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Insurica for so long, and we look forward to his many contributions to come. 2 • •

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Risk Services of Arkansas - August 2018

Insurica team— we are dedicated to ensuring you get exactly the flood insurance you need. If you’re

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Risk Services Of Arkansas November 2018

SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Environmental Hospitality







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T hanksgiving is coming up, and families across the country will be gathering to reflect on the things for which they’re most grateful. Whenever the time comes to say grace around the Thanksgiving table, family, faith, health, and happiness always come up first — and for good reason. I’m incredibly thankful for the loved ones in my life and all the opportunities I’ve been given. But I’d also like to add one more vital item to that list: country. I feel extraordinarily lucky to have been born in the United States of America where freedom, liberty, and opportunity are the norm. Looking back on our history, I can’t help but be grateful for the pilgrims who took the risk to cross the Atlantic Ocean to seek religious freedom. It’s easy to forget just how remarkable our constitutionally protected freedom to practice whatever religion we choose really is. We can’t be thrown in jail for our ideals, and we’re not forced to subscribe to whatever ideology the government espouses. As a man of faith, I think that’s a wonderfully powerful thing. It’s also difficult to overstate just how lucky we Americans are to live our day-to-day lives under the rule of law. Because of the relatively

low levels of corruption, our collective trust in our laws and our law enforcement officials, and the relative safety of the places where most of us live, we’re able to own property, accumulate wealth, conduct business, and raise a family without having to worry about the government confiscating our possessions. Of course, all of this is largely thanks to capitalism, which in my opinion is the best economic system the world has ever seen. Our roads, hospitals, and untold technological advancements are funded by the benefits that come hand in hand with a capitalist ideal. My grandparents were born at the turn of the 20th century. Before they died, they went from traveling via horse and buggy to automobiles and then airplanes. All that progress happened in one generation! There’s simply no other organizational structure that encourages such innovation and produces such amazing improvements in the quality of life for so many. I’ve long believed that I and the millions of others born in the United States were born with the proverbial silver spoon in our mouths compared to many parts of the world. During my time in the military and my early business career in the 80’s and 90’s, I traveled to different

parts of the world. Following the collapse of the USSR, I was able to see for myself the deception and despair that socialism produced in Eastern Europe. I also saw the utter poverty and hopelessness that a socialist dictator caused in Nicaragua. And having witnessed that back then, I can only imagine the chaos going on right now in Venezuela. It’s tragic and senseless. Does America have challenges? Of course it does. No matter what side you’re on, one look at the news will convince you of that. But despite that, there’s no other place I’d rather live. Whenever I travel abroad, I am always thankful to be back on American soil when I return home. This is truly the land of opportunity because of the divinely inspired ideas and ideals that have resulted in over 200 years of progressively increasing standards of living, security and safety for our citizens that other countries can only dream of, and individual freedoms that are delineated in and protected by our constitution. Now that’s something to be thankful for!

–Brad Johnson

President, Risk Services of AR

Specialized Insurance Programs for Specialized Industries. • • 1

Providing Expert Advice Since 1961

Getting the Most out of Internal Communication LET’S TALK

Maintaining the flow of ideas and information between team members is as necessary to a business as the nervous system is to the human body. Internal communication (IC) is what determines how flexible and responsive your company is to day-to-day challenges. In today’s fast-paced, decentralized marketplace, leveraging the right tools and strategies to make IC engaging, effective, and fun has never been more important. Here are a few tips to help you get there. More Chats, Fewer Meetings Making IC engaging from a leadership standpoint means taking the time to use the right medium for your message. The last thing you want is to have team members sitting through a meeting thinking, “Couldn’t this have just been an email?” Recognizing what you want to communicate and why are important steps in deciding the best way to deliver information. Saving in-person meetings for big collaborative projects and important announcements will add more weight to those moments while allowing communications of lesser magnitude to be handled quickly and efficiently over email and instant messaging. Internal, Yet Global Remote work is becoming more and more common — and it’s a good thing. Research conducted by IBM suggests that remote workers are, on average, more engaged and effective than those who come to the office from 9 to 5. With group messaging apps and cloud-based software, you can keep your team on the same page no matter where they are in the world. The best tools to make this possible will depend on your business, but keeping everyone under the same umbrella of programs, such as Google’s G Suite, is a great strategy to start with. Memes and GIFs Galore A company’s culture exists within the ways its team communicates. Having avenues available for employees to blow off steam, share funny stories, and stay abreast of each other’s lives is an important part of improving retention and company morale. Even spicing up a companywide email with a well- placed GIF or pop culture reference can do wonders to give your IC a voice unique to the culture and values of your company. Finding the styles and methods of communication that best fit your company takes time, but it’s worth it. Not only will creating your own communication style ensure that time and resources are used effectively, but it will also ensure that your team has a voice. Nailing this key aspect of your business will allow everything else to run far more smoothly.

Our close-knit team at Risk Services/Insurica is full of seasoned insurance professionals, to say the least. All told, we have well over a hundred years of combined experience in the field, ensuring our clients receive the best advice, products, and deals possible. And when it comes to people like Jack Ramer, an insurance expert who’s been in the business for more than 50 years, you’d be hard- pressed to find a better agent to have in your corner. Jack started his career in a local independent insurance agency back in 1961 and, since then, has held almost every role imaginable within the industry. “I feel like my long insurance career has allowed me to protect the assets of the people I serve through properly designed insurance products,” Jack says. “Along the way, I have been blessed with many unbelievable friendships and bonding trust with my clients.” In many ways, Jack has evolved right alongside the insurance industry itself. “Obviously, I have seen many changes since 1961,” he says. “To this day, I enjoy the challenge of staying abreast of these shifts in order to effectively advise my clients. And I am so appreciative to have been associated with Risk Services for these past 19 years — a company that is so progressive and in-tune technically with our clients’ needs for the future.” Alongside his long and storied career in insurance, Jack has led a rich life full of interesting hobbies. Though he doesn’t play anymore, Jack embarked on what he describes as a “fun and somewhat successful” amateur golf career when he was 13. And for many years, he and his wife, Lee, owned race horses. “Chasing them around the country to various tracks was the most exciting thing we’ve ever done,” he says. Today, Jack is an invaluable mentor to our young, up-and-coming producers, sharing his wealth of experience on a daily basis. “It’s very exciting to observe their potential,” he says. “They’re often thinking in a different direction, so to be able to combine their fresh perspective with my tried-and-tested methods is a unique opportunity.” We’re so grateful to have him on our team as he continues to deploy his wealth of knowledge to the great benefit of both his colleagues and clients.

2 • • Specialized Insurance Programs for Specialized Industries.

Breaking Down the Distracted-Driving Epidemic

Have you ever tried to type up an important work document while chatting on the phone with a friend? Probably not. As popular as multitasking is in the modern age, there are some things that are nearly impossible for the human brain to do effectively. But then, how many times have you had the same kind of casual phone conversation while you were driving down the street? Very few of us are as attentive drivers as we think we are. Whether we’re changing the music, sending a quick text back to a colleague, or having a full-on phone conversation with a relative during our commute home, pretty much everyone is guilty of driving while distracted. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), as many as 481,000 drivers use their cellphones while driving every day .

study by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, performing the types of manual-visual tasks that go part and parcel with cellphone use — dialing numbers, scrolling through contacts, and accepting a call, etc. — increases the risk of getting into a serious collision by three times . And that’s just on average. Texting increases risk by 23 times , and even the simple task of reaching for your device increases risk by nine times . Though it may not get much press, driving while distracted is an American epidemic, claiming 3,450 lives in 2015 alone, according to the NHTSA. While teens are often cited as the greatest offenders, they’re far from alone. To curb the dangers of distracted driving, we all must pledge to focus when we’re behind the wheel. Even when you do something as innocuous as glancing at your phone while you’re cruising down the street, you take not only your life but the lives of your fellow drivers into your hands. Are you prepared for that responsibility? Sudoku

Now, for many of us, this statistic may not be too scary. After all, most of us are using our phones on the road, too. But according to a recent

Have a Laugh!

Specialized Insurance Programs for Specialized Industries. • • 3

1501 Mart Dr. Little Rock, AR 72202 501.666.6653


INSIDE This Issue

Brad Johnson’s Thank-You Letter to America page 1

The Key to Effective Internal Communications Meet Jack Ramer page 2 Breaking Down the Distracted-Driving Epidemic Sudoku page 3

What to Talk About This Thanksgiving page 4

Dodging Thanksgiving Awkwardness

Conversations Appropriate for the Dinner Table

Thanksgiving conversation is often a minefield of topics: political divides,

Just like with pets, people love discussing foods and recipes. You may start a fun debate or a recipe swap with this question. 3. Dad did what as a kid? Getting to know your relatives, friends, and significant others better will only strengthen those bonds. You’ll likely hear some interesting stories you can share with others and forge a stronger connection with your relatives. 4. Stupid human tricks, anyone? Let’s see those double joints! This one might not be for the squeamish at the dinner table, but it’s a fun, goofy activity that’s best shared over a glass of after-dinner wine. 5. How about we get coffee? Sometimes part of the stress of answering your relatives’ questions stems from holiday pressures. It may force you to address your bank account, love life, and general life choices. If you really do want to talk about your job or your love life with relatives, suggest meeting up again without the holiday atmosphere. While you’re all in one place trying to enjoy a piece of pie, plan a family winery tour, beach day, or camping trip. Family situations will always be a little stressful, but without the pressure of the holidays, you might feel more relaxed.

your English degree, and Aunt Marjory’s insistence that you meet her neighbor’s cousin’s dog walker’s uncle’s son who’s a

fantastic up-and-coming podiatrist.

Between constantly passing the potatoes and dodging your relatives’ questions, Thanksgiving can be an exhausting holiday. But it’s a day to be grateful for what and whom you have in your life, so why do so many people leave their annual gatherings feeling overwhelmed and misunderstood? This year, when the conversation begins steering in an awkward direction, try these conversation starters for a more relaxing and fulfilling holiday. 1. What’s your pet been up to? Maybe Fluffy learned a new trick or Oscar is undergoing some intensive grooming next week. Whatever the case may be, people love to talk about their pets. 2. What Thanksgiving dish can you not live without? Without going culinary critic on your grandma’s meal, gush about your favorite dish.

4 • • Specialized Insurance Programs for Specialized Industries.