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Reib Law - January 2021

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Reib Law - January 2020

books to order your copy today! DIRECTIONS 1. Wash and sort peas. 2. In a saucepan, cover peas with

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Reib Law January 2019

8 cup heavy cream • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract DIRECTIONS 5 PROVEN STRATEGIES TO SHATTERPROOF

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Reib Law - January 2022

2 tsp salt • 4 cups raisins • 7 cups flour • 4 cups canola oil DIRECTIONS 1. In a large bowl,

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Reib Law - September 2021

shatterproof-audit and complete your audit. We will send you back a report card. | 1 940.591.0600 Pu

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Reib Law - August 2021

shatterproof-audit and complete your audit. We will send you back a report card. | 1 940.591.0600 Pu

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Reib Law - February 2021

4 cup panko breadcrumbs • 2 tbsp fresh chives, chopped • 1 tbsp lemon juice • 1 tsp lemon zest • Lem

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Reib Law - July 2021

3 cups red enchilada sauce, divided • 4 large zucchini, sliced very thin lengthwise and dried • 2 cu

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Reib Law April 2021

2 cup brown sugar, lemon juice, and 3 tbsp water to a boil. 3. Reduce heat to medium and cook until

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Reib Law - June 2021

shatterproof-audit and complete your audit. We will send you back a report card. | 1 940.591.0600 Pu

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Reib Law - May 2021

8 tsp red pepper flakes • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS 1. With a vegetable peele

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Reib Law - January 2021



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unhealthy food that you know you shouldn’t eat? Maybe pack a lunch. Do you eat a family meal at Grandma’s house every weekend that you know isn’t going to be healthy? Maybe plan to limit your portions. Whatever obstacles are in your way, know how to react in accordance with your goals before you reach them. In the last edition, I talked about living life 90 days at a time, and all of that very much applies to creating goals for the New Year. While you might have an endgame for 2021, do you know where you want to be 90 days from Jan. 1, 2021? When you break up your game plan into increments, your success won’t seem as far away, and you’ll be reminded of your progress all along the way. EVERY NONSUCCESS IS A LEARNING EXPERIENCE. SO, CREATE A PLAN, ACCOUNT FOR OBSTACLES, MEASURE YOUR PROGRESS. AND WE CAN HELP! VISIT REIBLAW.COM/NLFREE TO SCHEDULE A CONSULTATION. While there are plenty of ways to make achieving your goals easier, you should also prepare for shortcomings. You won’t always reach your goals when you want to, or how you want to. However, you shouldn’t think of this as a failure (I usually refer to my shortcomings as “nonsuccesses”). Instead, just remind yourself that whether you meet your goals or not isn’t life or death, and all you have to do is go back to your plan, recalibrate, and move forward. You might even find that you need to make a new goal altogether, if the goal you initially set is impossible or extrinsically motivated (meaning someone else set the goal for you, or you aren't intrinsically motivated for your own reasons). Every nonsuccess is a learning experience. So, create a plan, account for obstacles, measure your progress every 90 days, and take on 2021 knowing that your goals are conquerable. And remember, if it’s your goal to start a business, restructure your business, or just learn more about the legal side of running a business, give REIBLAW a call, or visit to schedule a consultation. Happy New Year! – Scott Reib


At the beginning of the year, I don’t make New Year’s resolutions — I set goals. Let me explain the difference. A resolution, at least to me, is more of a wish. “I want to lose weight,” “I want to stop smoking,” “I want to eat less sugar,” or “I want to spend more time with my family.” Granted, these are all good things to want, but those resolutions fail so often that they’ve just become empty platitudes. A goal, on the other hand, is much more structured. Instead of a vague idea, you have a quantifiable end result in mind. Take the resolution, “I want to lose weight,” and compare it to the goal, “I want to weigh 185 pounds by Dec. 31, 2021.” Which one seems more attainable? Obviously the second one because it actually names something to work toward. Creating goals takes a lot more time and effort, but the results will be worth it. You have to figure out how to measure your success as you work toward your goal, as well as establish the best times to measure your progress. If you’re trying to lose weight, maybe that means creating a workout plan, an eating plan, and maybe finding someone (or multiple someones) to hold you accountable to those plans. In any case, you should also write your goals down. That way, they exist somewhere outside of your own head. Additionally, it helps to consider all the possible obstacles to your plan’s success that you might encounter. For example, is there a business lunch every week full of

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takes grit, thick skin, and compassion, and “Unleashed” offers advice from top-performing organizations on how to best achieve all three. ‘PERSONALITY ISN’T PERMANENT: BREAK FREE FROM SELF-LIMITING BELIEFS AND REWRITE YOUR STORY’ BY BENJAMIN HARDY Organizational psychologist Benjamin Hardy makes a fascinating argument for why your current personality isn’t the one that’s most important. His new book pushes readers to consider who they want their future self to be, and his ideas aren’t theoretical — they’re full of proven ways to change your priorities, break habits, and use your environment to make you a better version of yourself. ‘HONEST TO GREATNESS: HOW TODAY'S GREATEST LEADERS USE BRUTAL HONESTY TO ACHIEVE MASSIVE SUCCESS’ BY PETER KOZODOY The turmoil of 2020 has pushed brands to reconsider how they appeal to their customers. Many are walking away from deceitful promises and aiming for radical honesty and authenticity, instead. In his new book, Kozodoy examines how this revolution came to be and why it’s working. His guide teaches leaders how they can embrace these qualities to make their businesses better.

For leaders at all levels in all types of business, 2020 was a tough year. Those businesses that managed to not only survive but also thrive all have one big factor in common: good leadership. If you want to be a better leader for your team in 2021, here are the latest leadership books you should add to your reading list. ‘FRIDAY FORWARD: INSPIRATION AND MOTIVATION TO END YOUR WEEK STRONGER THAN IT STARTED’ BY ROBERT GLAZER Glazer is an entrepreneur and bestselling author who has taken 52 of the most impactful stories from his inspirational newsletter that goes out to more than 100,000 readers and put them in one convenient book. These stories of struggling entrepreneurs who turned things around can give you the push you need to make an impact in your own circles and end your work weeks stronger than they started. ‘UNLEASHED: THE UNAPOLOGETIC LEADER'S GUIDE TO EMPOWERING EVERYONE AROUND YOU’ BY FRANCES FREI AND ANNE MORRISS Frei is one of the world’s foremost authorities on leadership. In her new book, she’s teamed up with Anne Morriss, a leader in the genomics industry. The book teaches leaders how to empower others. Great leadership

BIZ TOOL OF THE MONTH: COMPLIANZ Putting together a company website can be exciting. You get to add all sorts of different pages and features that introduce both seasoned and new customers or clients to your mission, your team, and your products. MAKE SURE YOUR WEBSITE IS IN COMPLIANCE

Along with document generation, Complianz will also automatically scan your website for cookies and let you style your own cookie banner. The plugin integrates with Google services, making for a seamless user experience, as well as with marketing tools such as Hotjar, AdSense, and Social Feeds. Additionally, through Complianz itself, you can use A/B testing to gauge how well different texts, backgrounds, and banners contribute to a greater conversion rate. Complianz comes with a myriad of other helpful features, too. You’ll have access to a full support team, ready to answer any questions you might have. The plugin goes through consistent monthly updates and improvements pertaining to legal changes and new features. If you get the premium version, it comes preinstalled with over 10 different languages, and if you need another language besides those, the support team can help you do that.

That said, getting every part of your business online isn’t all fun and games, especially when it comes to ensuring that it’s compliant with all the various rules and regulations as it relates to collecting user >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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