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Yolofsky Law - July 2020 Insider MARCH 2020 If 2020 teaches us anything, it’s that we must constantl

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Yolofsky Law November 2018

2 cup safflower or canola oil, for frying • • Give Us a Call! (305) 702-8250 • 3 (305) 702-8250

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Yolofsky Law March 2018

2tlDmKxb. Let’s make a community effort to devote resources, share information, and improve the safe

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Yolofsky Law February 2018

2 teaspoon sesame oil Salt and pepper, to taste Directions smooth. Season to taste with salt and pep

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Yolofsky Law December 2018

Yolofsky Law December 2018 THE HERO I N S I DE R DISCOVER YOUR ROOTS Genealogy Activities for the Wh

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Yolofsky Law January 2018

2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon coconut oil 3 tablespoons maple syrup Directions cinnamon. Cook slowly

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Yolofsky Law July 2019

Yolofsky Law July 2019 THE HERO I N S I DE R www. yol of sky l aw. com (305) 702-8250 JULY 2019 FROM

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Yolofsky Law June 2018

2 pounds skirt steak 2 tablespoons canola oil 1 pound asparagus 2 teaspoons crushed red pepper Salt

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Yolofsky Law August 2018

2 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese, ideally Parmigiano-Reggiano • 4 sprigs thyme • Salt and pepper,

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Yolofsky Law - September 2018

2 red onion, thinly sliced • 1 cucumber, sliced into rounds • • 20 basil leaves, chopped • Salt, to

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Yolofsky Law - July 2018


www. yol of sky l aw. com (305) 702-8250 JULY 2018


Yolofsky Office

As business owners, we often put important things aside while others take priority. I get it, you’re busy juggling your business, family, and everything else in between. There are never enough hours in the day to check off everything from your never-ending to-do list. Now that Summer is in full swing, yielding more hours of daylight, we challenge you to take advantage and work on those items that you pushed to the bottom of your list. Yes, it’s the perfect time to review your legal documents, assign guardians for your children, and ensure that you are not leaving your family or your business at risk! Being a hero to your business means you must do the detail work AND go back to review (and improve) some of the documents and procedures already completed. Regular improvement and innovation will keep you on top of your profession.

ADULTING 101 6 Life Skills to Teach Your Kid Before They Move Out

The day is finally here. After 18 (or so) years, your child has reached adulthood; they’re ready to spread their wings and leave the nest. Whether your kid is going to college across the country or moving into their first apartment across town, this can be a bittersweet time for families. While parents are often proud to see their children entering the “real”world on their own, it can be nerve-wracking at the same time. As parents, we constantly worry that we haven’t done enough to prepare our children for adulthood. Doesn’t it sometimes feel like we’re still learning ourselves? If you’re worried about your kid not being self-sufficient, here are the most important life skills to teach them before they leave home.

Check out our latest blog to find out more:


You may not want your child living on ramen noodles and boxed macaroni and cheese for the first year after they move out. Cooking can seem intimidating at first, but let your kid know they don’t have to be a French chef to prepare decent meals for themselves. In addition to learning how to read a recipe and handle a stove, you also want to make sure your child is practicing basic kitchen safety. Find a safety checklist at safety-tips-481834 .


Everyone gets a flat tire at some point. When your child inevitably ends up stranded on the highway, you don’t want to hope the guy who stops to help them really is a good Samaritan. Changing a tire is a basic life skill that can be a lifesaver in an emergency. Make sure your kid has the necessary tools in their car at all times, and ensure that they know how to put on the

–Yolofsky Law

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spare. Bonus : Double-check that your kid also knows how to safely jump-start their car.

create a disaster preparedness kit, where to find information during an emergency, and what to do once they’re safe. The Red Cross has advice for dealing with almost any sort of emergency at how-to-prepare-for-emergencies/types-of- emergencies . Even if your kid is already doing their own laundry, are they taking the time to sort their clothes, or do they just throw everything in all at once? Teach your kids the simple tricks that really help in the long run. Separating laundry by color and fabric types helps clothes last longer, washing jeans and graphic T-shirts inside-out can keep the colors and prints from fading, and using toomuch detergent or fabric softener is bad for both clothes and the washingmachine. Be sure to add advice on irons, stain removal, and dry- cleaning while you’re at it. LAUNDRY

step in becoming fully independent. Everyone needs to know how to monitor their accounts, track expenses, control their spending, and save money. You don’t want to get a panicked phone call three months down the road when your kid realizes they’ve accidentally spent their rent money. You can find tips on creating a budget at how-to-build-a-budget .


In an emergency, kids look to their parents for guidance. But does your kid know what to do if they’re on their own during an emergency? Getting caught in a dangerous, unpredictable natural disaster can be terrifying, so make sure your child knows how to keep themselves safe in that situation. Teach them how to


Let’s be honest here: Unless you happen to be an accountant, the best thing any of us can teach our kids about taxes is how to find a good accountant to get them done early.

MANAGE A BUDGET Parents never stop worrying about their kids, and that’s okay. But you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself if you never got around to teaching your kid how to change a tire or balance their budget before they left home. Let your kids know that if they need you, you’ll always be there to teach them something new— or at least send them a link to a helpful tutorial on YouTube. Learning That Doesn’t Feel Like School MENTALLY STIMULATING ACTIVITIES FOR SUMMER This is a skill even grown adults have trouble mastering. Managing a budget is a crucial

Every summer, parents across the country have to deal with the same delicate problem. They want to make sure their kids continue to learn without feeling like they’re being assigned tasks. After all, summer homework is every child’s worst nightmare. Luckily, you don’t have to rely on math problems and book reports to keep your child’s development from taking a two-month vacation. Here are a few mentally stimulating activities that are as educational as they are fun.




Cooking teaches so many important skills: math, science, nutrition, concentration, cultural understanding, following directions, creativity, time management, and more. Even better, it doesn’t feel like learning; it feels like fun. Encourage your older children to take the reins for preparing regular meals throughout the summer. You can pick guiding themes, like “a trip to Mexico” or “pasta party,” but let them choose the recipes and prep the meals on their own.

Field trips always inspire excitement in students, and you’ll find the same goes for your family members. You can tailor your destination to the interests of your kids for maximum engagement. If you have a family of art lovers, head to a museum for some inspiration and discussion. Kids who prefer the outdoors will enjoy a nature walk or hike. You can bring along a field guide to identify flora and fauna. These trips may not pack the thrill of a water park, but they’re fun in an entirely different way.

Bubbles fascinate young children, so why not spend a day making your own solution and experimenting by blowing different types of bubbles? The formula is simple: 1 part dish soap (Dawn or Joy work best) to 10 parts water. Optionally, you can also include 1/4 part glycerin. The process of making the solution will teach ratios and finding creative ways to blow bubbles fosters problem-solving skills and creative thinking.

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Somewhere along the line, our society accepted bullying as a social norm for children.“How can kids learn to cope with the real world if they can’t handle a bully?”is a common misguided justification. Kids who don’t meet the standards of what they are socially expected to be aren’t accepted among their peers. Rather, they are treated like emotional punching bags for anyone deemed more culturally acceptable. But the life of a child is truly a special force in this world, and just because someone differs from physical, social, or cultural normativity doesn’t give anyone the right to treat them poorly. Differences should be celebrated, and bullying needs to be eradicated. The best way we can start is by making an effort to notice bullying and put a stop to it. Here are three warning signs.

specific people, it could be a sign of bullying. Connecting with other parents who have children in the same circle could be a way to gauge the pulse of your child’s friend group.


Bullying has the potential to drop kids into a volatile cycle of confidence- killing self-talk. Bullying may produce external damage, but what goes on internally can be catastrophic for children. The continually progressing, technology-based environment our children live in nearly outpaces their ability to adjust and cope. Children often internalize their emotions, and when they are being bullied by someone online, their distress can be even harder to detect. The best way to be aware of how your children are feeling is to talk to them openly about their social interactions both online and offline. Summer is the perfect opportunity to discuss these issues with your child because they likely will be relaxed, comfortable, and out of school, where bullying often occurs. Then they can approach the new school year with confidence and self-worth. What parent doesn’t want that?


Anxiety is an emotional complexity that tends to manifest itself in physical ways. If you notice your child has stress-related symptoms like headaches, ask them about their emotional well-being. An open-ended question like, “I’ve noticed you haven’t been feeling well a lot lately, can you tell me more about that?”will help open lines of communication.


There are bound to be changes in friend groups throughout your child’s life, but that doesn’t mean parents shouldn’t take notice when this happens. When a child expresses disinterest in spending time with

Take a Break






4 ears of corn, husked

1/4 cup fresh lime juice

4 tablespoons high-smoke- point oil, such as canola or vegetable

2 ounces fresh cotija cheese (or feta), crumbled



1/4 cup cilantro

1 large shallot, thinly sliced

Salt and pepper, to taste


1/2 red chili (such as Fresno) or jalapeño, thinly sliced




1. Heat grill to medium. 2. Brush corn with 2 tablespoons oil and grill until visibly charred, 10–12 minutes. 3. Cut kernels off cob and combine with shallots, chilis, lime juice, cheese, and remaining oil. 4. Season with salt and pepper, garnish with cilantro, and serve.





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(305) 702-8250 Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. One Financial Plaza 100 SE 3rd Avenue, Suite 1000 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394

INSIDE THIS ISSUE FromThe Yolofsky Office PAGE 1 Can Your Kid Change a Tire? PAGE 1 Summer-Worthy Learning Opportunities PAGE 2 How to Tell if Your Kids Are Being Bullied PAGE 3 Take a Break! PAGE 3 Charred Chili-Cheese Corn PAGE 3 Technological Advances in Physical Therapy PAGE 4 With new technologies booming, physical therapists strive to find the best new strategies and equipment to help their patients. Aquatic therapy has become increasingly popular due to the benefits that come from the weightless effect water offers. This method has now been taken a step further with anti-gravity technology. The AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill takes the benefits of weightless physical therapy and employs them in a completely different way. The AlterG has been approved by the FDA to aid in rehabilitation after lower- extremity injury or surgery, gait training for neurological conditions, aerobic strengthening and conditioning for older patients, and weight control. NASA was the mastermind behind the technology used in the AlterG — its original intent was to help astronauts maintain fitness in prolonged space flight. AlterG Inc., the

The AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill One Small Decision for NASA, a Giant Leap for Physical Therapy Treatment

company that created the treadmill, is the first to use controlled pressure in a confined space to reduce a person’s weight to boost rehabilitation effects. By making a person lighter, the AlterG creates less impact on their legs and feet as they walk, jog, or run. By reducing your weight, it becomes easier to do aerobic exercises, improve range of motion, and restore mobility. The machine’s success rests in its method. Before stepping into the device, the patient puts on shorts designed to zip into the bubble-like chamber of the treadmill. Once the patient has stepped into the opening at the top and zipped themselves into it, the chamber allows the lower body to be supported by the air pressure inside. The machine then calibrates to cater to the individual and then functions as a typical treadmill. The patient remains in contact with the treadmill and the treadmill’s chamber throughout the duration of the session.

Technological advancements create more opportunities for growth inside and outside physical therapy. We’re only left to wonder what will be developed next.

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