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Register 2021

REGISTER 2021 Christ’s College, Canterbury

REGISTER 2021 Contents


Culture, Groups & Activities

Executive Principal’s Prize-giving Address 4 The Chair, Board of Governors, Prize-giving Speech 8 The Head Prefect’s Prize-giving Speech 10 The 2022 Head Prefect’s Junior Prize-giving Speech 12 Our People 14 Board Notes 20 Governing Body 21 Prefects 2021 21 New Boys & Leavers 2021 22


146 149 150 152 154 156 158 163 164 165 167 168 170 172 174 176 181 185 189 201 205 223 225 229 243 252 254 257 273 285 287 289 291 292 294 296 301 306



Senior Production – Oedipus Rex  Junior Production – As You Like It  Junior Production – Fame Jr.  REACTION House Plays Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival

Speech and Drama



TheatreFest One Act Play Competition

Choral Music

From the Chaplain

26 28 29

Instrumental Music Leadership Events Outdoor Education Eco-Action Nursery

From the Director of Wellbeing & Positive Education

College Committee Reports



Departmental Reviews

40 55 55 56 64 70 73 75 75 75 73 76

NZQA Scholarship Awards for 2021


2021 NCEA Results Major Prize Winners Prize-giving Winners Scholarship Holders

Badminton Basketball

Clay Target Shooting


2022 University Scholarships

Cross Country

Academic Awards

Cycling Football Hockey

Honours Ties


Senior Honours Ties

Mountain Biking



Rowing Rugby Sailing

Pastoral Care

Boarding Programme

80 84 90 96


Condell’s House

Squash Surfing 

Corfe House

Flower’s House Harper House Jacobs House Julius House Richards House Rolleston House School House Somes House

Swimming Table tennis

102 108 114 120 126 132 140


Volleyball Water Polo

Register 2021 Contents



Christ’s College Canterbury


Register 2021 Leadership

LEADERSHIP Executive Principal’s Prize-giving Address

I acknowledge Hugh for his extraordinary efforts in addressing the College response to matters of concern raised by the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care currently being conducted by our Government. This continuing work is essential to who we are as a school and how we travel forward from this dark aspect of our past, and Hugh’s leadership, attention and care have led the way. His personal commitment of time, combined with his expertise, has been invaluable. To our parents and wider wha¯nau of the boys gathered here, thank you for your support of them and the school throughout what has been another incredible year. Together, we have faced the unusualness of further Covid-19-impacted education and, I believe, we can, again, be well pleased with our shared responsiveness. To every member of the College staff, my appreciation and gratitude. I am in awe of your adaptability, willingness to change and patience as we have continued to balance the ‘is’ with the ‘perhaps’ and the ‘maybe’. There is no doubt that the holistic experience here at College is enabled by these staff. They are a most important component of our culture and, whether they be members of our teaching or non- teaching staff, I could not be more proud of their efforts and dedication, given the ongoing challenges at both a personal and professional level the last two years have brought, as they have served the needs of our boys. Boys, could you please join me in acknowledging the staff of College for their efforts for you across the

breadth of your school experience this year. To the boys assembled, thank you for your contribution to 2021. Thank you for being friends, thank you for caring for each other, thank you for nurturing the spirit of College together. To those of you who are leaving, like you, I was not imagining this time last year that your final year would again be so impacted by enforced changes caused by external circumstances. Your contribution this year has been made special because it needed to be so and you will be remembered for how you have led our community. You have lifted the focus on our inclusive culture to a higher expectation, still aspirational but now more reachable. You have led us to some of the best sporting outcomes in living memory across a huge variety of competitions. You have maintained an engagement and level of performance in cultural and House activities, despite forced compromises, and, finally and very significantly, you will achieve exceptional academic outcomes. This is clearly evident through scholarship entries to universities and halls for so many. You have, in so many ways, been inspirational in a year that demanded special leadership and the boys who remain will always remember you. I would particularly like to highlight Head Prefect Jack Belcher and his Deputy, Jamie Barr. You have been true leaders through influence by modelling personal excellence along the way and representing the views of your schoolmates with clarity and wisdom. As they leave school for the next exciting phase of their lives, could I

Ka tangi te titi, ka tangi te kaka, ka tangi hoki ahau. Tihei mauri ora! Te¯na¯ koutou, te¯na¯ koutou, nga¯ mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa. Nau mai, haere mai ki te Kura o ¯ te Karaiti. Chair of the College Board, Hugh Lindo, staff, students and those members of our community joining us via the live-stream feed. Thank you for coming together today for what is a celebration of so much that has been achieved by individuals that reflect the efforts of many. On such occasions, we always need to remind ourselves that we must be grateful for those around us, for without them our individual and collective success would not be achieved. It is with others that we strive and they who often provide the impetus and support to make us rise rather than fall. I begin by thanking Hugh Lindo and the College Board for their support of College throughout this challenging year. Particularly,


Christ’s College Canterbury

ask you to acknowledge, thank and wish well all our leavers gathered here today. There are two key groups who significantly influence the nature of College. First, are our parents. Whether as members of the Parents’ Association, or through various ‘Friends of’ committees, or by attending our various events, or just being alongside their boys, parents are involved in school life and make an appreciable difference in so many ways. I would particularly like to acknowledge Christ’s College Parents’ Association President Catherine McClean and Richard Polson, President of our Old Boys’ Association, for their ongoing efforts in ensuring connection through their leadership and support. As the year concludes, we can reflect on a number of changes across roles of responsibility, and staff we farewell. At the beginning of the year we welcomed to the teaching staff Robbie Turrell in Commerce, Joshua Kim in Geography and History and Erin Rutherford in English. We were fortunate to welcome two new Heads of Departments – in Drama – Hannah Clarkson, and in English – Chris Waugh. Lionel Randall was appointed as the Housemaster of Flower’s House – teaching within the Physical Education and Health Department. Paul McCarthy was appointed as

our International Student Manager, replacing Deanne Gath; Rachel Trengrove started as a nurse in our Health Centre and, through the year, Kay Robson-Thomas joined our Advancement team to cover the parental leave period taken by Melissa Hogan. Internally, Ben Vink was appointed to the Executive team as our AP – Boarding and Immerse & Inspire Programme, Emma Bracken became the Head of Advanced Learning, Amanda Lester moved into a research role within the Centre for Teaching Excellence & Research (CTER), Emily Priest took a watching brief over student reporting and Henry Smith was confirmed as the Head of Department for Physical Education and Health. At the end of the first term, we farewelled Melissa Campbell to an Executive position at Rangi Ruru Girls’ School after time spent at College as a teacher, Assistant Head of Department of English and Head of Learning within the CTER. Nikki Bleyendaal took over the role vacated by Melissa in the CTER at the beginning of Term 2. At this time, we farewelled our Custodian, Marg Wilson, after her second tenure in this role and welcomed Martin Guttman as her replacement. Mid- year, we farewelled, after seven years as our Hagley groundsman, Peter Domigan, who retired to

Dunedin, paving the way for David Miles to jump the mound from Hagley Oval. Penny Whyte finished in her final role as receptionist, having initially joined the school as a teacher aide and having also assisted in the library. She was replaced by Alison Macnee. In the spring, we were fortunate to welcome back Tony O’Connor after a very successful Olympics campaign with the New Zealand men’s rowing eight. As the year concludes, we congratulate and thank both Arthur Wood and Matt Cortesi for their service as Housemasters. Arthur’s five-year tenure in School House sees him complete 16 years within residential communities. The boys of School House have been fortunate to have such experience and wisdom at their helm during Arthur’s time and it is encouraging that he will step into a role of coordination of the non-academic component of our new Diploma in Years 10–11. Matt’s eight years in Harper House have been filled with a balance of laughter and purpose and the boys and families he has served hold him in the highest regard. We are fortunate that Matt’s energies will be channelled into his role of Director of Character & Leadership. Callum Bell departed the school part way through Term 3 having developed Psychology as a subject, having begun his teaching career in the Biology department in 2017. His move to his alma mater of Kaiapoi High School was a loss to the school but his legacy of a new subject with popularity and relevance is significant. At much the same time, our highly respected Finance Manager, Connor Phipps, left the school to take a promotion as Chief Financial Officer for Core Education. Farewells are inevitable at the end of year and today we say goodbye to Carey Prebble for a period of maternity leave and wish her the very best. To our three wonderful GAP students – William Braham, Hugh Jordan and Jeremy Riminton, who have, as a trio, been a three- peat all of their own. Thank you my fellow Wallabies, and we wish you


Register 2021 Leadership

well as you hop back over the ditch. We also farewell our British GAP Tutor, Ruth Simms, who has been a valued member of the English Department since 2019. From the Centre for Wellbeing & Positive Education, we farewell part- time directors Sarah Anticich and Emily Baird. Sarah and Emily first joined the school at different times as consultants and counsellors and have, in various ways, made a huge contribution to the school’s state of mind as it relates to wellbeing. They have worked with boys and their families, alongside colleagues and with the wider community and their expertise in delivering a range of learning workshops has been much valued. In recent months, their energy devoted to developing our wellbeing curriculum from 2022 will no doubt be a legacy. We wish them well as they return to their professional lives beyond College and look forward to welcoming them back as our needs and their expertise match into the future. We congratulate Assistant Head of Mathematics, Tamara Lerios, who is leaving College to be Head of Mathematics at our sister school, St Margaret’s College. We thank Tamara for her enthusiasm and commitment over her years here with us and wish her every success in this new challenge. After six years with us, most recently leading our Technology Department, Eloise Nevin has taken an opportunity to move to Nelson at year end and we thank her and her partner, Andy (who worked as a House tutor in Richards), for their contribution through these years across all aspects of College life. For Eloise, from Fine Arts and the workshop to the windswept waters off Lyttelton. After joining the school as a teacher of French, establishing the school’s Spanish language programme and teaching ESOL, Teryl Yogeeswaran leaves us now to pursue business opportunities developing resources around global competence for schools and teachers. We thank Teryl for her thoughtful and considered

engagement at College and her flexibility in her contribution over time as we wish her every success in her new entrepreneurial endeavours. Lisa Trundley-Banks joined the school in a part-time capacity in 2007 teaching English but her most substantive role has been as Teacher Librarian since 2011 until the beginning of 2020. Her commitment, energy and enthusiasm will be remembered by her colleagues and students alike and her advocacy for the particular needs of individual boys in every way directly supported the College mission of Each boy at his best . We wish Lisa well and look forward to her remaining engaged with the school through relief teaching and her passion for yoga. From our non-teaching staff, we acknowledge Peter van Arendonk, who has worked across our maintenance and technology team for 19 years. Peter’s wry sense of humour has been endearing and the value of his eclectic practical skills significant. We wish him well. We also farewell Peter Davidson from our Advancement team, who has worked, through his efforts in fundraising and bequests, to help the College achieve its goal of financial freedom. Another who will be leaving us at the end of this year is Lyn Feterika, our long-serving Library Assistant of 20 years. We thank Lyn for her dedication and much valued work as the first face of our library. Her friendly and welcoming disposition made the library a place where boys felt at home.

As I ask those of the aforementioned staff who are present to stand, could you please recognise and thank them with applause for their various contributions to College. Nick Coxon joined the teaching staff of College in January 2001 to work in the Music department. Since that time, Nick has been a committed and loyal servant of the school, always teaching music but serving as required in other departments – mostly in Social Studies and, more latterly, in Religious Education. In 2008, he had a stint as the Acting Housemaster in Somes House and in 2011, was appointed as the Head of Instrumental Music. Nick’s support of ensemble music across the school – especially our Combined Orchestra with St Margaret’s College and our jazz in various iterations, has been special. Perhaps the words of students are the greatest insights into the impact of teachers and, with this in mind, and to honour Nick for his service, I read to you from an email received earlier this year: “Mr Coxon, many years ago you were very supportive of myself and Elmore Jones and our music project at the time, ‘Satan’s Revenge’. I know that was an age ago but I figured there is a chance you would remember, given I doubt there has been another ‘Satan’s Revenge’ at Christ’s College! I just wanted to say thank you for that, your enthusiasm helped spur us on in the early days when support was difficult to come by. We still fondly recall when you included us in a music evening and helped hide our


Christ’s College Canterbury

this year and which heralds the most significant internally focused curriculum change the College has undertaken in some time. It does so with our mission at the forefront, for we believe that holistic education is one that allows boys to find the pathway to be at their best. This is an exciting but not exceptional time for College as we walk along a path of change and continuity. I will leave a similar message with the boys today. The high school journey from 13–18 years old is about finding within, the balance of who you are, so you can face the inevitable challenges of what is next. You have done this in a place where you have joined a whakapapa that goes back over many years. You are forever a part of something that is much bigger than yourself and you now have been placed within this story. Those connections are to a tradition, we acknowledge some of which has held us back and is dark but, mostly, has helped us on to where we are today in the most positive of ways. College has provided you a clear framework and a foundation. It has anticipated a search for self through a consideration and consolidation of dispositions and character. We now wish you well for the future – be that beyond or returning through those Rolleston Avenue gates next year. In all things and at all times you are the sum of your choices – we pray that you choose well and, more than anything else, I trust that Christ’s example continues to guide you in all that you do. We now move to the awarding of prizes orchestrated by Mr Donaldson. Prior to commencing, can I ask you to acknowledge our Deputy Principal who, by leading our Housemasters and Wellbeing team this year, has cared for you in ways that most of you are not even aware. Noˉ reira, te¯na¯ koutou, te¯na¯ koutou, te¯na¯ tatou katoa. Garth Wynne Executive Principal

song, Army of Darkness under the introduced alternative title A Ray of Sunshine on an Otherwise Cloudy Day . Anyway, since then we’ve recorded an album, The Void , and actually got signed to a metal label in Europe and have a tour planned for next year. Our new name is ‘3000 AD’, but it’s all the same guys from school. Thanks again … Sam. That may not necessarily be to Nick’s particular taste, but a music teacher wants boys to love music for life. Thank you, Nick for making that a reality for so many and very best wishes for your retirement. We look forward to you handing over the prizes to our junior boys later this month. Could we please farewell Nick Coxon with applause. Finally, it is with sadness that I now officially farewell, after 24 years of truly remarkable contribution to the community of this school, the Rev. Bosco Peters. Bosco was commissioned as our Chaplain in 1998 and, alongside Headmasters Zordan, Leese and I, has led the spiritual dimension of our school. From that time he would be the only person to have taught almost every boy in the school through the classroom of Year 9 Religious Education. I trust that everyone here through those 24 years has taken the opportunity when provided to make conversation with Bosco, for it is through such conversations that one comes to appreciate his depth of knowledge and intellect, his appreciation for the needs of others

and his capacity to care. To make the mystery of faith interesting, for a compulsorily assembled group of adolescent boys, and their teachers, is a challenge only faced by the brave few. It is in this circumstance that Bosco has shone, for it is here generations have been touched by the word of God in a way that has been accessible, meaningful, at times provocative, and, so often, motivational, yet never in those 24 years has anybody ever felt excluded for what they did or did not believe. Along with other taonga of this College, Bosco led the introduction of Te Reo Maˉori through worship and, in doing so, made available to all the richness of a Maˉori spirituality which enhances our Christian foundations. He and his wife, Helen, have been an example of service and care for the community through their particular gifts to worship at Sunday Chapels, which are a special component of the Christ’s College experience. Christ’s College has been honoured and privileged to have Rev. Bosco Peters as its Chaplain. As Bosco retires, we wish him and Helen all the very best. We thank Bosco for handing over the prizes today and we will hear from him later. 2022 is an important year for College as we see the introduction of our unique Diploma in Years 10–11 and we start to impact with intent our strategic themes of Motivation, Connection, Philanthropy and Sustainability. My thanks again to the staff, led by Assistant Principal – Curriculum, Nicole Billante, for all the preparation that precedes


Register 2021 Leadership

LEADERSHIP The Chair, Board of Governors, Prize-giving Speech

The full Board would usually be here as well but they, too, are banned from today and I know are hugely disappointed at being unable to attend. They have assured me that they will be watching – but possibly not in academic gowns as is the usual custom. A new tradition that may be embraced. Welcome again to all of you and to the staff and students who are present here in the Assembly Hall. I also want to acknowledge and thank the parents of the Year 13 leavers who cannot be here but who have gathered, thanks to Blue and Kerry Henderson, at the Canterbury Club this afternoon. A special welcome to our retiring Chaplain Bosco Peters. When I reflect on the year, a number of often used words and expressions come to mind in no particular order “disruption/roller-coaster/ pivot/diversity/inclusion/well- being/settings/levels/traffic lights/ vaccinations/Dr Bloomfield/Jessica and Tova...” the list goes on. It’s been another extraordinary year for all of us and I want to use the 45 or so minutes I have been allocated to share some of the Board’s work this last year, acknowledge two retiring colleagues and look ahead to 2022 and beyond. Not long after prize-giving last year an Old Boy, Jim Goodwin, who attended College in the early 70s spoke to the Royal Commission into Abuse in Care about what had happened to him when he was at

College. Garth and I both met with Jim and this prompted us to reflect on how we could and should reach out to other Old Boys who, like Jim, were survivors of abuse that had occurred here. We invited our Old Boys who wished to share their experiences to contact us. Many did and what they described was often a harrowing recollection of what had happened to them, even by the standards of the times. Pastoral Care had a different meaning and implementation then than it does now. It was, is and will always be the right thing for College to confront aspects of its history and to say sorry to those who suffered as a consequence. We have been greatly assisted in our engagement with our Old Boy survivors by Mark Wells. Mark is an expert in the field of historical abuse issues and has worked with a number of our Old Boys in an independent role. Whilst a difficult topic to talk about, I want to acknowledge the courage and conviction of those Old Boys who did contact us. I would add that whilst these issues were triggered by the Royal Commission, the opportunity for our Old Boys to talk to us about anything that is of concern to them will always be available. I also want to thank Jim for his ongoing work with a number of Old Boy survivors. It was such a shame that his talk through the Centre

Nau mai, haere mai E te manuhiri tu ¯ a¯rangi, Haere mai mo tenei hui, Mo tenei kaupapa o te ra, No ¯ reira, te¯na¯ koutou, te¯na¯ koutou,

Te¯na¯ koutou katoa. Welcome, welcome Visitors from afar.

Welcome to this meeting, to the important discussion of the day. Therefore, greetings, greetings, Greetings to you all. This is our first and, hopefully, only Level 2 prize-giving in the College’s history. It’s a sign of the times that so many of you are watching remotely and that it is being held in November – another unprecedented feature of today’s ceremony.


Christ’s College Canterbury

for Ethics & Spirituality had to be postponed. I hope this will be rescheduled for next year. I have said to the Old Boys that I spoke to, that whilst the buildings are largely unchanged, what goes on inside the buildings is markedly different from their time here. The resources and the programmes that are run now to encourage our boys to be respectful to each other and to call out bad behaviour are extremely important to who we are and the environment that we want here. Given some stark lessons from the past, we must never be complacent about student protection and wellbeing. Keeping our boys mentally and physically safe will always be the Board’s priority above all others. In the next few weeks, the Board will be considering the award of the contract for the construction of our new sports and wellbeing centre, Upper West. All being well, ground will finally be broken next year. Once completed in 2023, our double championship-winning basketball team will finally have a venue fitting of their achievements, but, more importantly, it will be great facility for our community to enjoy. The first sign of progress will be the installation of a Bailey bridge over the Avon and on to Upper by the swimming pool. I would add that this is not a new route for the boys to use to access their cars in the Botanz car-park! Our focus will then move to repurposing the current gym built in the 70s and a redevelopment of the Science block. With numerous heritage buildings, there will never be a point in time when the campus will be finished. We will always need to renew, strengthen, reimagine and innovate to match our facilities and infrastructure with the expectations of our boys and parents, and ensure that we continue to deliver excellent academic and co-curricular programmes from fit-for-purpose facilities. We have been very grateful for your support following our decision to charge a Heritage Levy from

the start of this year to reflect the uniqueness and special character of this campus. We appreciate that this was an added burden on top of the fees but is needed to ensure that we can improve the campus for the benefit of generations to come. It is only a slight exaggeration when I say that we need Historic Places consent to change a light bulb in some of our buildings. Our ability to undertake campus redevelopment will continue to be underwritten by the College Foundation, supplemented by the generosity of many in our community who share our vision for the future. A significant proportion of the Foundation’s capital pays for our scholarship programme. In recent years we have directed an increasing proportion of these funds to supporting those who would otherwise not be able to afford to come here. The focus of the recent Giving Day was to increase the scholarship funds. The incredible response to this cause resulted in $400,000 being raised and demonstrated that the purpose of the giving resonated with our community. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of the day. It was an amazing outcome. In 2021, there have been a couple of changes to the Board. Catherine McMillan retired at the end of her term as one of the Old Boy nominees. Catherine made a great contribution to the Board, especially as Chair of the Finance committee. Mary Devine will retire at our next meeting. Mary has provided wisdom, support and pragmatism around our table and will be very much missed. Thank you, both. Mark Cox has joined the Board as a new Old Boy nominee. We took advantage of the quality of the applicants who responded to the vacancy by also appointing Richard Rookes in anticipation of Mary’s retirement. Both Mark and Richard have hit the ground running and unusually for new Board members actually spoke at their first meeting! The Board continues to be grateful

for the work Garth and all his team do in delivering our multi-faceted and diverse academic and co- curricular programmes to an ever- increasing number of boys. It is a reflection on Garth’s leadership and commitment and the efforts of all our staff that in 2022 our roll will be full. Thank you Garth for all that you do in enabling our boys to have the opportunity to be the best that they can be. At the end of the day and this year, this place is all about community, giving the students the best opportunity to shape their lives with guidance and mentoring built on some non-negotiable Christian values from a group of extremely dedicated teachers supported by a cohesive team comprising the Christ’s College community and inspired by the best of our history while driven by the need to continuously improve and evolve to meet the challenges of the day. Thank you to all our parents for your engagement, commitment and the ongoing investment that you make in your son’s education. It is very much appreciated. To the students here today, the Board wishes you well – especially to our leavers. Stay in touch through the Old Boys’ Association and good luck wherever your journey takes you from here. Finally, to Bosco – you have been at the spiritual heart of the College for so many years and it is indeed an end of an era. Since your retirement has become known, I have heard from many Old Boys who have expressed to me their appreciation of their relationship with you, your care, empathy and compassion. We will celebrate your incredible contribution to College life when we are able to fill our Chapel. Until that time, and on behalf of the Board, thank you to you and to Helen. We truly wish you well for the future.

Thank you. Nga¯ mihi. Hugh Lindo Chair


Register 2021 Leadership

LEADERSHIP The Head Prefect’s Prize-giving Speech

Whakataka te hau ki te uru, Whakataka te hau ki te tonga. Kia ma¯kinakina ki uta, Kia ma¯taratara ki tai. E hi ake ana te atakura. He tio, he huka, he hauhuˉ ¯

whatever we boys can do, the staff can do better, and they have put in a monumental effort to make this year what it was. The whakatauki, “Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head let it be to a lofty mountain” underpins the theme of my speech today; the importance of goal setting in pursuing your aspirations and the character it takes to get there. We live in a world where we are constantly influenced by who we should be and what we are capable of. Yet, what brings joy and fulfillment to one person doesn’t always translate to the next. You need to find your own passion, the treasure you value most dearly, and chase it. Treasure does not simply refer to money – research indicates that surplus money, above meeting basic needs, does not bring increased happiness – but the purpose you have, the reason you get up in the morning. It may be the relationships you build, the challenge of your career, the ability to help others, but it must come from you. The key to making this a reality is having smart goals – goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based. You are all capable of this – and you only have to look at the huge number of College boys who have started going to the gym to prove this. Everyone at the gym has their own goals and it is the visible progress towards these goals that drives one to keep going. Goals and self-direction are vital for success, so take the time to reflect on your own dreams and aspirations. Those that have made a difference to this

world are the ones who have dared to dream, who have reached for the impossible. If you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain. With big goals, even if you fall short you are likely to have achieved something worthwhile. Despite the difficulties we have faced this year, the level of success that we have achieved as a school is remarkable. We have had a great year of academics, drama, music, service and in particular, sport, which is definitely one for the record books. I don’t think there has been much change in the athletic ability of College boys over the years, so what is the source of this success? I believe it has come from the growth in character in our boys and teams, aided by programmes run by John Quinn. A common theme from these sessions is that ultimately the process is more important than the outcome. Process stems from strong values – perseverance and grit to master the challenging and boring skills, or humility to take on constructive criticism. With the process in place the outcome follows, but the way we win is more important. Bill Walsh said, “Champions behave like champions before they are champions” and being able to win humbly, lose graciously and treat others with respect is at the crux of this. This was evident at the rugby match against Christchurch Boys’ High School this year; not only because we won the game, but also because as I sat on the bench, the abuse I was copping from select Boys’ High supporters was drowned out by the positive support from our

Tihei Mauri Ora!

Kia koutou nga¯ rangatiratanga, me nga¯ wha¯nau. Te¯na¯ koutou Kia koutou nga¯ kaiako, me nga¯ a¯konga o tenei kura Te¯na¯ koutou Otira¯ kia koutou katoa, Te¯na¯ tatou. Nau mai, haere mai. He whakatauki tenei Wha¯ia te iti kahurangi ki te tuohu koe me he maunga teitei Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain. Chair of the board, Mr Wynne, staff, students, wha¯nau and the wider College community on the livestream – welcome to senior prize-giving. The school year is often considered a marathon, not a sprint, and the challenges of Covid-19 have made it feel as though further hurdles have been added on our path. As we witness every year at Athletics day, College boys who trip and fall on the steeplechase hurdles always get back up and keep going. This epitomises the way we as a school, have responded to the setbacks of the year. As shown in our tragic loss in the Staff vs Prefect relay however,


Christ’s College Canterbury

boys. I’ve never felt prouder to wear the black and white, and we were winners both on and off the field that day. I strongly believe that your character matters more than your natural talent or achievements. We are young and have our whole lives ahead of us, and those that have the character to work for what they want will surpass those that rest on their laurels. Doors of opportunity open for those that earn the respect of others, and the best way to do this is by showing respect yourself. Racism and homophobia are two examples of issues that I have touched on at assembly this year, and at first glance seem completely different. However, these and other issues often stem from a lack of respect and empathy. Do not underestimate the importance of being a good person. From the moment you walk in the front gates, you cannot help but sense there’s something magical about this place. However, I’ve come to realise that it is the people at College that have made my experience so thoroughly enjoyable, and I’d like to take this moment to thank some of them. To Garth Wynne, Rob Donaldson and Matt Cortesi, or as I like to call them – the big three – for their guidance and support throughout the year. You have given me a platform to express myself both as a leader and as an individual, and I am very grateful for this. The House system is one of the unique aspects of College life, and is an experience that is made possible through your Housemaster. I have known Dr Craig Aitken, or Doc as he’s more commonly known, for a very long time, and he is one of the hardest working and most dedicated people I know. However, what continually blows me away about Doc is his humility. For five years, we have always started the week with a House assembly to get ready for the week ahead, except for the Monday of this year that was Doc’s birthday, as he knew we would sing him “Happy Birthday.” Don’t change Doc. As Reverend Bosco carries out his final services at College, I want to

thank him for all that he has done for me and those before me. Despite opposition, you have brought Te Reo into the Chapel, and have constantly challenged us in the way

we think. I rarely see

you without a smile on your face, and wish you all the best for the future. I’d also like to

To the Year 13 cohort – there is no other group I would’ve wanted to go through my five years of College with. You have made school so enjoyable, and I wish you all the best in whatever your future endeavours are. For the rest of the boys that will be returning next year, it’s been a pleasure to meet you all. Embrace the responsibility you have as a role model for the younger boys. While I cannot mention everyone, I’d like to thank all that have supported me on my journey this year. It has been an absolute honour and privilege to have this role as Head Prefect. Ehara taku toa, he takitahi, he toa takitini My success should not be bestowed onto me alone, as it was not individual success but success of a collective.

thank Nick Coxon as you also call the curtains on your career at College. As my mentor and Big Band teacher, you have been a constant source of stability and support. Thank you. While everyone has their own role, the prefect group is a team of 25. I’d like to thank all of you for your hard work, cooperation and for keeping me in check. In particular, I’d like to thank Jamie, my deputy this year. You have been so dependable and consistent in your role, and always stayed calm no matter what was going on. I’ve really enjoyed working with you and the friendship that has come with it. I’d like to offer my congratulations to the prefect group that has been selected for 2022. I have full faith in your ability, and hope that your endeavours will not be affected by Covid-19 as the last two years have. In particular, I’d like to congratulate Benji Ward and Ollie Jones on their roles as Head and Deputy Head Prefect. The advice I have for you is to be yourself, and maybe stay away from the Dad jokes – I’m sure everyone needs a break. For all boys, reflect on what I have said today. Enjoy the holidays, and come back refreshed with some goals for the year.

Nga¯ mihi nui. Jack Belcher 2021 Head Prefect


Register 2021 Leadership

LEADERSHIP The 2022 Head Prefect’s Junior Prize-giving Speech

Te¯na¯ koutou, te¯na¯ koutou, te¯na¯ koutou katoa. Nau mai, haere mai. Nga¯ mihi nui ki Matua Wynne, te¯na¯ koe. Nga¯ mihi nui Matua Peters, te¯na¯ koe. Nga¯ mihi nui Matua Coxon, te¯na¯ koe. Nga¯ mihi nui ki Matua Donaldson, te¯na¯ koe. He whakatauki tenei:

it also includes community service, biculturalism and global awareness. I encourage you to try things out – it’s such a great time of your high school career to try new things. Do this with zest, compassion and integrity and I guarantee you’ll reap the rewards. To all staff leaving the wha¯nau that is Christ’s College, I show my gratitude for everything you have done for the boys of this school. I’d especially like to echo thanks to Nick Coxon, Eloise Nevin and Tamara Lerios. To the Rev. Bosco Peters, thank you for influencing growth in character among all of us. I am forever grateful for the countless thought-provoking sermons you delivered, and how fitting it is that we farewell you in this Chapel. Can we please show appreciation for everything these teachers have done for current and past students. I’d also like to take this moment to share a vision I have for next year. The brotherhood at College has been a common focus in the past couple of years. Such brotherhood looks like rowers dedicating themselves to months of training, the huge roar of support at the annual Boys’ High rugby match, or the fierce competition between the Houses at House Music. Even more importantly, brotherhood is about treating everyone with respect and enjoying the differences between us. You boys create the brotherhood that is experienced by everyone here and I challenge you to grow that brotherhood with every interaction you have next year. I believe we can grow the brotherhood at College with each boy completely immersing himself within the life that is

presented to him, and every boy respecting that. The bird that partakes of the miro berry, owns the forest. The bird that partakes of education, owns the world. I believe this whakatauki reflects the benefits you can reap from making the most of opportunities at College. If you partake of the berry – that is the opportunities presented to you at College – you will own your time at College, and hence enjoy yourself more. Next year I challenge each of you to try just one thing you’ve never planned on doing. This could be anything from trying out for a production, debating for your House or even planting trees with David Newton. It doesn’t have to be a huge jump outside of your comfort zone, but if you boys get more stuck in to your time at College I believe it will increase the amount of enjoyment you will get out of College life. I conclude my speech and thank you all again for a very enjoyable year. Rest well over the coming months, enjoy yourself and I look forward to seeing you all again next year. No reˉira, nga mihinui ki a koutou katoa, kia pai toˉ koutou ha¯rarei, ka kite ahau a tera tau. Te¯na¯ koutou, te¯na¯ koutou, te¯na¯ tatou katoa. Benji Ward Head Prefect 2022

Te manu e kai i te miro, noˉna te ngahere, Te manu e kai i te maˉtauranga, noˉna te ao.

The bird that partakes of the miro berry, owns the forest. The bird that partakes of education, owns the world. Welcome to those tuned in from home, staff, and of course, the boys. I’d like to start my speech by expressing my gratitude for the resilience boys and staff have shown throughout the year, despite the continual disruption of Covid-19. This year we’ve seen unprecedented success in sports, three magnificent productions and another year of academic success, without mentioning the growth boys have experienced in co-curricular activities. Today we acknowledge the boys receiving prizes. We are here to celebrate the extensive efforts and dedication you have shown to your academic studies throughout the year, and I challenge you to continue this energy next year. To those of you who missed out on an award today – don’t let this deter you from striving for excellence. As we head into the new College Diploma, you boys are presented with a fresh way of learning. The Diploma encourages traditional subjects but


Christ’s College Canterbury


Register 2021 Leadership



HOUSEMASTERS Alexandra Robertson BA(Hons) (University of Lancaster), PGCE (Secondary University of Newcastle upon Tyne), TESOL (Trinity College), CONDELL’S Ian Stevenson BSc(Hons) (Canterbury), DipTchg, CORFE Lionel Randall, Dip Sports Management Coaching (ETA South Africa), BSc (South Africa), PGCertEd (UNISA), PGCert Sport Psychology cum laude (UNISA), FLOWER’S Matt Cortesi BLS (Waikato), DipTchg, Physical Education & Health, HARPER Matt Thatcher BEd (Physical Education), GradDipTchg, JACOBS Dr Mike Field BA (History), MAppl Sci (Lincoln), PG Dip Tchg (Physical Education and History), PhD (Education – University of Queensland), JULIUS Dr Neil de Joux PhD (Applied Psychology) (Canterbury), GDipT (NZGSE), Acting Housemaster Julius Kevin Harris BEd DipTchg (Sydney), RICHARDS Dr Briar Wait BSc MSc PhD (Canterbury), GradDipTchg, ROLLESTON Henry Smith BEd (Canterbury), GradDipTchg, SCHOOL Dr Craig Aitken BSc(Hons), PhD (Canterbury), DipTchg, SOMES Chaplain Rev. Bosco Peters BSc (Canterbury), BTheol(Hons) (Melbourne), DipTchg Centre for Wellbeing Directors of Wellbeing & Positive Education John Quinn BA, DipSocWk, MEd, Cert Counselling Dr Sarah Anticich BSc, BA(Hons), MSc(Hons), PGDipClinPsych (Canterbury), PhD (Queensland) Emily Baird BA (Psych), MEd, PGDip (ChFamPsych) (Canterbury) – parental leave Counsellors Kirsty Robinson BA (Hons), MA (Dist), PGDipChFamPsych (Canterbury), Registered Psychologist Riki Clark BA Counselling, Te Roˉnakitanga ki te Reo Kairangi (Level 5 Te Reo), Cert Dance, Cert Personal Training


Executive Principal Garth Wynne BA DipEd (Queensland), MEdAdmin (New England) Deputy Principal Rob Donaldson BA(Hons) (Cape Town), BEd (Rhodes), MPhil (Waikato), HDEPG (Sec), GradDipBusStuds (Massey) Assistant Principal – Planning and Administration Darrell Thatcher BSc (Otago), DipTchg

Art Darryn George BFA (Canterbury), MFA (Melbourne), DipTchg Kate Belton BFA (Otago), DipTchg, MFA Art History Robyn Peers MA(Hons) (Canterbury), DipTchg Biology Dr Graeme Swanson BSc(Hons) PhD (Edinburgh), DipTchg Callum Bell BSc (Canterbury), DipTchg Kirsty Howatson BSc(Hons) (Stirling) Emily Priest BSc (Canterbury), DipTchg Careers Advisor Chris Sellars BSc (Canterbury), DipTchg Chemistry Scott Franklin BSc (Otago), GradDipTchg Dr Craig Aitken BSc(Hons) PhD (Canterbury), DipTchg, SOMES Dr Briar Wait BSc MSc PhD (Canterbury), GradDipTchg, ROLLESTON

Assistant Principal – Curriculum

Nicole Billante MA(Hons) (Canterbury), GradDipTchgLng (College of Education)

Assistant Principal – Community Engagement and Special Projects

Neil Porter BSc (Canterbury), PGDipSportMgt (Massey), DipTchg

Assistant Principal – Boarding and Immerse & Inspire Ben Vink BA(Hons) (Canterbury), DipTchg, MEd Leadership Director of Advancement Claire Sparks Director of Digital Services Paul Rodley MSc(Hons) (Canterbury), DipTchg, ICT Director of Finance & Operations Rob McFarlane BCA (Victoria), CA

Classics Olivia Austin BA (Canterbury) GradDipTchg

Commerce Katie Southworth BBA Business Management (Lancaster University, UK), GradDipTchgLng, Economics and Accounting (Teachers College, Christchurch) William Bell BCom (Canterbury), DipTchg Graeme Christey BCom (Canterbury), CA, DipTchg Dr Mike Field BA (History), MAppl Sci (Lincoln), PG Dip Tchg (Physical Education and History), PhD (Education – University of Queensland) Robbie Turrell BSc(Hons) Business and Psychology, PGCE, MEd Leadership (AUT) Jennifer Thomas BCom (Lincoln), GradDip (College of Education)


Christ’s College Canterbury

Design & Visual Communication Monique Ellis-Martin BDes, DipTchg Drama Hannah Clarkson, BEd (Canterbury), DipTchg Robyn Peers MA(Hons) (Canterbury), DipTchg Earth & Space Science Dr Anna Johnston BSc(Hons) PhD (Canterbury), DipSecTchg (NZGSE) English Chris Waugh BA (Otago), DipSecTchg (NZGSE) Zac Knight BA (Canterbury), GradDipTchLn (College of Education) Caroline Black BA (Canterbury), DipTchg Nikki Bleyendaal BA, BSc(Hons), GradDipTchg Emma Bracken BA (Auckland),

Learning Centre & ESOL Lesley Anderson-McKenna BA (Otago), DipTchg, Literacy and Tuition Shelly Jackson BA (Canterbury), GradDipTchgLng (College of Education) Gill Kilpatrick BA(Hons) (Leeds), PGCE Kate Morris BA (Canterbury) GradDipTchgLn (College of Education) Alexandra Robertson BA(Hons) (University of Lancaster), PGCE (Secondary University of Newcastle upon Tyne), TESOL (Trinity College) Mathematics & Statistics Samantha Squire BEng(Hons) (Liverpool), PGCE (Bristol) Tamara Lerios BEd (FET) (Witwatersrand) Dr Neil de Joux PhD (Applied Psychology) (Canterbury), GDipT (NZGSE) Dr Tom Hawkins BSc(Hons) (Newcastle), PhD (Victoria), GDipTchg (NZGSE) Amanda Lester GradDipTchLn(Secondary) (Mathematics, Science and Chemistry) (Christchurch College of Education), MEd (Canterbury) Andrew Levenger BA(Hons) PGCE Secondary (Durham) Tony O’Connor BEng (Dublin) Ian Stevenson BSc(Hons) (Canterbury), DipTchg Darrell Thatcher BSc (Otago), DipTchg Arthur Wood HDE SecEd (ECE Kwa-Zulu Natal University) Modern Languages Susan Harding BA (Canterbury), DipTchg, CertTESOL (CCE), CELTA (Cambridge) Steve Everingham BSc (Canterbury), DipTchg Dr Mike Field BA (History), M. Appl. Sci. (Lincoln), PG Dip Tchg (Physical Education and History), PhD (Education – University of Queensland) Elaine Tang BA(Hons) (Southampton), PGCE Teryl Yogeeswaran BA, MA (USA) Music Robert Aburn MusB(Hons), DipTchgDist, PGDipEdLead, MTchgLn (Canterbury), LRSM LTCL (London), AIRMT Music Nick Coxon BMus, GWCMD (Cardiff), DipMus (Wales), LTCL (London), PGCE (Bristol) Nicholas Sutcliffe BMus (Auckland), GradDipTchgLn (Canterbury)

Physical Education & Health Henry Smith BEd (Canterbury), GradDipTchg Rob Clarke BPhEd (Otago), DipTchg Matt Cortesi BLS (Waikato), DipTchg Lionel Randall DipSportsMgmtCoaching (ETA South Africa), BSc (South Africa), PGCertEd (UNISA), PGCert Sport Psychology cum laude (UNISA) Ben Sheat BEd (Physical Education), GradDipTchg (Canterbury) Matt Thatcher BEd (Physical Education), GradDipTchg Psychology Callum Bell BSc (Canterbury), DipTchg Physics David Newton BHortSc(Hons) (Lincoln), GradDipTchg Victor Sue-Tang PEng, BESc Civil (Western Ontario), MBA (Ivey), GradDipTchLn (Canterbury) Dr Andrew Taylor BSc(Hons), PhD (Canterbury), DipTchg Religious Education Rev. Bosco Peters BSc (Canterbury), BTheol(Hons) (Melbourne), DipTchg Nicholas Sutcliffe BMus (Auckland), GradDipTchgLn (Canterbury) General Science Callum Bell BSc (Canterbury), DipTchg Emily Priest BSc (Canterbury), DipTchg Technology Eloise Nevin BDes (CPIT), GradDip (NZGSE) Kevin Harris BEd DipTchg (Sydney) Sam Leary BPR&TM (Lincoln), Dip Advanced CAD, GradDipTchgLn (Canterbury), Nat Cert Furniture Making Gavin Love NZTradeCert, AdvNZTradeCert, MITO, CertAdultTchg Carey Prebble BDes (Massey), DipTchg (NZGSE) Wellbeing Nicole Billante MA(Hons) (Canterbury), GradDipTchgLng (College of Education)

GradDipTchgLn (Canterbury) Melissa Campbell BA(Hons) (Canterbury), DipTchg

Rob Donaldson BA(Hons) (Cape Town), BEd (Rhodes), MPhil (Waikato), HDEPG (Sec) Claire Nicolson BPhysEd, GDSE (Otago) Ginny Patterson BA (Canterbury), DipTchg Erin Rutherford BA (Canterbury), GradDipTchg (NZGSE) Geography Neil Nicholson B Sc (Canterbury), DipTchg Joshua Kim BA (Canterbury), MTchgLn

Neil Porter BSc (Canterbury), PGDipSportMgt (Massey), DipTchg

History Warren Lidstone BA(Hons) (Canterbury), DipTchg, GCertOTL Joshua Kim BA (Canterbury), MTchgLn Samantha Stevenson BA (Canterbury) BA(Hons) (Canterbury), GradDipTchg (Canterbury) Ben Vink BA(Hons) (Canterbury), DipTchg Paul McCarthy BA (Canterbury). GradDipTchg (Canterbury)

Teacher Aide Susanna He Maria Riveros Annemarie Winstone


Register 2021 Leadership

INSTRUMENTAL & ROCK MUSIC Big Band Claire Oliver LTCL, AIRMT, Cert Jazz Studies Brass Antonio Dimitrov MMus, GradDipTchg Clarinet Jonathon Prior LTCL, LRSM Drums Greg Donaldson Dip Jazz Studies Flute Margo Askin MMus Music Tutor & Organ Tutor Nicholas Sutcliffe Piano Shelley Spang MusB (Canterbury), LTCL (Piano & Singing), RMTH SRATH (London), CPSM, NZSMT Saxophone Claire Oliver LTCL, AIRMT, Cert Jazz Studies Voice Shelley Spang MusB (Canterbury), LTCL (Piano & Singing), RMTH SRATH (London), CPSM, NZSMT Violin Jennie Goldstein DipMus (Auckland), LTCL Violoncello Alison Hansen BSc, FTCL, AIRMT, DipTchg Rock Music Nolan Hungerford LTCL, AIRMT, Cert Jazz Studies

ITINERANT SPEECH & DRAMA Tomascita Edgerton BA (Canterbury), LTCL Tania McVicar ATCL (Speech & Drama), CertTESOL

DIGITAL SERVICES Director of Digital Services

Paul Rodley MSc(Hons) (Canterbury), DipTchg Web Services & Digital Services Support Manager James Brand Digital Services Solutions Architect Mark Gillette Digital Services Technician Ben Smith >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Page 51 Page 52 Page 53 Page 54 Page 55 Page 56 Page 57 Page 58 Page 59 Page 60 Page 61 Page 62 Page 63 Page 64 Page 65 Page 66 Page 67 Page 68 Page 69 Page 70 Page 71 Page 72 Page 73 Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Page 83 Page 84 Page 85 Page 86 Page 87 Page 88 Page 89 Page 90 Page 91 Page 92 Page 93 Page 94 Page 95 Page 96 Page 97 Page 98 Page 99 Page 100 Page 101 Page 102 Page 103 Page 104 Page 105 Page 106 Page 107 Page 108 Page 109 Page 110 Page 111 Page 112 Page 113 Page 114 Page 115 Page 116 Page 117 Page 118 Page 119 Page 120 Page 121 Page 122 Page 123 Page 124 Page 125 Page 126 Page 127 Page 128 Page 129 Page 130 Page 131 Page 132 Page 133 Page 134 Page 135 Page 136 Page 137 Page 138 Page 139 Page 140 Page 141 Page 142 Page 143 Page 144 Page 145 Page 146 Page 147 Page 148 Page 149 Page 150 Page 151 Page 152 Page 153 Page 154 Page 155 Page 156 Page 157 Page 158 Page 159 Page 160 Page 161 Page 162 Page 163 Page 164 Page 165 Page 166 Page 167 Page 168 Page 169 Page 170 Page 171 Page 172 Page 173 Page 174 Page 175 Page 176 Page 177 Page 178 Page 179 Page 180 Page 181 Page 182 Page 183 Page 184 Page 185 Page 186 Page 187 Page 188 Page 189 Page 190 Page 191 Page 192 Page 193 Page 194 Page 195 Page 196 Page 197 Page 198 Page 199 Page 200

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