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RehabAccess.Living Life FREE from Migraines

The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Health & Fitness

Living Life FREE from Migraines

If you are one of the 15 percent of the general population that suffers frommigraines, you know that the worst part is feeling helpless. Whether you feel helpless when it comes to preventing a migraine or helpless when it comes to treating a migraine, you can’t help but feel enslaved by a condition that causes 91 percent of sufferers to miss work or other daily activities. Fortunately, the solution for migraine management may be simpler than you think.

ALSO INSIDE • Feel Better By Eating These Recommended Foods • Relieve Headaches In Minutes • Patient Success Stories

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The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Health & Fitness

Living Life FREE from Migraines

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What is a Migraine? According to the American Migraine Foundation, a migraine attack is not considered a headache but a neurological disease. Nearly twice as many women as men are affected by migraines. Attacks are usually characterized by painful throbbing or pulsing on one side of the head, usually accompanied by changes in vision, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, or sensitivity to sound. Migraine attacks usually begin in childhood but can begin during adolescence or early adulthood. What Causes a Migraine Attack? One of the most frustrating parts of a migraine is that there is no definitive cause, therefore there is no definitive cure. Some researchers believe that a migraine is caused by changes in the chemicals in the brain that

regulate pain. Others feel that problems in the brainstem and its interaction with certain neural pathways cause migraines. Still others believe environmental factors play a role in migraines. Diet, exercise, light, heat, stress, medication, or changes in sleep can all affect whether a person experiences a migraine attack. Other risk factors include age, family history of migraine and hormonal changes due to puberty or menopause. How is a MigraineTraditionallyTreated? Since there is no definitive cause for migraine attacks,mostphysiciansfocuson limiting the duration or severity of a person’s symptoms. Medications are often prescribed that either target a person’s serotonin levels or relieve pain, but stomach problems due to frequent NSAIDuseormedicationoverusesometimes result. Many of these medications are also

most effective before a person is in pain. If they react to the warning symptoms that a migraine attack is coming, many times they can avoid the worst of their symptoms. Physical Therapy Can Help Migraine Sufferers One of the most promising long-term solutions for chronic migraine sufferers is physical therapy. One study showed that migraine sufferers who participated regularly in physical therapy experienced a significant reduction in theirsymptomsandseverity.The improvement did not end with the prescribed course of physical therapy. In fact, its effect was still felt a year later when migraine sufferers reported a continued reduction in incidence and severity. Best of all, physical therapy is non-pharmacological and void of the side effects many medications carry.

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Gretna Location (504) 365-1020 Belle Chasse Location (504) 398-2004

3. If further assessment is

1. Feel free to call us and ask to speak to your therapist.

2. Your therapist can discuss with you why your pain is bothering you again and what you might do about it at home.

warranted, your therapist might recommend you come in for an appointment.

Living Life Free from Migraines


Physical Therapy for Migraines Traditionally,people thinkofphysical therapyasapost-surgicalorpost- accident process designed to improve mobility and balance. While this is an important function, its scope provides a narrow picture of what physical therapy can do. Physical therapists are trained to recognize limits to the body’s function and prescribe ways to restore movement, balance, strength, mobility, and harmony of the body’s systems. For instance, some migraine sufferers experience neck and jaw pain that triggers an event. Physical therapists can recognize the cause of this pain and address it with manual therapies and exercise that, in turn, relieve a person’s symptoms. Even if the cause of a patient’s migraine is undefined, a physical therapist’s approach is ideal for identifying and addressing the underlying causes that may be contributing to a Physical therapists will likely perform techniques designed to improve the range of motion in the patient’s neck. This may include joint mobilization techniques, massage, physical therapy, or pressure point therapy. These manual therapy techniques reduce pain, but they also keep the head and neck moving the way they should. Manual therapies, especially massage, have also been shown to help migraine sufferers sleep better and experience attacks less frequently. Exercise Physical therapy targeted at migraines may include neck flexion exercises, postural exercises and recommendations for work or school accommodations that may help limit migraine frequency person’s symptoms. Manual Therapies Patient Success Stories Hear Why Our Patients Love Us! “RehabAccess iscaring,courteous&professional.Theyhavemodern work out equipment & all types of devices that are used to strengthen your muscles. They got me back on my feet and strengthened my muscles in minimal time” - J.T.

or severity. Additionally, regular aerobic exercise has been shown to reduce tension in the muscles that may be related to migraine symptoms. It can also help a person maintain a healthy weight that is essential to balancing hormone levels that may also contribute to migraines. Physical therapists are adept at prescribing customized exercise programs for every fitness level. While there is no definitive cure for migraines, physical therapy is among the most promising ways to manage your symptoms both now and in the future. Drug-free manual therapies coupled with targeted exercise at the hands of a physical therapist may be the key to managing the frequency, duration and severity of your migraine attacks. The only way to find out if physical therapy is right for you is to contact us for a consultation. Let us help you get on the road to better management of your migraine symptoms. Call us today to speak with a physical therapist or come on in for a free consultation.

Gretna Location (504) 365-1020

Belle Chasse Location (504) 398-2004

Sources: • • •

Patient Success Stories Hear Why Our Patients Love Us!

“I saw improvements right away. I was so surprised how your methods differ from others I have tried in the past. I loved the whole process.” - T.D.

Helping Our Community! Our staff volunteered at the Plaquemines Parish Special Olympics Friday, March 22

“Within 3 weeks of starting therapy, I was able to feel a big difference in my range of motion and pain level. So grateful for your help!” -T.H.

Feel Better By Eating These Recommended Foods A 2014 study of adults inThe Journal of Headache and Pain found that eating a vegan diet or eliminating possible dietary triggers may benefit people with migraines. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) recommends incorporating “pain safe” foods that are known to typically not trigger migraines. The following are considered “pain safe” foods and beverages: • Vegetables (specifically those that are orange, yellow, and green) such as squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, and spinach

Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing neck pain.

Relieves Neck Pain

• Water that can be carbonated, spring, or from tap

• Rice , especially brown rice

• Fruits , particularly non-citrus varieties such as cherries and cranberries (dried or cooked)

• Maple syrup or vanilla extract used as natural sweeteners or flavors

• Some fresh meats , poultry , and fish , while avoiding those that are processed, smoked, or made with tenderizers and broths • Foods that are rich in Vitamin B-12 (such as salmon, red meat, grains, and mushrooms) Sources: • articles/10.1186/1129-2377-15-69 • • category

Cervical Retraction Stand with your back against a wall. Position a rolled up towel behind your neck. Tuck chin like you are nodding ‘yes.’ Draw your chin closer to the back of your throat. Repeat 3 times.

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Resultswhile following the IdealProteinWeightLossMethodmayvary fromperson toperson,or from individual to individual.Authorized IdealProteinadministrator,RehabAccessFitnessLLC.