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Winter Sports 2019





Derek Noehren / The North Platte Telegrap

The North Platte girls basketball team poses for a team photo during the NPHS winter sports media day on Dec. 3 at North Platte High School. North Platte girls basketball program on the rise After winning record, district runner-up finish last year, Lady Bulldogs have expectations — and they welcome the challenge

a lot more wins and I think everyone is a lot more com- fortable this year,” Haneborg said. “Having the same coach for a second straight year is big in terms of us being confi- dent and comfortable with our plays and defense.” Another key cog for the Bull- dogs is junior forward Abby Orr. The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga softball com- mit averaged just over five points and just under six re- bounds, but is just scratching the surface of her hoops poten- tial according to Hammond. “Abby is just figuring out how good of a basketball play- er she can be,” Hammond said of his 6-foot-1 post presence. “She’s committed to play Di- vision I softball, but if she set her mind to it she’d have a pretty good opportunity to play basketball at the next lev- el too. I think she’s a lot more confident and comfortable this year and I think she’ll make a big jump.” Along with Orr, 6-foot fresh- man Carly Purdy will give North Platte some much need- ed size in the paint.

“Having (Orr and Purdy) i going to help a lot, because out side of those two, we’re kind o the 5-9 and under crew,” Ham mond said. “Having those two especially when we get the on the court in key times whe we need to rebound is going t a big deal for us.” With experience on her side Orr has been a willing teache to Purdy on what to expect a the varsity level. “We’ve both worked togeth er on being more aggressive, Orr said. “In Class A, especial ly the Omaha teams, they’r really aggressive.” With the move back to Clas A Hammond knows for hi team to be successful, it wil take everybody working a one. “‘We not me’ is our motto We want everybody to be excit ed for everyone else’s success, he said. “If you’re only worrie about yourself, that only get you so far. We have a grea group of kids that work reall hard together and love play ing together, so we’re going t keep working and keep build ing and see where things go.”

play hard and see what hap- pens and we ended up 12-10 and district runner-up to Crete, which ended up in the state final. This year we have ex- pectations, which is a little dif- ferent, because we haven’t had expectations in a while. Last year, we got kind of got it start- ed going in the right direction and now we feel like we have a pretty good chance to be suc- cessful.” One player who’s seen the full spectrum is senior guard Callie Haneborg. The multi-sport standout played as a freshman when the Bulldogs won just one game and has had three coaches in four years. Last season, Hane- borg averaged just under 7 points per game, 3.3 rebounds, two assists and just under three steals. Her quickness and anticipation makes her a catalyst for the Bulldog de- fense. “Callie’s a great player. I wish she wasn’t a senior and

we had her another year,” Hammond said. “She makes what we do on defense work. She finds a way to guard who- ever we put her on. She frus- trates the heck out of people.” Now, as a senior Haneborg has the same coach as she did the year before and is primed to go out with a productive fi- nal season. “I think the big thing is that this group has really came together over these past few years. We’re all on the same page in terms of what we want. Everyone knows each other’s strengths and we’re playing well as a group.” North Platte also returns one of the best players in the state in junior guard Gracie Haneborg, who is getting Divi- sion I interest. Last year as a sophomore, she averaged just shy of 18 points, 4.5 rebounds, 3.3 assists and 4.6 steals. She too is anticipating big things this season. “I feel like we’re expecting

By DEREK NOEHREN [email protected] Expectations. It’s a good problem to have. With a talented roster and second-year head coach Tyson Hammond roaming the side- lines, the arrow is pointing up for North Platte girls basket- ball. In 2015-16, the Bulldogs went 6-19, followed by a 1-24 cam- paign and a 9-14 season — all in Class A. Last season in Ham- mond’s first year, North Platte went 12-10, falling to Crete in a district final, posting its first winning record since a 14-12 campaign in 2014-15 under Mark Woodhead. After a sea- son in Class B, the Bulldogs re- turn to Class A, and Hammond welcomes the challenge. “I think the girls are really looking forward to this sea- son,” Hammond said. “Last year, everything was new and we didn’t really have any real expectations other than just

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With blend of youth and experience, Irish will lean on defense, balanced scoring attac

anced this winter. “I think we’ve got a group of guys that collec- tively have a good skill set and the ability to score,” said O’Malley, who is in his ninth season with the Irish. “We’ve got some good athleticism (on the team) and for the large part, our success we have will come down to our ability to play defense.” The man-to-man de- fense that the Irish em- ploys has been a key of the program under O’Malley and will be a focus again this season. “We have a couple of guys we lost from last year that we’re really good defenders — just ag- gressive and active — and we will need to replace that,” O’Malley said. Some of that reinforce- ment could come from ju- niors Corby Condon and Trayton White, a 5-foot-11 guard and 6-foot-3 for- ward, respectively, and Jack Heiss, a 6-foot sopho- more guard. All three are expected to have bigger roles with the Irish this season. Condon and Heiss con- tribute to the St. Pat’s depth in the backcourt, which is one of the team’s

strengths this year. “I think that is proba bly fair to say,” O’Malley said of his backcourt. “W also feel we have some guys who can come off th bench and contribute and have the ability to pla key roles in some spots. “It’s just hard to know how quickly you’re team is going to take shape, O’Malley said. “You just have to start in and play as well as you can right now and continue to work on weaknesses You just try to just mak steady gains and improv (during the season).” O’Malley said Chas County and Bridgepor both return the most ex perience from last year and with that should b considered a favorite i the South Platte River As sociation this season. He added after that, it coul be wide open in the stand ings. “The rest of us don’ have as many players re turning, but everybody has guys they feel can play,” O’Malley said. “It will just be a matter over the next six weeks or s before it is conference tournament time.”

By TIM JOHNSON [email protected] Charles Aufdenkamp enters the season as not only one of the top return- ing scorers for the St. Pat’s boys basketball team, but also the most experienced varsity player on the Irish roster. The 5-foot-11 senior for- ward, who averaged 8.3 points and 5.1 rebounds per game last year, has earned three letters during his prep career and is a veteran voice for a program which brings back three starters from a 10-15 campaign. “He has just been a re- ally good contributor for us the last three years,” Irish head coach William O’Malley said. “He is just really active around the basket and a physical player for us.” Senior guard Dolan Branch and 6-foot-3 junior forward Alex Davies aver- aged 10.4 and 3.1 ppg last year, respectively. Branch and Davies, who aver- aged 5.1 and 4.3 rebounds per game round out the Irish returning starters and are part of a St. Pat’s offense which O’Malley feels will be pretty bal-

Derek Noehren / The North Platte Telegraph Jack Heiss (2) of St. Pat’s goes up for a layup against Sutherland’s Tayton Schuster (3) and Noah Holm on Dec. 7 at McGahan Activities Center in North Platte. Lady Irish still have lofty goals despite key departure

situations as much as maybe a starter would be in.” Sellers is one of four se- niors on the Irish roster — joined by Kinsey Skillstad, Graci Castillo and Julie Slat- tery. St. Pat’s does not have a ju- nior on the team, but is bol- stered by sophomores Kate Stienike, Jenna Kimberling and Jayla Fleck, along with freshmen Kinley Folchert, Tonja Heirigs and Mae Siegel. Heirigs, a starter at guard, averaged a team-high 16 points a game as the Irish won two of three games to open the season. “Like any group that hasn’t played much together before in game situations, you al- ways wonder as a coach how they are going to gel,” Stie- nike said. “So far they have gelled great and that starts with our senior leaders. They don’t put any pressure on our younger kids, they just let them play. “(The team) has exceed- ed my expectations so far,” Stienike said. “With so many new faces I was expecting a few more bumps along the way this early. The girls have handled everything that has been put in front of them.” Stienike feels Chase Coun- ty and Bridgeport could be the favorites in the South Platte River Association but added his team should be in the mix as well. “We don’t worry too much about it until mid-January when we’re starting to think about the conference tourna- ment,” Stienike said. “Hope- fully by then we’ll be playing even better ball than we are right now and make another trip to the conference finals.”

By TIM JOHNSON [email protected] The lineup has changed significantly for the St. Pat’s girls basketball team this season, but the goals remain the same. The Irish graduated four starters from last year’s squad and the one that re- turned — 6-foot senior post Jocylin Sellers — is out un- til roughly Christmas with a bone contusion on her knee. “Even though we’ve got all these new faces, we’re going to keep doing what we do,” said Irish coach Nathan Stie- nike, who is in his 17th sea- son with the program. “We are going stress our pressure defense and rebounding. We’re still going to run the floor, shoot a lot of (3-point- ers) and try to play a fun style of basketball. “It would be nice to get healthy and get (Sellers) back on the court and then just continue to work on the little things,” Stienike said. “I think this team has so much room for growth. We just need to continue to work hard in practice each day and every time we step on the court.” Led by defense that em- ploys a full-court press and also a 1-3-1 system, that Irish style of basketball has result- ed in a trip to the state tour- nament in six out of the past seven seasons. “We still have those same expectations we’ve had in the past. Our goal is to qualify for the state tournament,” Stie- nike said. “A lot of these girls played in games last year so they have that experience at the varsity level. It just might not have been in the crucial

Tim Johnson / The North Platte Telegraph Kate Stienike of St. Pat’s dribbles the ball up court against Maxwell on Thursday at McGahan Activitie Center in North Platte.





Derek Noehren / The North Platte Telegraph

The North Platte wrestling team poses for a team photo during the NPHS winter sports media day on Dec. 3 at North Platte High School. Bulldogs look to build on success With five returning state

qualifiers, NP wrestling looks to make another run to Omaha

ley, Blake Vaughn, Sky- ler Geier-Dodson, Logan Miles, Kole Weigel, Drue Huntsman and Peyton Dimmitt. Those are all guys that are going to be battling throughout the season and will hopefully get some varsity spots and give themselves a chance to get to the state tourna- ment.” This offseason, Hall and the Bulldogs not only worked on their tactical abilities, but also focused on team building. “We went to a team camp in Dubuque, Iowa, called Iron Sharpens Iron. We did some team bond- ing activities and it was just great,” Hall said. “I think that helped us get closer and hopefully that carries into the rest of the season. We want this to be a brotherhood where everybody is trying to do well for each other.” A longtime wrestling coach, Hall understands that each new season and each new group of wres- tlers presents different challenges. With the goal to be wrestling their best around district tie in Feb- ruary, Hall is observing the early season results closely. “The kids have been working hard (in prac- tice),” Hall said. “I don’t know if I’ve thrown too much at them or not enough. We’ll find out. We want to take it one match at a time and be better on day 100 than we were on day one.”

By DEREK NOEHREN [email protected] Five returning state qualifiers and a sixth- place Class B state tour- ney finish a season ago has this year’s North Platte wrestling team hungry for more. Last season, a talented group of five sophomores all punched their ticket to Omaha, site of the Ne- braska State Wrestling Tournament. That group was led by Darian Diaz, who won a state title at 126 pounds by defeating Omaha Skutt Catholic’s Caleb Lazure in convinc- ing fashion with a 10-2 vic- tory. Meanwhile, Jaylan Ruf- fin finished fourth at 113 pounds, Gavyn Brauer was also fourth at 170, while Cash Arensdorf (160) and Brock Little (120) came away with sixth- place finishes. This year, the Bulldogs jump back up to Class A, but with the returning tal- ent and an influx of other skilled wrestlers, Bulldog head coach Dale Hall is confident. He also wants you to know his team is deeper than the five re- turning state-qualifying juniors. “I’d say the guys that medaled at the state tour- nament last year have a good chance at doing well again this year, but we have some other guys,” Hall said. “I think Gus Kreber will sneak up on some people. And then, Luke Rathjen, Ray Ri-

BH News Service North Platte’s Darian Diaz poses for a photo after winning a Class B state title at 126 pounds last season in Omaha.





Derek Noehren / The North Platte Telegrap

The North Platte boys basketball team poses for a team photo during the NPHS winter sports media day on Dec. 3 at North Platte High School. Bulldogs chomping at the bi With lots of players being thrust into bigger roles, North Platte is fired up for 2019-20 season

shown a competitive fire every day at practice. We play with a lot of intensi- ty and the seniors have set the tone for what I think is going to be a real competitive year for us,” Kaminski said. The Bulldogs do re- turn five seniors, with Steven Garcia headlin- ing that group after lead- ing North Platte in scor- ing last season at 11.6 points per game. Garcia shot 45% from beyond the 3-point arc a season ago, giving North Platte an outside shooting pres- ence, while spacing the court for his teammates. “If you’re shooting in that 45% range, you can really light it up,” Ka- minski said. “That’s a credit to (Garcia). He’s loved basketball his en- tire life and has spent a lot of time in the gym putting up a lot of shots.” Aside from putting up points, Kaminski also expects the 5-foot- 10 sharp-shooter to take on more of a leadership role. “What he did last year was key for us and we

expect him to be more of a leader for us this year,” Kaminski said. “He’s a guy that every- one respects, and as a player he’s more than a shooter. He has ability to get to the rim and is a solid defender and plays with a lot of energy and motor. To have him back as a leader and as some- one who can teach these young kids has been key.” The other four seniors — Tanner Ruda, Aiden Mann, Finn Lucas and Derek Ramos — will all likely get their most ex- tensive playing time this season. With so many players expected to take on bigger roles, Kamins- ki is looking for guys to get comfortable early in the season. “I feel like we have at least 10 guys that can help us in some way,” Ka- minksi said. “Some are young, some are experi- enced, but I just want to see the kids get a feel for it and it’s about figuring out the puzzle and seeing which pieces fit where.”

By DEREK NOEHREN [email protected] In his ninth season guiding North Platte boys basketball, Matt Kamiski is as excited as ever. The Bulldogs are com- ing off a 4-16 campaign and loses six seniors from a season ago. De- spite that, Kaminski likes the makeup of this year’s group and is en- couraged by how his team has worked and competed. “I just feel like last year we had tremendous leadership and a lot of the kids this year have been around that,” Ka- minski said. “I really feel good about our five seniors and the result of the season really de- pends a lot on the quali- ty of your character and leadership of the team. We have a really good group this year.” Kaminski wants the trademark of this team to be its tenacity and fans can expect to see a group that gets after it. “This group had

Telegraph file photo Steven Garcia (3) of North Platte puts up a shot in traffic against Kearney on Jan. 5 in North Platte.






defense and our strengths are our quickness and depth. We don’t have a lot of size this seasonso we will put a lot of focus on rebounding position and outside shooting, as well as offensive execution. Returning starters — Autumn Dick- mander, Mariah Koenen Other letterwinners/newcomers — Kerstin Brown, Lauryn Stanley, Taylyn Bauer, Kristie Hill, Kaylee Kizer, Avery Hayward, Haily Koenen, Maddie Kolm

Editor’s note: Not all coaches in coverage area responded to capsule inquiry by press time. GIRLS BASKETBALL

Class C2 School — Dundy County-Stratton Mascot — Tigers Head Coach — Kris Freeland Last Years Record — 16-8 Overall outlook on season — We have an opportunity to be a very good team. We are stepping up a class this year which could be really tough, but we took forward to the challenge. Returning starters — Cade Lutz, Quade Myers, Keegan Krutsinger, Damon Latta, Lincoln Waters Other letterwinners/newcomers — Mark Nelms, Nolan Burrell Overall outlook on season — I like the make-up our team, and feel we should have a team that gives ourselves a chance to be in every ballgame. As long as our boys play hard, play smart, play together and have fun we will be just fine. Returning starters — Jace Connell, Grant Jones,Eddie Berger, Drew Vickers, Connor Rosfeld, Trevor Ross, Sam Cool, Colbi Smith Overall outlook on season — We are returning four seniors who have signifi- cant playing experience the last couple of years. We will lean on their leadership to guide us early in the season while we work to develop depth. This group of guys will have good team chemistry and look to build on their success that they had in their fall sports. Returning starters — Tayton Schuster, Jade Paxton, Hunter Hoatson, Noah Holm, Adrew Dowse, Luke Martinez Other letterwinners/newcomers — Carter Synder, Ty Monie Class D1 School — Sandhills/Thedford Mascot — Knights Head Coach — Andrew Christen Last Years Record — 9-11 Overall outlook on season — Returning starters — Matthew Dailey, Dane Pokorny Other letterwinners/newcomers — Drew McIntosh, Tyson Stengel, Brant Ahlstrom, Parker Ballenger, Andrew Furrow, Jakob Schaefer, Brett Downing, Kaden Haake, Connor Cooksley, Colinn Winkelbauer, Shaydon Andersen, Dami- an Ramage School — Southwest Mascot — Roughriders Head Coach — Christian Arterburn Last Years Record — Overall outlook on season — We will have a very young team this winter. We lost 95% of our team from last year due to graduation or transfering. The team will count heavily on our lone senior John Stritt and junior Justin Brush. It will be a necessity for these two to becom leaders early in the season for our success as a team. It is crucial for our younger guys to pick up on varsity speed and intensity early in the season and play to thant level for the entire season. We as a team will have a lot of learning and growing to don comparde to those of previous years. Returning starters — John Stritt Other letterwinners/newcomers — Justin Brush, Hunter Cunningham, Carter Van Pelt, Cole Barnett, Kaiden Key returners — Trey Garey (SQ), Ca- sey Faulkenberry (SQ), Patrick Powers (SQ), Austin Cole, Grant Reynolds, Kaden Powers, Lathan Duda (SQ), Keifer Anderson (SQ). Outlook — We are excited about the upcoming season. We are coming off a great season (Class C runner-up, back- to-back Class C dual champions) and are returning several quality wrestlers with lots of state tournament experience and several young wrestlers looking to prove themselves. We have talented wrestlers spread throughout the lineup and aspirations to do great things. We will rely on great team chemistry and the desire to reach new heights. The compe- tition in our room will push everyone to get better each day. School — South Loup Mascot — Bobcats Head Coach — Jeff Cole Last Years Record — 19-5 School — Sutherland Mascot — Sailors Head Coach — Dan Dyer Last Years Record — 9-11 Ruggels, Zack Ryan WRESTLING Class C School — Broken Bow Coach — Ed Schaaf Mascot — Indians

Coach — Ryan Mraz Mascot — Sailors

Key returners — Samuel Foster, Jon Peterka, Gavin White, Austin Lee, Bruce Zogg Outlook — We have a young team with two returning state qualifiers (Foster and Peterka) who are up in weight but have worked hard this summer. Samuel Fos- ter, Jon Peterka and Gavin White should lead the team and hopefully contend at state for medals in February. Key returners — Jacob Gholson, Dalton Whisenhunt, Luke Howitt, Drey Smith (state qualifiers) Outlook — Lots of returning starters who have won a lot of matches the last few years. We have a lot of wrestlers out, which helps with depth in the practice room. We will not be fully healthy until January. We have a nice group of talent- ed freshman. Key returners — Logan Peterson (state qualifier), Suzy Huesman, Carson Ma- son, Talon Crago, Dalton Kunkee, Colby Streit, Lyla Bloomer. Outlook — This is my first year as South Loup’s head coach after serving as an assistant last year. I spent 13 years coaching at Hot Springs, South Dakota. I have coached 63 state medalists and have had a state dual meet, champion- ship team and a state runner-up team, as well as six Top 10 team finishes in South Dakota. This year’s team is a very coachable, hard working team with only one senior. Outlook — We are a young team that lacks experience. I’m looking forward to watching this young team grow and gain experience. School — Medicine Valley Coach — Mike Moses Mascot — Raiders Key returners — Jaden Henderson (SQ), Kaden Bonini, Kaden Cole Outlook — We have an experienced core group of junior wrestlers this year. We are also fielding a large group of freshman this year, which will help fill out a number of weight classes. School — Garden County Coach — Jayson Peetzke Mascot — Eagles Key returners — Colton Holthus, Dutch Yates, Trey Kirch and Dallas Miller. Outlook — We have a great team this year and everyone is working very hard in the room, and are focused on getting better each day. Key returners — Jacob Shaner, Jeremy Larson, Aidan Mullen, Triston Stearns, Noah Jurjens, Kaden Dady. Outlook — This team is looking good in the wrestling room. They are practicing harder than any team I’ve had in the past. They are willing to learn and are very coachable. We should end up being pretty competitive overall. Key returners — Shane Adkisson, Mackenzie Hock, Anthony TenEyck Outlook — Paxton has a varsity wres- tling program again after a 52 year hiatus. This year is about growth and improvement as wrestlers, coaches and as a program. Each match is an oppor- tunity for improvement. SWIM/DIVE Class A School — North Platte Macot — Bulldogs Head Coach — Brian Jahnke Overall outlook on season — We are a very young team boys and girls. We have several returning state qualifiers, but have to put those groups and relays togeter to make it happen. Returning starters — Boys: Chase Leibhart, Ethan Mercer, Jonathan Brouil- lette. Girls: Molly Fitzpatrick, Morgan Girard, Matalie Miller School — Maxwell Coach — Ryan Jones Mascot — Wildcats School — South Loup Coach — Todd Phelps Mascot — Bobcats School — Sandhills Valley Coach — Jason Phelps Mascot — Mavericks Key returners — Gabe Melton School — Brady Coach — Bobby Cahill Mascot — Eagles School — Paxton Coach — Adam Hock Mascot — Tigers

Class A School — North Platte Mascot — Bulldogs Head Coach — Tyson Hammond Last Years Record — 12-10

Overall outlook on season — We feel very good about the girls we have com- ing back. We have a solid core in Gracie Haneborg, Abby Orr and Callie Hane- borg. We feel that we have some good talent coming up that will have a great opportunity to contribute at the varsity level. As always, health and growth will play a major role in this seasons out- comes, but we feel coming in we have the opportunity to be a very solid team. Returning starters — Gracie Haneborg, Abby Orr, Callie Haneborg Other letterwinners/newcomers — Kamryn Huges, Shelby Berglund, Rylee Kurth, Carly Durdy, Sedina Hayes Overall outlook on season — We had a tough district final loss to eventual state runner up Lincoln Christian 41-36. That loss motivated us this summer to get better. We will have to continually develop quality depth but I like the make up of this team. We traveled to Lincoln every week for the Lincoln East summer league to play the best competition we could this summer and we are hoping that all the window miles and work we put in comes full circle. We return 99% of our statistical production from a year ago so expectations are high. Our guard play should be solid, bu like any team we have to stay healthy. Returning starters — Kali Staples, Majesta Valasek, Kya Scott Other letterwinners/newcomers — Sydney Carrizales, Joscelyn Coleman, Lindsay Schauda, Graycee Oeltjen, Emma Schall, Emily Trotter Class C1 School — Broken Bow Mascot — Lady Indians Head Coach — Kelly Cooksley Last Years Record — 20-6 Overall outlook on season — We have a hard working, active group of players capable of pressing and pushing the pace. As do many teams at this early point in the year, we have lots of room for improvement but see ourselves as being very competitive. Returning starters — Mallie McNair, Alexix Richond, Sophie Spady, Ashley Bubak, Hannah Meeske Other letterwinners/newcomers — Bryn McNair, Jordan Jablonski, Morgan Peterson, Jerzee Milner Head Coach — Abe Hinman Last Years Record — 19-5 Overall outlook on season — We return all starters from last year’s team and look to improve on our 19-5 season from last year. Another year of experi- ence for the younger girls that we will look to for added depth. Our culture is the best in has ever been and the girls are highly motivated to do well and to get the season’s journey underway! Returning starters — Jessie Sallach, Kalie Glendy, Landyn Cole, Jadeyn Bubak, Calyn Laible, Bailey Schwarz, Megan Donegan, Mya Weverka Class D1 School — Dundy County-Stratton Mascot — Tigers Head Coach — Matt Thomas Last Years Record — 24-3 Overall outlook on season — We have a good core group returning from last year. If we can develop some depth throughout the year, we should be com- petitive in the area. Our goal is to reach our potential and be playing our best basketball by conference and district time. Returning starters — Sable Lambley, McKinzie Baney, Maggie Lutz Other letterwinners/newcomers — Jessie Freeland, Sydney Reichart, Haylee Davis, Taryn Burrell School — South Platte Mascot — Blue Knights Head Coach — Andie Cheleen Last Years Record — 19-2 Overall outlook on season — We have started out the season 3-0 this year. We focus a lot on playing aggressive School — Chase County Mascot — Longhorns Head Coach — Randy Longoria Last Years Record — 14-10 Class C2 School — South Loup Mascot — Bobcats

Class D2 School — Medicine Valley Mascot — Raiders Head Coach — Derek Bantam Last Years Record — 5-16

Overall outlook on season — We return a great group of girls from our 5-16 season. We return four of our five starter from a year ago and are looking to improve on what we did last year. We have a good group of newcomers to fill out the remaining roster. We will look to be competitive in every game we play. Returning starters — Sabra Schmidt, Acelyn Klein, Jessa Bailey, Kaylyn Ro- blee Other letterwinners/newcomers — Hannah Schultz, Milla Farr, Khloe Sesten Overall outlook on season — We have good leadership from our starter and a group of girls that want to work hard. With being in a new system we will all have some learning curve. Our goal is to improve each day striving for perfection. Returning starters — Sydey Pelster, Quinn Koop, Mariah Gardner Other letterwinners/newcomers — De- nay Pelster, Karli Finley, Hayley Lundu- all, Arianna Davie, Jennifer Silva-Lopez, School — Wallace Mascot — Wildcats Head Coach — Shawn Sullivan Last Years Record — 8-13

Angie Vasquez, Ainsley Strawder BOYS BASKETBALL

Class B

School — Lexington Mascot — Minutemen

Head Coach — Zach Jones Last Years Record — 15-10

Overall outlook on season — We will senior led team that is looking to take our program to a new level. We bring back three starters and will mix in other upper-men into our lineup. We will have more length this year that any time in the recent past. The success of our team will depend on the buy in we have at the defensive end of the floor. We are excited for the season. Returning starters — Nick Saiz, Dylan Richman, Kaleb Carpenter Other letterwinners/newcomers — Christian Dominguez, Dau Mach, Eli Young, Austin Friedrichsen, Austyn Stewart

Class C1 School — Chase County Mascot — Longhorns Head Coach — Chris Bartels Last Years Record — 16-6 Overall outlook on season —

Returning starters — Kobe Clevenger, Taylor Jablonski, Bennett Bauerle, Clay Meeske, Logan Jussel, Mason Nordhau- sen, Cedric Maxwell Other letterwinners/newcomers —

School — Gothenburg Mascot — Swedes Head Coach — Scott Carlin Last Years Record — 5-16

Overall outlook on season — I believe the Swedes team should be much im- proved this season. We have grown up over the summer. This team’s success will depend on its commitment to de- fense. If we defend like I believe we ca- pable of we can be dangerous. Mawuire Bartlett, Brody Steinike and Conner Bak- er are all senior returning starters who must provide valuable leadership for this group. I look for this group to play a faster pace to fit this style of team. We have a good mixture of experience back with some players who are finally healthy that can allow this team to show what they can truly do. I look for a tough start with opening with Lexington who will be good but a chance to compete is all these guys have asked fro all season. The Swedes will be a fun team to coach due to the character of our leaders. Our leadership can create advantages for this team. I we stay together, defend and embrace competition we can be there at the end of the year. Returning starters — Maguire Bartlett, Conner Baker, Brody Stienike, Owen Gieken Other letterwinners/newcomers — Tyler Whiting, Tucker Wyatt, Mason Men- dell, Wes Geiken

Class D

School — Sutherland





Nebraska all-class high school wrestlers to keep an eye on By NICK RUBEK BH News Service

Northwest The Navy signee showed what makes him worthy of the No. 19 spot in InterMat’s national rankings during a run to th 195-pound crown in Class B year ago. Not only did he revers fortunes against Wahoo’s Sa Kolterman in a rematch of their 2018 title tilt, but he did so by 12-3 major decision. Paul Garcia, Scottsbluff The junior is halfway to th high school sweep, with state titles at 113 and 106 in 2019 an 2018, respectively. Later thi month he’ll take part in the Iron man tournament in Ohio, an annual collection of some of th country’s best. It’s the third time Garcia has been in the field. Kasten Grape, Columbus A 52-2 junior campaign end ed with a Class A title at 220 Grape, who has 100 career pins is ranked No. 23 in the countr by WIN Magazine. Nick Stoltenberg, Omaha Skutt Looking to join a long list o SkyHawks with at least thre titles — 10 since 2000 — Stolten berg will try to follow up a 35- junior season that he capped wit a championship at 138. Damen Pape, Hastings Ranked No. 16 in the country b WIN Magazine at 182, the senior finished 47-0 a year ago, beating another nationally ranked wres tler — Waverly’s Evan Canoye — in the 170-pound Class B final.

Here are some wrestlers to keep an eye on for the 2019-20 wrestling season. Maxx Mayfield, Lincoln East The senior, a Northwestern signee, is ranked No. 9 nation- ally by InterMat at 152 pounds and eighth at 145 by WIN Maga- zine, though Mayfield likely will wrestle at 160 for the Spartans. He went 51-1 as a junior, pinning three state tournament oppo- nents and earning a technical fall over the other. Another state gold would make Mayfield the first in Lincoln East history to win three. How do you follow up a perfect first campaign? Grice is about to find out. The sophomore went 49-0 during his freshman season on his way to the gold medal at 113 pounds. Grice is expected to move up to 120 this season, as is Omaha Central’s Emilio Haynes, whom Grice beat 4-3 in the state final. Gage Krolikowski, Valentine The lone wrestler going for a fourth title this season, Kroli- kowski is hoping to lead the Bad- gers to a fourth straight Class C team crown, as well. He went 41-0 during his junior year, winning a championship at 132. Four falls at the state tournament would give him the state’s record for career pins at the event. Garrett Grice, Bellevue East

BH News Service Paul Garcia of Scottsbluff stares down Jace Russman of Cozad during the class B 113-pound Championship match on Feb. 16 in Omaha.

Grady Griess, Grand Island


BOYS Listed below are the Nebraska high school preseason boys basketball ratings by Omaha World-Herald staff writer Stu Pospisil. Top 10/Class A, record, 2019

but definitely deserved with the presence of veteran coach John Larsen and Creigh- ton recruit Morgan Maly, who averaged 20 points and 8.5 rebounds last season. The Cardinals graduated just one reserve from last year. 6. Millard North, 23-4, 1 TheMustangs won’t sneak up on anyone this season after capturing state last year as the No. 5 seed. Three starters graduat- ed from that squad but the return of guard Nicole Avila-Ambrosi, who averaged al- most 14 points last season, is a positive. 7. Papillion-La Vista, 22-5, 6 The Monarchs were one of the top Class A teams much of last year but three late-season losses and a first-round exit at state wasn’t the way Papio wanted to finish. Replacing playmaking guard Jo- sey Ryan won’t be easy but the return of 3-point bomber Olivia Boudreau will help. 8. Omaha Westside, 22-5, 7 Three senior starters return for the Warriors, who lost in the first round of last year’s state tournament. Five seniors graduated from that squad but the return of guard Ella Wedergren and forward Jas- mine McGinnis-Taylor makes Westside a threat. 9. Grand Island NW, 18-5, 9 The Class B Vikings crack the overall Top 10 coming off the school’s fourth state championship. The graduation of seven se- niors might be problematic but the return of All-Nebraska guard Whitney Brown, who averaged 16.4 points, is a big plus. 10. Lincoln Christian, 19-9, NR No, former all-stater Chloe Dworak hasn’t returned to the Crusaders. But coach Nick Orduna’s Class C-1 squad re- turns everyone from last year’s team that finished as the state runner-up and that’s good enough to make Christian an early favorite to make some noise. Class A

8, Riverside, 24-1, 3xx 9, Hartington-Newcastle, 16-10, 8 10, Pleasanton, 13-11, NR x-Class C-2; xx-Class D-1 Class D2 1, Humphrey St. Francis, 22-5, 5 2, Falls City Sacred Heart, 25-3, 4 3, Loomis, 19-7, 7 4, Mullen, 17-7, 9 5, Johnson-Brock, 24-4, 1 6, Mead, 10-11, NR 7, Lawrence-Nelson, 12-13, 10 8, Lincoln Parkview, 10-12, NR

Class B

1. Crete, 21-6, 2 2. Grand Island NW, 18-5, 1

3. Norris, 11-12, 9 4. Seward, 20-5, 5 5. York, 10-13, NR 6. Waverly, 23-3, 3

7. Omaha Skutt, 18-7, 8 8. Platteview, 15-11, NR 9. Bennington, 14-10, NR 10. Sidney, 22-4, 10 Class C1 1. Lincoln Christian, 19-9, 3 2. North Bend, 19-8, 4 3. Wahoo, 25-2, 2 4. Broken Bow, 20-6, NR 5. Adams Central, 18-8, 8 6. Norfolk Catholic, 11-12, NR 7. West Point-Beemer, 23-3, 6 Class C2 1. Hastings St. Cecilia, 26-1, 1 2. Crofton, 23-4, 3 3. Superior, 19-6, 5 4. Fillmore Central, 23-6, 4 5. Wahoo Neumann, 23-3, NR 6. BRLD, 15-8, NR 7. Ponca, 23-4, 6 8. Centennial, 18-7, NR 9. Oakland-Craig, 23-4, 2 10. Grand Island CC, 18-6, NR 5. Diller-Odell, 13-11, NR 6. Humphrey/LHF, 21-5, 2 7. Dundy County-Stratton, 24-3, 3 8. Elkhorn Valley, 24-6, 5 9. North Platte St. Pat’s, 24-2, 6 10. Hartington-Newcastle, 17-8, 8 1. Wynot, 22-6, 1 2. BDS, 23-5, 4 3. Humphrey St. Francis, 23-4, 3 4. Falls City SH, 25-4, 2 5. Lawrence/Nelson, 20-5, NR Class D2 8. St. Paul, 13-10, NR 9. Chadron, 15-9, NR 10. Mitchell, 25-3, 5 Class D1 1. Pleasanton, 27-2, 4 2. CWC, 21-5, NR 3. Weeping Water, 18-9, 7 4. Fremont Bergan, 19-8, 1

1, Millard North, 16-8, 8 2, Bellevue West, 26-2, 3 3, Omaha South, 21-6, 1 4, Omaha Central, 22-6, 2 5, Omaha Westside, 19-6, 5 6, Lincoln North Star, 17-9, 6 7, Omaha Creighton Prep, 22-5, 7 8, Papillion-LV South, 14-12, NR 9, Lincoln Pius X, 27-2, 4x 10, Kearney, 20-6, 8 x-Class B Class B 1, Omaha Skutt, 23-5, 4 2, Omaha Roncalli, 25-3, 3 3, Hastings, 14-7, 10

9, Randolph, 8-14, NR 10, Deshler, 15-10, NRx x-Class D-1 GIRLS

Listed below are the Nebraska high school preseason girls basketball ratings by Omaha World-Herald staff writer Mike Patterson. Top 10, record, 2019 1. Millard South, 21-4, 5 The Patriots deserve the top spot with the return of eight seniors, including Divi- sion I commits Jayme Horan and Maddie Krull. This senior class is 71-11 the past three years and there’s only one way this group wants to finish the season. 2. Lincoln Pius X, 20-5, 3 The Thunderbolts have the inside game to give opposing teams problems but must replace graduated forward and top scor- er Kloee Sander. A triple-overtime loss to eventual champion Millard North in last year’s state tourney semifinals also will serve as motivation. 3. Fremont, 18-8, NR Any team coached by Kelly Flynn and led by Taylor McCabe, who averaged 18 points as a freshman, has to be considered a threat in Class A. The Tigers came ago- nizingly close to state last season, losing 57-56 to Papillion-La Vista in the district final. 4. Lincoln East, 19-7, 4 The Spartans upset Millard South in the first round of last year’s state tourney before losing in the semifinals. East re- turns everyone from that squad — includ- ing top scorer Charlotte Bovaird — so the motivation and talent are definitely there. 5. Crete, 21-6, NR An ambitious rating for a Class B squad

4, Elkhorn MM, 18-8, 9 5, Scottsbluff, 14-11, 7 6, Bennington, 20-7, 6 7, Wahoo, 24-5, 4x 8, Alliance, 19-7, 8 9. Lexington, 15-10, NR 10, Norris, 12-14, NR x-Class C-1

Class C1

1, Auburn, 24-3, 1 2, Ogallala, 28-1, 3 3, Kearney Catholic, 18-5, 8 4, Ashland-Greenwood, 18-7, NR 5, North Bend, 25-4, 2 6, Lincoln Christian, 17-9, NR 7, Wahoo Neumann, 16-8, 9 8, Adams Central, 17-8, 6

9, Boys Town, 19-8, 7 10, Mitchell, 16-10, NR

Class C2

1, BRLD, 27-1, 1 2, Yutan, 23-6, 2 3, Grand Island CC, 18-8, 5x

4, Sutton, 24-3, 5 5, Ponca, 24-5, 3 6, Centennial, 24-4, 4 7, Wakefield, 20-4, 9

8, Oakland-Craig, 12-11, NR 9, Lincoln Lutheran, 13-9, NR 10, Tri County, 19-6, 8 x-Class C-1 Class D1 1, Humphrey/LHF, 23-6, 1 2, Elm Creek, 22-5, 4 3, Paxton, 25-2, 3 4, Laurel-CC, 22-5, 6x 5, Howells-Dodge, 18-10, 10x 6, Fullerton, 18-7, 5 7, Osmond, 27-2, 2xx

1. Millard South, 21-4, 5 2. Lincoln Pius X, 20-5, 3 3. Fremont, 18-8, 10 4. Lincoln East, 19-7, 4 5. Millard North, 23-4, 1 6. Papillion-La Vista, 22-5, 6 7. Omaha Westside, 22-5, 7 8. Millard West, 13-11, NR 9. Lincoln High, 11-13, NR 10. Lincoln Northeast, 16-7, 9

6. Mullen, 21-4, 6 7. Sterling, 22-7, 5 8. Silver Lake, 14-8, NR 9. Loomis, 16-7, NR 10. Exeter-Milligan, 19-6, 9

Have a Great Season!

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Holiday Tourney Jan. 3-4 — Anselmo-Merna at Brady Holi- day Tourney Jan. 7 — Anselmo-Merna at St. Pat’s Jan. 11 — St. Mary’s at Anselmo-Merna Jan. 16 — Central Valley at Anselmo-Merna Jan. 17 — Sandhills Valley at Anselmo-Mer- na Jan. 21 — Anselmo-Merna at SEM Jan. 24 — North Central at Anselmo-Merna Jan. 25-Feb. 1 — Anselmo-Merna at MNAC Tourney Feb. 4 — Anselmo-Merna at Spalding Academy Feb. 6 — Anselmo-Merna at Twin Loup Feb. 11 — South Loup at Anselmo-Merna Feb. 14 — Ansley-Litchfield at Anselmo-Mer- na Arthur County Dec. 5 — Arthur County at South Platte Dec. 7 — Hay Springs at Arthur County Dec. 13 — Arthur County at Cody-Kilgore Dec. 21 — Arthur County at Potter-Dix Jan. 3 — Leyton at Arthur County Jan. 4 — Arthur County at Hyannis Jan. 10 — Arthur County at Wallace Jan. 11 — Brady at Arthur County Jan. 17 — Maywood-Hayes Center Jan. 18 — Arthur County at Mullen Jan. 24 — Hyannis at Arthur County Feb. 13 — Arthur County at Sandhills/Thed- ford Feb. 15 — Arthur County at Waune- ta-Plaisade Brady Dec. 6 — Garden County at Brady Dec. 10 — Sutherland at Brady Dec. 13 — Brady at Paxton Dec. 14 — Twin Loup at Brady Dec. 17 — Brady at Southern Valley Dec. 19 — Brady at Maywood-Hayes Center Dec. 21 — Brady at Loomis Dec. 30-31 — Brady at Maxwell Holiday Tourney Jan. 3-4 — Brady Holiday Tourney Jan. 10 — Mullen at Brady Jan. 11 — Brady at Arthur County Jan. 14 — Overton at Brady Jan. 18 — South Loup at Brady Jan. 21 — Brady at Maxwell Jan. 25-Feb. 1 — Brady at MNAC, Broken Bow Feb. 4 — Brady at Wallace Feb. 6 — Brady at Sandhills Valley Feb. 7 — Brady at Arapahoe Feb. 14 — Medicine Valley at Brady Creek Valley Dec. 6 — Hynnis at Creek Valley Dec. 7 — Creek Valley at Maxwell Dec. 10 — St. Pat’s at Creek Valley Dec. 13 — Creek Valley at Potter-Dix Dec. 14 — Bayard at Creek Valley Dec. 20 — Sedgwick County, Co at Creek Valley Dec. 27-28 — Creek Valley at Perkins Coun- ty Holiday Tourney Jan. 10 — Weldon Valley, Co at Creek Valley Jan. 11 — Creek Valley at Minatare Jan. 14 — Creek Valley at Haxtun, Co Jan. 16 — Creek Valley at Paxton Jan. 21-25 — Creek Valley at MAC Tourney Jan. 28 — Creek Valley at Sutherland Jan. 30 — Bridgeport at Creek Valley Jan. 31 — Creek Valley at Garden County Feb. 7 — Creek Valley at Leyton Feb. 8 — Peetz, Co at Creek Valley Feb. 11 — Perkins County at Creek Valley Feb. 14 — South Platte at Creek Valley Garden County Dec. 6 — Garden County at Brady Dec. 7 — Garden County at Sedgwick County, CO Dec. 10 — Sioux County at Garden County Dec. 13 — Morrill at Garden County Dec. 14 — Garden County at Crawford Dec. 19 — Perkins County at Garden Coun- ty Dec. 20 — Bayard at Garden County Jan. 2-3 — Garden County at Paxton Holi- day Tourney Jan. 9 — Garden County at Hemingford Jan. 14 — Garden County at Crawford Jan. 18 — Perkins County at Garden County Jan. 21-25 — Garden County at MAC Tour- ney, Bridgeport Jan. 30 — Garden County at South Platte Jan. 31 — Creek Valley at Garden County Feb. 6 — Arthur County at Garden County Feb. 7 — Garden County at Potter-Dix Feb. 11 — Garden County at Hyannis Feb. 13 — Garden County at Leyton Feb. 14 — Hay Springs at Garden County Hyannis Dec. 6 — Hyannis at Creek Valley Dec. 7 — Hemingford at Hyannis Dec. 13 — Mullen at Hyannis Dec. 17 — Hyannis at Gordon-Rushville Dec. 19 — Hyannis at Crawford Dec. 21 — Wauneta-Palisade at Hyannis Jan. 4 — Arthur County at Hyannis Jan. 10 — South Platte at Hyannis Jan. 17 — Cody-Kilgore at Hyannis Jan. 18 — Hyannis at Sandhills Valley Jan. 23 — Sandhills/Thedford at Hyannis Jan. 24 — Hyannis at Arthur County Jan. 25-Feb. 1 — Hyannis at MNAC Tour- ney, Broken Bow Feb. 4 — Hyannis at Hay Springs Feb. 11 — Garden County at Hyannis Dec. 5 — Medicine Valley at Southwest Dec. 6 — Paxton at Medicine Valley Dec. 10-14 — Medicine Valley at Cattle Trail Tourney Dec. 19 — Hitchcock County at Medicine Valley Dec. 20 — Medicine Valley at South Loup Jan. 6 — Medicine Valley at Alma Jan. 7 — Wallace at Medicine Valley Jan. 10 — Medicine Valley at Arapahoe Jan. 14 — Sandhills Valley at Medicine Valley Jan. 16 — Medicine Valley at Dundy Coun- ty-Stratton Jan. 23 — Medicine Valley at Hi-Line Jan. 25-Feb. 1 — Medicine Valley at RPAC Tourney, Medicine Valley Feb. 4 — Maywood-Hayes Center at Medi- cine Valley Feb. 6 — Medicine Valley at Wauneta-Pali- sade Feb. 7 — Bertrand at Medicine Valley Feb. 13 — Maxwell at Medicine Valley Feb. 14 — Medicine Valley at Brady Feb. 14 — Hyannis at Mullen Feb. 15 — Hyannis at Minatare Medicine Valley

Feb. 8 — Minden at Gothenburg Feb. 11 — Gothenburg at Ogallala Feb. 14 — Gothenburg at Ainswroth Hershey Dec. 5 — Hershey at Perkins County Dec. 6 — Gothenburg at Hershey Dec. 13 — Hershey at Cozad Dec. 14 — Hershey at St. Pat’s Dec. 20 — Kimball at Hershey Dec. 21 — Hershey at Ogallala Jan. 3 — Hershey at Broken Bow Jan. 4 — Southern Valley at Hershey Jan. 7 — Hershey at South Loup Jan. 10 — Maxwell at Hershey Jan. 11 — Hershey at Bridgeport Jan. 14 — Hershey at Sutherland Jan. 17 — Hershey at Valentine Jan. 18 — Holdrege at Hershey Jan. 20-25 — Hershey at SPVA Tourney Feb. 1 — Hershey at Chase County Feb. 4 — Hershey at Mullen Feb. 8 — Dundy County-Stratton at Hershey Feb. 11 — Paxton at Hershey Feb. 13 — St. Pat’s at Hershey Ogallala Dec. 6 — Ogallala at Lexington Dec. 7 — Minden at Ogallala Dec. 13 — Ogallala at Sutherland Dec. 14 — Ogallala at Chase county Dec. 17 — Ogallala at St. Pat’s Dec. 20 — Ogallala at Gering Dec. 21 — Hershey at Ogallala Dec. 27-30 — Ogallala at KCHS Holiday Tourney Jan. 3 — Perkins County at Ogallala Jan. 9 — Bridgeport at Ogallala Jan. 10 — Ogallala at Cozad Jan. 17 — Sidney at Ogallala Jan. 18 — Ogallala at Valentine Jan. 24 — Ogallala at Alliance Jan. 25 — Ainsworth at Ogallala Jan. 27-Feb. 1 — Ogallala at SWC Tourney Feb. 7 — Ogallala at McCook Feb. 8 — Broken Bow at Ogallala Feb. 11 — Gothenburg at Ogallala Feb. 13 — Ogallala at Mitchell Class C2 Hi-Line Dec. 5 — Wilcox-Hildreth at Hi-Line Dec. 6 — Ansley-Litchfield at Hi-Line Dec. 10 — Hi-Line at Maxwell Dec. 13 — Hi-Line at Pleasanton Dec. 14 — Wallace at Hi-Line Dec. 17 — Hi-Line at Bertrand Dec. 20-21 — Hi-Line at SEM Pre-Holiday Tourney Jan. 3 — Hi-Line at Southwest Jan. 7 — Maywood-Hayes Center at Hi-Line Jan. 17 — Hi-Line at Arapahoe Jan. 21 — Hi-Line at Overton Jan. 23 — Medicine Valley at Hi-Line Jan. 24 — Loomis at Hi-Line Jan. 28 — Amherst at Hi-Line Jan. 31 — Axtell at Hi-Line Feb. 1-8 — Hi-Line at FKC Tourney Feb. 11 — Elm Creek at Hi-Line Feb. 14 — Hi-Line at South Loup Maxwell Dec. 6 — Maxwell at Sandhills/Thedford Dec. 7 — Creek Valley at Maxwell Dec. 10 — Hi-Line at Maxwell Dec. 12 — Maxwell at St. Pat’s Dec. 14 — Maxwell at Mullen Dec. 20 — Paxton at Maxwell Jan. 4 — Maxwell at Arapahoe Jan. 10 — Maxwell at Hershey Jan. 11 — Maxwell at Overton Jan. 14 — Maxwell at Maywood-Hayes Center Jan. 17 — South Loup at Maxwell Jan. 18 — Maxwell at Cambridge Jan. 21 — Brady at Maxwell Feb. 7 — Wallace at Maxwell Feb. 11 — Sutherland at Maxwell South Loup Dec. 6 — South Loup at Twin Loup Dec. 7 — South Loup at Amherst Dec. 13 — Cambridge at South Loup Dec. 14 — Pleasanton at South Loup Dec. 17 — South Loup at SEM Dec. 20 — Medicine Valley at South Loup Jan. 7 — Hershey at South Loup Jan. 9 — South Loup at Sandhills/Thedford Jan. 11 — South Loup at Bertrand Jan. 17 — South Loup at Maxwell Jan. 18 — South Loup at Brady Jan. 21 — South Loup at Arcadia/Loup City Jan. 23 — South Loup at Ansley-Litchfield Jan. 25-Feb. 1 — South Loup at MNAC Tourney Feb. 7 — Mullen at South Loup Feb. 8 — Southern Valley at South Loup Feb. 11 — South Loup at Anselmo-Merna Feb. 14 — Hi-Line at South Loup Class D1 Dundy County-Stratton Dec. 6-7 — Dundy County-Stratton at Kim- ball Tourney Dec. 10-14 — Dundy County-Stratton at Cattle Trail Tourney Dec. 17 — Dundy County-Stratton at At- wood-Rawlins County, KS Dec. 21 — Dundy County-Stratton at Per- kins County Jan. 4 — Dundy County-Stratton at Perkins County Jan. 7 — Chase County at Dundy Coun- ty-Stratton Jan. 11 — Dundy County-Stratton at Wray, CO Jan. 14 — Hitchcock County at Dundy County-Stratton Jan. 16 — Medicine Valley at Dundy Coun- ty-Stratton Jan. 21 — Dundy County-Stratton at Wal- lace Jan. 23 — Cambridge at Dundy Coun- ty-Stratton Jan. 25-Feb. 1 — Dundy County-Stratton at RPAC Tourney Feb. 7 — Southwest at Dundy County-Strat- ton Feb. 11 — St. Pat’s at Dundy County-Strat- ton Feb. 14 — Dundy County-Stratton at South- ern Valley Maywood-Hayes Center Dec. 6 — Maywood-Hayes Center at Wal- lace Dec. 7 — Southwest at Maywood-Hayes Center Dec. 10-14 — Maywood-Hayes Center at Cattle Trail Tourney Dce. 17 — Maywood-Hayes Center at Sand- hills Valley Dec. 19 — Brady at Maywood-Hayes Center Jan. 9 — SEM at Hi-Line Jan. 16 — Hi-Line at Alma

Dec. 27-28 — Maywood-Hayes Center at Perkins County Holiday Tourney Jan. 1-2 — Maywood-Hayes Center at Pax- ton Holiday Tourney Jan. 7 — Maywood-Hayes Center at Hi-Line Jan. 10 — Maywood-Hayes Center at Paxton Jan. 14 — Maxwell at Maywood-Hayes Center Jan. 17 — Maywood-Hayes Center at Arthur County Jan. 23 — Bertrand at Maywood-Hayes Center Jan. 25-Feb. 1 — Maywood-Hayes Center at RPAC Tourney Feb. 4 — Maywood-Hayes Center at Medi- cine Valley Feb. 7 — Hitchcock County at May- wood-Hayes Center Feb. 11 — Maywood-Hayes Centerat South Platte Feb. 14 — Wauneta-Palisade at May- wood-Hayes Center St. Pat’s Dec. 6 — St. Pat’s at Broken Bow Dec. 7 — Sutherland at St. Pat’s Dec. 10 — St. Pat’s at Creek Valley Dce. 12 — Maxwell at St. Pat’s Dec. 14 — Hershey at St. Pat’s Dec. 17 — Ogallala at St. Pat’s Dec. 19 — St. Pat’s at Gothenburg Dec. 27-28 — St. Pat’s at Arapahoe Holiday Tourney Jan. 7 — Anselmo-Merna at St. Pat’s Jan. 10 — St. Pat’s at Perkins St. Pat’s County Jan. 11 — Cozad at St. Pat’s Jan. 14 — St. Pat’s at Mullen Jan. 17 — St. Pat’s at Overton Jan. 20-25 — St. Pat’s at SPVA Tourney Feb. 7 — Chase County at St. Pat’s Feb. 8 — St. Pat’s at Cambridge Feb. 11 — St. Pat’s at Dundy County-Strat- ton Feb. 13 — St. Pat’s at Hershey Perkins County Dec. 5 — Hershey at Perkins County Dec. 13 — Kimball at Perkins County Dec. 14 — Perkins County at Gothenburg Dec. 17 — Paxton at Perkins County Dec. 21 — Dundy County-Stratton at Per- kins County Jan. 3 — Perkins County at Ogallala Jan. 10 — St. Pat’s at Perkins County Jan. 11 — Sutherland at Perkins County Jan. 16 — Chase County at Perkins County Jan. 17 — Perkins County at Waune- ta-Plaisade Feb. 8 — South Platte at Perkins County Feb. 11 — Perkins County at Creek Valley Sandhills Valley Dec. 6 — Sandhills Valley at Franklin Dec. 12 — Anselmo-Merna at Sandhills Valley Dec. 17 — Maywood-Hayes Center at Sand- hills Valley Dec. 20 — Sandhills Valley at Twin Loup Jan. 11 — Cody-Kilgore at Sandhills Valley Jan. 16 — Sandhills/Thedford at Sandhills Valley Jan. 18 — Hyannis at Sandhills Valley Feb. 4 — Sutherland at Sandhills Valley Feb. 6 — Brady at Sandhills Valley Feb. 7 — Sandhills Valley at Paxton Feb. 13 — Sandhills Valley at Mullen Feb. 14 — Elba at Sandhills Valley South Platte Dec. 5 — Arthur County at South Platte Dec. 6 — South Platte at Minatare Dec. 10 — South Platte at Sedgwick County, Co. Dec. 13 — Leyton at South Platte Dec. 19 — Paxton at South Platte Dec. 20 — South Platte at Wauneta-Palisade Jan. 7 — Kimball at South Platte Jan. 10 — South Platte at Hyannis Jan. 11 — Potter-Dix at South Platte Jan. 16 — South Platte at Wallace Jan. 21-25 — South Platte at MAC Tourney, Bridgeport Jan. 30 — Garden County at South Platte Jan. 31 — South Platte at Bayard Feb. 7 — South Platte at Cambridge Feb. 8 — South Platte at Perkins County Feb. 11 — Maywood-Hayes Center at South Platte Feb. 14 — South Platte at Creek Valley Southwest Dec. 5 — Medicine Valley at Southwest Dec. 7 — Southwest at Maywood-Hayes Center Dec. 10-14 — Southwest at Cattle Trail Tour- ney, McCook Dec. 17 — Southwest at Alma Dec. 20 — Southwest at Arapahoe Jan. 3 — Hi-Line at Southwest Jan. 7 — Hitchcock County at Southwest Jan. 10 — Cambirdge at Southwest Jan. 11 — Southwest at Wauneta-Palisade Jan. 17 — Bertrand at Southwest Jan. 21 — Loomis at Southwest Jan. 25-Feb. 1 — Southwest at RPAC Feb. 7 — Southwest at Dundy County-Strat- ton Feb. 1 — Kimball at St. Pat’s Feb. 4 — Paxton at St. Pat’s Dec. 12 — Southwest at Wallace Dec. 14 — Southwest at Axtell Sutherland Dec. 5 — Mullen at Sutherland Dec. 7 — Sutherland at St. Pat’s Dec. 10 — Sutherland at Brady Dce. 13 — Ogallala at Sutherland Dec. 14 — Sutherland at Bridgeport Dec. 17 — Chase County at Sutherland Dec. 19 — Sutherland at Wallace Jan. 10 — Sutherland at Sandhills/Thedford Jan. 11 — Sutherland at Perkins County Jan. 14 — Hershey at Sutherland Jan. 17 — Cambridge at Sutherland Jan. 20-25 — Sutherland at SPVA, North Platte Jan. 28 — Creek Valley at Sutherland Jan. 31 — Sutherland at Kimball Feb. 4 — Sutherland at Sandhills Valley Feb. 7 — Wauneta-Palisade at Sutherland

Dec. 5-7 — North Platte at Western Confer- ence Tourney, Scottsbluff/Gering Dec. 13 — North Platte at Omaha Skutt Dec. 14 — North Platte at GICC Dec. 20 — North Platte at McCook Dec. 21 — Lexington at North Platte Dec. 27-28 — North Platte at Platteview Holiday Tourney Jan. 2-4 — North Platte at GNAC, Columbus Jan. 10 — Columbus at North Platte Jan. 11 — North Platte at Kearney Catholic Jan. 18 — North Platte at Sidney Jan. 25 — North Platte at York Feb. 1 — North Platte at Alliance Feb. 7 — Hastings at North Platte Feb. 11 — North Platte at Cozad Feb. 13 — Scottsbluff at North Platte Feb. 14 — Gering at North Platte Class B Lexington Dec. 5 — Lexington at Gothenburg Dec. 17 — Lexington at Ralston Dec. 20 — Northwest at Lexington Dec. 21 — Lexington at North Platte Dec. 27-28 — Lexington at Wahoo/Bishop Neumann Holiday Tourney Jan. 10 — Lexington at Adams Central Jan. 11 — Hastings at Lexington Jan. 14 — Kearney Catholic at Lexington Jan. 17 — Columbus at Lexington Jan. 21 — McCook at Lexington Jan. 23 — Cozad at Lexington Jan. 28-Feb. 1 — Lexington at Central Con- ference Tourney Feb. 4 — Lexington at Broken Bow Feb. 7 — GICC at Lexington Feb. 8 — Lexington at Aurora McCook Dec. 7 — Valentine at McCook Dec. 12-14 — McCook at Topside Tipoff, Goodland KS Dec. 17 — McCook at Cozad Dec. 20 — North Platte at McCook Dec. 21 — Holdrege at McCook Jan. 2-4 — McCook at GNAC, Columbus Jan. 7 — McCook at Broken Bow Jan. 10 — McCook at Gothenburg Jan. 11 — Sidney at McCook Jan. 17 — Hastings at McCook Jan. 18 — McCook at Minden Jan. 21 — McCook at Lexington Jan. 27-Feb. 1 — McCook at SWC Tourney Feb. 7 — Ogallala at McCook Feb. 8 — McCook at Ainsworth Feb. 13 — Gering at McCook Feb. 14 — Scottsbluff at McCook Class C1 Broken Bow Dec. 5 — Broken Bow at Arcadia/Loup City Dec. 6 — St. Pat’s at Broken Bow Dec. 10 — Amherst at Broken Bow Dec. 13 — Broken Bow at Minden Dec. 20 — Ainsworth at Broken Bow Dec. 21 — Broken Bow at St. Paul Dec. 27-28 — Broken Bow at Adams Central Holiday Tourney Jan. 3 — Hershey at Broken Bow Jan. 7 — McCook at Broken Bow Jan. 10 — Broken Bow at Holdrege Jan. 11 — Gibbon at Broken Bow Jan. 16 — Kearney Catholic at Broken Bow Jan. 17 — Broken Bow at Wood River Jan. 23 — Broken Bow at Gothenburg Jan. 24 — Valentine at Broken Bow Jan. 27-Feb. 1 — Broken Bow at Southwest Conference Tourney Feb. 4 — Lexington at Broken Bow Feb. 8 — Broken Bow at Ogallala Dec. 6 — Ogallala at Lexington Dec. 10 — Minden at Lexington Dec. 13 — Lexington at Holdrege Dec. 14 — York at Lexington Dec. 13 — Hershey at Cozad Dec. 14 — Cozad at Valentine Dec. 17 — McCook at Cozad Dec. 19 — Cambridge at Cozad Dec. 21 — Cozad at Ainsworth Dec. 27-30 — Cozad at Runza Holiday Tour- ney, Central City Jan. 7 — Cozad at Ord Jan. 18 — Centura at Cozad Jan. 23 — Cozad at Lexington Jan. 25 — Cozad at Holdrege Jan. 27-Feb. 1 — Cozad at Southwest Con- ference Tourney Feb. 7 — Minden at Cozad Feb. 11 — North Platte at Cozad Feb. 14 — Cozad at Broken Bow Chase County Dec. 5 — Chase County at Cozad Dec. 6 — Wauneta-Palisade at Chase County Dec. 13 — Chase County at Sidney Dec. 14 — Ogallala at Chase County Dec. 17 — Chase County at Sutherland Dec. 27-28 — Chase County at Cabela’s Holiday Tourney Jan. 7 — Chase County at Dundy Coun- ty-Stratton Jan. 11 — Chase County at Kimball Jan. 14 — Southern Valley at Chase County Jan. 16 — Chase County at Perkins County Jan. 17 — Gothenburg at Chase County Jan. 20-25 — Chase County at SPVA, North Platte Jan. 28 — Haxtun, Co. at Chase County Feb. 1 — Hershey at Chase County Feb. 4 — Yuma, CO at Chase County Feb. 7 — Chase County at St. Pat’s Feb. 15 — Cambridge at Chase County Gothenburg Dec. 5 — Lexington at Gothenburg Dec. 6 — Gothenburg at Hershey Dec. 12 — Gothenburg at Southern Valley Dec. 14 — Perkins County at Gothenburg Dec. 19 — St. Pat’s at Gothenburg Dec. 20 — Gothenburg at Holdrege Dec. 27-28 — Gothenburg at GICC Holiday Tourney Jan. 3 — Gothenburg at Northwest Jan. 10 — McCook at Gothenburg Jan. 11 — Gothenburg at Centura Jan. 16 — Cozad at Gothenburg Jan. 17 — Gothenburg at Chase County Jan. 21 — Amherst at Gothenburg Jan. 23 — Broken Bow at Gothenburg Jan. 27-Feb. 1 — Gothenburg at SWC Tourney Feb. 7 — Gothenburg at Valentine Jan. 10 — Ogallala at Cozad Jan. 11 — Cozad at St. Pat’s Jan. 16 — Cozad at Gothenburg Feb. 11 — Broken Bow at Ord Feb. 14 — Cozad at Broken Bow Cozad Dec. 5 — Chase County at Cozad Dec. 10 — Pleasanton at Cozad

Feb. 11 — Sutherland at Maxwell Feb. 13 — Sutherland at Paxton Class D2 Anselmo-Merna

Dec. 5 — Paxton at Anselmo-Merna Dec. 6 — Anselmo-Merna at Mullen Dec. 10 — Arcadia-Loup City at Ansel- mo-Merna Dec. 12 — Anselmo-Merna at Sandhills Valley Dec. 17 — Anselmo-Merna at Overton Dec. 27-28 — Anselmo-Merna at Pleasanton