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4 cup cherry tomatoes, halved • 1 red chile, seeded and chopped • 1 lime, for zest and juicing Direc

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2 medium avocado Directions 1. In a large, high-powered blender, add in all ingredients. 2. Blend on

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2 tsp honey • 1 tsp Dijon mustard • Salt and pepper to taste Directions 1. In a skillet over medium

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2 cup green peppers, diced • 1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • 3 cloves garlic, peeled and minced • 1

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Robinette Legal Group - January 2021


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January 2021

FROM THE DESK OF Jeffery L .Robinette


New Year = New Goals, New Habits. When it comes to goal setting and creating good habits, it’s too easy to become immobilized by questions such as: How do I start? What is the best FIRST thing I can do? How do I stay consistent? How do I stay disciplined? Goal setting seems hard; how can I make it easier?

Here’s a plan that works for me:

Dedicate the first minutes of your day to preparing your mind and your body for the day. Feed your mind and your soul: start with prayer, gratitude, reading, listening to good, clean, powerful, uplifting, inspirational and educational information. Reading one chapter of Proverbs in the Bible every day is a great start. There are 31 chapters, one for every day of the month.

Many families didn’t get to go on vacation last year. Lots of people had to cancel or reschedule their plans because of closures and restrictions, and you can be sure a lot of kids were disappointed to hear that even Disney parks were closed. At the same time, most of us were spending more time at home than ever! With parents working from home and kids doing distance learning, it’s no surprise that a lot of us were antsy to get out of the house for a while. If this sounds familiar to you, consider this creative solution that some parents landed on last fall: Take a “schoolcation,”a vacation during the school year. After all, if the grown-ups working from home on their computers can pack up and work from anywhere they want, why can’t the kids? That’s the idea behind a schoolcation: The whole family packs up and heads out on vacation during the school year. While you’re traveling, the kids continue their online classes and schoolwork. Of course, you’ll need a stable internet connection along the way, and parents who are working will either have to take time off or take their work with them, too. There is a very good reason this idea was dubbed a schoolcation. It implies that it isn’t a week of pure rest and relaxation. You have to earn it! A VACATION DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR?! Why You Should Try a ‘Schoolcation’

Think about your goals – what are you going to do today to make progress towards your written down goals?

Make a list of the most important things you need to accomplish today and resolve that as much as it depends on you, you will achieve these before the day’s end. Spend time exercising your body for good health, even when you don’t feel like it. If you have health problems that prevent some types of exercise, do what you can. Ask yourself, “If I did the four steps listed above every day, am I more likely to achieve my dreams and goals?” If your answer is yes, you are on your way to making great decisions and helpful habits.

Best Wishes for a Joy-Filled, Prosperous New Year!


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Interestingly, some hotel chains have already caught onto the idea of the schoolcation. The Four Seasons Resort Orlando at Walt Disney World Resort unveiled a special program aimed at families that offers a supervised learning space for kids to use during the day so they can focus on their schoolwork. According to their press release, the vacation part of the schoolcation comes into play when classes are over. That’s when kids get to “experience the ultimate recess.” Instead of your typical schoolyard playground, the resort offers a water park with tons of attractions as well as outdoor recreation opportunities like sand volleyball and basketball. Many families are also opting to take their schoolcations on the road to see the sights. A road trip to a national park, for example, is a great option because you can practice social distancing while seeing incredible natural wonders. You may even be able to tie in your kids’ school lessons with the sights you see! And you can use the time in the car to quiz your kids on what they’ve been studying. No matter how you approach your trip, it’s crucial to do your research before you head out. You want to travel safely and ensure you return home happy and healthy. As you research possible destinations, keep an eye on local regulations, closures, and current COVID-19 hotspots. The reality is that you may want to skip some places — but those places can change over time.

That aside, your top priority is to have fun. It’s important to get out and stretch your legs. If the kids are distance learning and you’re working from home, why not see it as an opportunity and give a schoolcation a try? Pick a few days to see the sights around the state or make it a week and head to the beach. If your family decides to head out on a schoolcation this year, just remember to stay safe and have fun — and, yes, the homework does need to get done.

Foxtrot’s Heroics With the World Food Programme The First Dog to Win a Nobel Peace Prize

Just this past October, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to what can only be one described as one the world’s goodest boys — a dog named Foxtrot, known also to his Instagram followers (of which there are nearly 7,000) as humanitarian_pup. While Foxtrot wasn’t responsible for improvements to auction theory (like Paul Milgrom and Robert Wilson, who won the Nobel Prize for economics) or for a standout career in writing poetry (like Louise Glück, who won the Nobel Prize for literature), this incredible canine shared the

camps. According to an NPR article that spotlighted Foxtrot and the efforts made by his WFP humans, they worked not only to get food to refugees but also to flatten hillsides to make room for shelters for Rohingya refugees fleeing Myanmar. Foxtrot himself became part of the effort to combat world hunger during a WFP beach cleanup in his home country. Workers found him as a 4-week-old pup, and after failing to locate his owners, took him in as one of their own. For the past two years, Foxtrot has helped however he can to further the WFP’s efforts to end hunger in Bangladesh. This usually includes accompanying his humans while they work, wearing an adorable custom-made WFP cape, and taking to Instagram to raise awareness about how anyone can join in the WFP’s mission. After learning that he and his humans had won the Nobel Peace Prize, Foxtrot didn’t waste the opportunity to share his excitement with his followers. “Woweee,” the pup said. “I … think it would be even more amazing if we didn’t need any peace prizes because peace was the status quo in our world.”

Nobel Peace Prize with the World Food Programme (WFP), for their work in combating world hunger. As the organization’s official mascot, Foxtrot shared in the win with the thousands of other WFP workers worldwide. Foxtrot lives in Bangladesh (one of the most densely populated countries in the world) at a WFP outpost that works to supply one of the world’s largest refugee

If Foxtrot and his humans keep up the good work that won them the Nobel Peace Prize, it seems like that status quo could be within reach.

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Focus on Fitness for 30 Days ARE YOU UP FOR A CHALLENGE?

Everyone’s done it. We’ve rung in the new year on the promise that this is our year to get healthy. We’re going to finally lose the weight, eat healthier, and feel better than ever. Sadly, many of us fail at this endeavor every single year. Let’s make 2021 different! Work toward your wellness goals by trying monthly challenges. These challenges allow you to focus on one area of your wellness each month, which will ultimately ensure you create sustainable habits. Here are three challenges to get you started! January: Step Up Getting extra steps in during the day is the quickest way to introduce more activity into your life. Start easy and just track your regular steps for one week. Then, set a

goal to get 1,000 more steps than that in the following week and build from there. Keep going until you’re regularly hitting a number that is at least 5,000 steps beyond your baseline! (If you don’t have an Apple Watch, Fitbit, or other fitness tracking device, find an old-fashioned pedometer and get to work!) February: Drink Up Tracking your water intake and challenging yourself to drink more can help you feel more energized and make progress on your other goals. Start by calculating how much water you need to consume. Experts suggest taking your body weight, dividing it by two, and drinking that many ounces of water each day. (For example, a person who weighs 150 pounds should drink 75 ounces of water.) Can you drink that much water

each day for 30 days? If not, drink more each day throughout the month until you reach your goal. Give it a shot. We guarantee you’ll have more energy! March: Bulk Up Choose one area of your body to focus on this month. Want to improve your arm strength? Work your way up from five to 50 pushups throughout the month. Follow the same formula with squats if you want to focus on your legs. Or, try planking to strengthen your core. Start the month by holding the plank for 30 seconds and work your way up to 2–3 minutes! As you progress in each challenge, you’ll notice significant improvement. For the best results, rest whatever area of your body you’re focusing on during your regular exercise routine. (That’s how muscle grows!)

Take a Break!

Korean Beef Rice Bowls This sweet and spicy rice bowl comes together in just 30 minutes and serves four.

Inspired by



1/4 cup low-sodium soy sauce 2 tsp light brown sugar


In a small bowl, combine soy sauce, 2 tbsp water, brown sugar, sesame oil, and red pepper flakes. Spray a deep, nonstick skillet with cooking oil and place over high heat. Add the ground beef and cook until browned. Break up the meat with a wooden spoon as it cooks. Add the onion, garlic, and ginger to the meat and cook for 1 minute.

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1 tsp sesame oil


1/2 tsp red pepper flakes 1 lb lean ground beef 1/4 cup yellow onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, crushed 1 tsp fresh ginger, grated 2 tbsp gochujang sauce, or more if desired


4. Pour sauce over the beef, then cover and simmer on low heat for 10 minutes. 5. Divide rice evenly into four serving bowls. Top each with scant 2/3 cup beef, cucumber slices, sesame seeds, scallions, and gochujang, to taste.

3 cups cooked brown rice

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1 small cucumber, sliced 1/2 tbsp sesame seeds, plus more for topping 2 scallions, thinly sliced

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Jeffery L. Robinette PAGE 1 Pack Up, Kids! We’re Going on a ‘Schoolcation’ PAGE 1 The First Dog to Win a Nobel Peace Prize PAGE 2 Make Resolutions Easier With Fitness Challenges PAGE 3 Take a Break PAGE 3 Korean Beef Rice Bowls PAGE 3 How Habit Tracking and Daily Resolutions Could Transform Your Life PAGE 4

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How Habit Tracking and Daily Resolutions Could Transform Your Life

Yearly resolutions are so last year … if they’re your only resolutions, that is.

Psychology asked people about a simple habit they wanted to form, like drinking water at lunch or taking a walk before dinner. They found that the average amount of time it took before the action became automatic was 66 days! Don’t be too hard on yourself if you miss a day, but know that sticking to a new habit is serious work, so starting small might help you out. Another important aspect of forming new daily habits is rewarding yourself. Bad habits, like smoking, have an inherent reward. However, healthy habits can have rewards, too! Try consuming a bit of dark chocolate after a workout or treating yourself to a fresh beverage or relaxing to a podcast after tackling an important task. Find ways to reward yourself, and you’ll be more likely to stick to your new habit. Certain daily resolutions don’t have to be related to exercise or diet to majorly improve your life. For example, having a gratitude journal might boost your long-term happiness by 10% and improve your blood pressure. Don’t hesitate to improve your quality of life! Just start small, and you’ll be amazed by how far you’ll go.

Having long-termgoals isn’t a bad thing, but do you have a daily plan to reach them? The huge boost of motivation in January isn’t always enough to sustain you all year long. That’s why there are major benefits to starting new healthy habits, whether you increase your weekly exercise time, eat healthier foods, or work on getting better or more sleep.

Luckily, sticking with these habits might be as easy as making daily resolutions to complement your yearly goals.

B.J. Fogg, a Stanford University professor and author of “Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything,” notes that tiny habits can make a new habit easy to implement into your daily ritual. For example, taking a short daily walk could lead to an exercise habit, or keeping an apple in your bag every day could encourage healthier snacking.

It’s important that you stick with it because habits take a long time to create. One study published by the European Journal of Social

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