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4 cup of sugar, and 2 cups of boiling water in a pitcher. Stir until dissolved. Then, mix in 2 cups

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WAFFLE SANDWICHES Have extra pancake or waffle batter? You won’t have to worry about running out of

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2 cups finely chopped pecans, divided Directions 1. Cook pie crust according to package instructions

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Risk & Associates - April 2022


APRIL 2022

If We Don’t Know History

My love for history has always been part of my identity — even when I was little. I remember looking at pictures of my hometown and seeing how much has changed. Everything seemed so different, and it fascinated me to see how my town has evolved through the years. This experience led me to learn more about my country by purchasing history books that have pictures of the past and how towns were created. One of my favorite publishing companies that creates history picture books is Arcadia Publishing. They have books that tell the history of tons of cities and towns across the United States. I mainly focus on Michigan since it’s the state I live in. It’s a surreal feeling to go to the places in the book and see what has changed. Although I will never be able to see what Michigan looked like back then, I can at least envision it while looking at the pictures and visiting the places it talks about. These pictures in history books have such an impact on how I view the world. I use images to tell my grandchildren what life was like back in my youth. I will point out buildings that are no longer there or tell them stories about what times were like when I was their age. I like to give my grandchildren a perspective of history they may not learn in school. Sharing personal stories and experiences with your children and grandchildren about history is beneficial because they can connect these stories to what they are learning about in school. I try to make them think about events in history and how these events can still affect them. WE WILL REPEAT IT

Although the events we are experiencing today may not be exactly the same, the tactics, outcomes, and emotions associated with the event from the past can be similar to what we are seeing now.

itself. Some people have argued that history doesn’t repeat because the issues we deal with now are different. Although that may be true in some ways, the tactics, outcomes, and emotions associated with the event from the past can be similar to what we are seeing now. Therefore, if we understand and acknowledge the past, it can help us make better sense of the world around us today. By acknowledging and learning more deeply about historical events, we can better understand people from all walks of life. If we want to handle the issues we have today with more perspective, we first need to understand the positive and negative ways challenges were handled in the past and apply lessons learned. If we look closely, we will see that the issues of today are not so different from those we faced in the past.

-Rick E. Risk

Looking at previous events can help us learn what to do and what not to do. As the saying goes: If we don’t know history, it will repeat

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April 1, aka April Fools’ Day, is when people love to pull pranks on one another. But if they’re not careful, pranks can end with a court case or jail time. Let’s take a look at a few April Fools’ pranks that have brutally backfired. Navistar Plant Shutdown In April 2021, Pamela Sisco texted her sister about an active shooter at Navistar Plant in Clark County. Her sister was frightened, and she called the authorities to let them know about the situation. The plant shut down after hearing about the incident because they thought it was a real threat. When officers were at the scene, they charged Sisco with inducing panic and disrupting public services. This is a fifth- degree felony in Ohio, and she was sentenced to a year in prison. Radio Contest Gone Wrong KBDS (103.9 FM) is a radio station in California that held a contest in 2005. They told their listeners they could win a new Hummer if they tracked the number of miles of two Hummers as they drove around town. Shannan Castillo won the contest, and when she went to pick As we enter April, the flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping, and the spring season is in full swing. There are so many natural changes to Earth during this time of year, and now is the time to celebrate our planet. Earth Day is April 22, and here are some fun activities you can do in honor of this holiday. Plant a garden. Nothing says “Hello warm weather” and honors Earth Day more than a garden. If you have space outside your home, decorate with some greenery. If you don’t have room outside, you can always make an indoor garden. Having plants in or around your home creates more oxygen and reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. Plants can also be beneficial for your mental health. Studies show that having greenery in your home can reduce stress and make you more productive. Seeing the progress your plants make as they grow is fulfilling. Be sure to track the progress of your green friends to see how far they’ve come. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Another way to give back to the environment is by volunteering. You can take part in picking up trash from the side of the road, cleaning up the beach, or even recycling things around your home. This can also be

up her brand-new car, the DJ came out with a remote control toy car. They then went on air and laughed about how they fooled everyone. Castillo hired an attorney and sued the radio station for $60,000 — the cost of a new Hummer. Practical Joke at Work Creates a Law Glenn Howlett was a services manager at London City Hall in London, Ontario, Canada. In 2004, he decided to take a vacation to relax and not think about work. His colleagues decided to tell him that a major project he was working on was due earlier than Howlett expected. So, he made his vacation short and decided to return to work to finish his project. He became so stressed out that he began having heart palpitations and collapsed. Afterward, he sued his now former employer for damages. As a result, the city passed a law prohibiting practical jokes within workplaces. As you plan your pranks for April Fools’ Day, remember not to go too far with your jokes. Make them lighthearted and fun so everyone can laugh about them in the future. For What It’s Earth … 3 Activities in Honor of Earth Day when you begin transitioning to reusable items such as water bottles, straws, and other containers. This reduces the amount of plastic in our ecosystem and helps protect animals that might try to eat the harmful materials. Several companies sell items made from recycled cardboard and plastic, so explore options that work for you! Watch documentaries about the Earth. If you want to relax on Earth Day, you can still get into the spirit by watching Earth documentaries. You have plenty to choose from: educational pieces about the ocean or geology to animal watching. “Planet Earth” is a favorite that takes you on a journey to different countries and allows you to watch different exotic animals in their natural habitats. “A Plastic Ocean” investigates the amount of plastic in our oceans and how it affects the ecosystems and animals around it. You can also visit national parks virtually from the comfort of your own home. Get a bird’s-eye view of the Grand Canyon, volcanoes in Hawaii, and the fjords of Alaska. The possibilities are endless! These are only a few of the many activities you can do to celebrate Earth Day this month. You can learn so much about the Earth and how we can make it a better place for us and future generations. Happy Earth Day, everyone!




3 Spring Safety Tips April marks the first whole month of spring! So now is the perfect time to talk about some spring safety tips for the weather and seasonal conditions that may come your way. These safety tips are important because some people think that the harsh weather conditions are behind us. But the elements of warmer weather have different safety precautions that are important to note. Replace smoke alarms. A smoke alarm needs to be installed in every bedroom and any common area that your home may have to ensure better safety. It’s best to replace your smoke alarms every year — this ensures that you and your family will be notified if there is ever a fire in your home. Three out of five home fires were caused because smoke alarms weren’t working correctly. This is why it’s essential that you check your smoke alarms each month to

ensure they are on and in good working order. If you hear your alarm making a chirping sound, then replace the batteries immediately. Check carbon monoxide detectors. Like smoke alarms, a carbon monoxide detector will alert you if there is a carbon monoxide leak in your home. These invisible, odorless gases are highly detrimental to your health if you breathe in too much of the gas. You want to make sure that you have one of these detectors outside of each bedroom and common area in your home. You should also check it monthly to ensure that it is working properly. After checking to see if they work, it can be beneficial to dust them off to ensure that smoke can reach the detector’s sensors. Create an emergency plan. With warmer weather ahead of us, hurricanes and thunderstorms are more prominent. The

National Safety Council recommends that each family create an emergency plan in case a natural disaster ever strikes. This plan should consist of where you and your family will meet in case of an emergency and who you will contact if you and your family are split up. If your family already has a plan, now is a great time to review it to make sure everyone understands the plan. You can also make modifications to it if you desire to do so. You can also use this time to make an emergency kit for your cars and home. These three tips will help you and your family be more prepared for whatever lies ahead. Keep these tips in mind as you’re doing your spring cleaning this year. It never hurts to take that extra step to ensure your family is safe and ready for anything.



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2383 Tamarack St., Lake Odessa, MI 48849 616-374-7170 | COUNTYCIVIL.COM R isk & A ssociates

Rick Risk is Founder and President of Risk & Associates, a legal support service provider in Michigan, and has assisted hundreds of attorneys, municipalities, courts, Sheriff Offices, businesses, and others with their strategic process needs.



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A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

Major April Fools’ Day Fails Remember the 3 R’s This Month


Have You Checked Your Smoke Alarms Recently?


The Ketchup Pill Craze


If you have a belly ache, one of the last things you’re likely to reach for is the ketchup bottle. But did you know that ketchup was once utilized as a cure for indigestion? In 1834, Dr. John Cook Bennett came up with a recipe for tomato ketchup that he advertised as a cure for indigestion, jaundice, diarrhea, and rheumatism, according to his research. The ketchup was even packed into pills and his research made its way into well- respected American newspapers. Before this, many Americans were under the impression that tomatoes were poisonous and avoided them like the plague. According to the Smithsonian magazine, in the 1700s, Europeans thought tomatoes were poisonous apples.

of tomato.” The craze over the ketchup pills grew, and many other entrepreneurs began creating their own versions of the “extract of tomato” pills. Some versions didn’t contain any tomatoes at all and, instead, were filled with laxatives. Americans began believing these ketchup pills were the key to ultimate health. Scientists then began to look into Bennett’s research claims, and just when wild claims surfaced that the pills could even cure scurvy, a disease caused by a deficiency in vitamin C, and broken bones, the claims were dispelled and the ketchup pill craze died down by 1850. Modern research today shows that tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene, which is linked to reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease. They also are abundant sources of potassium, vitamin C, vitamin K, and folate. While Bennett’s research was exponentially exaggerated, we can say it wasn’t completely inaccurate.

Today, Heinz, the leader in the ketchup industry, sells 11 billion single- serve packets and over 650 million bottles annually.

Entrepreneur Alexander Miles discovered Bennett’s research and partnered with Bennett, calling the ketchup pill “extract

So, would you like a ketchup pill with those fries?


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