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or services with a podcast, you are promoting them across multiple media channels and platforms in o

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RISE25 - November 2021


November 2021

Creating a legacy might be the second, third, or even 10th thing you think about when starting a podcast. However, it is one of the most powerful examples of how hosting a podcast can impact the lives of ourselves and others. And, with a podcast, you’re not just creating your legacy — you’re also contributing to your guests’ legacies by preserving them through your interviews. Over the years, we’ve hosted more than a few guests who have died tragically and unexpectedly. We sometimes discover the loss through emails from a grieving loved one, and we’re deeply touched by the many kind, grateful messages we’ve received. It can be difficult to imagine just how powerful a voice or video recording can be for a mourning family member, unless you’ve been in their shoes yourself — like Jeremy has, before he even had his own podcast. Jeremy’s grandfather, David Danzyger, was a Holocaust survivor and was interviewed by the Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois about his experience. The interview covers many of David’s stories from the Holocaust, including the deaths of his whole family except for one of his brothers. Many details of the interview amazed Jeremy. After such traumatic experiences, his grandfather only realized he’d won against the Nazis when his first grandson was born — Jeremy. But the most surprising and touching detail emerged after the interviewer asked, “Is there a lesson you think the world should learn from the Holocaust?” He replied, “Definitely. People should learn to love people they hate. It takes more work for me than I’d like it to.” But David never gave up on the effort, and it showed through his generous life. This interview had a big impact on Jeremy’s perspective of his grandfather’s experiences and even propelled Jeremy to start his own podcast, where he could make connections and preserve people’s stories and wisdom through interviews. Can Your Podcast Change Someone’s Life? Realizing the Impact of Creating a Legacy

Podcasts can leave a similar legacy, especially when guests share personal stories that they’ve never told their families — which happens more often than you’d think. One of John’s recent guests told his story of building a business with yearly revenue of $11 million, then losing everything when his key clients left. After he turned in his office keys, he was in an extremely dark place. His 9-year-old daughter walked into the room where he’d been crying. “Have you been crying?” she asked.

“No, these are happy tears,” he lied (understandably!).

She started asking all sorts of questions, and he slowly explained what happened with his business. Then she asked, “What are you going to do?”

He said, “Well, I’ll probably start a new business.”

“ That’s great! What are you going to call it?” she exclaimed. “Let’s put it on Instagram!” It was the perfect kind of encouragement he needed at that moment. Suddenly, there was no tragedy in his professional life, just new opportunities. We don’t know if he’s ever told his daughter how meaningful that moment was for him. But one day, she might listen to that podcast episode and find out. If there’s anything we’re extra grateful for this year, it’s the incredible stories and wisdom we’ve learned from others. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful Thanksgiving season. Dr. Jeremy Weisz & John Corcoran

Rise25: Helping B2B Businesses Build Profitable Connections 1 | [email protected]

With This Simple Sales Formula Make More Money

Wouldn’t it be nice if your business came with an instruction manual? It would include how-tos about hiring and customer retention,

time. But persistence will almost always pay off in the end —

especially when you pair it with the last element of the formula.

and the sales chapter would provide surefire tactics to target the best customers for your business. Too bad something like that doesn’t exist — or does it? While there may not be a one-size-fits-all manual, there is a guaranteed sales formula designed to help business leaders close more deals and create meaningful relationships with the right customers.

Educate Leads It’s one thing to make your leads feel special, but you also have to remind them

why your product or service has value. In the above estate care example, can you answer the question as

to why older adults need estate plans, regardless of their wealth? (Answer: Because it protects their families and legacy.) Or, can you answer the top questions people have about estate planning?

(Is it difficult? Is it expensive? Will I have to update it?) To convince customers of your value, you have to convince them of your expertise! Tie It Together: Diversification Finding new leads, nurturing those leads, and educating them — it all boils down to a multipronged approach. You cannot rely on social media to find and develop your leads alone. You need to communicate with your consumers on multiple levels, hitting on the key ways people consume media. Some potential customers may grow into loyal fans via your podcasts or weekly email messages. Others prefer the intimacy and nurture of a direct mail campaign and special offers provided via text. However you choose to do it, diversify the formula across several communication channels. When you introduce new potential customers to a diverse range of nurture and education campaigns, you create a winning equation that cannot be beat. It doesn’t take a math genius to work out just how powerful this formula can be.

The concept is simple: New leads + a nurture campaign + educational materials = more sales, more people helped, and more money in your pocket . Find New Leads You have to start somewhere, and new leads are just the place. However, you have to find the right leads. If your demographic targets older adults in need of estate care, a 30-year-old newlywed isn’t the one to pursue. Find the hot leads and move forward with those leads in mind. Nurture Leads It takes more than a dozen touches to actually convince someone to buy into your product or service, yet many businesses give up after only a few connections with their leads. Target your new leads with emails, social media, direct mail campaigns, and other marketing endeavors that let them know you haven’t forgotten about their needs. They may not be ready to buy, and they may keep you on the line for a long

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Rise25: Helping B2B Businesses Build Profitable Connections

This Month’s Featured ‘Smart Business Revolution’ Podcasts

Paul Orfalea | ‘Founder of Kinko’s Shares Secrets of Going From a 100-Square Foot Shop to 1,000 Locations’

Jennifer Rotner | ‘Scaling and Systematizing a Creative Business’ Jennifer Rotner is the Founder and CEO of Elite Creative,

Paul Orfalea is the Founder of Kinko’s. The Kinko’s concept was sparked in 1969 when Paul, then a student at the University of Southern California (USC), noticed his fellow students lining up at a copy machine in a library. He borrowed $5,000 from a local bank and rented a

which consists of Elite Editing and Elite Authors. The business provides writing, editing, publishing, and content marketing solutions. With real-world experience as a professional editor, Jennifer

recognized the need for a better way to customize editing and proofreading services for clients. Therefore, she developed an exclusive matching system to pair every project and customer with the right proofreader or editor. In this episode of the “Smart Business Revolution” podcast, John Corcoran interviews Jennifer Rotner about her process of systematizing and scaling creative businesses to over seven figures. Jennifer shares the lessons she learned while building her first businesses, how she structures her companies, and her tips for working with big clients.

100-square foot space next to a hamburger stand near UC Santa Barbara to create the original Kinko’s. This tiny store with a single copier became a huge global brand with 1,000 locations and $2 billion in annual sales. In this episode of the “Smart Business Revolution” podcast, John Corcoran interviews Paul Orfalea about how he started and scaled the Kinko’s brand from one location to over 1,000. Paul shares the lessons he learned as an entrepreneur, his theory of management, and how he transitioned to philanthropic endeavors. Special Shoutouts: A few notable people on Paul’s journey include John Davis, Yvon Chouinard, and President Bill Clinton.

Special Shoutouts:

A few notable people on Jennifer’s journey include Mandy Diamond, MaryBeth Hyland, and Kait LeDonne.

Scan the QR code or visit the link to listen to the full episode. paul-orfalea

Scan the QR code or visit the link to listen to the full episode. jennifer-rotner

This Month’s Featured ‘Inspired Insider’ Podcasts

‘How to Survive a Startup’ With Steven Hoffman of Founders Space

‘How Important Are Core Values When Investing in a Company?’ With David Mann and Derrick Smith of The Firefly Group LLC David Mann and Derrick Smith are Partners at The Firefly Group. They invest in growth-oriented, lower-middle- market businesses that include U.S.-based companies with EBITDA of at least a million dollars. Before co-founding

Steven Hoffman, also known as Captain Hoff, is the CEO of Founders Space, a global startup accelerator with over 50,000 entrepreneurs and members in 22 countries. Founders Space was ranked the number one incubator for overseas startups by Forbes and Entrepreneur Magazine. Steven is also a mentor,

The Firefly Group, David Mann co-founded Spring Mill Venture Partners and Derrick Smith led the launch of a family office. Listen to this episode of the “Inspired Insider” podcast with Dr. Jeremy Weisz as he hosts

venture investor, serial entrepreneur, and best-selling author of several books, including “Make Elephants Fly.” Listen to this episode of the “Inspired Insider” podcast with Dr. Jeremy Weisz, featuring the CEO of Founders Space, Steven Hoffman. They discuss Steven’s entrepreneurial journey and his foray into the game development space. Steven also shares his tips for raising capital and what he wishes every entrepreneur knew.

David Mann and Derrick Smith, Partners at The Firefly Group, to talk about core values and the role they play in attracting potential investors for your company. They discuss Firefly Group’s investment criteria and how David and Derrick assess key hires for their company.

Special Shoutouts:

Special Shoutouts:

A few notable people on David and Derrick’s journey include Kyle Salyers, Matthew Neff, and Roger Staubach.

A few notable people on Steven’s journey include Tom Kolinsky, Paul Martino, and Mike Xu.

Scan the QR code or visit the link to listen to the full episode.

Scan the QR code or visit the link to listen to the full episode. david-mann-and-derrick-smith- interview steven-hoffman-interview

Alexander the Great is most known for his hard-fought capture of land all across the globe after succeeding his father on Greece’s throne at just 20 years old. Today, the facts of his premature death are starting to piece together a curious puzzle for historians, because some now believe Alexander was buried alive. After 12 days of abdominal pain that led to a fever and paralysis, ancient Greek doctors couldn’t detect a breath from Alexander, and he was declared dead. His body was prepared for the afterlife, but he didn’t show signs of decomposition for six days. This only fed the belief that Alexander — like other rulers of his time — was part god. Dr. Katherine Hall of the University of Otago, New Zealand, believes this suggests Alexander wasn’t yet dead. In fact, he may have been suffering from a rare bacterial infection that attacks the nervous system and leads to paralysis, which could result in the lack of breath. This is still a theory, so while we may not know exactly how Alexander died, some of the final pieces of the puzzle may fall into (an eerie) place. Was Alexander the Great Buried … Alive?!

Rise25 Podcast Spotlight “NexxtLevel Brands Podcast” Steve Cleere Featuring: Veterans in the entrepreneurial food, beverage, and CPG industry “Watching Paint Dry” Greg Owens Featuring: Leading property managers and owners

“VINTed” Scout Driscoll Featuring: Top leaders in wine “Our.Love Podcast” Lei Wang Featuring: Relationship experts and scientists “Digital Madvertising” Chris Clark Featuring: Authorities in digital marketing and technology “It’s Not Just Business Talks With Sonja” Sonja Anderson Featuring: Today’s greatest business leaders

“This Is Concrete” Chad Gill

Featuring: Professionals in the world of concrete and coating

Go subscribe on iTunes!

Genetic Testing’s Unintended Benefits

If you lived in California in the 1970s and 1980s, Joseph James DeAngelo was likely the boogeyman you feared most. While his name was unknown to investigators then, DeAngelo murdered and raped victims for decades as the elusive Golden State Killer. However, this monster in a man’s 70-year-old body would have never been discovered and arrested if not for the work of DNA-testing websites. While it was the GEDmatch website that helped investigators eventually nab DeAngelo, the science and popularity of 23andMe initially made this form of police work a viable reality. And some of the credit

has to go to Linda Avey and Anne Wojcicki for kick-starting this movement with 23andMe in 2006. As Avey explains on the 23andMe website, the company was founded to provide individuals with a greater understanding of their genetic makeup and “accelerating research in the field of genetics.” In 2008, Time magazine named 23andMe’s genetic testing as its “Invention of the Year,” citing that accessibility to one’s genome and medical history through DNA was previously an elite offering only for the rich. Today, users of Avey and Wojcicki’s product spend anywhere from $100–$200 on each kit and lifetime results. Many companies have mimicked 23andMe’s model, including its use of autosomal DNA testing, but 23andMe pioneered this type of product first. This form of testing links those who share maternal and paternal DNA with everyone in the testing group. It’s why 23andMe can offer its users answers about where their families originated and find patterns in genetic coding. For years, many were skeptical about this company. For starters, people worried about how their DNA would be used or shared, while the Food and Drug Administration had concerns over the health testing portions of the kit. However, throughout its existence, 23andMe has updated its privacy and now meets FDA requirements. More importantly — in some cases — it now allows everyday citizens to help police officers provide closure to families looking for answers in cold cases.

Rise25: Helping B2B Businesses Build Profitable Connections 3 | [email protected]


1110 Mar West Street, Suite F Tiburon, CA 94920 773-570-0594

Inside This Edition

1. 2. 3.

The Power of Legacy in Podcasting

Use This Sales Formula to Make More Money

The Big Debate Surrounding Alexander the Great’s Death

Genetic Testing’s Unintended Benefits


3 Personal Goals to Make 2022 Better

Goals Every Entrepreneur Needs in 2022 3

Goal No. 1: Get a Life You are more than the company you started. Plus, having hobbies or personal interests outside of your work can help you excel in work. It allows your brain to grow in new ways, sparking fresh ideas and perspectives. Consider activities that you’re interested in learning more about — like painting, podcasting, reading, or running — and get started. Maybe you’ll fail, but just keep trying! You may find a new activity that brings you the joy you need. Goal No. 2: Save More Many of the dimes you earn as a business owner go back into the company, but don’t forget to consider your future. Is your retirement plan in order? Do you have a plan should your company need to close? Will your family be secure? Consider these questions and hire a trusted financial advisor who can help you find personal investment success. Goal No. 3: Meet New People Becoming inundated by daily, menial tasks can make us miss opportunities. This is where meeting new people can be so valuable! By doing so, you create a network of people who have different experiences than your own. They can help you see beyond your biases and discover a new path. Who knows? You just might find the next great venture for your company!

By now, you should have an idea of what you want your business to achieve in 2022, but have you considered how you will grow during that year — and the impact that could have on your business? Often, entrepreneurs and business leaders take on the identity of their companies, but in order to personally thrive and see their companies take off, they have to grow right alongside it.

To do so, consider these goals all entrepreneurs must focus on at some point in their careers.

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Rise25: Helping B2B Businesses Build Profitable Connections