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3 cup dry milk powder DIRECTIONS 1. Heat oven to 275 F. 2. In a large mixing bowl, fold together pre

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or you rely heavily on your phone for work and communication, the risk may be higher. Regardless, it

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Yeargan & Kert - October 2021


OCTOBER 2021 404-467-1747


Practicing law both is and isn’t all it’s cracked up to be on TV shows and in movies. Sure, being inside that courtroom as both the prosecuting attorney (as I used to be) and the defending attorney has those hold-your-breath moments, but it can also be fairly predictable and repetitive. One thing I’ve come to learn after many years is just how much the qualities of a lawyer — you know, the bread and butter to what makes a lawyer a good lawyer — relate to and shape your personal life.

Behind the suit and tie, long hours, and law degree, I’m a normal guy just looking to catch a Rams game. Many people say practicing law is getting paid to argue with people, but there is so much more behind it. Being a lawyer is just as rigorous as it is rewarding. It requires a great deal of passion for the job. Without passion, I wouldn’t be able to come into work day after day and be able to know that I put forth the greatest effort for every single one of my clients. For me, this goes hand in hand with passion outside of the workplace as well. I find things in my personal life that I have the same level of passion for as my job, and this provides me with a healthy balance. Practicing law as a defense attorney requires empathy. You must be able to relate to others and understand their emotions and viewpoints and have the ability to listen. This is something that I have greatly benefited

from in my personal life too. Relationships are built on trust, and trust requires empathy and the ability to be heard. With this comes compassion, which is another attribute that successful and positive lawyers must possess. Communication skills are paramount to successfully carry out my day-to-day job. I must be able to effectively talk to clients, other attorneys, associates, colleagues, judges, and more. The same is true in my personal life; I am grateful for my ability to talk things through with those that I love — this is so important. Work ethic is another attribute of a lawyer. This is something I got from my mom. She worked at the Emory University School of Medicine and was as tenacious as they come. She could have been a stay at home wife but instead chose work, and that kind of work ethic is so admirable.

Good judgment is essential in the field of law. I must be able to be an excellent judge of character, to know right from wrong, to consider consequences before taking action, and to have confidence in making sound decisions. This is something that I am grateful I am able to translate over into my personal life. It helps me stay grounded while navigating through life. I am grateful to have developed so many attributes that not only better my performance for my clients but also help me relate to and interact with my clients, friends, family, and loved ones on a deeper

level. Practicing law has shaped me into the person I am today, and I am extremely grateful for that.

–Jim Yeargan



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When we think of careers suited for extroverts, sales often springs to mind. After all, nothing could be more exhausting to an introvert than having to talk to dozens of people every day and maintain a positive demeanor to seal every deal.

or storytelling. Instead, salespeople need to be great listeners. This attention to detail and attentiveness to their subject is often found in introverts. Now, that doesn’t make extroverts bad at sales. Instead, you can harness the power of the introvert and spread the wealth among your sales team by doing the following:

However, a surprising study by the Harvard Business Review (HBR) disputes this belief.

salesperson knows to ask questions, begging the prospect to lead the conversation and push the salesperson into the appropriate action for a sale. 3. Keep It Relational: People remember stories. They want to hear stories of success and failures, often applying the lessons from those stories to their own lives. Introverts can captivate an audience — maybe that’s why so many introverts are also authors — and salespeople have to strike that balance between sharing stories and listening. For more guidance on how introverts can maximize a sales team, pick up Matthew Pollard’s book, “The Introvert’s Edge.”


Establish Trust: Introverts have a powerful ability to connect one-on-one with whoever they are speaking to. They thrive on personal conversations, wherein

The HBR reports that being an extrovert had no impact on a salesperson’s ability to sell; in fact, some of the negative qualities of being an extrovert, such as bravado and overt friendliness, are more likely to alienate customers. On the flip side, humility and modesty were two traits possessed by those who were 90% better than other sales people in their company. Interestingly, these traits often accompany an introverted personality. The reason, as reports, is actually fairly simple. Being effective at sales does not require a profound skill for speaking

they can build a rapport with one or two other people rather than a group. This trait is necessary for salespeople to acquire, as it makes prospects feel safe and heard. 2. Ask Questions : A long spiel about a product or service is overwhelming, especially when the person providing

it feels like a total stranger. Before launching into a pitch, an introverted



This .08 legal limit was put into place once scientific tests were performed to determine the effects that a human experiences after drinking differing amounts of alcohol. The results found that when an individual’s blood alcohol content reaches .08, depth perception, glare recovery, concentration, and peripheral vision become impaired. Safe driving depends heavily on these skills. Digging further, the temporary effect alcohol has on speech is caused by the alcohol’s interaction with the neurons in the brain, especially within the cerebellum. The more alcohol you consume, the harder it seems to form words, and your tongue has trouble working efficiently. When alcohol is present in your body, it affects how much gamma- aminobutyric acid (GABA) is present by creating more. When there is more present, your brain cannot properly process information that your body is attempting to send, and your speech becomes slurred. More alcohol means more GABA and, essentially, more speech slurring. This is why speech slurring is one of the many signs law enforcement looks for when evaluating a driver for a DUI. As always, drive safely and responsibly. Be sure to never drive under the influence, and if you do decide to have a drink, have a designated driver lined up!

Slurred speech is one of the telltale signs of having had one too many. Alcohol has the ability to severely interfere with the brain’s ability to communicate with the rest of the body. This means that motor skills, speech, balance, and coordination are all affected. Legally, .08 is the magic number, but what does that really mean, and when will alcohol have you slurring your speech? Here’s the thing: When you hit a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 or higher, your body leads you to believe that you’re functioning much better than you actually are. This is about when speech slurring typically begins, which is why .08 is the legal limit. Once you begin to lose control of your speech, balance, and motor skills, you cannot safely operate a vehicle.



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Maybe you want to have a more positive outlook on life, drop a few pounds, replace bad habits, improve communication with others, or become more productive. Possibly, you’d like to travel more, find emotional balance, or learn new things. Whatever the case may be, there is always room for self- improvement. Developing yourself is an ongoing process because humans are dynamic beings. Rewiring your habits can be difficult, but if it breeds positivity, it is well worth it. LEARN SOMETHING NEW Learning something new is one way to develop yourself. Today, learning is made possible with the growing number of online courses available to you on a wide array of subjects. You can learn a new language, take up a musical instrument, or even learn a new word every day to include in your vocabulary. Whatever it is, striving to always be learning is one way to consistently work on yourself. IMPROVE YOUR HABITS Even if you aren’t necessarily replacing bad habits, developing positive habits will help keep you occupied in a good way. You can possibly set aside time to read more often, develop and stick to an exercise routine, and eat healthier. LOOK FOR POSITIVITY Today, negativity is everywhere, especially on the news. After all, “you are what you eat.” Taking in negativity on TV and social media is not beneficial, and one of the best ways to change this and improve yourself is to switch up what you read and watch. By watching and listening to positive media, you can be sure to improve your overall sense of well-being. GET MORE SLEEP Sleep can be hard to get enough of. Your life is jam-packed with errands, work, cooking, cleaning, social interactions, engagements, and more, and that hardly leaves any time for some quality shut- eye. Sometimes just doing nothing is all that you need to quiet your mind and rest your body. Small changes over time add up to significant change within your life; it’s all about the long haul. Find the courage to step out of your comfort zone to always be working on yourself — your future self will thank you!


INGREDIENTS • 1 1/2 cups warm water • 1 tbsp salt • 1 tbsp sugar • 1 packet active dry yeast • 4 1/2 cups flour

• 3 tbsp oil, divided • 2/3 cup baking soda • 2 eggs, beaten • Coarse salt, for sprinkling

DIRECTIONS 1. In a bowl, combine water, salt, and sugar. Add yeast and let rest for 5 minutes. Add flour and 2 tbsp oil, then mix thoroughly into a dough. 2. Remove the dough from the bowl. Coat bowl with remaining oil, then return the dough, cover with plastic wrap, and set it aside in a warm place for 1 hour. 3. Preheat oven to 450 F. 4. Cut dough into 8 pieces. Roll them into thin ropes, then twist ropes into pretzel shapes. 5. In a large pot, boil water. Add baking soda, then boil each pretzel for 1 minute, flipping halfway through. 6. Transfer pretzels to a baking sheet. Brush them with egg and sprinkle with salt. Bake for 10–15 minutes. Enjoy!



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Yeargan & Kert, LLC 3715 Northside Parkway Building 100 Suite 500 Atlanta, GA 30327 404-467-1747



How Law Shapes Me

Why You Need Introverts on Your Sales Team

When Alcohol Starts to Affect Your Speech

Self Improvement

Oktoberfest Soft Pretzels

3 Haunted Destinations to Visit This October



October is one of the best months for travel in the U.S. With mild temperatures and gorgeous, colorful leaves everywhere, there’s no better time for a cross-country road trip. Add some Halloween flair to your October vacation with these three ghostly attractions.


Sure, New Orleans may have a spooky past, but it doesn’t compare to Waynesville. Many residents and visitors think this Ohio town is rife with ghosts. You may hear cries to “hurry up” at The Hammel House Inn, where many tunnels for the underground railroad came through, or you could see the apparition of a businessman from the 1800s who “never checked out.” Other sources report hauntings at the town’s historical society, Museum at the Friends Home, including a little girl who moves toys and sits on the porch. The society leans into the local fascination and hosts regular walking ghost tours and ghost hunting classes.

The most well-known is an elderly woman who would spend hours rocking in the chair in her room. Today, her chair can be found moving on its own. Another popular visitor is the ghost of a bellboy who knocks on doors and announces that room service has arrived — only, no one’s there. IS THERE A MONSTER IN PINE BARRENS, NEW JERSEY? This one’s for those who love mysterious creatures. Pine Barrens is a mass of forested land that spreads across seven counties in New Jersey — and its most famous resident isn’t human. The Jersey Devil has a long, storied history and is said to be a combination of many animals: Its body is shaped like a kangaroo with wings. It has the head of a dog but the face of a horse. The creature is believed to have had a sickly start to life in 1735 and has stayed to haunt the forest’s inhabitants and even those who visit the area today.


Guests at Hotel Monte Vista have often enjoyed long stays at the downtown Flagstaff, Arizona, hotel, but not everyone leaves. Constructed in 1927, the hotel is host to a number of reported ghosts.



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