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RehabAccessPT_How Posture Can Affect Back Pain

The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Health & Fitness

6 Benefits To Good Posture

If you suffer fromback or neck pain, poor posture could be to blame. Poor posture can be a serious danger to your health. If you have poor posture, your bones are not properly aligned, which increases strain on your muscles, joints and ligaments. Poor posture causes fatigue, muscular strain and pain. In addition, poor posture can affect the position and function of your vital organs, such as your heart, lungs and intestines. (continued inside)

THIS NEWSLETTER: •6 How Poor Posture Contributes to Back Pain • Patient Success Stories

The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Health & Fitness

6 Benefits To Good Posture

Maintaininggoodposturecanhaveadramatic improvementonyourbackor neck pain, health, energy and the way you look and feel. Some of the perks of good posture include: 1. Constant exercise for your back and abdominals. Holding good posture takes effort and makes you use the muscles in your back and abdomen properly. 2. It greatly improves your breathing. Good posture makes room for your lungs to function at their best – rather than being compressed when you hold your body in a slouch. Good lung function has a healthy impact on all aspects of your body’s functions and helps to reduce pain. 3. It protects your organs, bones, joints and muscles. Holding correct posture reduces unnecessary strain and pressure on these body parts. Most neck and back problems develop from poor posture over time. 4. It prevents arthritis. With poor posture, unnatural pressure is placed on your joints, leading towearand tear.This in turncan lead toarthritis.Good posture gives your joints the chance to function at their best. 5. It helps you use your muscles more efficiently. With your bones and joints incorrectalignment,youare likely to feelmoreenergeticsinceyour body will require less energy to move about. 6. It can have a dramatic impact on the way you feel. When you hold yourself in good posture, rather than a slumped one, you send signals to yourbrain thatmakeyou feelhappierandmoreconfident. Italsochanges theway thatpeopleseeyou–you’llappearmoreconfidentandassertive. Making simple changes in your daily habits can improve your posture and reduce your pain. Postural restoration at Rehab Access Physical Therapy helps the body recruit the right muscles for the task at hand, improving pain and restoring prior to function.

CALL TODAY: Gretna Location (504) 365-1020 Belle Chasse Location (504) 398-2004

3. If further assessment is warranted, your therapist

2. Your therapist can

1. Feel free to call us and ask to speak to your therapist.

discuss with you why your pain is bothering you again and what you might do about it at home.

might recommend you come in for an appointment.

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Help Your Posture In Minutes Try this movement to have better posture

Helps Posture

PRONE BACK EXTENSION While lying face down, slowly raise your chest upwards and off the ground. Then lower slowly back to the ground. Repeat 10 times.

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Who Do You Know That Needs Our Help? � Move without pain � Bend and move freely � Balance confidently & securely � Sit for long periods comfortably � Walk for long distances � Live an active lifestyle Do You Have Friends Or Family Unable To Do The Following: Have ThemCall Us Today!

Gretna Location (504) 365-1020

Belle Chasse Location (504) 398-2004

Patient Success Stories

“Thank you for givingme backmy life” “I was in pain for 3 months. I couldn’t sit or lay down with out being in great pain. The second treatment I could feel the instant relief from the treatment. Within the first week, my overall pain level went down. The overall care by everyone in this facility has been first class. I would recommend Rehab Access Physical Therapy to anyone. Thank you for giving me back my life.” – R.Clayborne, March 2018

“Walkingwell without a cane and climbing stairs.” “I entered rehab with a walker after hip surgery. Very glad to have completed rehab walking well without a cane and climbing stairs.” R. Borne, May 2018 “My knee is now functional” “Rehab Access gave me my life back! After a very complicated knee replacement, I could barely walk or bend my knee. After 3 months of intensive therapy my knee is now functional! “ J. Swaney, February 2018

“I played golf within two months of starting physical therapy” “I came in with a goal; I wanted to get back on the golf course. I was told anywhere from 6 months or longer. I played golf within two months of starting physical therapy at Rehab Access. I was also able to get back to work fulltime, help around the house and just get back to living a normal life. “ – G. Peters, November 2017

How Poor Posture Contributes To Back Pain

When your spine is not in proper alignment, the muscles, ligaments, and joints areall under excessive strain, causing most episodes of backpain. The lower back supports most of the weight of the body and therefore is the most vulnerable to the effects of poor posture. Discs, which provide support between the spinal bones (vertebrae), are alsoaffectedbypoorposture.However,withgoodposture, thespine is in properalignmentand theshockabsorbingdiscsare lesssubject to injury. Often with poor posture, the spine will become fixed in an abnormal position. This leads to the constriction of blood vessels and nerves over time.Furthermore,thiscausesproblemswiththe joints,discs,andmuscles. It is important to take care of your spine. Good posture eliminates many of thehealthproblems thatcandevelopwhen thespinehasanunhealthy posture. Since you performmany different movements and positions throughout theday(sitting,standing,bending,stooping, lyingdown,etc.) it is important to learn how to keep correct posture. Maintaining good posture during the day results in less back pain. When you correct bad posture habits, the new and improved movements tend to become more automatic and require very little effort to maintain. At Rehab Access PhysicalTherapy, we train you on the best way to attain and hold your posture throughout the day. We help you relieve your back pain quickly while improving your posture for maximum long term results! Call Today!

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