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Register 2019

REGISTER2019 Christ’s College, Canterbury


REGISTER 2019 Contents


Culture, Groups & Activities

Executive Principal’s Prize-giving Address 4 The Chair, Board of Governors, Prize-giving Speech 8 The Head Prefect’s Prize-giving Speech 10 The 2020 Head Prefect’s Junior Prize-giving Speech 12 Our People 14 Board Notes 18 Governing Body 19 Prefects 2019 19 New Boys & Leavers 2019 20


140 142 143 144 146 150 154 156 162 163 164 166 168 170 172 174 179 184 187 201 214 218 221 237 248 252 267 280 282 283 285 288 290 294 301




Senior Production Week – Playing with Fire 

The Frogs: A Modern Adaptation 

High School Musical 2  REACTION House Plays

Speech and Drama

Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival




From the Chaplain

24 26 27

Instrumental Music Leadership Events Outdoor Education

From the Director of Wellbeing & Positive Education

College Committee Reports

Eco-Action Environment



Departmental Reviews

36 55 55 56 60 64 66 67 67 67 67 67 68 72 74 80 86 92 98

NZQA Scholarship Awards for 2019


2019 NCEA Results

Badminton Basketball

Prize Winners

Prize-giving Winners Scholarship Holders


Cross Country

2020 University Scholarships

Cycling Football Hockey

Gold Ties

Gold Badge Gold Buttons Honours Ties


Rowing Rugby Sailing Skiing Squash

Colours Careers

Pastoral Care

Swimming Table Tennis

Boarding Programme

Condell’s House


Corfe House

Volleyball Water Polo

Flower’s House Harper House Jacobs House Julius House Richards House Rolleston House School House Somes House

104 110 116 122 130

Register 2019 Contents



Christ’s College Canterbury


Register 2019 Leadership

LEADERSHIP Executive Principal’s Prize-giving Address

from Ian’s wisdom, experience and counsel. His firm hand on the tiller has set the school on the right path toward its future. Deputy Board Chair Hugh Lindo will step into the breach at the beginning of 2020. I would ask that we now thank and acknowledge Ian and congratulate Hugh. To the boys assembled, thank you for your contribution this year. Schools only exist to serve the needs of the children who attend, and it is vital that those who are the beneficiaries of the energy of a place like College are also constructively and positively engaged. There is no doubt that you have been so. I would like to acknowledge the boys who are leaving, especially our Year 13 students. You have, in various ways, been inspirational, and have shown through your commitment a true affection for this place. Your page has now been turned in College history, opportunities have been taken, friendships have been forged, glory days have been created … Thank you for your particular gift to the College story. I would be most remiss not to highlight Head Prefect Zach Gallagher and Deputy Head Prefect Max Heywood. When considering what we aspire to in the ideal College graduate, these two young men have exemplified in their roles a sense of confidence and humility while modelling personal excellence in every way. What is pleasing for me is the manner in which they have grown the two pivotal roles they have filled. Their student voice has been heard and that has been a very special part of their contribution. Could I ask you to acknowledge, thank and wish Zach, Max and all

our leavers well, as they leave school ready to embark on the next exciting phase of life. As always, there have been a number of staff changes in 2019. During the year we have welcomed to the teaching staff Mathematics teachers Dr Tom Hawkins and Tamara Lerios, English teacher Zac Knight, Technology teacher Sam Leary, and Physics teacher Victor Sue-Tang. Throughout the year we have also farewelled a number of staff and enabled new opportunities for others. Joe Eccleton left us to become principal of Cashmere High School after just three exceptional years at College, and Nicole Billante replaced him as Assistant Principal – Curriculum. Commerce teacher William Bell, who acted as Head of Department during the year, has become the school’s timetabler, replacing Physics teacher Chris Hill. We farewell and thank Mathematics teacher James Bartlett for his work and wish him well as a Mathematics lecturer at the University of Canterbury, and congratulate Tamara Lerios on her new role as Assistant Head of Department Mathematics. Classics teacher Chloe Harland and Art teacher Kate Kempthorne- Smith have both resigned following periods of parental leave, after having made wonderful contributions to their respective departments. Peter Cooper steps down as Head of Geography but remains on the teaching staff. He will be replaced by Neil Nicholson, following his successful tenure over the last nine years as Housemaster of Rolleston House. Peter has made a wonderful contribution to the Geography

Te¯ na¯ koutou katoa.

Warden of Christ’s College Bishop Peter Carrell, Chair of the College Board Dr Ian Town and members of the Board, special invited guests, staff, parents and students. Thank you for attending today for what I hope will be a celebration as we reflect back on the year that was and look forward to the future. I begin today by acknowledging our departing Board Chair Dr Ian Town, who will hand over the prizes. Ian has just reflected on his time here at College. He steps down today having overseen a modernisation of the Board in both its practice and membership and having been a driving force through a period of renewal for College. Suffice to say his exceptional leadership has enabled College to see itself honestly and openly in a period of significant challenge and change. In particular, Ian’s commitment to our For the boys. For our future . campaign was extraordinary. I know that I, along with other members of the Board and Executive, have directly benefited


Christ’s College Canterbury

Department during his time as its lead and if Neil brings just a small amount of the energy and passion that he has brought to the role of Housemaster, Geography will continue to thrive. Dr Briar Wait takes over the verandah chair, becoming Housemaster of Rolleston House in 2020. As the school community is aware, Mathematics teacher and Condell’s Housemaster Tony O’Connor left College at the end of Term 1 to pursue his passion for coaching rowing at a national level and confirmed his resignation at the beginning of Term 4. We thank Tony for his contribution to so many aspects of College life. ESOL teacher Alex Robertson, who was acting Housemaster in Tony’s absence, has now been confirmed as Housemaster of Condell’s House and we wish her all the best in her new role. I would like to acknowledge Head of Mathematics Samantha Squire and Head of Physical Education & Health Chris Needle for making acting contributions to the Centre for Teaching Excellence & Research through 2019. At the end of this year we farewell Chris, who is taking a year’s leave in Australia, and acknowledge his colleague Henry

Smith who will step into the role of Acting Head of Department in 2020. English teacher Melissa Campbell has been appointed Head of Teaching & Learning for Humanities and English, replacing Nicole Billante. In the middle of the year we farewelled College Counsellor Wiremu Gray, who in a relatively short time had influence both in his counselling role and as a contributor to a growing bicultural awareness at College. In particular, I wish to thank Wiremu for his modernisation of the College haka. We were able to replace Wiremu with two clinical psychologists sharing the counselling role and were pleased to welcome Dr Sarah Anticich and Emily Baird in Term 3. There have also been a number of changes within non-teaching staff throughout the year. Director of Finance & Operations Steve Kelsen departed mid-year after seven years of committed service, pivotally during the latter part of the rebuild, to take up a role with the Youth Hostel Association of New Zealand. Rob McFarlane has recently been confirmed as his replacement. Vanessa Thomas has accepted the

ongoing role of Senior Financial Accountant within the finance team. After five years, Ric Fletcher concluded his work as Director of Development in August, having led the Development Office through a major campaign at a time when the importance of philanthropy for the ongoing success of College was being communicated. Such work is not easy, but Ric’s affable nature always seemed to allow a positive future to be seen. We also farewell Lauren van Zyl and Erica Klassen from Development. The conclusion of the current campaign has seen the creation of the Advancement Office, incorporating all aspects of admissions, marketing and communications, philanthropy and alumni activity, and led by Director of Advancement Claire Sparks. We also said goodbye to Executive Assistant – Academic Management Brigitte Morgan and welcomed Sara Ball into that role. She, in turn, was replaced as Digital Services Technician by Ben Smith. We welcomed our new Mathematics and English tutors, Jenny Dingwall and Ruth Simms respectively, mid-way through the year, and farewelled Anthony MacNamara and welcomed Jimmy Healy as a tutor for our Immerse & Inspire programme. We have again had the good service of gap tutors in 2019 and acknowledge the contribution of Cameron Howe- Dreyer and Bradley Fulcher, our first Drama gap, as they return home at the end of the year. We welcomed new leader Robbie McKeon to the maintenance team, and farewelled Kevin Rae after many years of service as our electrician and in general maintenance. We also welcomed back Margaret Lawson as our Custodian. Staff across the entire school, no matter what their role, work tirelessly to achieve the very best for each boy. It is a collaborative approach from teaching and non- teaching staff alike, and I take this opportunity to thank them on your behalf for all they do. I would particularly like to acknowledge the work of the College Executive,


Register 2019 Leadership

two years. House Music returns to the Town Hall next year and we maintain our online commitment to parent education through SchoolTV thanks to the foresight and energy of this group. Thank you to all parents for your ongoing commitment to College. The second important group I want to thank today is our Old Boys’ Association that, under the leadership of Geoffrey Sullivan, has made huge gains in 2019 in moving the Association closer to its purpose and to College. Underlying this work has been the incredible contribution of CCOBA Secretary Justine Nicholl who is leaving us after eight years of dedicated service. Justine has been an exceptional advocate for our Old Boys no matter where they reside. From golf tournaments to reunion weekends to branch gatherings to the creation and installation of Chapel windows, Justine has, through her buoyant personality and exceptional organisational skills, managed to bring the spirit of community to all she has done. She has overseen the Association relocate its offices to be closer to the heart of the school and has served alongside four CCOBA presidents and their associated committees with charm and competence. I, along with many of her colleagues, have very much enjoyed working with Justine in this community-facing role and we, along

especially Deputy Principal Rob Donaldson, who does so much and patiently deals with significant complexity in a compassionate and professional manner, and our Chaplain Bosco Peters, who each week inspires us to think about our place and purpose ... the key component of our wellbeing. To the Housemasters, Heads of Teaching & Learning, Heads of Departments and teachers who organise and manage the day-to-day of our school life, my deepest gratitude. It is this ongoing personal and intimate attention to detail that I know means boys in this school are known, understood and well cared for irrespective of where the programme may take them on their College journey. May I ask you to thank all of the staff here before you, those who stay and those who are leaving, for all they have done throughout 2019 to provide opportunity for each and every boy. While staff are the key drivers of our programme, two other groups significantly influence the nature of College. First, of course, our parents. Whether as members of the Parents’ Association, or through

various “Friends of” committees, or by supporting our various events, our parents get involved in all aspects of school life and make an appreciable difference in so many ways. I would particularly like to acknowledge Christ’s College Parents’ Association President Dr Leeanne O’Sullivan who has so ably led her committee over the past


Christ’s College Canterbury

with the Old Boys themselves, will greatly miss her and wish her well. We will welcome our new Alumni Manager Lizzie Dyer in 2020. Could we please thank Justine. College has had another very successful year. The way boys have studied and applied themselves to their academic work, the first amongst equals in this place, and the way they have competed for and represented themselves, their families, our school and, in some cases, Canterbury and New Zealand across both the academic and co- curricular domains as individuals and in teams, is something of which we should all be proud. I am not particularly interested in comparative results, although I would rather win than lose in whatever context. It is well known that comparison is the thief of all joy and, despite what some might think, College is all about joy ... the joy of learning, the joy of friendship and the joy of just being a boy growing into manhood. For most of the time our Year 13 leavers have been at College, that experience has had as its

driving force a focus on improved, more personalised and equitable opportunities, no matter what programme a boy might choose; the Round Square IDEALS of Internationalism, Democracy, Environmentalism, Adventure, Leadership and Service; and a more overt and intentional focus across the entire school on health and wellbeing. These themes have changed and challenged aspects of the school and each of us as individuals and will continue to do so ... such a restless environment is needed if we intend to achieve our goals and aspirations and stay on pace as the exceptional school we claim to be. We are now, as a community, reflecting on where we place emphasis for the period leading up to 2025, our 175th anniversary. What is an education worth having in this ever-changing world and where does the College experience fit into that? There is an expectation in moments such as these to give advice and provoke, so I say this to all gathered here today, especially the boys …

The terror attack in Christchurch on Friday 15 March, when a white supremacist extremist killed 51 innocent people at prayer, has – in many ways – cast its long shadow over the experience of this 2019 year. How we felt, how we reacted and what we take from that day forward into our lives, set all other events in this College and city into perspective. My challenge to you is to take the experience of Christ’s College and a deep reflection on the events of 15 March and make a good life for yourself and those you love now and will come to love in the future. My advice is to be the intentional designer of your own life in a way that serves you and the community of which you are a part. Too often what is heard is complaint and blame attribution about what is happening in one’s own circle of influence, rather than gratefulness for all that one has and a clearly understood purpose for self. Whether you are leaving or staying today your future, your place in the world, your relationships, your wellbeing and your legacy is your responsibility. Be informed, be thoughtful, be kind and, by your own considered actions, use your strengths to be your best self. Thank you again to the parents gathered here and the incredible staff for your ongoing support of all things College and thank you boys for being that Christ’s College. Have a wonderful Christmas and I trust that Christ’s example continues to guide you in all that you do.

Garth Wynne Executive Principal


Register 2019 Leadership

LEADERSHIP The Chair, Board of Governors, Prize-giving Speech

Kia ora ta¯ tou Nga mihi nui ki a koutou Nau mai, haere mai Nau mai, haere mai ki Te Kura o Te Karaiti Te¯na¯ koutou, te¯na¯ koutou, tena¯ koutou katoa Good afternoon, it is my pleasure to welcome you all to our end-of-year prize-giving events. This afternoon we celebrate the achievements of our very talented students and acknowledge the many contributions from all our staff who go about their work with such enthusiasm and passion. As I am now in my final days as a Board member, more recently as Chair, I wanted to reflect on some of the notable achievements of our Executive team and Board. I joined the Board in late 2011 and my first meeting was held in pouring rain in a prefab on the College quadrangle. Although we had come through the earthquakes with no injuries to students or staff, there was a massive task ahead as regards facilities. In partnership with our insurers, we embarked on an ambitious plan to replace damaged facilities, future- proof our infrastructure and make the campus more resilient. As we sit here today, we can all take great pride in what has been delivered. Our new teaching and staff facilities in The Miles Warren Building are magnificent, we have completely rebuilt the Hare Memorial Building, and the kitchen tower has been modernised and extended, including fantastic new kitchens.

All this came at a cost, some $63 million in insurance proceeds and around $17 million of reserves from the Christ's College Foundation. Of course, a vibrant school community is really about people, not buildings. Since Garth Wynne joined us as our Executive Principal we have moved very purposefully to redefine our agenda and implement an ambitious strategic plan that has included a much stronger focus on delivering a personalised programme for all students across both the academic curriculum and co-curricular activities. In our Strategy 2020 we reaffirmed our vision, mission and virtues and, for the first time, started a conversation about a graduate profile – key attributes that will see our graduates thrive in today’s world. Compassion and empathy, courage and resilience and a disposition to serve were three of the 10 we selected and talked about during the year – definitely not NCEA subjects, but rather things to reflect on and discuss informally. The wider framework for our Strategy 2020 was “innovation and excellence wrapped in tradition”.

• Enhanced pastoral care – delivered primarily through the House system, but adding cross cutting initiatives, such as greater assistance for Housemasters, Positive Education, Round Square, a focus on character development through such additions as MANifesto and MINDfit, and greater community service – all helping to further build resilience and empowering our young men to ask for help when needed. • A deliberate and purposeful engagement with mana whenua has been rewarding, with many achievements including the adoption of appropriate tikanga at school events, the introduction of Te Reo classes, the updating of our haka and the gift of new school waiata. There is more to do, much more to do, but we are on that road with increased confidence. The appointment of the school’s first bicultural coordinator, Dr Mike Field, from 2020, is a sign of intention within the school, and the willingness of Bishop Richard Wallace to act as our advisor demonstrates the respect for our efforts. At Board level there has been a real focus on financial freedom. This is crucial and, as a Board, something we have taken very seriously. Targets have been set for management around achieving a balanced budget (in plain English, that is living within our means) and focusing on growing the Christ’s College Foundation to support scholarships and strategic projects into the future.

Elements included:

• A continued emphasis on academic achievement with a focus on personalised goals and objectives – developed through mentoring relationships and better engagement with parents through technology and events.


Christ’s College Canterbury

I would like to especially thank Deputy Chair Hugh Lindo for his sustained work in this area over the last 10 years. Fine-tuning of our investments is underway, and we anticipate a balanced portfolio that will provide both a predictable distribution and capital growth over time. Our capital campaign ended mid-year having raised just over $3 million, a significant sum in a very crowded post-earthquake scene. My personal thanks to all our parents and Old Boys who made a pledge towards new health, wellbeing and sports facilities. What we learnt from this campaign, which fell short of our ambitious target of $7.5 million for the new facility on Cranmer Square, is that we have failed to connect well enough with our wider Old Boy community to build the sort of loyalty that produces significant gifts. Our revamped Advancement team have taken that on board and have a sophisticated programme of work ahead that should set us up well for future capital campaigns, building on strong, meaningful connections with our alumni and wider networks of friends and supporters. Meanwhile, we are preparing to develop more modest indoor sports

facilities at the far end of Upper, which will help take the pressure off our gym and provide much needed basketball courts. I would like to thank all members of the Board for their unwavering support of College and for me as Chair over these last four years. We have had a very full agenda and it has been an honour and privilege to serve as your Chair. During the year we welcomed Gillian Simpson to the Board. Gillian really needs no introduction, having become a national treasure in her own right, most recently as the principal of St Margaret’s College. Peter Davie will complete his term as a CCOBA nominee early next year, as he prepares for a great marine adventure with Wendy and family. Peter, thank you for your guiding hand and your wise counsel, especially on important matters such as capital projects and insurance. I would also like to acknowledge Garth and Annie for their tireless work over the year and throughout my time as Chair. To those of you who have won prizes and awards, on behalf of the Board I congratulate you on your achievements.

To those of you finishing your time at College, thank you to you and your parents for being part of the Christ’s College community. I know you will look back with affection and pride on your time here. Be great ambassadors for what we have to offer and we look forward to tracking your progress in the years ahead.

My advice to our senior leavers is:

• Be curious – we live in a fascinating world

• Be true to yourself and hold dear our core Christian virtues • Stick up for what is right – call out bad behaviour and hate speech • Make a difference – take leadership opportunities whenever they are offered • Give something back – think about how you can use your time and talent to support future students at College as well as the wider community In the meantime, on behalf of the Board of Governors I hope you all have a restful and enjoyable Christmas and New Year. No reira, te¯na¯ koutou, te¯na¯ koutou, te¯na¯ tatou katoa

Dr Ian Town Chair


Register 2018 Leadership

LEADERSHIP The Head Prefect’s Prize-giving Speech

is: “What school did you go to?” I am going to proudly say Christ’s College. But each generation is responsible for maintaining the College spirit, so that in 10, 20, 40, and 60 years’ time, I will still be proud of saying I am a College Old Boy based on what is happening at whatever age I am in the future. It is part of the leadership team and Board’s responsibility to take us on this journey. But just as important is the individual role we play. As a school, we are now more ethnically or culturally aware. I am of Te Ati Awa descent and I am proud of my Ma ¯ ori heritage. Christ’s College is certainly embracing ethnic diversity as well as its bicultural commitment, and there is a larger emphasis on bringing Te Reo Maori into everyday life. I have incorporated Te Reo into some of my assembly speeches. I don’t always get the pronunciation right, but I hope I have inspired some of you to step outside of your comfort zone and give it a go. Our spiritual kaumatua, Reverend Bosco Peters, has opened us up to tolerance and understanding of other religions, besides our Anglican teachings. We all have an active role to play in displaying tolerance. While we might not necessarily agree with other beliefs, it is imperative that we accept and celebrate these differences. The horrific tragedy of Friday 15 March took 51 innocent lives. It made the world stop and reflect. This act of hatred has brought us closer together as a community and it is our responsibility to ensure we continue to acknowledge, accept and celebrate difference.

College community and students – welcome to senior prize-giving. As we close out the year, it is a time to reflect both individually and as a collective. It is fair to say that Christ’s College has had another outstanding year. The school is achieving academically in the classroom, on the sports field and on the stage. As well as this, our contribution to the wider community has never been stronger. How do we measure success? What makes a year successful? The term “success” is thrown around a lot and we tend to directly associate success with achievements – the idea that if we are achieving then we are succeeding. Don’t get me wrong, achieving is awesome and we should definitely celebrate it as we are today, but achievement is not the be all and end all. Success can be found in so many other forms of life. There is a great quote that says, “You will be remembered for who you are, not what you did”. Take a moment now to reflect back on the year. If you can sit here and honestly say that you pushed yourself outside of your comfort zone, made the most of the opportunities on offer, stayed true to who you are, made good decisions and, most importantly, had fun, then you have had a successful year, irrespective of the outcomes. Christ’s College is a place of learning. It is a community and it is a brotherhood. I am proud to be a part of a place that is evolving and changing, but still holds on to those traditions which are important: Good traditions, well maintained. We all have a role to play in building College spirit. The big Christchurch question

Kia ora koutou katoa

Te mihi tuatahi ki te atua, tena koe

E nga mana, e nga reo o nga hau e wha, o nga maata wa ¯ ka, te¯ na ¯ koutou katoa E te tumuaki o Te Kura o Te Karaiti, te¯ na ¯ koe Mr Wynne. E nga rangatira ma, te¯ na ¯ koutou, Ko Mt Taranaki toku maunga

Ko Waitara toku awa

Ko Tokumaru toku waka

Ko Te Ati Awa toku iwi

Ko Zach Gallagher toku ingoa

Te¯ na ¯ koutou katoa He aha te mea nui o te ao? What is the most important thing in the world? He ta ¯ ngata, he ta ¯ ngata, he ta ¯ ngata. It is people, it is people, it is people. No reira, te¯ na ¯ koutou, te¯ na ¯ koutou, te¯ na ¯ koutou katoa Chair of the Board, members of the Board, Mr Wynne, staff, parents, wider


Christ’s College Canterbury

here to support us when we make mistakes. I feel as though I have formed some awesome relationships with a lot of people in this room and I hope this continues in the years ahead. For me, sport has been a large part of my life and College has given me the opportunity to pursue it. On a personal note, I want to take this moment to thank Reuben Thorne, Ross Kennedy, Mr Wood, Mr Porter and Dodsy. I was very fortunate this year to captain the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ rugby team. I would like to present my jersey to the school to say thank you to the many people who have invested so much in me over the last five years. To the Year 13 students – this is the last time we will gather as a group. It is time to reflect on our years at College: memories, experiences, the ups and the downs. It has helped shape who we are today and, as we all head in different directions, I am sure we will look back and reminisce in years to come. To those who remain at College, I wish you all the very best. As you move up the year groups, you become role models for the younger boys. Embrace that responsibility and use it in a positive way. Once again, it has been a real honour and privilege to have had the opportunity to be the Head Prefect this year. I thank everyone who has supported me on this journey. Ehara taku toa, he takitahi, he toa takitini. My success should not be bestowed onto me alone, as it was not individual success but success of a collective. Nga ¯ mihi nui. Zach Gallagher 2019 Head Prefect

Throughout the year I have spoken a lot about being true to yourself. To do this you must be brave. One person who deserves special mention is my friend Ellie Stevenson. You are brave. And as you continue to live a life true to yourself, I know you have inspired others to do the same. Each and every one of us here has our own unique brand. A brand that is created, or destroyed, through our actions, our behaviour and our character. What does YOUR brand look like? What is your point of difference? My challenge to all of you here is to create a brand for yourself that you can be proud of, that is both unique and authentic. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at College and it has been made easier by a number of people. I would just like to take this opportunity to thank them – I really do appreciate it. Mr Wynne, Mr Donaldson and Mr Thatcher have all been significant in my development over the year. They have offered their leadership, guidance and support. They have allowed me to express myself as a person and as a leader – and that is something for which I am very grateful. One of the unique aspects about College life is the House system. I have been lucky enough to have had

the support of Mr Vink, Dr Field and many House staff over the last five years. The amount of time and energy these people have put into me and the House has been enormous, and it is truly appreciated. I also want to thank the prefect group of 2019. We are a team of 24 and I believe we can be proud of what we have achieved this year both as individuals and as a unit. Max Heywood has been an awesome deputy this year. Max, you are incredibly hard working, humble and so efficient. Thanks for all you have done for me this year, and good luck for your studies in Sydney. Kia ora. I have no doubt that the prefect group of 2020 will do an awesome job next year. I would like to congratulate next year’s Head Prefect Dominic Edmond and Deputy Head Prefect Louis Gunn. I wish you all the very best, you two thoroughly deserve the roles. Be unique, be genuine, challenge yourselves and, most importantly, have fun. I would now like to invite Dominic Edmond to the stage to receive the Head Prefect’s badge. It is good people who make good places. We are very fortunate to be at a school with the calibre of staff that we have. We have staff who are passionate about their jobs; they are here to challenge us, but are also


Register 2019 Leadership

LEADERSHIP The 2020 Head Prefect’s Junior Prize-giving Speech

the values of respect and integrity to a high degree. There are glimpses of brotherhoods within College: the rowing club, the 1st XV, Schola Cantorum, the Theatresports team, to name a few. But this camaraderie remains within these clubs and teams. And it is my hope that in future this camaraderie that exists in these small groups could span the entire school.

I am well aware this isn’t an easy challenge to uphold. These five years can be tough, and it can be hard enough sorting yourself out, let alone upholding College’s traditions and standards. But that is what it means to be a College Man. Each and every one of us has the ability to live by the virtues of College, and if you have been listening to what the Chaplain says you should understand what they mean and know how to actively exhibit them. However, certain social situations can cause us to abandon our morals and go with what’s “cool” or what the group’s doing, even when you know it is wrong. This mob mentality doesn’t exist within a brotherhood as long as the culture within is positive and virtuous in nature and every individual stays true to himself – and this is where we should be heading next year. As a school, next year we should look to be leaders in our community, in terms of our carbon footprint, community service and in our positive culture – which, of course, is based upon our virtues and respect for others. You boys are going to be a massive part of this movement next year and your buy-in is what will dictate how strong our brotherhood becomes. In closing, I wish you and your family all the best for the summer break. Rest up, enjoy some time in the sun, and spend some quality time with friends and family. I hope you display the virtues I have touched on and come back next year ready to morph this institution into a brotherhood.

What would this look like?

Boys respecting each other, despite differences; boys taking pride in their uniform; boys making a concerted effort to uphold the values and traditions of the school. Bene tradita, bene servanda – good traditions, well maintained. This seemingly outdated motto could be interpreted purely as upholding what others have stood for in the past, and there is no doubt this side of the motto must be maintained, but College is constantly evolving … We no longer have the toxic hierarchy that may have existed at College at times in the past, and we have moved to more contemporary teaching methods. This school is constantly innovating and creating new traditions. Strong traditions will add structure to our brotherhood. The one tradition that will be essential to this brotherhood, and will be at the very core, is treating others and the school with respect. This means respecting everybody no matter what – keeping your common rooms and appliances clean, keeping your shirts tucked in and your socks … Oh, never mind, we won’t have a socks problem next year. This school is not run by fear of hierarchy, but this does come with more responsibility to be respectful.

Chair of the Board, Executive Principal, staff, parents and boys. Another year is ticked off, filled with success flowing out of every aspect of College life. This success is not something that comes easily, and the many boys receiving prizes are a testament to hard work and diligence. However, we would be remiss to think this kind of success is just one person working hard. It is the whole class, the whole production, the whole team, the whole school that allows these boys to flourish. Of course, this is all facilitated and moulded by the teachers and coaches who put in the extra mile in order for us to succeed – and for that we should be grateful. The quality of teaching and facilities at College is something we must not take for granted. College is an institution, but it can also be so much more than that – and next year, with the support of you all, we can aspire to the idea of College boys belonging to a brotherhood. A brotherhood, in my eyes, is a collective of people who all have each other’s backs and continually try to lift each other up, all the while showing

Thank you.

Dominic Edmond 2020 Head Prefect


Christ’s College Canterbury


Register 2019 Leadership


Executive Principal Garth Wynne BA DipEd (Queensland),

Art Darryn George BFA (Canterbury), MFA (Melbourne), DipTchg, Art Kate Belton BFA (Otago), DipTchg Art History Robyn Peers MA(Hons) (Canterbury), DipTchg, Art History Biology Dr Graeme Swanson BSc(Hons) PhD (Edinburgh), DipTchg, Biology Kirsty Howatson BSc(Hons) (Stirling) Callum Bell BSc (Canterbury), DipTchg Emily Priest BSc (Canterbury), DipTchg Careers Chris Sellars BSc (Canterbury), DipTchg, Careers Advisor Chemistry Scott Franklin BSc (Otago), GradDipTchg, Chemistry Dr Craig Aitken BSc(Hons) PhD (Canterbury), DipTchg, Chemistry, SOMES Dr Briar Wait BSc MSc PhD (Canterbury), GradDipTchg Classics Olivia Austin BA (Canterbury) GradDipTchg Commerce Katie Southworth BBA Business Management (Lancaster University, UK), GradDipTchgLng, Economics and Accounting (Teachers College, Christchurch) Parental Leave William Bell BCom (Canterbury), DipTchg Graeme Christey BCom (Canterbury), CA, DipTchg, Commerce Jennifer Wong BCom (Lincoln), GradDip (College of Education) Design & Visual Communication Monique Ellis-Martin BDes, DipTchg Digital Technology Paul Rodley MSc(Hons) (Canterbury), DipTchg, ICT

Drama David Chambers BA (Otago), DipTchg, Drama Robyn Peers MA(Hons) (Canterbury), DipTchg, Art History Earth & Space Science Dr Anna Johnston BSc(Hons) PhD (Canterbury), DipSecTchg (NZGSE) English Sian Evans BA (Johannesburg), Cambridge CELTA, GradDipTchng (Canterbury) Nikki Bleyendaal BA BSc(Hons), GradDipTchg Caroline Black BA (Canterbury), DipTchg Emma Bracken BA (Auckland), GradDipTchgLn (Canterbury) Melissa Campbell BA(Hons) (Canterbury), DipTchg Rob Donaldson BA(Hons) (Cape Town), BEd (Rhodes), MPhil (Waikato), HDEPG (Sec) Zac Knight BA (Canterbury), GradDipTchLn (College of Education) Ginny Patterson BA (Canterbury), DipTchg Geography Peter Cooper MSc(Hons) (Canterbury), DipTchg, Geography Neil Nicholson BSc (Canterbury), DipTchg, Geography, ROLLESTON Neil Porter BSc (Canterbury), PGDipSportMgt (Massey), DipTchg History Warren Lidstone BA(Hons) (Canterbury), DipTchg, GCertOTL, History Joe Eccleton BA DipTchg (Otago), PGDipEd Leadership (Canterbury Samantha Stevenson BA (Canterbury) BA(Hons) (Canterbury), GradDipTchg (Canterbury) Ben Vink BA(Hons) (Canterbury), DipTchg, FLOWER’S Learning Centre & ESOL Lesley Anderson-McKenna BA (Otago), DipTchg, Literacy and Tuition

MEdAdmin (New England) Deputy Principal

Rob Donaldson BA(Hons) (Cape Town), BEd (Rhodes), MPhil (Waikato), HDEPG (Sec) Assistant Principal – Planning and Administration Robert Aburn MusB(Hons) DipTchgDist PGDipEdLead MTchgLn (Canterbury), LRSM LTCL (London), AIRMT Music Assistant Principal – Curriculum Nicole Billante MA(Hons) (Canterbury), GradDipTchgLng (College of Education) Assistant Principal – Community Engagement and Special Projects Neil Porter BSc (Canterbury), PGDipSportMgt (Massey), DipTchg Director of Boarding and the Centre for Character & Leadership Darrell Thatcher BSc (Otago), DipTchg Director of Wellbeing & Positive Education John Quinn BA, DipSocWk, MEd, Cert Counselling Clinical Psychologists – College Counsellors Dr Sarah Anticich BSc BA(Hons) MSc(Hons) PGDipClinPsych (Canterbury), PhD (Queensland) Emily Baird BA (Psych), MEd, PGDip (ChFamPsych) (Canterbury) Chaplain The Rev. Bosco Peters BSc (Canterbury), BTheol(Hons) (Melbourne), DipTchg TEACHING STAFF Agribusiness Dr Mike Field BA (History), MAppl Sci (Lincoln), PG Dip Tchg (Physical Education and History), PhD (Education – University of Queensland), JULIUS


Christ’s College Canterbury

Shelly Jackson BA (Canterbury), GradDipTchgLng (College of Education) Gill Kilpatrick BA(Hons) (Leeds), PGCE Kate Morris BA (Canterbury) GradDipTchgLn (College of Education) Alexandra Robertson BA(Hons) (University of Lancaster), PGCE (Secondary University of Newcastle upon Tyne), TESOL (Trinity College) CONDELL’S Mathematics & Statistics Samantha Squire BEng(Hons) (Liverpool), PGCE (Bristol) James Bartlett BSc(Hons) (Canterbury), GradDipTchg Andrew Griffiths MA, PGCE (Cambridge) Dr Tom Hawkins BSc(Hons) (Newcastle), PhD (Victoria), GDipTchg (NZGSE) Tamara Lerios BEd (FET) (Witwatersrand), Mathematics Andrew Levenger BA(Hons) PGCE Secondary (Durham) Tony O’Connor BSc (Dublin), CONDELL’S Ian Stevenson BSc(Hons) (Canterbury), DipTchg, CORFE Darrell Thatcher BSc(Otago), DipTchg Arthur Wood HDE SecEd (ECE Kwa-Zulu Natal University), SCHOOL Modern Languages Susan Harding BA (Canterbury), DipTchg, CertTESOL (CCE), CELTA (Cambridge), Modern Languages Steve Everingham BSc (Canterbury), DipTchg Elaine Tang BA(Hons) (Southampton), PGCE Teryl Yogeeswaran BA, MA (USA) Music Robert Aburn MusB(Hons) DipTchgDist PGDipEdLead MTchgLn (Canterbury), LRSM LTCL (London), AIRMT Music Nick Coxon BMus GWCMD (Cardiff), DipMus (Wales), LTCL (London), PGCE (Bristol) Nicholas Sutcliffe BMus (Auckland),

Chris Hill BSc(Hons) MA (London), CertEd, CPhys, MInstP Dr Andrew Taylor BSc(Hons) PhD (Canterbury), DipTchg, Physics Religious Education The Rev. Bosco Peters BSc (Canterbury), BTheol(Hons) (Melbourne), DipTchg Nicholas Sutcliffe BMus (Auckland), GradDipTchgLn (Canterbury) General Science Callum Bell BSc (Canterbury), DipTchg Emily Priest BSc (Canterbury), DipTchg Sport Rob Clarke BPhEd (Otago), DipTchg, Sport Stephen Dods Kris Miller Technology Eloise Nevin BDes (CPIT), GradDip (NZGSE) Kevin Harris BEd DipTchg (Sydney), RICHARDS Sam Leary BPR&TM (Lincoln), Dip Advanced CAD, GradDipTchgLn (Canterbury), Nat Cert Furniture Making Gavin Love NZTradeCert, AdvNZTradeCert, MITO, CertAdultTchg Carey Prebble BDes (Massey), DipTchg (NZGSE) Parental Leave Teacher Aide Maria Riveros INSTRUMENTAL & ROCK MUSIC Big Band Claire Oliver LTCL, AIRMT, Cert Jazz Studies Brass Antonio Dimitrov MMus, GradDipTchg Clarinet Jonathon Prior LTCL, LRSM Drums Greg Donaldson Dip Jazz Studies Guitar Andy Genge Music Tutor & Organ Tutor Nicholas Sutcliffe Piano Shelley Spang MusB (Canterbury), LTCL (Piano & Singing), RMTH SRATH (London), CPSM, NZSMT Saxophone Claire Oliver LTCL, AIRMT, Cert Jazz Studies Voice Shelley Spang MusB (Canterbury), LTCL (Piano & Singing), RMTH SRATH (London), CPSM, NZSMT Violin Jennie Goldstein DipMus (Auckland), LTCL Violoncello Alison Hansen BSc, FTCL, AIRMT, DipTchg Rock Music Nolan Hungerford LTCL, AIRMT, Cert Jazz Studies

ITINERANT SPEECH & DRAMA Tomascita Edgerton-Till BA (Canterbury), LTCL Tania McVicar ATCL (Speech & Drama), CertTESOL ARCHIVES Jane Teal MA (Otago), PgCert (Strathclyde), DipTchg LIBRARY Lisa Trundley-Banks BA(Hons) (Surrey), PGCE Lyn Feterika DipILS HEALTH CENTRE

Kay McKenzie RN Nicky Taylor RN Medical Officer Dr Jacques Marchand MBChB ATTENDANCE OFFICER Amanda Glennie ICT SERVICES

Director of Digital Services Paul Rodley MSc(Hons) (Canterbury), DipTchg Digital Services Technician Ben Smith Web Services & ICT Support Manager James Brand Academic >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Page 51 Page 52 Page 53 Page 54 Page 55 Page 56 Page 57 Page 58 Page 59 Page 60 Page 61 Page 62 Page 63 Page 64 Page 65 Page 66 Page 67 Page 68 Page 69 Page 70 Page 71 Page 72 Page 73 Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Page 83 Page 84 Page 85 Page 86 Page 87 Page 88 Page 89 Page 90 Page 91 Page 92 Page 93 Page 94 Page 95 Page 96 Page 97 Page 98 Page 99 Page 100 Page 101 Page 102 Page 103 Page 104 Page 105 Page 106 Page 107 Page 108 Page 109 Page 110 Page 111 Page 112 Page 113 Page 114 Page 115 Page 116 Page 117 Page 118 Page 119 Page 120 Page 121 Page 122 Page 123 Page 124 Page 125 Page 126 Page 127 Page 128 Page 129 Page 130 Page 131 Page 132 Page 133 Page 134 Page 135 Page 136 Page 137 Page 138 Page 139 Page 140 Page 141 Page 142 Page 143 Page 144 Page 145 Page 146 Page 147 Page 148 Page 149 Page 150 Page 151 Page 152 Page 153 Page 154 Page 155 Page 156 Page 157 Page 158 Page 159 Page 160 Page 161 Page 162 Page 163 Page 164 Page 165 Page 166 Page 167 Page 168 Page 169 Page 170 Page 171 Page 172 Page 173 Page 174 Page 175 Page 176 Page 177 Page 178 Page 179 Page 180 Page 181 Page 182 Page 183 Page 184 Page 185 Page 186 Page 187 Page 188 Page 189 Page 190 Page 191 Page 192 Page 193 Page 194 Page 195 Page 196 Page 197 Page 198 Page 199 Page 200

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