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Zionsville: Pregnancy & Back Pain

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Zionsville: Back Pain & Gardening


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Rehability_Relieve Pregnancy Related Back Pain

Endoscopic Discectomy, Radiofrequency Ablation, SacroIliac Joint Fusion and Spinal Cord Stimulation.

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Zionsville: Back Pain & Difficulty Walking

Zionsville: Back Pain & Difficulty Walking Improve the Walk, Improve the Back! ZPT The Newsletter Ab

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PTSpecialties_Relieve your pregnancy related back pain

or childbirth recovery. At Physical Therapy Specialties, we want to make sure you are as comfortable

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Agility: Relieve Pregnancy Related Back Pain

INJURY ANALYSIS Talk to One Of Our Physical Therapy Experts Look at your today. Call A Call To Sched

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Accelerate Therapy. Relieving Back Pain During Pregnancy

mexican-quinoa-stuffed-sweet-potatoes 3 If further assessment is warranted, your therapist might rec

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Zionsville: Back Pain & Tips To Avoid It While Gardening

dawnjparkerhealthcoach. Thiscouldbe theyear forsomePOSITIVEchanges. You regularly take care of your

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Zionsville: Relieve Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pain

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Zionsville: Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

Punter. He has experienced PT first hand after surgeries and rugged workouts. His family means a gre

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Zionsville: Hip & Knee Pain With Running n° 229777 - Level Medium THE MOST COMMON KNEE INJURIES • Meniscus tear. A meniscus tear

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Zionsville: Pregnancy & Back Pain


APRIL, 2019


It is no secret that pregnancy takes quite the toll on your body. It is normal for expecting mothers to experience musculoskeletal aches and pains, and one of the most commonly reported areas of discomfort is the back. In fact, most expecting mothers experience back pain, usually during the second half of their pregnancy. Fortunately, physical therapy treatments can help relieve your undesirable back pain so you can get back to comfortably doing what matters most – preparing for your new bundle of joy. Why do you experience back pain during pregnancy? The short answer is this: you’re growing a baby! Most expecting mothers report their back pain occurring at the “sacroiliac joint,” which is the area where your pelvis meets your spine.This happens due to a combination of several factors, including: • Increased weight. Women typically gain 25-35 pounds during pregnancy. This puts extra stress on the spine, since it is responsible for supporting your weight. The growing baby in your uterus also puts extra pressure on the nerves and blood vessels surrounding your back and pelvis, which can also contribute to your back pain. • Separation of muscles. As your uterus continues to expand throughout your pregnancy, stress is put on your “rectus abdominis” muscles. These muscles run parallel to one another, from the rib cage to the pubic bone. With continued expansion of the uterus, it is possible for these muscles to separate along the center seam, in a condition known as “diastasis recti.” This may cause or further aggravate your back pain because it destabilizes your spine and pelvis.

• Changes in posture. When you’re pregnant, your center of gravity changes. To compensate for this, most women will adjust their posture and the way they move, sometimes without even realizing they are doing so. Postural changesmay cause a strain in the back, leading to discomfort. • Changes in hormones. During pregnancy, your body releases a hormone known as “relaxin.” This increases joint laxity and – much like its name infers – allows the ligaments and joints in the pelvic area to relax. This is your body’s natural way of preparing for vaginal birth, however the relaxin hormone can also cause ligaments in the spine and pelvis to loosen. In fact it may cause many joints in the body to loosen excessively during pregnancy. When this happens, instability and pain can ensue.


APRIL, 2019



Dear ZPT family and friends,

Kaboom! Spring just bursts out all around us! From the tiny green shoots sprouting up from the cold, hard ground, to the beautiful songs of the birds returning… from the sunny “a bit warmer” days to the thunderstorms that rumble through…all signs that the seasons are again changing and ready to be appreciated! Like the spring season, we are bursting with new life and joyful announcements this month, as two of our staff members become parents for the first time. We focus this newsletter on PREGNANCY and POSTPARTUM! As you might remember

• How Can You Find Relief During Pregnancy? • FREE Screening Consultations • BIRTH BOOTCAMP Returns! • This Just In!


from previous articles, I have been a “women’s health” and pelvic floor specialist since the mid 90’s, after I had experienced the pains, the joys, and the recoveries of birthing two boys. My determination to find answers to the nagging physical issues that newmothers have both during and after pregnancies created a path of coursework and discovery. Physical therapy CAN help in relieving back and pelvic pain, as well as strengthen the pelvic floor after childbirth. We have included educational articles as well as testimonials this month so that you might use this for yourself, or to forward to another “expecting” friend or family member. My mission is not only to help my patients individually, but to also spread the word about the usefulness of physical therapy both during pregnancy and after delivery. In fact, I believe that every woman could use a little “tune up” after childbirth, and after surgeries such as hysterectomy, to strengthen areas that can later be painful or dangerously prolapsing. On the home front, we are delighting in our Facetime conversations with the long-distance grown kids and little grandchildren. We have another wonderful thing to share: I will become “Grammie” yet again in early September, as Genevieve and Aaron are expecting! Enough about me, now YOU come in or share via e-mail or a phone call: how have you been doing this winter, and what are you EXPECTING this year?? A baby like all of us here at ZPT, a new grandchild to play with? Perhaps you are looking forward to a vacation, a few long bicycle rides, longer walks with the dog, or perhaps a quiet and peaceful garden project – all sounds nice, but please be careful with your lifting! Hey, that’s our topic for next month! Gratefully, Elaine P.S. “Pursue righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness.” 1 Timothy 6:11, NLT

- Emina and Marissa expectingboys thisspring!

I have noticed an immense improvement! "I was referred (to ZPT) due to pain during menstruation and additional infertility concerns. Due to my back pain also, my doctor recommended pelvic floor therapy. Elaine has been so accommodating and made me feel comfortable each appointment. I have noticed an immense improvement in crampingandnopainwhenwalking long distances.Can’tsayenoughgood things and think every woman should do pelvic floor physical therapy." - Anonymous Patient Success SPOTLIGHT


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More Patient Success "Pain free and Stronger for Labor!" After the birth of my first child, I struggled with pelvic floor and tailbone pain. I was eventually able to resolve it on my own after 9 months, but it returned and began to worsen during my second pregnancy. My OB referred me to ZPT. Elaine was spectacular at making suggestions for home exercises as well as helping me with in-office release work and relaxation. By the end of my pregnancy, I was free from pain and feeling stronger for labor and delivery. My pushing time was only 1/3 of what it was with my first, and even postpartum I have had no pelvic floor pain. Working with Elaine was truly life-changing for me!" - Evelyn A. "Provided the treatment and exercises I needed!" "I started coming to ZPT seven months after I had my second child. I experienced pelvic girdle pain throughout much of my pregnancy, which continued and worsened postpartum. The pain had become almost constant and was limiting my ability to care for my children and perform the simplest of household tasks! I had pain walking upstairs, lifting my kids, strollers, etc. and could not even stand on one leg to put on pants. This was incredibly hard physically and it also really started to take a toll on me emotionally, as I couldn’t enjoy any of the physical activities I had previously done. Elaine was incredibly caring, supportive, and most importantly very knowledgeable about my health issue. I came away from the first visit encouraged and with a plan to restore my health. Throughout my time at ZPT, Elaine and her wonderful staff provided the treatment and exercises I needed to regain my core strength and keep my pelvis in alignment. The pain and achiness I had been experiencing significantly decreased, and I have been able to care for my children and perform normal activities without being in agony. I continue to see small improvements and hope to make a full recovery as I continue to use the exercises I learned at therapy. Thanks so much, ZPT!" - Brooke A. "Before coming to ZPT, I was struggling with my pelvic floor strength after the birth of our third baby. I was experiencing some urinary leakage with activity and other physical stressors. Elaine equipped me with a number of exercises to strengthen my pelvic floor, and I also realized that correcting my posture would help my pelvic floor. Everything is interconnected! I am very grateful for her guidance and expertise." - Chelsea R. "I am very grateful!"

- Evelyn A.

- Chelsea R. & son

BIRTH BOOTCAMP returns! THIS JUST IN! Liz Escoffery will be the instructor for these educational classes which offer each couple an opportunity to learn a great deal about what to expect during pregnancy, labor and delivery, and to ask questions of a real expert!

Katia Pena Garcia, PT Tech, will be leaving ZPT to pursue her doctorate in physical therapy from the University of St. Augustine in Austin, Texas. She has been a diligent team member, delightful with her witty remarks and creativity, and responsible for so many details in the work of our clinic. Best wishes and study hard, Katia!

ALPHA STIM FOR ANXIETY, INSOMNIA & DEPRESSION Research has proven that Alpha Stim improves the sleep, calmness and clarity in those suffering with post-traumatic stress syndrome, general anxiety, insomnia and depression. ZPT has purchased units which are easily applied in the office for 20 minute treatments.The units also can be applied by a trained PTor technician for pain management, using microcurrent. The only contra-indications are pacemakers and pregnancy. This technology is not approved for billing to insurance, so the sessions are available at these prices: • For members (current or past patients at ZPT), $20 per session, buy 12, get 2 free. • For non-members, $30 per session, buy 12, get 2 free.

• 7 Week Hospital Birth Class/ Homecoming Class: Friday nights May3,10,17,24andJune14,21,and 28. 7-9:30 pm, for couples expecting in July, August or September. • 10 week Comprehensive Class: Sundays, July 28- Sept 29, 3-5:30 pm, for those expecting in October, November or December. These will be hosted at Zionsville Physical Therapy for your convenience, but please contact Liz directly to register for the class or to ask questions about her program:


AtZionsvillePhysicalTherapy,weofferprenatalandperinatalphysical therapy treatments for pregnancy-related pain relief. At your initial appointment, you will be greeted by one of our experienced and dedicated physical therapists who will perform a physical evaluation in order to assess the nature of your symptoms. Your medical history and any health risks will also be discussed and taken into account prior to creating a treatment plan. After your evaluation, your physical therapist will put together an individualized treatment plan for you, aimed at providing relief for your back pain and allowing for a smoother pregnancy. Treatment plans for prenatal and perinatal care related to back pain typically involvegentle therapeuticexercises,stretches,andmanual therapy.Theseare all done in order to relieve pain, strengthen your core muscles, and improve posture. Your physical therapist may also suggest additional methods and modalities, such as massage, ice and heat therapies or pregnancy support belt or brace, in order to provide additional relief and optimum function. For specific conditions, such as cases regarding diastasis recti, condition- specific treatments will be designed to correct the symptoms. Diastasis recti can interfere with the strengthening of the abdominal muscles and cause the belly to “pooch.” Our highly-trained physical therapists use the latest evidence-based clinical knowledge in the field to identify and treat this condition, based on its severity and the personal needs of the patient. In addition to your back pain, our services can help provide relief for a large number of pregnancy symptoms you may be experiencing, including:

Zionsville Physical Therapy can help expecting mothers find relief from prenatal pains as their bodies experience the effects of pregnancy. Our physical therapists will also help in addressing any problems or questions that may arise during this time. You don’t need to suffer before your delivery. Contact us today to schedule an appointment, and we’ll create a plan to help you. By including physical therapy in your prenatal care, you’ll be able to relieve your pain and better prepareyourself for one of the biggest challenges in a woman’s life: delivering and caring for a baby.

• Pain during sexual intercourse. • Pain during exercise. • Vulvovaginal pain. • Tailbone pain.

• Incontinence. • Headaches. • Neck pain. • Painful, numb, or weak hands.

This April &May Only: Free Screening Consultations

ARE YOU A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR THERAPY? In April and May, for those who are expecting or who have delivered in the past few years, we are offering free 20 minute screening consultations with Elaine to find out if physical therapy can be helpful for you. This would be especially meant for women with upper back or lower back pain, pelvic pain, difficulty sitting or getting in and out of your vehicle, pain with stair climbing or discomfort with longer distance walking. We can also discreetly discuss any pelvic floor symptoms such as incontinence, excessive pressure or pain in the pelvis, or difficulty with intimacy. Call today to schedule: 317.873.2033, or e-mail a request to [email protected].