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NorthEastSpineandSport_Improve Your Health and Fitness “It’s Time To Get Serious About Your Health!”

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iMotion_Improving Your Health and Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

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PTII: Improving Your Health and Fitness Health&Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring

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ZionsvillePT_Improving Your Health and Fitness

Getting To Know The Zionsville PT Students EMINA ALICUSIC-KARIC & AMANDA RAINES ZPT The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body March 2018

Emina Alicusic-Karic. Emina Alicusic-Karic is a PT student finishing her clinical rotations here at ZPT, under Katie Poisel's supervision and mentorship. She has attended Gannon University in Erie, Pennsylvania, earning her Bachelors in Sport and Exercise Science in 2015, and will be attaining her Doctorate in Physical Therapy this May, 2018. Emina was born and raised in Bosnia and Herzegovina and moved to Erie, PA, in 2001. She married and moved to Brownsburg, Indiana, at the end of December, 2017. Q: What are you learning here at ZPT? A: I joined the ZPT team to fine tune my clinical skills. Q: Next 2 to 3 year plan? A: Work full time as a Physical Therapist in a setting that makes me happy! Q: Favorite food? A: It definitely has to be bread! Amanda Raines. Amanda Raines is a senior student from IUPUI, completing her internship here at ZPT. She has been studying Exercise Science/ Pre-Physical Therapy and will graduate this May with her B.S. degree in Kinesiology. Amanda grew up in Anderson, Indiana, and now lives in Fishers. Q: What are you learning here at ZPT? A: I've learned so much here... including electrical stimulation, ultrasound, kinesiotaping from Marissa. I've learned different exercises in the gym that I didn't learn in school, fromTaylor and Katia. Most importantly, I've learned how to be efficient in the clinic to help ease the therapists and keep everything on track. Q: Next 2 to 3 year plan?

A: After graduation in May, I plan to take the ACSM CEP exam to become a certified exercise physiologist. I will be applying to physical therapy schools this fall, so in the meantime, I plan to work as a PT Tech (this upcoming year) at a fun, educational work place. Then I hope to become a PT student. Q: Favorite food? A: Anything chicken! Students bring fresh insights, ideas and energy to our clinic. Thank you Emina and Amanda, for allowing us to be an influence in your lives, and for each of your contributions to our team! We love you and so do our patients!

ZPT GaZette The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

March 2018

Dear ZPT family and friends,


Recently one of my friends commented to me, “You’ve just always wanted to do this, haven’t you – since you were a teenager – help people live healthy lives!” Wow! I guess so. Actually I think it started when I was 9 and began my 10-year 4-H membership, learning the pledge which says, “I pledge my Head to clearer thinking, my Heart to greater loyalty, my Health to better living, and my hands to larger service, for my club, my community, my country and my world.” As one of my 4-H projects for several years, I enrolled tin the Health Project, to learn more about healthy habits, health related topics and a variety of health

• A Plank A Day Keeps The Doctors At Bay • Student Spotlight • Workshops • Healthy Eating Plate • Special Event for SNOWBIRDS


professions. Enter Physical Therapy: after a few volunteer experiences and interviews with PT’s, I can still remember catching the “PT fever” and never finding any other profession that seemed to suit me. Part of the process of healthy living for me now, is being an example for our patients and exploring how diet and disease are related - the connections between certain foods and irritable bladder, or bowel, or clogged arteries, low energy, or painful joints and muscles. I used to believe that much of our disease was linked to genetics, and the only way to affect it was to jog, swim or bike more. However, now I believe we can control most of the blood numbers and diseases with proper eating – dramatically changing the way we eat, the portions and the variety. We need to take seriously the recommendations regarding increasing the amount of whole foods, plant-based nutrition we put into our body, especially adding in more fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, when we start to educate ourselves, we find that the field of nutrition and the USDA guidelines have been tarnished by poor or lacking research, lack of updates, confusion, special interest groups, and intense lobbying efforts by a variety of food industries. We must search for the truth in scientific research and evidence available regarding the connections between diet and health. In this newsletter, I have included the Harvard School of Public Health’s picture of the “Healthy Eating Plate” for you to study and use for your grocery shopping and food preparation plans. Recent evidence points us to eating 8 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables each day (not including white potatoes), eliminating gluten, high sweets and dairy, limiting caffeine and alcohol and limited eating after sunset. If you’re like me, you realize this will take some changes in habit, some planning and will power. We must be intentional and make the time to prepare healthy meals. So, my advice is to eat out less often, cook meals with more color (colorful fruits and vegetables), whole grains and little to no meat and dairy. Have fruit, nuts, seeds and smoothie ingredients available for snacks and meal replacements. Whole food, plant-based nutrition. Seriously? Yes. As serious as a heart attack. If your curiosity if peaked, look up health related documentaries on Netflix, such as Forks Over Knives, or What the Health. Meanwhile, I will keep you posted if they put chocolate brownies on the next healthy eating plate or pyramid. We can always hope!

Patient Success SPOTLIGHT

They have given me part of my life back! "Deterioration from rheumatoid arthritis "froze" my shoulder and even basic daily activities (likewashingandfixingmyhair) were impossible. Itwasnota rotatorcuff tear, but a complete "loss" of rotator cuff was the diagnosis. No surgery could improve it,so Idecided togiveZPTa try. (I hadheardgood reportsaboutZPTthrough theyears,so theyweremychoice.) Ican't say enough about my experience here. Katie and Taylor were my primary ZPT therapy team members, and they were awesome! I went from wincing to lift my right arm up to my being able to raisemyarmabovemyhead. Thedaily activities I had struggled with are now "automatic" - my body just does them! I can't thank ZPTenough! They have given me part of my life back!” - Sandra F.

To healthy living, Elaine

p.s. “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31.

More Patient Success Resulted in less pain and

increased strength!

"Lingering elbow and forearm pain was limiting my ability to move/ carry my special needs daughter. Marissa (PT) was able to pinpoint the problem and create a therapy plan that has resulted in less pain and increased strength.” - Chad H.

When we eat better (whole food, plant-based nutrition), we feel better and have plenty of energy to pursue an active and passion-filled life.

Announcing 3 Free Workshops on Saturday, March 17th

Choose the 1, 2 or 3 that’s best for you, and bring a friend!

• You or a loved one suffer from back pain or sciatica. • You are aged 40+ and have suffered with pain for longer than you feel you should have. • You are currently seeing a doctor or thinking about it. NUTRITION AND MOVEMENT: Saturday, March 17, at 1:00-2:00 p.m. with refreshments served This class will include the science of feeling great, with recent research and a review of how our body works. It will be interactive, challenging, and healthy refreshments will be served. It is for you if: • You’re tired of the conflicting nutrition information we hear and want evidence-based suggestions. • You’re often fatigued, have joint aches or muscle pain. • You have arthritis or other inflammation that keeps you from being more active. • You have difficulty having regular bowel movements. • You feel stuck at a certain weight that isn’t ideal, and you just want some reasonable approaches. Eachworkshop requires registrationbycalling317.873.2033oremailing our office at [email protected], Seating is limited

BALANCE, DIZZINESS AND FALL PREVENTION: Saturday, March 17, at 10:00-11:00 a.m .

This is workshop is full of self-help techniques to overcome dizziness, reduce your risk of falling, and become steadier on your feet. It is for you if: • You’ve felt unsteady on your feet and concerned that you might fall. • You’ve missed out on family activities or outings because of your balance or dizziness issues. • You’ve given up on some of the things you love to do because of your unsteadiness. • You’re noticing changes in your balance ability and just want to be proactive.

BACK PAIN & SCIATICA: Saturday, March 17, at 11:30-12:30 a.m.

This workshop is for those who have had back pain issues, leg pain or pelvic pain and want to do something to take care of it without medication, injections or surgery. We will discuss the 3 main causes for lower back pain and sciatica and what to do differently for each type of issue. This workshop is for you if:


A plank is a simple exercise that anyone can do to improve their core strength. This exercise helps you strengthen so many of your muscles, guiding them to work together. Your core muscles are vital to the health of your low back and spine. If you suffer from an achy back or neck, then try doing this exercise to feel better. How to do a plank (If you are unsure about doing this exercise, call us first) 1. Start by lying face down. You may want to put a pillow under your abdomen if it is uncomfortable to lie flat. 2. Bring your elbows underneath you, then gently rise up onto your elbows and knees, so that your abdomen is off the floor. 3. Keep your abdomen tucked gently in so that your body is straight without sagging. 4. Try to hold this for 30 seconds if you can. Come up onto toes and elbows Heart Healthy Tips To Improve Your Fitness Goals 1. Aim for lucky number seven. Young and middle-age adults who slept 7 hours a night have less calcium in their arteries (an early sign of heart disease) than those who sleep 5 hours or less or those who sleep 9 hours or more. 2. Keep the pressure off. If you don’t have high blood pressure, and are young, you should get your BP checked at least once every five years. However, as you age, your BP is likely to increase, and you should be checked more often. Every year is ideal. If you have recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure, you may be asked to monitor your BP 2-3 times per week, or even 2 times per day, in order for the doctor to help stabilize your BP. If your BP is high, make sure you let your physician know and ask us here at ZPT what non-medication approaches can be helpful for lowering your blood pressure.

if the knees and elbows position is easy. You may feel your muscles shake a little while doing this, which means they are working! For a healthy spine, keep doing your exercises and remember to see our ZPT physical therapists for a checkup. You see your dentist every 6 months to keep your teeth and gums healthy, why not see your PT for a muscle and joint checkup this year?

3. Move more. To keep it simple, you can aim for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week of moderate exercise. Even if you exercise for 30 minutes a day, being sedentary for the other 23 1/2 hours is really unhealthy for your heart. So move as much as you can throughout the day! 4. Slash saturated fats. Pizza, cheese, ice cream, beef, sausage and other meat and dairy products are the main culprits for increasing unhealthy fats which adversely affect our cardiovascular system. Choose lean meats and healthy fats such as olive oil, nuts and fish. 5. Think beyond the scale. Measure your waistline and your chest. The chest measurement should be greater than your waistline. Ask yourself if you are carrying extra weight anywhere. If you have pounds or inches to lose, you will want to help heal yourself by changing your eating habits and becoming more physically active. (Ask Elaine how to do this!)

SPECIAL EVENT FOR SNOWBIRDS & TRAVELLERS Tuesday, April 17th, from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., We will offer a Heart Wellness Event for those who were enjoying the sunny southern beaches or southwest deserts, or just forgot to register for the February 20th event. 5. Heart Healthy Snacks and Recipes to take home. 6. Information regarding Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Solutions, and Warning signs for Stroke and Heart Attack.

Just for our past patients (all ages) and their loved ones, ZPT is providing Heart Wellness and FitnessTesting at NO CHARGE. Your 60 minute session will include: 1. Taking your blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, and blood oxygen level. (no needles, no blood, just external testing) 2. Testing your balance and general mobility, using standard tests such as Berg Balance Scale and Timed Up and Go. 3. Cardio-specific testing such as the 6-Minute Walk Test or the Bruce Submaximal Treadmill Test. 4. Functional Movement Screening – all or part of this test for assessing strength and flexibility.

REQUIRED: registration by calling our office at 317.873.2033 OR e-mail us at [email protected] so that we can contact you for an appointment slot. We will book these 30 minutes apart, but plan to be here for about an hour.

CALL TODAY! 317.873.2033