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Risk Services Of Arkansas August 2017

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Risk Services Of Arkansas - December 2017

Risk Services Of Arkansas - December 2017 SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Envir

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Risk Services Of Arkansas - September 2017

or pensions An Exercise in Reaching New Heights of Productivity We all strive to be more productive.

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Risk Services of Arkansas - August 2018

Insurica team— we are dedicated to ensuring you get exactly the flood insurance you need. If you’re

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Risk Services of Arkansas - August 2019

Insurica: Jack Ramer. You may recall that we featured Jack in our November 2018 edition of this news

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Risk Services Of Arkansas - August 2021

Risk Services Of Arkansas - August 2021 SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Environ

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Risk Services Of Arkansas - November 2017

Risk Services Of Arkansas - November 2017 SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Envir

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Risk Services Of Arkansas - October 2017

Risk Services Of Arkansas - October 2017 SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Enviro

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Risk Services of Arkansas - August 2020

Risk Services of Arkansas - August 2020 SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Environ

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Risk Services Of Arkansas - August 2022

ordinance coverage that can better protect them in these challenging market conditions.” If you have

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Risk Services Of Arkansas August 2017









August 2017




Health Care





you’ve spent some time figuring out your own learning style, and that is a key indicator that you’ll continue striving towards true learning in the real world. I believe that if you want to be successful, you need to be equipped with that passion for learning that will propel you forward through your career and your life. That’s why, as I’ve talked about before, I’m always reading, searching for the tools and wisdom that can guide me. Each morning, I set aside at least an hour to sit down with my books. I’ll first read the Bible — faith is such a huge part of my life, and the wisdom given in those pages is unparalleled — and then I’ll move on to other books that help me understand the principles and precepts of the Bible. When that is done, I might tackle a business book, or a leadership book, or simply a book that strives to help me be a better person. The last book I finished, “Ask More” by Frank Sesno, is the perfect example of out-of-school learning that applies to every facet of life. In the book, Sesno stresses that the quality of the information we glean — from clients,

All the way through formal education, from junior high to high school to college, there’s one thing nobody ever tells you until you graduate and make your way out to the real world: School alone can’t prepare you for the rest of your life and career. I have a deep respect for the teachers and facilitators of organized education — and I’m a huge advocate for getting as much education as you can — but that fact is true. When a high school student in chemistry asks “When are we going to use this?” the answer is probably “Never.” Unless you’re in a highly technical, specialized field, there’s little chance you’ll directly apply the concepts you learn in class to your everyday work. However, what school does prepare you for is further learning outside of the confines of the classroom. When I look at a resumé, what a college degree tells me is not that you’re going to instantly understand your job, but that you’re teachable, you know how to learn, and hopefully, you are able to apply an evolving body of knowledge. Not only that, but it shows that

friends, or family — is directly based on the quality of the questions that you ask. After the many years I’ve spent doing risk management, it’s relatively easy to figure out the basic risk management and insurance needs of my clients. However, it’s their motivations, their desires, their goals, their problems, where they want to be and why they want to get there and how we can help that are more difficult to determine. All I know is that if we learn to ask better questions, we’ll be able to serve our clients better and on a much deeper level. It’s just one example of the necessity for the drive to learn, past the point at which you graduate organized education. Sure, school equips you with many of the basics, but to really grow as a person you have to do it yourself. It takes a spirit of curiosity, humility, persistence, and imagination to push the limits of your knowledge forward. None of us have all the answers, but I think it’s our job to consistently search for them. understand your job, but that you’re teachable, you know how to learn, and hopefully, you are able to apply an evolving body of knowledge ... When I look at a resumé, what a college degree tells me is not that you’re going to instantly

– Brad Johnson

President, Risk Services of AR Specialized Insurance Programs For Specialized Industries. • • 1



What happens when a good idea, turned into a viable concept, comes crashing down? That’s what the backers of the Plastc smart credit card are trying to figure out. In October 2014, Plastc was unveiled to the world. It was a progressive approach to credit card technology. The device — little more than an actual credit card — was designed to replace all of your existing cards, up to 20 different accounts. The single card held all of the information of the rest of your cards and you could switch between cards as needed. With a built-in e-ink screen, you could see which card was active and swipe. The technology came with a price: $155. But that price didn’t get you a Plastc card right away. In October 2014, the card was still a concept that needed crowdfunded support. Turning to social media, Plastc quickly found that support. About 80,000 people pledged $155 for the chance to get a card the following summer, in 2015. In April 2017, Plastc filed for bankruptcy and closed its doors for good. After years of promises and after raising $9 million, Plastc delivered nothing. The creators behind Plastc say things simply fell apart behind the scenes. The company had expected another $3.5 million in funding from various sources by February 2017, but that didn’t happen. Then they said they were on the cusp of another $6.75 million from an additional source. That too, didn’t happen. Apparently, the $9 million raised from those initial 80,000 backers was not enough to get the smart credit card off the ground. The card hadn’t even gone into production. None of those 80,000 people had anything to show for their contribution. Many backers demanded a refund, but since Plastc revealed they were completely out of money, the chance of getting that refund was slim. Interestingly enough, Plastc wasn’t the first smart credit card company to fail. Two other companies, Coin and Swyp, attempted similar concepts, but like Plastc, they left their customers and supporters with little or nothing. Now, Plastc is little more than a name on long list of crowdfunding failures. The company’s bankruptcy highlights the risk in crowdfunding, whether it’s done independently or through a third-party, such as Kickstarter or Indiegogo. If a company goes under or a product never materializes, backers are basically left with no recourse. Call it another case of caveat emptor .

Strengthen Your LinkedIn Profile to Win New Business

LinkedIn has over 467 million members, and seemingly infinite ways to connect. But if your profile isn’t strong or engaging, you’re missing out on many opportunities to be seen and heard. Just like any social network, the goal of LinkedIn is to connect like-minded individuals. In a professional space, the ability to network with people in your industry from the comfort of your own desk is invaluable to your potential reach. Last year, LinkedIn revealed new enhancements to their publishing platform that can help ensure your work gets you noticed by the right audience. One of these new enhancements was the addition of images. Everyone knows that an image is worth a thousand words, and LinkedIn revealed that articles including images generate 94 percent more total views. Given this, LinkedIn made it easier than ever to enhance publisher posts. All you have to do is click on the “Add Multimedia” icon and you can drag and drop images, videos, add links, and embed content inside your blog posts. Another new addition to LinkedIn is the use of hashtags. Hashtags are often misused and misunderstood, but when used correctly, they can help people discover your content. LinkedIn’s new enhancements make it necessary to get these right if you want the right people to view your content. LinkedIn has made it clear that posts including hashtags are easier to access and index inside the platform’s search engine. To discover the best hashtags for your content, think of words or phrases that your clients would search in Google to get more information about your topics. One of the most useful additions to LinkedIn is the creation of enhanced reader analytics. With these reports, you can see exactly who has liked and commented on your posts, what company they work for, their job title, where they live, and exactly how they found your post. To use the feature, tap “Me” and you will find real-time information on the posts you’ve shared and the articles you have written. In today’s business world, it’s important to have a strong online presence. With these tips, you can begin to strengthen your LinkedIn profile, and in turn, win new business.

2 • • Specialized Insurance Programs For Specialized Industries.

If You or Another Key Employee Passes Away, Will Your Company Survive? The Necessity of Succession Planning

of the business. If the loss of these key employees is certain to result in the loss of loyal clients, funds should be put aside to keep the company afloat during the transition. Financial products such as life insurance or disability insurance can help offset the burden of these unforeseen costs, as well. Don’t let unexpected circumstances jeopardize your well-being or the well-being of your employees. Set aside time to carefully construct a succession plan to ensure everything is taken care of, regardless of what may come.

As a modern business owner in the midst of the daily hustle and bustle, it can be all too easy to overlook important considerations in the longevity of your company. Chief among these frequently missed concerns is incorporating a succession plan into your company structure to plan for the eventual loss of key employees. This process involves not only selecting and training potential successors properly, but allocating financial resources to cover the expenses related to the shift. It can be difficult to even think of putting a succession plan in place, but the fact remains that such a plan may end up being the most vital factor in your company’s continued operation. Without an adequate succession plan, the loss of a key employee is almost certain to cause your company to suffer a widespread blow. Business owners should begin creating a succession plan much sooner than they probably realize — as soon as the company reaches profitability, in fact. At that point, your business is more than a simple startup; it’s a source of livelihood for your employees and their families, not to mention your business partners, investors, or suppliers. When building your succession plan, make sure to allocate funds to pay for estate and other taxes in the event of a founder’s death, or, in a partnership or closely held corporation, to buy out the partner’s share Have something you’re procrastinating about? Put it off for just a fewmore seconds with these fun facts. • Ever wonder where your bananas get their bend? The answer’s simple: They grow toward the sun. • Sharks may be scary, but maybe save the side-eye for your phone. More people in 2015 were killed by selfie accidents than shark attacks. • Speaking of fear, that aversion to sharks isn’t instinctual. The only two fears that are innate in human biology are the fear of falling and the fear of loud sounds. Every other fear is learned. • The elephant is the only animal on Earth with four knees, and they can’t jump. • Oh, and lightning strikes the earth 6,000 times a minute.


Specialized Insurance Programs For Specialized Industries. • • 3

1501 Mart Dr. Little Rock, AR 72202


INSIDE This Issue

Learning Outside the Classroom page 1

Maximizing New Media When Good Ideas Go Bad page 2

If You or Another Key Employee Passes Away, Will Your Company Survive? I’ll Bet You Didn’t Know This! Sudoku page 3

Smart House page 4

Smarten Up Your Home


We’ve all had those days when you leave the house, a cold chill runs down your spine, and your mind is flooded with doubt. Did I leave the stove on? Is the door unlocked? Luckily, like many common problems, the tech world is trying to make these worries a thing of the past. There are now a variety of apps that allow you to control nearly every aspect of your home from your phone, no matter where you are. At the simpler end of the spectrum are Belkin’s WeMo products. WeMo makes smart plugs that allow you to remotely operate any device that plugs into the wall. They’re great for products like hair straighteners that can pose a fire hazard if left on unattended. Another company at the forefront of household tech is Nest, best known for their thermostats. Nest thermostats are not only fully customizable based on time and weather conditions, but they can also program themselves through the Nest Learning System. Using the product is also energy efficient, saving you money on the electric bill. If you want your house to be fully teched out, then SmartThings is the best option. The SmartThings hub allows you to connect an infinite number of devices to your phone. These devices can even “talk” to each other once they are part of your SmartThings system. If you want your coffee pot to turn on the moment you start running the shower, you can do it. You can also connect

SmartThings to voice assistants like the Amazon Echo, which will allow you to turn on appliances with the sound of your voice. Interconnecting your home appliances will only grow easier in the coming years. Whether you want to dip your toe in the water or dive in fully, there’s a product out there for you.

4 • • Specialized Insurance Programs For Specialized Industries.