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Quality Plus Automotive - March 2021

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Quality Plus Automotive - March 2020

QPAMarchScramble to submit your guess. All those with the CORRECT answer will be entered to win a $2

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Quality Plus Automotive - May 2021

vacation that turned into a nightmare! Shortly after we arrived in Cancun, Hurricane Wilma hit. The

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Quality Plus Automotive - November 2021

4 cup of flour, whisking until golden. Gradually add the almond milk until it thickens, then toss wi

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Quality Plus Automotive - September 2021

or reverse collision warning systems to help to eradicate this phenomenon. Usually, the forward coll

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Quality Plus Automotive - July 2021

warning.html . Stay cool this summer and prevent heat-related illnesses by seeking shade or staying

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Quality Plus Automotive - October 2021

Quality Plus Automotive - October 2021 October 2021 Keeping Up With the Tuneups Taking Care of Your

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Quality Plus Automotive - August 2020

10” became the norm, and now we’re all used to it, so the hidden cent sticks with us. 3 Inspired

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Quality Plus Automotive Service - March 2022

Quality Plus Automotive Service - March 2022 March 2022 I Can, and I Will My Outlook on Optimism Mon

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Quality Plus Automotive - October 2020

Quality Plus Automotive - October 2020 October 2020 What Customer Service Really Means No Shortcuts

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Quality Plus Automotive - May 2020

QPAMayScramber to submit your guess. All those with the CORRECT answer will be entered to win a $25

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Quality Plus Automotive - March 2021

March 2021

Employees Make the Business If you’ve been following this newsletter long, you know how much I appreciate my employees at Quality Plus. Since March 5 is Employee Appreciation Day, I wanted to spend a little extra time sharing the appreciation I have for our entire team this month. While we don’t need a day on the calendar to tell us to appreciate our employees, it’s a good reminder to every business owner, manager, or supervisor to let their employees know just how much they appreciate them. Hard work and dedication should always be acknowledged and recognized. When I first started my own business, it was just me. I did all the work, and it was tough. It didn’t take me long to realize I couldn’t do it all by myself, not if I wanted to grow or expand my businesses. Now, all these years later, I know I wouldn’t have a business without my employees. Of course, we have to have customers, too — but if I was still doing this by myself, I wouldn’t have very many customers. They really go hand in hand, but the employees are the people who keep things moving, and they deliver the quality service that keeps our customers coming back when they need us! I made it a goal from the very beginning to hire people who have good attitudes, have good ethics, and genuinely want to be a part of the business. Like any business, we’ve had a few bumps in the road. You can interview a person who looks great on paper who isn’t so great in practice.

We’re fortunate that we’ve been able to put together a team that works so well together and loves what they do. It took a lot of effort to get to this point, but it was worth it. I’ve learned a lot about hiring people over the years, and I’ve learned a lot about who I want to work with, like good family people who have a passion for customer service. And good customer service is the key to running a successful business. When I hire people, I want them to realize that their paycheck comes from every single person who walks through our door. When employees care about the customer, that customer is going to keep coming back — and they’re probably going to tell their family and friends about us, too! All I can really say is that everyone at Quality Plus does a great job — I know I can count on our team to take care of customers and get things done. Even better, if I’m out for a few days, I know everything is going to be just fine. I can take a day to hit the golf course and I don’t have to worry about a thing! I appreciate my employees. I’m happy I’ve been able to find and train a good group of people, and I’m happy they care so much about our customers.

Wake Forest • 919.453.0345 — Raleigh • 919.231.6164 -Randy Bunn


Published by Newsletter Pro •

Do Something Better in the Garden There’s something beautiful about cultivating your own harvest, but you can grow more than simple backyard vegetables. Help your garden “grow up” by trying something unique this spring. Grow Fun Foods We plant gardens for a purpose, so why not make it fun! Plant fresh basil, tomatoes, onions, peppers, oregano, and more to create a garden worthy of your next homemade pizza. All you will need to buy is the crust! Pumpkin plants can offer fresh gourds for any Halloween fanatic, while new species of fruits and vegetables can create an exciting home-cooking experience. Try the silver cucumber for a sweet taste or pineberries for a mix between strawberries and pineapples. You just might find a new flavor you love.

Spring Car Care It’s spring, which means a lot of people are cleaning their vehicles for the first time in several months. Just as we clean at home, spring-cleaning our cars and trucks

is also important. Over the winter months, extra dirt and dust can accumulate on the interior and exterior of your car. But there is really one thing you should watch out for this spring as you clean your car.

Nature’s Paint Killer

As we all know, we live in an area of North Carolina blessed with a great many pine trees, and with pine trees comes pollen. For allergy sufferers, pollen can be a nightmare leading to sneezing, itchy eyes, and headaches. But did you know pollen can also damage your vehicle?

GoWith the Flow Creating a year-round garden

that practically takes care of itself means using principles of permaculture, a philosophy of working with, rather than against, nature. Start by analyzing

Pollen is highly acidic. All it takes is one grain of pollen to damage your car’s exterior. This is especially problematic for folks who park outdoors or are unable to regularly wash their vehicle’s exterior. Here’s why: When pollen lands on your vehicle and it gets wet, it interacts with the paint and slowly erodes it away. Over time, your paint will start to take on a dull appearance. With enough

your space and yard. Determine your soil type and layer mulch or cover crops to protect it. Then, begin planting the same way that’s found in nature — trees grow

at the top, shrubs and bushes are below, and other small plants and vines intermingle within. Choose crops that help each other grow (like corn, beans, and squash), and offer aid to your garden without digging up too much soil or disturbing its natural process. Permaculture gardening requires thoughtful planning, but once your crops are in place, nature will take its course. Plant for Your Health Mass production of your favorite fruits and vegetables reduces their key nutrients. Instead, choose fresh, home-grown varieties to yield greater health benefits. This is good news for those living with heart disease, joint disorders, or other chronic conditions. You can grow a garden chock full of nutrient-rich foods! Colorful fruits, root veggies, onions, and beans are great for joint health, while leafy greens can boost heart health. Grow pumpkins so you can harvest the seeds for better brain function, while berries can support your liver.

Before you dig into these new gardening methods, consult with an expert at a nursery or greenhouse to get the best possible results.


Don’t Forget About the Filter! Clean Air for Your Engine — and You A general rule of thumb is to change your engine’s air filter approximately every 15,000 miles or once a year. Some people choose to change their air filter with every oil change, every other oil change, or whenever they go in for annual service — but are there telltale signs you need a new air filter? The answer is yes! Here is what you need to look out for: A Drop in Gas Mileage If you notice there’s been a drop in gas mileage, but your driving habits haven’t changed — and you have no idea what could possibly be leading to the drop — check your air filter. Every internal combustion engine needs healthy airflow in order to operate efficiently. If there are any blockages, gas mileage will drop. It will be very small at first, but over time, it will become noticeable. A StruggleWith Vehicle Ignition If the engine air filter has been neglected for a long time, the lack of airflow can impact your vehicle’s ignition system. This problem is more common in older vehicles, but it can impact any internal combustion engine. If air isn’t circulating properly, carbon and other exhaust materials can build up in the engine and around the spark plugs. Over time, this causes the spark plugs to misfire and leads to ignition issues and a drop in power. Changing the Cabin Air Filter This air filter —which filters the air pushed through your vehicle’s HVAC system— needs to be changed regularly. This filter is essential to keep dust and other particles out of your face, so you’re breathing cleaner air while you’re out driving. You can even get filters that protect against certain allergens, such as pollen, or filters for common air pollutants.

time, it can lead to pitting, and if the erosion is bad enough, rust can follow.

The Cure

The quickest and easiest way to take care of the problem is with a car wash! But you have to do more than just rinse or wipe it away. Rinsing

can actually make the problem worse, as water “activates” the

pollen. Wiping the pollen away can potentially scratch the paint — and when you have scratches, you give pollen a place to hide where it can do its damage.

The key is to use soapy water. You can do this at home or head to your favorite car wash. After the wash, waxing is also recommended because it creates a temporary barrier that keeps pollen from doing any damage. A good wash and wax in early spring will help keep your vehicle safe from pollen for several months!


Wake Forest 919.453.0345 Raleigh 919.231.6164 1601 Heritage Commerce Ct. Wake Forest, NC 27587


INSIDE This Issue


I Wouldn’t Have Gotten Very Far Without My Employees Make Gardening Better With These 3 Ideas! Watch Out for Nature’s Paint Killer! Take a Break Is It Time for a New Engine Air Filter? It’s Time for a Virtual Field Trip!


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Field Trip Day, Right From the Living Room Field trips are always an exciting time for kids. It changes a monotonous school day into a learning adventure. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has put field trips on hold for the time being. Luckily, there are ways kids can still enjoy field trips from the safety of their homes through virtual field trips! Check out some great virtual field trips below. Visit the National Gallery of Art The National Gallery of Art provides 10 digital educational resources for children and adults to explore. These resources include video tours, educational PDFs, and even a few lessons and activities. Children can become engrossed in art, expand their knowledge of the arts, and practice some creativity of their own. Find out more and get exploring at Learn about farming with BrightFarms BrightFarms’ virtual tours let viewers explore indoor farming, specifically how leafy greens are grown, harvested, packaged, and delivered to grocery stores. The growers narrate the videos in an easy- to-follow tour that is perfect for kids and adults alike. Find these tours at their website at or

See Buckingham Palace In this virtual tour, your kids can explore Buckingham Palace’s throne room, grand staircase, and white drawing room. Each room has a 360-degree view to look around each room, and, by clicking on the information icons, you can learn about certain aspects of each room. This is a wonderful chance to bring your kids into a completely different world right from your living room by heading to Royal.UK/virtual-tours-buckingham-palace. Fly to Mars and the Moon By heading to, you and your kids can embark on an exploration of Mars with narrator Katie Stack Morgan, a NASA planetary geologist on the Mars Science Laboratory mission, and the rover Curiosity. Morgan takes viewers through certain points of Curiosity’s adventures on the real surface of Mars. NASA also has a virtual tour of the moon’s surface at, providing viewers with information gathered since 2009.


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