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RegionalPT_ 8 Tips For Making a Good PT Treatment Even Bett…

EVEN BETTER 8 Tips For Making a Good PT Treatment

So you’re in physical therapy treatment, right? Maybe you’re participating in a program that is geared towards helping you manage a chronic pain condition, or maybe you’ve been injured in an accident that has left you dealing with discomfort and physical limitations. Whatever the reason behind your treatment is, Regional Physical Therapy has 8 tips that can help enhance it! 1.Get plenty of rest before your appointment. Being well-rested is always a good idea, but especially before physical activity or therapeutic treatment at Regional Physical Therapy. Having adequate sleep can make all the difference with your levels of alertness during your therapy session. The more energy you have, the more focus you can dedicate to your exercises and stretches. 2. Be honest with your PT….and yourself! Your Regional Physical Therapy physical therapist values your input, opinion, and feelings when it comes to your treatment! If something is causing you pain or discomfort, definitely speak up and let them know so that they can adjust your treatment plan accordingly. You don’t have to tough it out in silence or tell yourself you’re being a baby -- if you’re uncomfortable, we want to know so we can change your therapeutic exercises to fit your needs. 3. Eat the right foods. Similar to getting enough sleep, eating the right foods, and giving yourself the nutrients you need to function properly is super important! Be sure to eat lots of vegetables, lean meats, and fruits so your body can operate at its peak performance. Drink plenty of water as well and try to avoid too much sugar and processed snacks. (Continued inside)

You Don’t Need A Prescription! In the state of Oklahoma you can seek physical therapy first, without a physician referral, to get the help you need quickly!

Feel Better


(Continued from outside) 4. Practice at home.

Therapy physical therapist can keep working towards your overall goal. 8. Ask questions. There really are no dumb questions when it comes to physical therapy. The body is a very complex machine, so if you don’t understand how two parts of your therapy are linked, speak up! Don’t be afraid to ask “Why should I be doing this?” or “How does this leg exercise benefit me?” Our therapists are knowledgeable and skilled experts who are more than happy to explain anything to you that you aren’t clear on. The more you know about your treatment, the more comfortable you’ll be. Call our clinic today for an appointment Got a nagging pain that is keeping you up at night? Are you tired of not being able to do the things you enjoy on the weekend due to discomfort or physical limitations? Physical therapy might be the answer you’ve been searching for. Call Regional Physical Therapy to learn more about physical therapy and all the different ways you can enhance your treatment outside of your appointments. We can’t wait to see you and help you return to feeling your best!

When you undergo physical therapy treatment at Regional Physical Therapy, you’ll be given specific exercises and stretches to complete on your own time at home. Make sure you’re setting aside time every day to practice them so that you can continue to make good progress outside of your appointments! 5. Keep a physical therapy progress journal. No, it doesn’t have to be a leatherbound diary where you scribble down your entire day, your hopes, fears, and dreams. A progress journal can simply be a notebook you have lying around with a few dozen empty pages. Write down how your body feels every day, before and after physical therapy exercises. Write down things you want to be able to do after treatment. Write down encouraging phrases for yourself to come back to if you’re feeling discouraged. Months from now, you can look back on this journal and see just how far you’ve come and how much progress truly has been made! 6. Have goals, and keep them. At the beginning of your treatment, your physical therapist will most likely ask you what your goals are for the end of treatment. For example, what is something you cannot do right now because of your pain? Maybe it’s something related to your job. Or maybe you would just like to be able to run around the yard with your pet or kids again. Having a goal to work towards can keep you motivated throughout the course of your treatment and also give your therapist an idea of where your therapy should start. 7. Don’t skip appointments. Look, you’ll only see results if you dedicate the time to doing the work! We understand that sometimes things come up and you may have to reschedule an appointment or two, but try to stay as committed as possible to keeping your appointments so you and your Regional Physical

If you would like to find relief, call us today!

Feel Better WE LOOK FORWARD TO SERVING YOU AT OUR NEW CLINIC. Our Edmond Clinic is moving to a new location! Regional Physical Therapy is opening September 1, 2021 at: 501 E. 15th Street, Suite 101, Edmond, OK 73013 Phone 405.458.7727 • Fax 405.359.2233 “I came in with lower back pain and unable to bend much in any direction. On the first visit my therapist went all out and we were able to target exactly what was the culprit of my pain. From then forward we added new stretches and exercises to strengthen my core and alleviate the pain. I will mention that doing the exercises and stretches at home are imperative to a successful therapy. My therapist was also kind enough to answer and help with other issues in my neck and hamstring. The best part of my physical therapy experience was the friendly staff, ASTYM, and stem sessions. Now after a month I have no pain and am able to bend in every direction, almost to my toes.” -KD Patient Success Story “Now after a month I have no pain and am able to bend in every direction, almost to my toes.”


5. Make sure they are eating a well-balanced diet. Even when following tips and guidelines to the letter, injuries can unfortunately still occur. Be sure to tell your young athlete that the old saying “no pain, no gain” doesn’t apply when it comes to actual injuries. Playing through pain can lead to further damage and a longer healing time, so it is important to address any nagging pains or acute injuries before they turn into something more serious. Your physical therapy team at Regional PT can help create a plan to treat and prevent injuries by promoting strength training and proper form. Call us today to see how we can help your child succeed this season!

School is back in session and with a new school year comes a new season for sports! Whether your kids play for their school team or an extracurricular rec team, there is always the risk of an injury. Some are fairly minor, such as scrapes and bruises, but some can be serious enough to need medical intervention. Here is a collection of tips that can help keep your kids playing the game they love rather than watching from the sidelines: 1. Get a preseason physical.

2. Emphasize the importance of warm-ups. 3. Make sure they are getting enough rest. 4. Make sure they are hydrating!