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Whisler Law Firm - May 2020

4 cup flour until mixture is crumbly. 7. Sprinkle mixture on top of cake batter and bake for 45 minu

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Whisler Law Firm May 2021

8 tsp red pepper flakes Freshly ground black pepper, to taste 3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil DIRECTIO

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Whisler Law Firm - April 2022

card game Pretend you’re on an adventure in another country Snuggle From there, arrange the other fu

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Whisler Law Firm - January 2022

4 cup butter, softened 4 cups canola oil “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it r

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Whisler Law Firm - March 2022

Whisler Law Firm - March 2022 HOLLYWOOD 1909 TYLER ST., SUITE 501 HOLLYWOOD, FL 33020 833-529-5677 B

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Whisler Law Firm - July 2022

or dishes. When attendees aren’t eating, they can relax at a musical or cultural performance. Pierog

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Whisler Law Firm - June 2022

2 tsp salt the surest stepping stones to success.” –Dale Carnegie For the Skewers • 2 lbs chicken br

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Whisler Law Firm - February 2022

2 tsp paprika • Salt and pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS “Live your beliefs and you can turn the world a

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The Whisler Law Firm - August 2022

4 cup extra-virgin olive oil 2 tbsp butter DIRECTIONS 1. In a bowl, mix flour, salt, and pepper unti

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Whisler Law Firm - November 2020

4 cup unsalted butter, cubed • 1 cup light brown sugar, packed • 4 (2-inch) cinnamon sticks DIRECTIO

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Whisler Law Firm - May 2022



MAY 2022


Honoring Our Mothers and Men and Women of the Armed Forces Two Pillars of Our Society

May holds two very important days: Mother’s Day and Memorial Day. Truly, the backbone of our society is based on our mothers and those in uniform who fight for our freedoms and sometimes give the ultimate sacrifice. Without our moms, we literally would not be here, and I’m eternally grateful as we celebrate our moms on Mother’s Day and remember all those who lost their lives serving our country on Memorial Day. When I think about my mom, it always boggles my mind how she does it all. She is superwoman! All throughout my life, she has inspired me, been my greatest support system, taught me right from wrong, guided me, comforted me, and cheered me on. All of this was accomplished while working full time as a teacher, plus driving three kids to and from team practices, doctor visits — and she still managed to get dinner on the table every night. It’s amazing how she only sleeps a few hours a night yet continues to teach and do so much for everyone else: her students, family, and community. She stays active and “Truly, the backbone of our society is based on our mothers and those in uniform who fight for our freedoms and sometimes give the ultimate sacrifice.”

is always on the go — I don’t think I can ever keep up! Helping others is her main priority and she rarely finds time to take for herself. Ever since I can remember, she has been everything to everyone and is always willing to lend a helping hand. I’m so blessed to have had such a great mother, and every day I cherish her.

Being able to watch my wife become a

mother to my daughter was one of the greatest experiences. The unconditional love that flows between them is an amazing thing to witness and I’m very fortunate that my wife is just as amazing as my mom when it comes to raising our child. The way my wife cares for my daughter is unlike any other. Before my daughter, I loved and respected my wife for the amazing person she is. Now, every single day, I am so proud to see the mother she has become. Now, more than ever, we have found a greater appreciation for both teachers and mothers. During the height of the pandemic, parents were thrown right into the ringer and forced to homeschool their children. While juggling careers, taking care of the house, and working with their children at home, moms had their work cut out for them, and my wife flawlessly juggled it all. Great moms can’t call in sick. It’s a full- time job, with no breaks or days off. My wife and mother both have full-time

careers and are always giving to their children without asking for anything in return. I’m so lucky to be surrounded by the best mothers to teach our young. At the end of the month, we also take time to remember members of the armed forces who lost their lives in the line of duty while serving our country. Their bravery, dedication, and hearts will forever be remembered as we honor their service and keep their loved ones and family members in our thoughts. Their service is a debt we can never repay. Happy Mother’s Day and thank you to all those who have served and paid the ultimate price. –Josh Whisler

1-833-529-5677 • 1

Let’s face it: The kids probably aren’t going to get you what you really want for Mother’s Day. We know it’s the thought that counts, but you’ve still earned some pampering. It might be time to take matters into your own hands by celebrating yourself this year — no matter what your children and/or partner have planned. Here are some ideas to get you started. Take the day off. It might be the greatest gift any mother can give herself. Let your partner, the grandparents, or a babysitter take care of the kids for the day and spend time doing what you want to do. Maybe that’s sleeping in late, finally going to see a grown-up movie in a theater, reading a juicy novel, or going on a shopping spree. It doesn’t matter what you choose — not having to worry about temper tantrums, meals, or bedtime is the true gift here. Enjoy a girls’ day out. You probably don’t get to see your friends as much as you’d like, so take the time to get together for some kid-free fun. You can treat yourself to brunch, manicures, or just a bottle of wine and Do It Your Way HOW MOMS SHOULD CELEBRATE THIS MOTHER’S DAY

a good laugh. Having the opportunity to catch up with the gals you love the most can be a great way to rejuvenate. Create a group text and get the party planning started! Have a date night — with the person of your choosing. With whom would you most like to spend some alone time? If it’s your partner, arrange a romantic evening for adults only. If it’s your best friend, schedule a fun outing. Maybe your ideal Mother’s Day involves the kids after all! If so, plan some one-on-one time with each of them, doing something special you know they’ll love. Whomever you choose as your date, you’ll feel more connected (and appreciated) than ever. If your special Sunday is already booked with family activities, remember you can always pick another weekend to treat yourself. That way, you can still get your ideal day — and enjoy the kid-prepared breakfast you’ve come to expect and love.


All car accidents are different, but one thing remains the same: If you have an injury, no matter how minor, we strongly urge you to visit a doctor.

Usually, the decision to go to the doctor is simple and straightforward. Most people will visit a doctor if an injury or sickness is not manageable on their own, concerning, or not getting any better with at-home over-the-counter treatments. When you’re involved in an auto accident, injuries may be serious, and in these situations, medical treatment is obvious and necessary. However, not all auto accidents create devastating injuries and these are the times when many may fail to visit the doctor. Initially, a head or neck injury seems minor, but damage could progress into something worse as time passes. In fact some of the most serious trauma, such as brain injuries, can go undetected for many months or even years. When you’re involved in a car accident and fall victim to injuries, it’s important that you visit a doctor to be evaluated and have issues documented. Playing the waiting game can damage your opportunity to receive PIP coverage down the road if your injuries become more serious over time. If you’re ever involved in an auto accident, we are here to help you receive the compensation you deserve. Call us right away (after you are medically evaluated, of course!) at 1-833-529-5677 .

The state of Florida is a “no fault” state, meaning that under Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Insurance, you will receive compensation for injuries no matter who was at fault in the auto accident. But, to qualify for PIP Insurance coverage, you must be medically evaluated and all injuries must be documented within 14 days of the car accident.



May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, a time in which all motorists are encouraged to pay extra attention to motorcyclists sharing the road to keep everyone safe. Throughout this month, and every month, the American Motorcyclist Association reminds drivers to pay attention to the conditions on the road, to maintain a safe following distance behind motorcycles, to carefully make lane changes and left turns, and to always check mirrors and blind spots twice. Motorcycles are much smaller than other vehicles on the road and, therefore, are more easily missed. Due to the warm and sunny weather, Florida is a very popular state for bikers year round. In fact, over 620,000 motorcycles are registered in the state. While it’s very important for vehicle drivers to be sure they are paying attention to the road, obeying the speed limit, treating motorcyclists with the same respect as other vehicles, and practicing safe and observant driving behaviors, there are some steps motorcyclists can take to help ensure their own safety!

If you are a motorcyclist, wear bright colors to make yourself more visible, obey the speed limit, drive sober, always wear proper safety gear, and avoid blind spots whenever possible. Keeping motorcyclists safe is a joint effort.

As a reminder, if you as a biker are ever involved in an accident, never accept the initial settlement your insurance company offers. Always consult The Whisler Law Firm first to ensure you get the proper compensation to cover your damages and medical bills.

As always, look twice for motorcycles!

Mother’s Day Brunch Rainbow Frittata Inspired by

IN AN ACCIDENT? Check out our personal injury blog and informative articles at

Impress Mom with this delicious breakfast recipe!


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Nonstick cooking spray

• •

Basil, thyme, salt, and pepper, to taste 1/2 avocado, pitted, peeled, and thinly sliced

1/4 cup sweet potato, diced 1/4 cup yellow pepper, diced 1/4 cup broccoli, chopped

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Cherry tomatoes, halved Sriracha hot sauce (optional)

“Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help

8 eggs

DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 350 F and coat a cast-iron skillet with nonstick cooking spray. 2. In the skillet over medium heat, cook sweet potatoes, yellow pepper, and broccoli until soft. 3. In a medium bowl, whisk together eggs, basil, thyme, salt, and pepper. 4. Pour egg mixture into skillet with vegetables. Don’t stir but instead use a spatula to lift the edges of the egg mixture until it is evenly distributed. 5. Transfer mixture to oven. Bake for 5 minutes or until the dish sets. 6. Top with avocado and tomatoes. Drizzle Sriracha on top (if desired).

create the fact.” –William James

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We’re so grateful for all the feedback on our newsletter! If you have anything you’d like to share, we’d love to hear from you.



Celebrating Mother’s Day and Memorial Day


Moms, Treat Yourselves This Mother’s Day


Injured in an Accident? See a Doctor Right Away.


Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month


Mother’s Day Brunch Rainbow Frittata


3 Hacks to Improve Your Kitchen’s Cleanliness


You cook your meals, make your coffee, wash the dishes, and do so many other activities in your kitchen. It’s no surprise that our kitchens are often the most trafficked rooms in our homes. Our kitchens are also commonly the messiest rooms in the house since they’re used to cook meals. Trying to keep your kitchen clean on a daily basis can be maddening. Every time you make a meal, there’s another mess to clean up. It seems like there’s no end to the kitchen cleaning process. Thankfully, there are a few hacks you can try that will lengthen your time between cleanings and ideally help your kitchen sparkle. Garbage Disposal Cleaning If your home has a garbage disposal, there’s a good chance that it’s one of the dirtiest appliances in your kitchen. It’s also one of the hardest things to clean

since it’s located in your sink. But there is an easy trick to keep it fresh. Fill an ice cube tray with water and lemon wedges, then stick it in the freezer. Once it’s frozen, crack the ice cubes free, and send them down the drain with the garbage disposal turned on. The lemons will improve the smell while the ice removes any excess grime and cleans the blades. No Need for Auto Clean How do you normally clean your oven? Do you press the auto-clean button and let it run? While this works, it will often leave your house with a displeasing smell and can even set off your fire alarms. You can make a mixture of 1/3 cup water, 1/3 cup white vinegar, and 1/2 cup baking soda. Spray the inside of your oven with the mixture, but avoid the heating elements. After 8–12 hours, clean the oven with soapy water and dry it using a cloth. Your oven will be cleaner than you might’ve even imagined.

Quick Cabinet Cleaning Your cabinets and pantry can get gross quickly and attract bugs if the items inside of them are open or spilled. If you try to clean your cabinets with a rag, you’ll end up missing some of the crumbs and dirt. Instead, use your vacuum cleaner to capture any debris and ensure they are spotless. It’s a quick and easy method to keep your cabinets clean.