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Retirement Planning Strategies July 2018

2 red chili (such as Fresno) or jalapeño, thinly sliced DIRECTIONS 1. Heat grill to medium. 2. Brush

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Retirement Planning Strategies - July 2019

Retirement Planning Strategies - July 2019 Give us a call! 303-922-4304 Hours

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Retirement Planning Strategies - July 2022

St. Maarten sounds like the perfect travel destination for you! Both sides of the island offer many

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Retirement Planning Strategies - July 2017

3 cup dark brown sugar, ¼ cup kosher salt, 4 teaspoons ground mustard, 2 teaspoons marketing. “I lov

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Retirement Planning Strategies - December 2020

SIPC. Advisory services offered through CL Wealth Management LLC, (“CLW”) a SEC registered Investmen

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Retirement Planning Strategies - August 2020

May Lose Value. Securities offered through Cabot Lodge Securities LLC New York, NY 10281-- Member FI

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Retirement Planning Strategies - May 2020

May Lose Value. Securities offered through Cabot Lodge Securities LLC New York, NY 10281-- Member FI

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Retirement Planning Strategies - June 2020

May Lose Value. Securities offered through Cabot Lodge Securities LLC New York, NY 10281-- Member FI

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Retirement Planning Strategies - March 2020

May Lose Value. Securities offered through Cabot Lodge Securities LLC New York, NY 10281-- Member FI

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Retirement Planning Strategies - November 2020

May Lose Value. Securities offered through Cabot Lodge Securities LLC New York, NY 10281 — Member FI

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Retirement Planning Strategies - July 2020

Give us a call! 303-922-4304 Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M–F

JULY 2020



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WE DON’T KNOW WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS But We Know There Are Ways We Can Make It Better

2020 marks the centennial year of the 19th Amendment, or women’s right to vote. That realization, coupled with everything going on in our country right now, got me thinking about a story I can’t believe I haven’t shared before. My grandmother graduated from high school in 1913 in a tiny Nebraska town. The city built a new school during her senior year, and in the spirit of commemoration, her entire senior class was asked to contribute an item to a cornerstone, or time capsule, that would be opened in the future. I wasn’t even aware this cornerstone had been created until they opened it in 2013; 100 years after sealing it and long after my grandmother had passed away. She had never mentioned it to me and had likely forgotten about it as she grew older. Even though we no longer have any family living in Nebraska, my great-grandparents are buried in a cemetery that I still support. When the school cornerstone was opened and they were looking for contacts to distribute its contents to, my connection with the town put me on their list. That’s how I came to possess an incredible essay my grandmother wrote when she was just 18 years old.

The essay is about why women should have the right to vote, and it was written seven years before women nationwide were finally afforded that right. I never had a chance to speak to my grandmother about the letter before she passed, so I don’t know the details of exactly why it was written. I certainly don’t recall her being an outspoken activist. But that doesn’t matter because the incredible sentiment and relevance of the essay still holds today — and has during every moment since she wrote it. My grandmother wrote about how women are strong, not frail. She wrote about how they are smart, not stupid. She wrote about how hardworking and ambitious they are. And she wrote that they do not deserve to be treated as second-class citizens, having just as much to offer as men. At just 18 years old, my grandmother recognized the importance of practicing equality and knew the subject was important enough to choose as the way she wanted to leave her legacy on her school and community. She couldn’t have known that the rights she argued for in her essay would finally become a reality just seven years later. She had no way of knowing that in just

two generations, women’s rights would grow by leaps and bounds. Things today certainly aren’t perfect — there are still many areas where equality hasn’t been fully reached for women. But we are so much further now than we were in the world my grandmother knew in 1913. Every time I read that letter, it inspires me to dream about how different our world could be just seven years from now, or how different it could be in 100 years. It inspires me to want to do better and be better for the community I live in today, in the hope of achieving a better future for everyone. So let’s face today’s inequalities with hope of positive change. Hope that we can be stronger and do better. Hope that our country will recognize the importance of every single one of its citizens. Hope that we’ll reach a point when equality no longer has to be fought for. My grandmother had no idea how the world would change, and we really have no idea how it might continue to change. But if there are changes we want to see, we have to start by taking action, even if it’s as simple as writing a letter to inspire others to see the world as a better place. –Ann Vanderslice | 1

Published by The Newsletter Pro .

Catching Up With Carol You may recognize the name Carol Tresco from a previous employee spotlight, but even if this is your first time reading our newsletter, you’re likely familiar with her name


Carol works wonders for our clients every day, thanks in part to the good impression she left on her former workplace. “I’m lucky enough to still be close with a lot of the people I worked with previously and even more fortunate that some still work in government HR,” Carol says. “They would never divulge sensitive information, but when we have concerns with something like a client’s delayed access to their pension, I usually know just the person to call to point me in the right direction.” On top of helping our clients get their plans on track, Carol has become integral to setting up our retirement training classes. “Working on these events is a great opportunity to stay connected with people. Even though we’re only doing webinars these days, our clients are no less interesting, which makes the job that much better.” Outside the office, Carol lives a simple life and enjoys reading a lot and caring for her two dogs. On occasion, she likes to venture up to Black Hawk and Central City for a little gambling excitement but finds the work she does is often excitement enough. “It challenges my brain, keeps me sharp, but most important of all, it gives me purpose,” Carol says. Her purpose is our pleasure, and we’re so thankful to have her on our team.

because of the integral role she plays at Retirement Planning Strategies. Carol has been helping clients since April 2014. She’s worn many hats over the years, but now she specializes in client services because it’s what she does best. “I spent 30 years working in a human resources government job,” Carol says. “I can’t believe it’s been six years since then, but time flies

when you’re doing something you love.” Her goal has always been helping others, but she was really missing that sense of meaningful, one-on-one interaction with others at her government job. “Sure, I made a lot of contacts and friends in my former job, but what I do now really provides me a chance to connect with people further.”

4 Rules for Guilt-Free Photo Downsizing FEEL BAD ABOUT THROWING AWAY PHOTOS?

If you’ve reached a point in your life where you’re downsizing, then you’ve likely grappled with the difficult task of getting rid of photos. After decades of life, how are you supposed to choose which memories are important enough to keep and which are not? These four rules can help make this daunting task easier. RULE NO. 1: CUT SCENIC VIEWS You don’t need dozens of photos of a summer vacation campsite. If a location was really meaningful, like the beach at your honeymoon, then

or about how funny your best friend from college was, then keep those photos. Discard pictures of people whose names you can’t remember or those blurry images. RULE NO. 3: EDIT WELL Think about how long each “photographic chapter” of your life story will be. Allocate photo space like you would time and apportion the number of photos accordingly. If a certain event didn’t have that much meaning in your life, why dedicate pages and pages of a photo album to it? RULE NO. 4: THROW PHOTOS AWAY If a photo isn’t important enough to put in an album or frame on the wall, then it doesn’t need to take up space. Resist putting the rejected images in a box you’ll have to sort through later. Free up the clutter to make space for memories to come. After all that hard work, treat yourself to a photo album shopping spree so you can start organizing all the meaningful photos you cherish.

keep a few, but pictures of the places you’ve been to are far less special than pictures of the people you love. RULE NO. 2: TELL A STORY When you look at a photo, does it make you want to tell a story about the people or places in the image? If you can share stories about riding around in your dad’s old truck

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Published by The Newsletter Pro .

Beware of These Coronavirus Email Scams


While it seems like the worst of COVID-19 might be behind us, that doesn’t mean we should let our guard down — especially when it comes to internet scams designed to prey on the fear and uncertainty brought on by this pandemic. It’s no surprise that scammers have found ways to use the coronavirus scare as an opportunity to steal personal information

equipment, fake alerts from government agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and fake coronavirus updates. If you get an email containing an unusual link in your inbox, do not click on it — even if the email address looks legitimate. Scammers use links to spread malware on computers, which helps them obtain your personal information

from the unsuspecting. Fortunately, you can spot coronavirus scammers using the same techniques that help identify other phishing scams.

SPELLING AND GRAMMAR MISTAKES This is usually a dead giveaway. While genuine, official updates about the coronavirus will be meticulously checked for spelling and grammar, scammers aren’t as careful. Missing periods, misspelled words, and wacky syntax errors are all

REQUESTS FOR PERSONAL INFORMATION When the federal government started

distributing relief checks, several scammers sent out unsolicited emails disguised as legitimate instructions, asking for personal information from people in order to receive their relief payments. Since many people have now received their checks, this particular scam may become less common, but always be suspicious of emails that ask for personal information, no matter the circumstances. SUSPICIOUS LINKS AND EMAIL ADDRESSES During the past few months, people’s email inboxes have been littered with advertisements for fake coronavirus tests, cures, and

hallmarks of scam emails. Make sure you carefully read any email you’re not sure about. If you can spot spelling and grammar mistakes, don’t click on any links and delete it immediately. Much like the coronavirus will remain in the American psyche long after cases and deaths have peaked, scammers will continue using it as a means to steal from honest, hardworking Americans. But if we keep our guard up, we can do our part to make sure they get absolutely nothing for their efforts.

BRAIN! Train Your

Spicy Salmon Cucumber Bites


Inspired by

• 1 tbsp chopped chives • Salt and pepper, to taste • 1 English cucumber, peeled • 4 cherry tomatoes, quartered for garnish

• 1/4 cup paleo mayonnaise • 1/4 tsp smoked paprika • 1/4 tsp Tabasco, or to taste • 1/2 lb salmon, cooked • 1 tbsp minced shallots


5. Using a melon-baller, scoop out the center of each cucumber slice but leave the bottom fully intact so the filling doesn’t fall through. 6. Divide the salmon mixture and put dollops into each cucumber slice. 7. Garnish with cherry tomato.

1. In a small bowl, mix together

mayonnaise, paprika, and Tabasco. 2. Flake the salmon into large bite-size pieces. 3. Add the salmon, shallots, chives, salt, and pepper to the Tabasco mixture and combine. 4. Cut the cucumber into 3/4-inch slices. | 3

Published by The Newsletter Pro .

Give us a call! 303-922-4304 FAX: 303-416-4358 Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M–F


303-922-4304 •

PO Box 260787 Lakewood, CO 80226-0787

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Finding Inspiration in a Letter From 1913 PAGE 1 Carol Tresco, Your Client Services Expert PAGE 2 4 Steps to Finally Sort Through Old Photos PAGE 2 How to Spot a Coronavirus Scam Email PAGE 3 The First Steps to Building Your Dream Patio PAGE 4


Why May Is the Best Month to Start 2: PLAN THE SPACE IN ADVANCE. This can be the hardest part, but you must keep two specific things in mind when planning your patio: the preferred size and any dream feature you’d like to include. If you can integrate these two, then you’ll be off to a gre t start. Enjoying time outside can be hard when you also want indoor comforts. But why settle for just one when you can have the best of both worlds with an outdoor patio? Summer is a great time to plan, create, or revamp your current patio into your dream oasis. As with any home project, it can be overwhelming at first to design an entire space. If you’re not sure where to start, here are some suggestions. 1: DETERMINE THE PURPOSE. No two households are the same. Likewise, no two patios are used exactly the same way. Maybe you’d like to have a quiet, cozy spot in the mornings to listen to the sounds of nature, enjoy the weather, and take in a good book or podcast. Maybe you’d like to use your patio mainly to relax as you entertain guests. Or maybe you need your patio to accomplish all of the above!

Dream features can include a firepit, an elaborate brick design, a Jacuzzi, or a professional grilling/kitchen station. For example, if you want a cozy spot for your family to enjoy barbecues, then you’ll need enough space to set up your ideal outdoor cooking area as well as a dining space with the right amount of seating. Once you have created the image in mind, you can begin to design. 3: CONSIDER HOW TO DECORATE. Consider using fresh, great-looking patio pavers to complement your house’s exterior. They will be a pathway to lead you and your guests into the outdoors. Add interesting textures by using different materials. Slate, limestone, sandstone, and terra cotta paving slabs are very popular choices. Finally, decorate with planters, shade structures, and anything else you think will make your outdoor escape a little more comfortable.

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Published by The Newsletter Pro .