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RISE25 - August 2021

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or services with a podcast, you are promoting them across multiple media channels and platforms in o

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RISE25 - August 2021


August 2021

Is Hosting Podcasts Life-Changing? Yes — Here’s Why

The more people you meet and host, the more likely you are to build a wide network of allies and strategic partners who can help your business ​— and vice versa. Michelle Calcote King, host of the "Spill the Ink" podcast, has experienced this firsthand: “In addition to creating new friendships, my podcast has helped me rekindle and boost existing friendships that had gone dormant. It's a great way to give back to people in your network.” At Rise25, we often hear stories about our clients meeting their podcast guests in person long after they featured them on an episode, like Andrea Heuston, host of the "Lead Like A Woman Show." She shared: “I am blessed to have become friends with one of my amazing podcast guests, Fran Biderman-Gross. We're meeting in person in Vegas this week for the first time!” For us, podcasting was a life-changing decision that led to many real-life friendships. We feel privileged that we can help business owners across several industries create their own podcasts and make valuable business friendships along the way. Adi Klevit, host of the Systems Simplified podcast, reminded us of that when she shared: “I consider both Jeremy and John great friends! They genuinely care about me and my businesses, they give me great advice, and I feel like they are always there for me.” Thanks so much, Adi! That’s awesome for us to hear. We hope we — and you — continue to forge these friendships with our podcasts, businesses, and beyond!

Since the third week of August is Friendship Week, we thought it was the perfect time to talk about why forming business friendships is one of the best things you can do for your business and yourself. As a business owner, it can be easy to fall into a mindset that prioritizes strategy and profit over everything else. However, making authentic friendships in business has serious benefits — for both your happiness and your company’s success. In fact, business friendships have been shown to boost personal improvement, foster creativity, and increase your ability to serve others. In one study from the University of Padua in Italy, researchers observed businesses that had been established with friends. They found that “low group cohesiveness” led to disorganization while “high group cohesiveness” and great company structure improved decision-making and boosted creative outcomes. We’ve all been in situations where we’re discussing problems with a friend and, suddenly, we think of a solution we had never considered before. Anyone who has a podcast knows that forming connections with people in your industry can be incredibly powerful. By hosting guests, you can spark new friendships and break down the barriers you may have been struggling with in your business.

Thanks for reading, friends.

Dr. Jeremy Weisz & John Corcoran

Rise25: Helping B2B Businesses Build Profitable Connections 1 | [email protected]

Use These 3 Methods to Measure Your Results Advertising on Podcasts?

the podcasts you advertise on are options on the list. You can do this with an online survey or by incorporating it into your live sales process. According to Marketing Insider, 80%–90% of customers will complete this kind of survey, making it a pretty accurate tracking method. The biggest downside is that you won’t be able to track podcast-driven traffic that doesn’t convert to sales, which is possible with both pixel-based tracking and the next option we’ll dive into.

If you’re not already advertising on podcasts, you might want to add it to your list of marketing strategies. According to a 2019 survey from Edison Research and Triton Digital, more than half of all Americans have listened to at least one podcast. That’s over 167 million people your company could (and probably should) be targeting. But once you do advertise on a podcast, you’re faced with a different challenge: How do you measure your results? As it turns out, there are quite a few ways to track the bang you’re getting for your buck. Here are just three of them, ranked from the most effective to the least.

Promo Codes and Vanity URLs

Finally, you can drop a podcast-specific promo code or URL into your advertisement, then track how many clients visit your website or purchase using those options. One big perk of this method is that it’s shareable between customers: If one person finds you from a podcast and makes a referral, you'll be able to track their referral back to the podcast, too. Unfortunately, Marketing Insider

Pixel-Based Tracking

This method requires a true partnership between the podcast and its advertisers. To make it work, the podcast publisher has to install a pixel (a tiny digital tracking and information-gathering tool) through its hosting provider. Then, you have to install one

reports that only 2 in 3 listeners remember promo codes, and only 1 in 6 use vanity URLs when they’re provided. That means you might end up with podcast-driven customers who appear to have found you from somewhere else.

on your website. Together, the pixels will reveal the connection between podcast downloads and visits or conversions on your site. You get a lot of detailed

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