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Rinehardt Law - April 2020

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Rinehardt Law April 2021

4 cup oil (extra-virgin olive oil, pure olive oil, or canola oil) • • • • • DIRECTIONS 1. Combine vi

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Rinehardt Law - April 2022

2 tsp finely grated lemon zest • Salt, to taste • Black pepper, to taste MORE AWARDS FOR 2022! Congr

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Rinehardt Law - December 2020

2 cups chopped pecans or walnuts, toasted (optional) LIDAY GIFT IDEA We have used our clients’ dash

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Rinehardt Law - May 2020

flower-bombing in need with surprise garden makeovers, and in New York City, a 2017 series of floris

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Rinehardt Law - June 2020

Rinehardt Law - June 2020 SMALL TOWN VALUES BIG CITY RESULTS Rinehardt Law |

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Rinehardt Law - July 2020

2-inch overhang. Fold edge under and crimp. Freeze 10 minutes. Line crust with foil or parchment; fi

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Rinehardt Law - March 2020

4 cup whole-wheat panko • 2 tbsp Parmesan cheese breasts, pounded to a 1-inch thickness • 1 tbsp uns

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Rinehardt Law - November 2020

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Rinehardt Law- February 2020

NewMexico (a single town that straddles the two states’ borders), claims the title “Leap Year Capita

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Rinehardt Law - October 2020

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Rinehardt Law - April 2020


APRIL 2020


for John (and Remi.) We have a team of powerful, tenacious women who are also compassionate, caring, and kind. Across the board, we have very good listeners, which is so important in what we do. We’re a collaborative bunch, a quality that is so constructive to getting things done. I saw a statistic a while back that women make up 30% of all attorneys (and that number is also increasing all the time). In my father-in-law’s law class, there were just a few women. Now, that ratio is getting closer to 50-50. However, there still seems to be some disparity in the personal injury realm, where only 21% of lead counsel attorneys are women.

How are you all holding up? I know this is a very overwhelming, uncertain time. I also know there’s a lot of information to digest and so much to think about just to get through each day. So instead of focusing on more of the same, I want to dedicate this space to talk about someone who was very dear to me and whose wisdom continues to be a guiding light for me through the hardest times. Two Aprils ago, I lost my mom to breast cancer. Going through life without her has been tough, to say the least. Even as an adult, my mom was someone I turned to when I needed a wise word, comfort when I wasn’t feeling well, or a sympathetic ear after a long day. She always had the right words. She had that unique ability to know just what to say in any given moment — she could turn a stranger’s day around with her kind words. She gave gentle wisdom in such a way that it was always well received, and people adored her for this. An artist and a writer, she was also a creative soul. There was always laughter in our house — I have so many memories set to the backdrop of my mom and dad laughing. My mom found a way to infuse humor when we needed it the most.

grace and courage. Even in tough times, she kept an open heart and mind.

My mom was an amazing example of a strong, independent woman for my sister, my nieces, my daughters, and me, as she pursued her master’s degree in a time when she was one of the only women in her class. Because of this, it didn’t feel strange to me to be a woman pursuing a graduate degree. It wasn’t until I got older that I realized this was, for some, a novelty. Her example and the code she lived by paved the way for me to study. Many of the qualities she exhibited are also the same attributes that make a good attorney: collaborative, kind, a good listener, strong, and courageous. Thinking about her and the people who make our firm what it is today, I can’t help but see a connection. I work in a firm made up mostly of women. We have two female attorneys, Melanie and me, and just about everyone else is female, save

That number tells me there’s a lot of room for opportunity.

That’s what I’ve tried to take from every experience I’ve had — every courtroom where someone assumes I’m a clerk rather than an attorney. Melanie and I have had similar experiences in this area, and I think they’ve only made us stronger and better at what we do. I’ve realized you can choose to look at these situations as setbacks or opportunities. I’d much rather choose the latter. Thank you, Mom, for giving me that mindset.

–Hillary Rinehardt

Throughout her life, she faced challenges and shone through them as an example of

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ACTIVITIES YOU CAN E Keep Away the Homebo

DID YOU SEE IT? 3 of Hollywood’s Best Movie Easter Eggs This April, many kids will search excitedly for Easter eggs, but aside from the holiday treat, the term “Easter egg” has a fun alternate meaning when it comes to media. In this context, an Easter egg refers to a hidden surprise or message, and people often enjoy trying to find as many as they can. This spring, turn on some of these classic movies and see if you can spot a few of Hollywood’s Easter eggs yourself. DISNEY ROYALTY’S FAMILY TREE At the beginning of Disney’s “Frozen,” released in 2013, Elsa and Anna’s parents leave to journey across the ocean. Their destination is unknown, and sadly, a treacherous storm sinks their ship. Three years later, their eldest daughter, Elsa, is coronated, and guests arrive at the castle. If viewers scan the crowd of visitors, they will see Flynn and Rapunzel from the 2010 Disney movie “Tangled.” (Notice the time difference?) The theory, confirmed by filmmakers, is that Elsa and Anna’s parents were traveling to Flynn and Rapunzel’s wedding. The connections continue with claims that the shipwreck in “The Little Mermaid” was their ship, and some even think that Tarzan’s parents were actually Anna and Elsa’s parents, who survived the wreck. FRANK ABAGNALE ARRESTING ‘HIMSELF’ At 15 years old, Frank Abagnale Jr. started his career as one of the U.S.’s most prolific con artists. Abagnale scammed the government out of money, impersonated pilots and doctors, and swindled banks, making his story seem like a Hollywood plot. In 2002, “Catch Me If You Can,” starring Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio, created just that. The movie follows the life of Abagnale, who briefly appears in the movie himself to arrest DiCaprio, who plays a young Abagnale. Today, Abagnale serves as a security consultant and teaches courses for the FBI. INDIANA JONES AND HAN SOLO TEAMING UP No movie franchises are as prolific as George Lucas’ “Star Wars” and “Indiana Jones,” but they also share another Hollywood connection. Both series feature Harrison Ford, who plays Indiana Jones and Han Solo, and the franchises make references to each other, including hieroglyphics in “Indiana Jones” that feature R2-D2, C-3PO, and Princess Leia, as well as a club named Club Obi Wan. Though “The Empire Strikes Back” was filmed before “Indiana Jones,” Lucas had Ford in mind for his next great story and gave Han Solo a bullwhip in reference to Indy’s famous go-to tool.

Over the last month, many of us have found ourselves somewhat unexpectedly homebound. While there’s a lot out of our control (and really, this is true at any time), the way we react to situations and the way we choose to spend our time is still largely up to us. Here are a few activities you can begin to incorporate into your new normal to help you stay healthy, well, and mentally sharp through this time. MEDITATE Now more than ever, incorporating mindfulness into your day can make a world of difference. Mindfulness teaches you to live in the present moment and observe thoughts and feelings rather than letting them overwhelm you. EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT

This month, we’re excited to turn the spotlight to our amazing team member, Faith. Faith handles medical requests for our clients and helps us get the crucial information we need to move forward with cases. As she sums up her role, “I help get all of the documents put together that tell the story of what happened.”

For Faith, this is the part of her work that she enjoys the most. “I enjoy putting the story together and seeing the process from start to finish,” Faith

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ENJOY AT HOME ound Blues

Often, feelings of anxiety come from our contemplations about the future, points in time for which we have no information except speculation. Adopting a meditation habit can help you return to the present and let go of negative thoughts. Check out apps like Calm or Headspace to get started. Some meditation studios are also offering livestreaming classes through Facebook or Instagram during this time. EXERCISE Not going to the gym doesn’t mean you have to stop moving. Connect with coworkers and friends virtually and do a daily pushup and lunge challenge. Look for workouts available through YouTube or online classes. Your local gym may be offering virtual workouts, which can also be a great way to continue to support small businesses. READ AND WATCH You know that running list of books you’ve always wanted to tackle but just haven’t found the time for? This may be your perfect opportunity. Use your library’s e-book app, like Libby, to check out books or turn to online bookstores, like Kindle. Consider Pulitzer Prize-winning books like “The Underground Railroad” by Colson Whitehead, “The Shipping News” by Annie Proulx, or “The Overstory” by Richard Powers. When you’re looking for something to stream, support one of your local artists. With most gigs getting canceled, watching a comedian’s stand-up special and donating to their GoFundMe or purchasing a song from a musician can be a blessing — for you and them. Turning to positive outlets like meditation, exercise, and reading will help you stay mentally and physically well during this time. Don’t forget to share what you find helpful with your friends, family, and coworkers.

Sesame Zucchini Noodles

Inspired by


3/4 tsp fresh ginger, grated 2 cloves garlic, chopped 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar 3 scallions, thinly sliced

4 medium zucchini

Salt, to taste

3 medjool dates, pitted and softened in warm water for 5 minutes 3 1/2 tbsp creamy, unsweetened almond butter

Faith Helps Us Tell Our Clients’ Stories

says. “We can’t do anything without these records, so I know how important it is. It’s proof of what happened.” Befitting her role, Faith also enjoys creating systems and getting things in order. Being organized is one of her strengths, and it’s definitely something we all appreciate about her! In her time here, Faith has seen the firm grow, and she appreciates how willing everyone is to pitch in. “Everyone is good about helping each other out,” she says. “We’re good at communicating and collaborating. It’s great to have an understanding, supportive team to work with.” When she’s not working, Faith enjoys going on adventures with her three sons, be it in the pages of a book or outside exploring the world. Her kids are avid readers, and they recently got into geocaching and have gone on a few outings. “It is really cool,” Faith says. “It feels like a treasure hunt.” These days, they’re finding ways to enjoy time together at home through reading the “Michael Vey” series they’ve gotten into recently and cooking. Faith also paints and refurbishes vintage furniture, which she sells through her Etsy site, PiecesByFaith. (Find more at It serves as a creative outlet and a way to share her talents with others. “It’s very different from what I do during the day, and I really enjoy that variety. I do a lot of custom work and refinish and paint vintage furniture,” Faith shares.

1/4 cup chopped almonds

3 tbsp coconut aminos

3 tbsp pure sesame oil


1. If you have a spiralizer, use it to cut zucchini into noodles. Otherwise, use a peeler. Salt zucchini. Allow zucchini to “sweat” out water for 1 hour, wrap in a paper towel, and squeeze the water out. 2. In a food processor, blend dates with almond butter and aminos until smooth. 3. Add sesame oil, ginger, garlic, and vinegar and pulse until sauce is smooth. 4. In a pan, sauté zucchini noodles until heated and slightly softened. 5. Toss zucchini noodles with prepared sauce and top with scallions and almonds.

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2404 Park Ave. W., Mansfield, Ohio 44906 419-LAW-2020


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Hillary’s Compass in Hardship

Did You Spot These Movie Easter Eggs? Activities to Dispel Cabin Fever Employee Spotlight

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Sesame Zucchini Noodles The Best Locations for Spring Blooms


In These Beautiful Locations

ANTELOPE VALLEY The California Poppy Reserve in Lancaster, California, is a 1,780-acre park that features sloping hills covered with fields of vibrant orange, yellow, and red poppies in the spring. Warm temperatures and heavy rainfall across Southern California during this time of year create a brief period of thick blooms as far as the eye can see. And while the poppies can be enjoyed from the comfort of your car, the best way to experience them is to walk the leisurely Antelope Loop Trail for a breathtaking, up-close adventure. Visit for the latest information on visiting the parks during the COVID-19 pandemic. Spring flora is gorgeous and naturally attracts large crowds of people every year. If you plan to visit any of these destinations, just remember that their ecosystems are delicate. Respect park signs, stay on designated trails, and do your part to make sure these flowers return year after year for future generations to enjoy.

foot. Before visiting, check for updated information on park closures due to COVID-19.

Spring is here, which means beautiful flowers are finally showing themselves after a long winter. Here are some of the best places in the U.S. to see flower blossoms and welcome the season. GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS The Great Smoky Mountains National Park stretches across North Carolina and Tennessee, and while its scenery is beautiful year-round, the park is especially alluring to nature enthusiasts during the spring. Through this season, miles of lady’s-slipper orchids, irises, cardinal flowers, and lilies dot its lush green landscape. It’s dubbed “Wildflower National Park” throughout this time of year, and you can experience it by car or on

CRESTED BUTTE Crested Butte, Colorado, is best known for its winter sports and summer hikes. But recently it has drawn the attention of flower enthusiasts for its unique pink, orange, and gold alpine wildflowers that appear in the spring. This natural phenomenon even inspired the creation of the annual Wildflower Festival in midsummer, which features nature walks, art, photography, culinary experiences, and more. For a truly unique experience, you can even ascend the town’s titular Crested Butte to spot some rare alpine sunflowers next to the picturesque West Elk Mountains.


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