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ReachOut IT May 2019

May 2019

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National Smile Month

What a True Smile Can Do

May is National Smile Month, which, according to the Oral

your teeth, you're not smiling," I told them. When the pictures were retaken, I took both pictures and compared the two side by side, and they agreed that there was a huge difference! A smile helps people connect with you just like it can help you connect with someone else. Think about the last time you were out on a date, at a conference, or even if you went down to your local Starbucks to grab coffee. Could you tell whether or not the other person was enjoying themselves? Did they laugh when you told a joke, or smile when they told you to have a great day? Chances are, you could! If they gave you a full smile that showed their teeth, you probably didn't mind hanging around to chat with them for a little longer, and the experience could have even lifted your spirits for the rest of the day. A toothy smile will naturally bring people together! In the same way that people say the eyes are the windows to the soul, the smile is the doorway to the heart. You might not realize it, but wherever you find yourself in life, a true smile is pretty important. It doesn't matter if you're a lawyer, doctor, receptionist, barista, or dentist. A genuine smile will make all the difference in how people react to you and how you interact with them. When I first started working on my media appearances, they weren't my best pictures or my best smiles. Comparing my smiles from then and now, you can see the difference, but that didn't just come out of nowhere.

A good smile is like working out; it's something that you have to practice. There are 43 muscles in the face, and just like how it takes time to exercise your arm muscles to lift a heavier dumbbell, those face muscles need to build up, too! You have to make the conscious effort to smile more to get good at it. Ever since I started working on my smile, I've noticed how much it affects other people and myself. Whenever I appeared on CBS, FOX, ABC or other shows, I was getting along better with hosts and really connecting with people who were watching all around the world. Not only that, but my family started noticing a difference in the way I presented myself! My wife and my kids would ask, "What's different about you? You're always happy now." And the thing is, it wasn't that I was unhappy — I was happy, but I didn't show it. To celebrate National Smile Month, I would encourage everyone to smile more and show your teeth. I guarantee that the interactions you have will be that much more positive and enjoyable. Here's to a month of celebrating genuine smiles!

Health Foundation, is the largest and longest running campaign to promote oral health. I think that this holiday is also a great chance to learn what a great smile can do, not just for you, but for the people who surround you in your daily life. people smile: when you're showing teeth and when you're not. Everyone wants to do the "cool" smile you see a lot in selfies, the one that almost looks like they're smirking at the camera. To me, that's not smiling. A true smile is when you show your teeth. take headshots of the team. After all the pictures were taken, I went through them all but didn't let the photographer go. There were a few pictures in which my team members had that cool smile, and I wanted their pictures to be retaken. Those I called back said, "But I am smiling, look!" But I just shook my head. "If I don't see Throughout my professional career and training, I've noticed there are two ways Not too long ago, I had a professional photographer come to the office to

“In the same way that people say the eyes are the windows to the soul, the smile is the doorway to the heart.”


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