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Zionsville: Happy Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving Menu

each FRESH ROASTED TURKEYS 10 to 12 lbs (4-8 people) · 65 14 to 16 lbs (10-14 people) · 90

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Happy Hormones

honey into a food processor and pulse for 2-5 seconds or until slightly granulated. 2. Add the almon

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Happy Holidays!


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Happy Birthday Josef!

Happy Birthday Josef! Happy Birthday Josef ! Josef, Edwin Ong Happy Birthday Josef!!! Paul & the tea

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Happy Voter Registration Day

AIDS Awareness Day National Situational Awareness Day SEPTEMBER 25 National Scarf Day Math Storytell

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Happy Holidays!

21 ($300 Value) WARME S T W I SH E S TO YOU AND YOUR S T H I S

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Zionsville: Run Injury Free

running • Lack of flexibility Common injuries with running or exercising: • Patellofemoral pain • Me

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GTC Thanksgiving Preparation Instructions

GTC Thanksgiving Preparation Instructions Thanksgiving Preparation Instructions Thank you for choosi

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St Regis Thanksgiving 2021 Menu

St Regis Thanksgiving 2021 Menu THANKSGIVING DINNER SET MENU 2021 $160++ pe r pe r son APPETIZER Cre

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ARAUJO + K-Happy


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Zionsville: Happy Thanksgiving




Holiday greetings to our patients, friends and families, from the team here at Zionsville Physical Therapy! We are grateful to each of you for giving us the opportunity to take care of your PT needs here locally, which supports our families as well. We are honored to be serving this community and look forward to staying in contact with you, our ZPT family and friends, as we approach our 20th year in business, in the year 2020. HAPPY THANKSGIVING




Dear ZPT family and friends,


Happy Thanksgiving! It has been several months since we put a newsletter together and sent out greetings to our past patients, friends and family. As I write, we are just finishing the month of October, and our office manager, Christina, and I are going to the Physical

• Glowing Spiced Lentil Soup • More Patient Success • BIRTH BOOTCAMP Returns! • New Additions to the ZPT Family


Therapy Private Practice Conference in Orlando. We are excited to learn about new products, different methods, ideas inmarketingandchanges in reimbursement.At the same time, Marissa and Emina are heading to St. Louis to attend a continuing education weekend to learn more about myofascial release and kinesiotaping techniques. Look out everyone! All sorts of great new ideas and skills coming to ZPT!! It is so good to be back to full staff! We are grateful to have Emina and Marissa both return to full time, taking care of patients with energy and enthusiasm! After their maternity leaves, I took a Grand-maternity leave to go out west to see the grandchildren with Kent. First stop was Phoenix to see Sarah and Tony, as well as Jessica, to celebrate Finn’s 3rd birthday. He and I had a fun time with his dog-chewed Spiderman toy – it kept zapping us with spider webs. My husband, Kent, took his guitar and we sang a nice version of Wonky Donkey for Finn, then gave him his own plush donkey to hug. Finn’s little sister, Janie, was born in January of this year, and is growing cuter every day, moving around more and always seems happy. Lovely! Next stop was Portland, Oregon, and across the river to Vancouver,Washington.Aaronandhiswife,Genevieve,are parents to littleHarlow,whowasborn inearlySeptember. She was little over a week old when we met her – so little and fragile. Harlow’s big sister, Avary, is very sweet with her, and was eager to show Grammie how to do crafts and play. We have been so blessed with our children and grandchildren thisyear! I feelas if Iampartofsomething much bigger than just my own life and concerns. We’ve been helping each other through the tough times, celebrating the milestones and accomplishments and sharingsweetphotoswithoneanother. I’vebeen reading a book by Henri Nouwen, The Return of the Prodigal Son, in which he points out, “it is amazing to experience daily the radical difference between cynicism and joy.”

Hegoeson toexplain that people who have come to know the joy of God don’t deny darkness, sadness and struggles, but they “choose not to live in it.” There are people who “healeachother’swounds,

forgive each other’s offenses, share their possessions, foster the spirit of community, celebrate the gifts they have received…”Mypastor recentlysharedagreatway to act generously to help people who are truly in need, such as after disasters, or when they are far from adequate healthcare resources. is a site where you can see videos of workers in the areas around the world wherehelp isneededmost,andyoucanalsodownloadan app,DonorSee. Iencourageyou to investigateand joinme insupportingPastorBernardoMagiraashe reachesout to helppeople inMozambique recover from thedevastating effects of a cyclone. I believe it extends our community when we share our extra $5 or $10 to join in helping this worker or any others who post their requests. As always, we would love for you to stop in to see us, tell us how you are celebrating your holidays, and share some family photos! Gratefully, Elaine P.S. "Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce." Proverbs 3:9.

Patient Success SPOTLIGHT

"Now I'm able to run with no pain or difficulty!"

"Mypelviswasnot inalignmentbecause the right side of my body was weaker than my left side. Emina put my hip back into place and concentrated on strengthening my right side. Now I'm able to run with no pain or difficulty. Thanks, ZPT!" - Sarine J.

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More Patient Success "I'm so thankful for ZPT!" "I came to ZPT after an ankle sprain. I had never been to PT in my life and was very nervous. After less than 10 minutes, my nervousness was gone. Emina and Taylor made me feel like family. I looked forward to coming to every session. It wasn't about coming in to do work, it was overall therapy: laughing, complaining, and sharing thoughts on some hard topics. I'm so thankful for ZPT! I'll be back! " - Brittiny M.


"This is definitely a great setting for physical therapy!"

"I came in after arthroscopic surgery for a meniscus tear in my left knee. I wanted to play tennis again immediately but found out that (playing tennis) was not possible. After only 9 sessions of physical therapy at ZPT, I feel 99.9% ready to go to the tennis courts! This is definitely a great setting for physical therapy - everyone is happy and smiling, and focused on the patient and their continual improvement!" - Darryl J.

Calltodayforyourappointment,and jointheotherswithsuccessfulresultsatZPT! 317.873.2033.Weareeagertocare foryou!

- Darryl J.

Photos of our newest members of the team... too cute for words, really. Anyone who has been to the clinic during the past few months knows how it goes... You start your exercise routine with Taylor, then he might show you the most recent photo or video of his baby girl, Tatum. Here is your own copy of this adorable little mover and shaker. She is 7 months old. Emina's son, Zein, is growing quickly, also 7 months old. Emina and her husband are teaching him to be really laid back. Marissa's little son, JJ is nearly 5 months old and is shown selecting his favorite pumpkin. Marissa and her husband Jeff are pleased whenever JJ actually sleeps at night.These little additions to the ZPT family are precious and healthy. We are very blessed to have them in our lives. Have YOU had a baby, grand-baby, nephew or niece born recently? Stop in and show us your photos! We are definitely dialed in to the little ones and want to share in the JOY! NEWADDITIONS TO THE ZPT FAMILY


JANUARY 12 - MARCH 22, 2020 *No class on Superbowl Sunday (February 2) Liz Escoffery will be the instructor for these educational and interactive classes whichcoverexpectations during pregnancy, labor and delivery, and provide an opportunity to ask questions of a real expert!

- JJ

10 week Comprehensive Class includes: comfort measures, relaxations, building your birth team, stages of labor, preparing dad with labor tools, labor rehearsals, breastfeeding, baby care and much more! These will be hosted at Zionsville Physical Therapy for your convenience, but please contact Liz directly to register for the class or to ask questions about her program:

- Marissa, JJ & Jeff

- Tatum

- Tatum

- Zein

- Zein


This isoneofElaine's favorite recipes!Letherknow ifyou like it,or ifyouneed to borrow some cardamom spice!

Ingredients: 1 ½ Tablespoons Olive Oil (or avocado oil)

2 cups diced onion (1 large) 2 large garlic cloves, minced 2 teaspoons ground turmeric 1 ½ teaspoons ground cumin ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon ¼ teaspoon ground cardamom 1 (15 oz.) can diced tomatoes 1 (15 oz.) can full fat coconut milk ¾ cup uncooked red lentils, rinsed, drained 3 ½ cups low sodium vegetable broth ½ teaspoon sea salt ¼ teaspoon ground pepper ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes or pinch of cayenne pepper 1 (4-5 oz) package baby spinach 2 teaspoons fresh lime juice

Directions: Pre-measure and set aside the spices, open the cans, measure the broth, lentils,spinachand lime juice, thenproceed tochoponionandstart tocook. In large pot: combine oil, onion, garlic, and pinch of salt, sauté over medium heat 4-5 minutes. Stir in turmeric, cumin, cinnamon, cardamom, cook 1 min. Add diced tomatoes, coconut milk, red lentils, broth, salt, pepper, and pepperflakes (optional). Increaseheat tohighandbring toa lowboil,stirring occasionally.Reduceheat tomediumandsimmeruncovered18-22minutes, until lentils are fluffy and tender. Stir occasionally. Turn off heat and stir in spinach until wilted. Add lime juice. (Add more salt and pepper to taste.)

Staff Spotlight on our Two Newest PT Techs

- Holly Bellamy

Parampreet "Preet" Sidhu, is a Zionsville graduate, an IUPUI graduate, and is applying to, interviewing for, and successfully being accepted to Physician Assistant programs this year. She adds her quiet determination and attention to detail to our clinic, plus her friendliness helps our patients feel at ease with their physical therapy program. She is the voice behind many reminder calls and encouraging comments. Holly Bellamy, PT Tech, is another Zionsville graduate, IU graduate and is currently taking classes for nursing school. She and her husband, Nick, are moving closer to home (Tennessee) fromTexas, as he is stationedwith the military atFortCampbell in Clarksville, TN. Holly is joyful and eager to help our patients reach their goals and get back to active lives.

- Parampreet "Preet" Sidhu