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Regenerative Sport Spine and Spa - May 2019

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Regenerative Sport Spine and Spa - August 2019

2 tbsp agave nectar 1 yellow onion, thinly sliced Salt and white pepper, to taste Equipment • Bamboo

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Regenerative Sport Spine and Spa - September 2019

Regenerative Sport Spine and Spa - September 2019 REGENS3.COM SEPTEMBER 2019 A FILM BUFF’S ULTIMATE

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Regenerative Sport Spine and Spa - March 2019

2 small red onion, thinly sliced • 1 tablespoon ginger, peeled and grated • 1 small zucchini, julien

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Regenerative Sport Spine and Spa - June 2019

2 tsp lemon zest, grated • Mint leaves, for garnish • 3 tbsp fresh lemon juice • Parmesan cheese, pr

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Regenerative Sport Spine and Spa - April 2019

or injury. You have to incorporate movement and strengthen the muscle surrounding the injured area t

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Regenerative Sport Spine and Spa - July 2019

4-inch rounds Equipment • 1 packet of bamboo skewers • 1 block feta cheese, cubed directions 1. Asse

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Regenerative Physical Therapy and Wellness - October 2019

or have suffered an injury, you should seriously consider giving our office a call at 407- 730-5600.

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Beautique Med Spa May 2019

2 cup gluten-free rolled oats • • 3 cloves garlic 2 tablespoons chipotle peppers in adobo sauce • 1–

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Regenerative Physical Therapy and Wellness - November 2019

2 tsp ground ginger • 1 tsp crushed red pepper • 6 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • Kosher

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Regenerative PT and Wellness - December 2019

gingerbread-houses. 4 REGENS3.COM Published by The Newsletter Pro •

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Regenerative Sport Spine and Spa - May 2019


MAY 2019



Celebrations of mothers and motherhood can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who often held festivals in honor of the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele. As traditions have shifted toward more modern celebrations surrounding this holiday, family members will often try to find meaningful ways to show their mothers love and appreciation. To that end, I figured what better way to demonstrate my appreciation of my own mom than by featuring her in the newsletter! “While I ended up following more in my father’s footsteps, my mom continuously inspired me regarding two of the most important facets of life: work and family.” While my sister and I grew up simply calling her “Mom,” my mother’s given name is Pramada. She and my father emigrated from India when I was 5 years old. My dad had attended medical school there, but due to a lack of opportunity in the surrounding area, he decided to complete his residency in New York. While it was certainly a huge transition for all of us, my mom excelled at ensuring that everything progressively moved forward, making sure my sister and I navigated the change healthily. She has always had this amazing ability to keep everyone and everything connected. Growing up, I admired my mom’s energy. She was (and still is) what others called a ‘go-getter,’ constantly planning, organizing, and keeping all of our lives in order. Her

talents were put to full use during our family trips.

You see, one of my mom’s passions is traveling, and her love for seeing new

places definitely planted a seed in the rest of us, growing into a family pastime. We took roadtrip

after roadtrip to explore the U.S., as well as several international trips to Europe. We would also travel back to India for the entire summer about every other year to visit friends and family there. While I know without a doubt that my mom loved all of our family adventures, the one that sticks out in my memory as probably being her favorite was our vacation to Hawaii. Since she had such a zest for outdoor activities, she never seemed more content than when she was walking along the beach checking out the beautiful flowers and taking in those ocean sunsets. While I ended up following more in my father’s footsteps, my mom continuously inspired me regarding two of the most important facets of life: work and family. First, she encouraged me to seek success in what was meaningful in my life. Second,

during my quest for that success, she reminded me to never forget about family during the journey. Even now, she makes sure to set aside time to travel from Dallas, where she lives, to visit my sister and me in our home states. She also works hard around everyone’s busy schedule to plan family reunions. Her insistence on keeping all of us close, no matter the circumstances, has made and continues to make my family what it is. So, to her and to all the other mothers out there, Happy Mother’s Day! -Dr. Cherukupally



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TAKE COOL SHOWERS. Hot showers are relaxing, but they also dry out your skin, especially in the heat of summer. Do your skin a favor and turn down the temperature. As a bonus,

Summer is a wonderful time of year for your health. The warm weather encourages outdoor activities, and the vitamin D produced by sunlight can boost your mood. Unfortunately, sunshine can also do a number on your skin. Here are a few tips to protect your skin while having fun in the sun. DON’T FORGET THE SUNSCREEN! People of all complexions should wear sunscreen every day. Even if you aren’t at the beach, harsh sunlight can still damage your skin when you’re walking around or driving your car. Dermatologists recommend applying sunscreen with SPF 30 first thing in the morning and reapplying periodically through the day.

taking a cool shower after sweating can reduce acne breakouts.

STAY HYDRATED. Hydrated skin is happy

skin, so keep a water bottle handy. Start by swapping a sugary beverage at mealtime with a glass of water instead. Another healthy way to get extra water is by snacking on fresh fruits and vegetables. Certain summer fruits, like melons, have high water content and are full of vitamins your body craves.

Pro Tip: Don’t put the sunscreen away when it gets cold. The sun is still harmful in the winter months.

WANT A TAN? GO SUNLESS! Though popular, that “sun-kissed” look is actually a sign of skin damage caused by harmful UV rays. If your summer look just isn’t complete without a tan, consider using a sunless tanning product. The Mayo Clinic states, “Topical sunless tanning products are generally considered safe alternatives to sunbathing, as long as they’re used as directed.” So, read the directions and enjoy a great summer tan while keeping your skin safe.

There’s a lot to love about summertime. With these tips, your skin can love it, too.


In the U.S., there isn’t much of an emphasis on injury prevention. Due to the lack of insurance coverage for preventive medicine, people

Fortunately, here at Activcore, through client education and awareness, we’ve been able to make these yearly checkups part of several clients’ healthcare routines. For example, we recently had a professional golfer come in to have us check for

tend to seek out an expert opinion when they are in a constant state of pain. It’s an unfortunate conundrum, and one that our physical therapy team at Activcore sees daily. We meet with clients whose pain stems from a targeted area. They have usually ignored the issue as best they could, hoping it would simply pass on its own. Then, months later, their small issue has transformed into a full-fledged injury that requires time and money to repair when it likely could have been prevented through a simple musculoskeletal checkup: a full body exam dedicated to looking specifically at bone, muscle, spine, and joint movements to identify justifiable imbalances.

movement discrepancies. Our experts examined this person’s movement from head to toe and

detected imbalances in the low back, pelvis, and hips. Essentially, some of the muscles in those areas weren’t producing normal muscle movements, which caused other muscles to overcompensate. To combat these imbalances, we created exercises to target the muscles that weren’t firing properly. The successes of these checkups are two- fold. First, by pinpointing imbalances early, they prevent future injuries from occurring, which saves you money and months of pain and rehabilitation. Second, by fixing these imbalances, you can maximize your body’s movements. For example, the client who golfed professionally was able to add 50 extra yards to their drive.

You’re encouraged to go to your primary care doctor for yearly preventive exams to check

your heart, blood pressure, and so on, but, despite the fact that 80 percent of the general population will experience back pain at some point in their lives, getting yearly preventive musculoskeletal exams still isn’t considered a societal norm or expectation.

If you have more questions or would like to schedule your own checkup, don’t hesitate to give our Activcore office a call at 407-753-2192.



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Because PRP stimulates easier blood flow and speeds up the healing process, it can be used to treat a variety of issues, such as orthopedic, muscle, and joint injuries. Many athletes also seek PRP for help healing common tendon issues, more habitually referred to as “tennis elbow” or “jumper’s knee.” Additionally, PRP treatment is also great for cosmetic uses, such as facial rejuvenation and

Over the last several years, platelet-rich plasma, more commonly known as PRP, has been frequently featured on various news media platforms and in many scientific and medical journals, making more people aware of its potential effectiveness in treating injuries. As a result, many famous athletes — golf extraordinaire Tiger Woods, tennis star Rafael Nadal, and several others — have received PRP for various problems, such as sprained knees and chronic tendon injuries. Some of these athletes have credited PRP with their ability to return quickly to competition. Most people are under the assumption that PRP includes stem cells, but it’s really just a natural concoction made from your own blood. While your blood is primarily comprised of a liquid called plasma, it also contains small, solid components of red and white cells and platelets, which are best known for their clotting properties. PRP is plasma that contains 5–10 times more platelets than is typically found in blood. To develop PRP for a procedure, blood must first be drawn from a client. The platelets are separated from other blood cells, and their concentration is increased during a process called centrifugation. Then, the increased concentration of platelets is injected back into the patient to stimulate healing. HOWDOES PRPWORK?

stimulating hair growth. It also immensely helps with erectile and vaginal dysfunction because it stimulates new blood vessel growth, which improves blood flow and circulation. We are constantly working to spread information about regenerative medicine, including both PRP and stem cell therapy. To learn more, be sure to attend our workshop! What: Stem Cell Informational Dinner Where: Facility TBA When: Wednesday, May 22. RSVP by calling or emailing the office to reserve a spot!






These vegan, gluten-free chipotle black bean burgers are so full of flavor they will knock the socks off any meat burger!

Since we’ve given you lots of material to read already, why don’t you take a quick break? But don’t just sit there. Use this break as an opportunity to improve your balance! Nearly any activity that keeps you on your feet and moving, such as walking, can help you maintain good balance. But specific exercises designed to enhance your balance are beneficial to include in your daily routine and can help to improve your stability.


2 cans black beans, drained and rinsed 1/2 medium onion, roughly chopped

• • • • • • •

2 teaspoons cumin

1 pinch salt

1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 handful fresh cilantro

• •

3 cloves garlic

1 teaspoon Sriracha

2 tablespoons chipotle peppers in adobo sauce

1/2 cup gluten-free rolled oats

1–2 tablespoons olive oil

You could try:


Balancing on one foot while you’re standing for a period of time Standing up from a seated position without using your hands as support

1. Place half the black beans, onion, and garlic in your food processor. Blend for 20–30 seconds until combined. Add chipotle, cumin, salt, cornstarch, cilantro, and Sriracha. Blend for another 10–20 seconds. 2. Transfer to a large mixing bowl. Stir in oats and remaining black beans. 3. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Form mixture into patties and carefully transfer to skillet. Cook for about 5–7 minutes until bottom is browned and set. Very carefully flip and cook for an additional 4–6 minutes until opposite side is browned and set as well. 4. Serve immediately, or store refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 1 week.

Of course, if you have severe balance problems or an orthopedic condition, make sure to come in and talk to us before trying any more complex balance exercises at home.

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10920 Moss Park Road Suite 218 Orlando, FL 32832 407-730-5600


INSIDE 1. In Honor of Mother’s Day

2. Is Summertime Bad for Your Skin? 2. How to Find Out If You Have Movement Imbalances

3. Did You Know You Can Use Your Blood to Promote Healing? 3. Chipotle Black Bean Burgers

4. The Golden Era of Athletes on Social Media


It’s not an overstatement to say that social media has revolutionized the way we live our lives today. But with that massively powerful platform comes a massive responsibility, especially if you’re already in the spotlight. Athletes have taken the opportunity social media affords them to build their personal brands and engage in community outreach with the fans who look to them as role models, but there’s a downside to cataloging years of unfiltered thoughts on the internet. For better or worse, social media is here to stay, and we have full access to all the drama that unfolds for our entertainment. Despite the web’s potential for good, some pros can’t seem to get the message that every post falls under the scrutiny of the public. PR firms representing players have now made it a top priority to keep their clients’ images in line by scrubbing old posts that could be offensive and land them in hot water. Still, though, it seems like there’s a new controversy every week. One of the best examples comes courtesy of former football star “Johnny Football” Manziel. The former Heisman Trophy winner was notorious for posting embarrassing images of himself partying when he should have been practicing, and he often blasted his private issues in public, seemingly with no filter. He’s out of a job now, most recently having been banned from the Canadian Football League. For every bad apple, though, there is a bushel of athletes who use their

platforms for the greater good. Houston Texans defensive end J.J.

Watt, five-time Pro Bowler and NFL star, has used his social media “juice” to spread the word about his charity, raising over $4.6 million for youth athletic

programs and organizations.

Philanthropy aside, part of the beauty of celebrity social

media is that the people who seem so much larger than life become accessible because of it. In decades past, you might have written a letter that, if you were fortunate, got a response from some unpaid intern. Today, fans can reach out directly to their favorite athletes. It is a personal connection unparalleled in history. What a time to be alive.



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