present at any given time. In carbohydrate intolerant individuals more insulin than is required is secreted in response to a rise in blood sugar. The only way for these individuals to be successful with their weight loss efforts is for them to control the intake of carbohydrates and to use targeted nutrients to help regulate and stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels. WHAT ARE CARBOHYDRATES? A carbohydrate food is any food, with the exception of fiber, that converts to blood sugar. Carbohydrate foods include fruits, vegetables,

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starches, grains and sugars. All these foods will end up as glucose (or blood sugar) and cause an insulin response to some degree. Not all carbohydrates are the same, however. The insulin response depends on how rapidly they are broken down in the digestive system and become glucose. The more refined a carbohydrate, the faster it converts to blood sugar and the faster and higher the insulin response will be. Complex carbohydrates break down slower and convert to blood sugar much more slowly. This so-called “trickle effect” helps to control the extent of the insulin response to blood sugar elevation. Refined carbohydrates, on the other hand, convert to sugar very rapidly and cause a spike in blood sugar, often within a few minutes of consuming them. This rapid conversion causes a rapid and excessively elevated insulin response. Over time, excess insulin produces a more serious problem called insulin resistance. WHAT IS INSULIN RESISTANCE? Over years or decades, excess insulin production in response to refined carbohydrate consumption causes specific cells called insulin receptor cells to become damaged or desensitized. As this happens, your body requires more and more insulin to remove blood sugar.The more insulin that is produced, the greater the damage to the insulin receptor sites. This concept is referred to as insulin resistance and further compounds the sufferer with increasing body weight. THE ROLE OF INSULIN While the hormone insulin has many functions in healthy body chemistry, its primary function is to remove excess sugar from the blood and convert it into chemicals that may be stored in the body for future energy needs. Glucose (or blood sugar) is the energy substance in the body. We use it for physical and mental activities. Excess blood sugar is very damaging to the body in many ways. Any blood glucose that is not rapidly utilized will be converted to stored energy called glycogen. Insulin is the hormone responsible for

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this conversion. Once glycogen is formed, it is stored minimally in the muscles and the liver. Since the storage capacity for glycogen is very limited, if sugar-forming foods are continually ingested, the body chemistry must find another storehouse for them. In this case insulin converts glycogen to triglycerides and stores them in the fat cells. This process of converting glucose to triglycerides has no limit. Insulin will continue to convert blood glucose into triglycerides as long as sugar- forming foods are ingested. This explains why those with more severe carbohydrate intolerance can continue to gain more and more weight, seemingly without end. This process accounts for obese and morbidly obese individuals. While excess caloric consumption often produces a moderate body weight increase, carbohydrate intolerance with insulin resistance will continue to fill the fat cells with unused energy indefinitely. In order to stop this deadly cycle of insulin and blood sugar, we must control carbohydrate intake while providing key nutrients to the body chemistry to reduce insulin. Through a combination of an appropriate dietary program and nutrients such as chromium, vanadium and aspartic acid, among others, we can greatly reduce insulin resistance. As insulin levels are brought under control through these methods, weight loss begins and is often rapid and significant. When insulin converts glucose to glycogen and eventually triglycerides, the process adds two molecules of water to the glucose. Once the triglycerides enter the fat cells they produce a very fluid, flabby, watery fat as opposed to a solid dense fat. This is one of the identifying factors in determining moderate to severe carbohydrate intolerance. Those with carbohydrate intolerant fat storage will store fat evenly over the body rather than strictly in the mid-section. They will have flabby fat from the neck to the ankles. It is the consistency of this fat that often causes an initial rapid weight loss because when this stored fat is converted to usable energy, the two molecules of water that were added in the chemical conversion of blood glucose to glycogen are released. Critics have often said that this process only produces water loss. What’s wrong with that? Since the fat

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is heavily made up of water and water is very heavy, it seems we are on the right track! THE PHASES OF CARBOHYDRATE INTOLERANCE It has been said that all carbohydrate intolerant obese individuals will eventually become type II diabetic, if they live long enough. Whether or not this is always true, it is certainly highly likely. As the process of excess insulin and the subsequent damage it does to receptor cells continues, the path towards ultimate insulin resistance or type II diabetes looms closer. Most people start out with carbohydrate intolerance which leads to a greater and greater obesity problem. As the years go by and this condition is not addressed, type II diabetes is often the result somewhere in middle age. Four or five decades ago, the majority of type II diabetes was diagnosed in people over the age of fifty. Today, the most epidemic age group for type II diabetes is between the ages of fifteen and twenty- five! Each generation of individuals consuming our Standard American Diet (SAD), made up primarily of highly refined carbohydrates and concentrated sugars, is impacted by genetic mutations in the chemistry of the body. When these individuals have children, they pass this tendency on to them and each subsequent generation will have a greater chance to develop type II diabetes at younger and younger ages. If you are carbohydrate intolerant or a type II diabetic it is essential to get this anomaly in your chemistry under control as soon as possible. The longer you allow this insulin/blood sugar dance to continue, the more permanent damage your body could experience. Type II diabetes is the final insult in this process. The fact that diabetes is the most rapidly rising disease in our society is evidence that carbohydrate intolerance, insulin resistance and obesity are linked, producing the most deadly epidemic of modern times. Most carbohydrate intolerant individuals have repeatedly tried low calorie diets with little result, other than frustration. This is because

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the diet plans are made up of mostly carbohydrates. The ideas is to eat food that is filling while being lower in calories. Unfortunately these diets are going to exacerbate your weight problem in the long run. Due to the widespread epidemic of carbohydrate intolerance, insulin resistance and type II diabetes, it is very safe to say that the vast majority of severely overweight and obese individuals are suffering from these conditions. Since most diet programs focus on low calorie consumption, the majority of those needing weight management are failing to achieve their goals because they are on a totally ineffective program for their body chemistry. Another situation can often occur is when the excess insulin lowers blood sugar too far. This condition is called hypoglycemia and it can occur in infrequent episodes or become chronic, occurring every time the sufferer consumes carbohydrates that rapidly convert to blood sugar. Most hypoglycemic individuals are also battling excess weight and they need to follow our carbohydrate intolerant program, as we will outline next. Some of those suffering from hypoglycemia however, are of normal weight, or even underweight. Since they do not need to pursue a weight management program, we will not discuss these individuals here. Since the majority of those with weight problems will fall into the carbohydrate intolerant type, we will discuss the weight management program for these individuals first. If you fall into this majority, your weight management guidelines will follow in the next section. If you are calorie sensitive, or a combination of both, please forward to those sections. If you are hypoglycemic or diabetic, please see the special instructions at the end of this section.

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The Carbohydrate Intolerant Weight Management Program Our goal with this program will be to stabilize blood sugar and to reduce the amount of insulin produced by the pancreas. This will have several long-term benefits including weight loss, decreased food cravings, and an increase in insulin receptor site function. All of our programs contain three phases. The first phase is quite strict but you will follow it for only a short period of time. This phase is designed to change your body chemistry and improve metabolism. The second phase is the ongoing weight loss phase and it is the program you will follow for a significant amount of time until your weight management goals have been reached. The third phase will be the maintenance phase and has been designed to help you maintain your weight loss while you enjoy the foods you like. Phase 1- Carbohydrate Intolerance Begin by reducing your total carbohydrate intake to no more than 20 grams per day. Purchase a carbohydrate counter, available from any bookstore, and check each food until you are familiar with the carbohydrate count of the foods you regularly consume. During this phase you can make up meals from the following food groups: Proteins: Meat, chicken, fish, fowl, and eggs may be consumed in unlimited amounts. Vegetables: Salad vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, green string beans,

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cucumber, onion, leaks, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower. Spices may also be used in unlimited amounts. Avoid starchy vegetables and all root vegetables. You must avoid grains and all products made from grains. This also goes for sugar. (You may have one or two diet drinks per day) Follow this first phase for 2 to 4 weeks or as advised by your counselor. After the outlined period of time, you will move to phase 2. Phase 2 - Ongoing Weight Loss This will be the ongoing weight loss phase. Increase your total carbohydrate intake to 40 grams per day. Continue to monitor your weight. You should continue to lose weight, though the rate of loss may slow slightly. Note: If your weight loss should stop, or if you should gain weight when entering this phase, contact your counselor or our office. (See contact information in the back of this book) Follow this phase until your weight loss goal has been reached. Should you plateau we will bounce your carbohydrate intake to stimulate your metabolism: Bouncing In the carbohydrate intolerant program we can vary the amount of carbs you consume from day to day. This often helps to jumpstart your weight loss again. Should you plateau for more than 7 days, do the following: Reduce carbohydrate intake to 20 grams for 4 days then increase to 40 grams for 4 days. Repeat this as often as you need to in order to start weight loss again.

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Supplements It is absolutely essential that you use the following recommended supplements and essential oils to maximize your weight management and to prevent the production of starvation hormones, which can stop weight loss completely by slowing your metabolism. When calories and nutrients are deficient, the body views this as a form of starvation and puts the resting metabolism into hibernation, slowing it to a minimum in order to spare energy. This situation can occur either because caloric intake is too low (not a problem on this program), or because nutrient intake is deficient. The following supplements will not only balance the body chemistry making weight management easier, but will also prevent starvation from nutrient deficiencies: • Full Spectrum Multiple Vitamin/Mineral Formula • Targeted formula for glucose/insulin support. We highly recommend GlucoSmart from BeYoung. • A low carbohydrate shake is ideal for supplying protein without excess carbohydrates. • Key essential oils, blended specifically for suppressing appetite and increasing metabolism, also available from BeYoung. Note: BeYoung offers special weight management packs containing all the supplements and essential oils we recommend. Their contact information is in the back of this book. Take these supplements as directed by your counselor or contact our office for recommendations. Beware of Hidden Sugars in Foods Most processed foods contain hidden sugars, sometimes in the most unlikely places. If a food is processed it probably has hidden sugars as sugar is one of the most inexpensive preservatives available to the food industry. Some foods that you may think contain no sugar might include:

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• Peanut butter, 3 to 5 grams per serving • Preserved meats, 5 to 10 grams per serving • Yogurt, 20 to 40 grams of sugar per 6 oz container • Ketchup, 4 grams per tablespoon • Tomato-based products, 5 to 15 grams per serving • Natural granola, 30 to 50 grams of sugar per serving • Soft Drinks or Sodas, 30 to 50 grams of sugar

Always read labels.Hidden sugars can sabotage yourweightmanagement program without you even knowing it. This is especially true in the first phase. We find that if someone stops losing it is either because they are cheating, or because they are consuming far more carbohydrate grams than they are aware of. Sugar can be listed on food labels in many different terms. The following list represents some of the many ways hidden sugar can be listed on processed food products. • Amasake • Apple sugar • Barbados sugar

• Bark sugar • Barley malt • Barley malt syrup • Beet sugar • Brown rice syrup • Brown sugar • Cane juice • Cane sugar • Caramelized foods • Carbitol • Carmel coloring

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• Carmel sugars • Concentrated fruit juice • Corn sweetener

• Corn syrup • Date sugar • Dextrin • Dextrose • Diglycerides • Disaccharides • D-tagalose

• Evaporated cane juice • Evaporated cane juice • Florida crystals • Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) • Fructose • Fruit juice concentrate • Galactose • Glucitol • Glucoamine • Gluconolactone • Glucose • Glucose polymers • Glucose syrup

• Glycerides • Glycerine • Glycerol • Glycol

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• Hexitol • High-fructose corn syrup • Honey • Inversol • Invert sugar • Isomalt • Karo syrups • Lactose • Levulose • “Light” sugar • “Lite” sugar • Malitol

• Malt dextrin • Malted barley • Maltodextrins • Maltodextrose • Maltose • Malts • Mannitol • Mannose • Maple syrup • Molasses • Monoglycerides • Monosaccarides • Nectars • Neotame • Pentose

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• Polydextrose • Polyglycerides • Powdered sugar • Raisin juice • Raisin syrup • Raw sugar • Ribose rice syrup • Rice sweeteners • Rice syrup solids • Saccharides • Sorbitol • Sorghum • Sucanat • Sucanet • Sucrose • Sugar cane • Trisaccharides • Rice malt • Rice sugar

• Turbinado sugar • Unrefined sugar • White sugar Speaking of cheating, on our program you are not only allowed to cheat, but we insist upon it!

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Cheating Everyone cheats while on a weight loss program. This is human nature. There are so many temptations in the processed and fast food industries that it is almost impossible to resist. Unfortunately, almost every time dieters cheat they do so in the most self-destructive way possible. Since we know that you will cheat, we want you to do it the right way. Most people slip from their weight loss program by sneaking and nibbling foods outside their program that they crave. They often do this all day long, thinking erroneously that “just a few candies, nuts or whatever can’t hurt.” The problem is that consuming concentrated carbohydrate foods, even in small amounts, can elevate your insulin levels, preventing weight loss, especially if you do this several times throughout the day. In order to avoid this dangerous temptation, we want to give you the chance to enjoy all your favorite foods while minimizing insulin production. How do we do this? After you have entered the second phase of our program (2 to 4 weeks into the process – there should be no cheating before then) we want you to choose your favorite day of the week and enjoy a favorite meal on that day. For example, have a lovely Saturday night dinner. This day can be any day you wish and any meal within that day. Once you have made your choice, however, it must be the same day and meal every week. On that day and at that meal you may eat anything that you wish! That’s right ANYTHING and in any amount you wish. Want a pizza? Go ahead. How about chocolate cake? Dive right in! The only rules are that you must do this only once a week, and all at the same meal. You have two hours to indulge. Cheating in this manner accomplishes two important things. Firstly, you will know that you are never more than 6 days away from enjoying any favorite food in any amount. Secondly, when you bombard the body with high amounts of carbohydrates all at once, the chemistry cannot change fast enough to cause major metabolic problems. The offending foods are out of the system before the body knows what happened.

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If you have cravings for your favorite foods during the week, simply make a list of them and know that you can have all of these during your cheat meal. This will help you to be more compliant the rest of the week. You will not feel deprived from foods you enjoy. Just remember, you can cheat only once each week and at only one meal. Your cheat meal can last no longer than two hours. Keep a Food Diary Until you become very aware of the carbohydrate content of the foods you consume, it is very helpful to keep a food diary. Be sure to write down everything you consume and the amount consumed. Should you stop losing or hit a plateau, your counselor will need this information to help evaluate what the cause of the problem may be.

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The third, and perhaps the most important phase in the program is the ongoing maintenance to ensure your newfound healthier bodyweight remains the same. According to statistics, a whopping 85% of all dieters regain their lost weight in as little as one year. This losing and gaining is very damaging to your metabolism and can make losing weight much harder in the future. As you approach your target bodyweight, begin increasing carbohydrate intake by 5 grams per day every 4 days. Monitor your weight. As soon as you start to gain, write down the number of carbs you were consuming when the weight gain started. Reduce that number until you stop gaining and stabilize. This process can take a couple of weeks, but you should only have to do this exercise once. When you have established the number of carbohydrate grams you can consume and neither gain nor lose weight, that will be your magic number, your threshold number. This threshold number should be the amount of carbohydrates you consume on a daily basis. Sticking to this number should help you to maintain your weight. Of course you may still cheat once and awhile just as outlined above. Should you fall off course and start to gain, say for example, while on vacation, all you need to do is to take your magic number and cut it in half. Consume that level of carbohydrates until your weight is back to where you want it, then increase carbohydrates to your magic number again to maintain. Keep in mind, everyone’s magic number may be different, which is why it is important for you to establish your own The Carbohydrate Intolerant Maintenance Program

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carbohydrate threshold based on your metabolism. Special Program for Type II Diabetics

If you suffer from diabetes, you are 100% carbohydrate intolerant and need not look further. It is absolutely essential that you lower your carbohydrate intake in order lose excess weight, lower insulin levels, and improve insulin receptor site function. Because you are diabetic, and especially if you are taking oral medications and/or insulin by injection, we need to reduce your carbohydrate intake slowly in order to avoid a low blood sugar situation. The following schedule has proven safe and effective for thousands of diabetics: Begin by establishing your average carbohydrate consumption per day, for the sake of example; let’s say you consume 200 grams of carbohydrates on average each day. Using that starting figure (or whatever your starting figure may be) we want to reduce your carbohydrate intake by 20 grams per day each week. So in our example it would go as follows: Week 1: 200 grams per day

Week 2: 180 grams Week 3: 160 grams Week 4: 140 grams Week 5: 120 grams Week 6: 100 grams Week 7: 80 grams Week 8: 60 grams

When you reach 60 grams of carbohydrate intake daily, stop reducing and maintain that level. Continue with your supplements and exercise program. It is important that you check your blood sugar levels on a regular basis, several times each day. As you lower your carbohydrate intake and continue with your targeted supplements, we would expect your blood

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Be Young University & The Institute of Nutritional Science

sugar levels to fall slowly. As they approach a consistently normal range, you should contact your doctor to have your medications adjusted downward. This is a sign your body is rebalancing and beginning to heal itself. A Special Note For Those With Hypoglycemia Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, also needs to be managed in a very specific manner. These individuals need to eat several times per day in order to maintain stable blood sugar levels. If obesity is a factor, we still need to lower carbohydrates significantly but we must do this in a specific manner. Since the hypoglycemia sufferer must maintain blood sugar by eating several times per day, we must lower carbohydrates more slowly. Begin by eliminating all refined carbohydrates such as sugar, sweets and refined white flour products. Replace these with whole grain products, the more complex the better. Once this transition has been accomplished, we than can begin to lower those complex carbohydrates. Our goal should be to lower total carbohydrate intake to somewhere between 60 and 80 grams of complex carbohydrates per day. This should produce a slow but steady weight loss while maintaining blood sugar levels. Our supplement recommendations apply to both the diabetic and hypoglycemic individuals as well. Calorie Sensitivity It is estimated that about 20% of all overweight people struggle with their weight due to the over-consumption of food. When people with this type of metabolism eat to excess, their body converts those surplus calories into body fat. Most of the popular diet programs in the marketplace are based on reducing and controlling caloric intake. The potential problem with these programs is that they often reduce

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calorie consumption too much, producing starvation hormones which stimulate a slowing of the resting metabolic rate. Over time, this can sabotage your weight management goals.

Calories In, Calories Out In a calorie sensitive person, weight management is all about balancing the amount of calories needed to meet physical and mental activities, rather than monitoring the calories being ingested on a daily basis. There are three ways to balance this: either increase caloric consumption through physical activity, or lower caloric intake, or both. It is interesting to note that even those who fall into the calorie sensitivity group do not metabolize calories in the same manner. For this reason we have established our third metabolic grouping called the Combination Group, which we will discuss in the next section. There are several factors that we know about the calorie sensitive metabolism. Firstly, we know that caloric requirements decline with age. The older one becomes, the fewer calories are needed to maintain bodyweight. This is one reason why calorie sensitive individuals frequently develop a weight problem as they grow older, even though they may have never had a problem maintaining a healthy body weight when younger. While it’s possible to achieve weight loss goals on all of our programs without significantly increasing exercise, the weight loss will not be as fast or as healthy. We are often under the illusion that if someone looks good and is not overweight, they must be healthy. This may, in fact, not be the case. The human body was meant to move and be active. Thirty minutes of controlled exercise three or four times a week can not only accelerate weight loss, but also can increase cardiovascular fitness and health. Exercise seems to be of particular benefit to the calorie sensitive individuals. Balancing the ratio between calories ingested and energy consumed is a pivotal factor in this group’s success. In addition to regular exercise, another way to assist the body in

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© 2015 Be Young Total Health

Be Young University & The Institute of Nutritional Science

managing caloric intake is to modify when calories are consumed. For most calorie sensitive people, eating at night after 6:00 p.m. can present a problem. The body begins to slow as the day ends and various chemical changes take place as night approaches. During the daylight hours, the healthy human digestive system is naturally acidic in order to properly digest foods and absorb nutrients. As night approaches, the pH of the digestive system begins to turn to a more alkaline state, preparing the body to detoxify during the dark hours. We know that the more acidic the digestive system, the faster food is broken down, nutrients are absorbed and waste is eliminated. Consuming high amounts of calories in the evening when the digestive system is turning to the alkaline state, can slow digestion and potentially cause a higher percentage of consumed calories to be stored as fat. Many cultures around the world consume their big meal mid-day rather than at night and are often much healthier for doing so. Another important factor to consider is that not all calories are created equal. There are foods that are far more calorie dense, such as fats which provide over twice the calories per gram than any other food. This does not mean we should eliminate fats from our dietary program. A super low-fat diet is not only unhealthy, it can slow weight loss. Fats stimulate the metabolism and should be included in the diet in moderation. There are also so-called ‘empty calories’ vs. ‘quality calories’. Processed foods are often filled with these empty calories, sugar-rich and refined white flour-based foods provide high calories with very few nutrients. Making wise choices is not only a healthy practice, it will help you reach your weight management goals much faster. We have discussed the problems associated with too few calories and too few nutrients. This is often a greater problem for those on calorie- controlled programs. If the program is not working, dieters tend to keep reducing calories in an attempt to accelerate weight loss. This often works in reverse, however, as the lack of calories and nutrients from the diet cause the body to produce starvation hormones which then signal the body to slow metabolism. Over time, very low calorie diets can produce metabolic damage and make weight loss much more

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difficult. While this is rarely a concern for the carbohydrate intolerant individual, it often plays a major role in the complications facing the calorie sensitive dieter. It is for this reason that it is essential to consume the required amount of calories as outlined in each phase that follows. DO NOT further reduce your caloric intake without first discussing your situation with your weight management counselor. Also, be sure to consume a minimum of three meals per day, no less. Long periods of caloric deprivation can further slow metabolism, making weight loss more difficult. It is ideal to consume three main meals and two very light snacks per day to keep the metabolism stimulated. An interesting thing to remember: the single most common reason why calorie sensitive dieters fail is because they consume too little food!

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© 2015 Be Young Total Health

Be Young University & The Institute of Nutritional Science

The Calorie Sensitive Weight Management Program

Phase 1: Begin by reducing your calorie consumption to 1200 calories per day. Follow this for 2 to 4 weeks. (You can go 6 weeks if you are still losing)

Phase 2: After you complete phase 1, increase your calorie intake to 1400 calories per day. Monitor your weight loss and advise your counselor if your weight loss stops. After following a lower calorie diet for several weeks many people begin to plateau and weight loss stops. No one has ever clearly explained this, but what is happening is that your metabolism is becoming regulated to the lower calorie intake and is resetting itself for that level of caloric intake. In order to stimulate the metabolism and get it to work in your favor again, we will bounce your calories. Begin by increasing your caloric intake to 1800 calories per day for 2 days, and then reduce to 1000 calories per day for 5 days. Repeat this cycle until weight loss resumes and then go back to the above cycle of 1200 calories for 2 weeks then increase to 1400 for two weeks. The E-Word Exercise is very important for all of us, but for the calorie sensitive individual it is especially helpful for weight management. I have seen

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carbohydrate intolerant dieters lose very effectively without much exercise at all. Calories sensitive people can really benefit from regular exercise as it helps to keep their metabolism elevated. We recommend 30 to 40 minutes three to four times per week. A combination of resistance and cardio endurance is best. For the purposes of weight management, any activity that raises heart rate for 30 to 40 minutes is helpful. Supplements Like their carbohydrate counterparts, calorie sensitive individuals can benefit from key dietary supplements. These supplements can help to meet baseline nutrient needs and prevent the over-production of starvation hormones. We recommend the following: • A Full Spectrum vitamin/mineral formula taken daily • A high protein, lower calorie shake which may be used between meals or as a meal replacement, once per day. • Snack bars, if low in calories, may also be used to control hunger • Essential Oils specifically blended to increase metabolism and control cravings to over-eat. Note: the recommended supplements are available singly and in kits from Be Young Total Health. See Resources in the back of this book for further information. Keep a Food Diary It is also helpful, especially in the early stages of weight management, to keep a food diary of your daily consumption. This will help to identify potential problems should you reach a plateau. Be sure to write down everything you consume and the amount consumed. Should you stop losing or hit a plateau, your counselor will need this information to help evaluate what the cause of the problem may be.

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© 2015 Be Young Total Health

Be Young University & The Institute of Nutritional Science

Cheating Cheating is something we all do while on a weight management program. The reasons for this are most often psychological and can be somewhat complex. Suffice it to say that, as discussed before, there is a right and a wrong way to cheat. As with the carbohydrate intolerant person, sneaking and nibbling throughout the day is the absolute worst way to cheat on a weight loss program. In the case of the calorie sensitive individual, this pattern of eating most often causes an excess consumption of calories because we lose track of how much we are actually consuming. Sure, it may be just a few of this or that, but a few dozen calories 15 times a day can really add up. Once you have moved to the second phase as outlined above, you can begin to cheat. Pick one day a week and one meal on that day. When that time arrives you may consume anything and everything you wish. You must however, do this in a two-hour window and only once per week. If you have been adherent to your caloric intake all week, a rapid increase in calories will most often go by virtually unnoticed by your metabolism. Some very sensitive individuals may gain a pound or so from this, but that will fall off again, usually within 24 hours. This form of cheating not only minimizes the negative effects of falling off the program, but it is good for the dieter. You will never be more than a few days away from having whatever favorite food/s you wish. If you have cravings for certain foods during the week, simply write them down, knowing that you will be able to enjoy them in seven days or less. Maintenance As with your carbohydrate intolerant counterparts, there is a proper and efficient way to maintain your newfound weight loss goals without the fear of regaining all lost weight and becoming a yo-yo dieter. Yo-yo dieting is not only frustrating, it can damage your metabolism as well. Have you ever noticed that when you regain lost weight, you almost

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