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ROC Physical Therapy November 2019

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ROC Physical Therapy - November 2020

4 cup almond milk • 4 oz vegan dark chocolate, chopped • 2 large avocados, pitted and skinned • 1 ts

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ROC Physical Therapy July 2019

ROC Physical Therapy July 2019 JULY 2019 916.983.5611 WE’D LIKE TO INTRODUCE OUR NEW RECEPTIONIST, J

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ROC Physical Therapy, February 2019

4 cup dried cherries DIRECTIONS 3. Once melted, pour chocolate into a baking sheet lined with parchm

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ROC Physical Therapy May 2019

2 cup gluten-free rolled oats • 1–2 tablespoons olive oil • 3 916.983.5611 Published by The Newslett

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ROC Physical Therapy October 2019

ROC Physical Therapy October 2019 OCTOBER 2019 916.983.5611 NO ONE FORGETS THEIR FIRST CAR HOW I BEC

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ROC Physical Therapy September 2019

watch?v=uWGpbxbJ6_Y. Relax Part of your recovery should include massage to relax the aggravated area

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ROC Physical Therapy June 2019

4 cup toasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped • Mint leaves, for garnish • Parmesan cheese, preferably 1

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ROC Physical Therapy March 2019

4 teaspoon ground coriander • Mint leaves, poppy seeds, and olive oil, for garnish • 3 916.983.5611

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ROC Physical Therapy January 2019

4 cup onions, chopped • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1 sprig fresh rosemary • 2 tablespoons extra-virgi

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ROC Physical Therapy April 2019

or dress attire can be uncomfortable. For people who don’t have the time, try taking a short walk ar

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ROC Physical Therapy November 2019




Every year on Nov. 11, Americans all across the nation gather together to observe Veterans Day, a holiday dedicated to honoring those who have served in the United States armed forces. While I know a handful of former military men and women, there is one who sticks out in my mind whenever Veterans Day comes around. His name is Paul, and I’ve had the amazing privilege of knowing him as a patient for 14 1/2 years. Paul spent many of his younger years in the Air Force. In fact, he was part of the Berlin airlift during WWII. From the stories I’ve heard, some of his best memories from that time were shared with his Air Force buddies over a couple pints of authentic German beer, which he will tell you is better than all the rest combined. The best part of listening to his stories is to hear that he and his friends still stay in touch after all those years. The entire team here loves to hear details about the exciting life experiences Paul had in the years before he made his first appearance at ROC Physical Therapy nearly 15 years ago and the ones that have followed since. The first time I met Paul, he had been referred to our clinic after suffering an injury. Even during that initial consultation, I was blown away by how dedicated Paul was to the treatment process. He never complained and always worked hard.

He was perhaps the most consistent patient I’ve ever seen.

After he fully recovered from his injury, Paul wasn’t ready to give up his weekly appointments at ROC Physical Therapy, so he joined a program we call Independent Gym. Most former patients participate in Independent Gym once or twice a week, but we had the good fortune of seeing Paul’s face five days a week! He’d come in near the same time every day, set the TV to Fox News, turn the volume as high as it would go, and get started on daily his workout. Then on his way out the door, Paul would be sure to throw a couple of snarky but funny jokes our way, yelling out observations like, “Sure doesn’t seem like you’re working too hard today!” Over the last year or so, Paul’s doctor told him that he needed to slow down on the exercising to protect his heart, but fortunately for us, his visits haven’t stopped. He still comes in every so often to tease our front office staff or to give me a hard time about putting healthy recipes in our monthly newsletter. In fact, last month, he said, “Matt, I saw in your last newsletter that you were promoting a beet salad recipe. Do you even eat that? How about you print the famous military recipe for SOS breakfast instead!” I know better than not to listen to Paul, so, if you turn the page, you’ll find his recipe!

Paul has been with us since our office’s early days, and we couldn’t have imagined a more hardworking, sarcastic, and fun patient to spend our days with. As a token of our appreciation for all the entertainment Paul brings us, Karen (our office manager) and I decided to surprise him for his 90th birthday early this year. He mentioned to us once how much he loves ice cream, so we went to Cold Stone Creamery, picked up a tasty ice-cream cake, and delivered it to his house so he and his wife could indulge a little bit. The joy that radiated from his smile truly made our day. Getting to work with veterans and help them on their journey back to recovery is one of the best parts of our job. So, to Paul and all the other veterans we’ve had the opportunity to help over the years, the team and I just want to say thank you for your service and for all the sacrifices you have made. Happy Veterans Day!

–Matt Smith

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TEA TIME Tea has been consumed for thousands of years and is the second-most popular drink in the world, with water being the first. It is the national drink of several nations, including China and India, and is an integral component of religious ceremonies the world over. Drinking tea has been known to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve sleep. In addition to these instant benefits, tea can also help improve a person's long-term health through regular consumption. YOUR HEART According to Harvard Health Institute, several studies show that those who regularly drink black and green tea are at a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease. These types of tea contain antioxidants and flavonoids, which are plant chemicals that help dilate arteries and reduce Most people believe physical therapy is mainly rehabilitation for people after an accident. While this kind of treatment is a substantive portion of physical therapists’ daily work, they offer so much more. Because physical therapists holistically examine patients’ entire musculoskeletal systems for abnormal muscle movement and microtraumas, they can often detect issues with skin or connective tissue. Since November is National Healthy Skin Month, here are some tips to help you keep your largest organ healthy all year long. ARM YOURSELF WITH PROTECTION. Even if you don’t see a lot of sunshine during these colder months, you should still keep skin protection in mind. If you plan on spending time outdoors, be


YOUR MOOD Tea leaves contain the amino acid L-theanine, which stimulates several feel-good neurotransmitters, like serotonin and gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA). These neurotransmitters help boost your mood and alertness. According to a study by the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China, tea even has the ability to ward off depression. The study took 22,817 participants with 4,743 cases of depression over 11 studies, and 13 reports found that individuals who drank three cups of tea a day decreased their depression risk by 37%. So, the next time you want a warm beverage that will do your mind and body good, reach for some tea and bask in all the health benefits as you sip.

sure to use a broad-spectrum, water- resistant sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher on the areas on your body that won’t be covered. KNOW YOUR SKIN TYPE. Be sure to choose skin products (makeup, lotions, body wash, etc.) that complement your skin type. People with oily skin, dry skin, or even a combination of both have many options. Furthermore, if you have sensitive skin, be sure to avoid fragrant products, as they might cause further irritation. KNOW WHAT TO LOOK FOR. With approximately 9,500 Americans diagnosed with skin cancer every day, you should examine your skin regularly for symptoms. Look for new or unusual moles and pay attention to bad cholesterol. Studies also link tea consumption with improved vascular reactivity — how well your blood vessels respond to stress. YOUR BRAIN Flavonoids don’t only fight heart disease; these chemicals can also reduce any vascular damage to the brain. The National University of Singapore has conducted studies that link reduced risks of dementia in the elderly with regular tea consumption. The results speak for themselves: “The longitudinal study involving 957 Chinese seniors aged 55 years or older has found that regular consumption of tea lowers the risk of cognitive decline in the elderly by 50%, while APOE e4 gene carriers who are genetically at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease may experience a reduction in cognitive impairment risk by as much as 86%.”


any unexplained changes or itches. You can look online or use the ABCDE rule to detect any abnormal symptoms. Because physical therapists use a holistic approach, they can help you with much more than injury recovery. Helping you become pain-free, confident, and healthy is the goal, and that includes your skin!

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Now that Sony Walkman MP3 players have gone the way of eight- tracks and floppy disks, most regular gymgoers rely on their smartphones for their workout soundtracks. Funneling in tunes is a good move — listening to music has been shown to make people work harder and enjoy exercise more — but when you’re sweaty and constantly moving, it can be difficult to keep your phone secure.

If you’re struggling with your smartphone falling out of your pocket, bouncing distractingly, or impeding your movements, try one of these tricks to keep it stable and accessible next time you hit the gym. ARMBANDS For people who struggle with their phones slipping from sweaty fingers, an armband is the go-to option to secure them. Ranging in price from under $10 to over $100 and customized for most types of smartphones, these holders strap around your upper arm while you work out, keeping your phone within reach and giving you easy access to its screen. The main downside reported by reviewers is that some models are bulky and draw attention in the gym. THIGHBANDS This cousin of the armband has been gaining traction as the smartphone holder of choice for distance runners, basketball players, CrossFitters, and weightlifters. One option called the QuadBandit can even be integrated U.S. MILITARY SOS RECIPE

with your running shorts. Simply attach the QuadBandit around your thigh under your shorts, push the lining of your short’s pocket under the strap, then slip your smartphone into your pocket until it’s secure under the strap. Your shorts hide the whole assemblage. These holders are less visible than armbands but are also less common, so buyers have fewer reviews to rely on when shopping. LEGGINGS WITH POCKETS Leggings are more popular among women than men, but they’ve recently been revolutionized with smartphones in mind. Brands like Fabletics, New Balance, and Old Navy have overhauled their leggings to include pockets, and, due to the tight, stretchy material leggings are made from, these pockets hold smartphones in place much more securely than regular gym shorts. If you’re in the market for a new pair, consider putting pockets on your must-have list.



• 1/4 lb ground beef • 1 1/2 tbsp minced onion • 1 1/2 tbsp flour

• Salt/pepper to taste • 1/2 tsp Worcestershire sauce • 1 cup milk


1. In a medium frying pan, brown ground beef and onion. Stir to crumble beef. 2. Add flour to ground beef mixture and stir in evenly. 3. Add remaining ingredients and simmer on low until reduced and hot.

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(916) 983-5611


1635 Creekside Dr STE 101 Folsom, CA 95630


TOO BUSY TO WORK OUT? 5 SIMPLE WAYS TO STAY ACTIVE Being active doesn’t have to mean going to the gym every single day. An active lifestyle can be as simple as going for a walk around the excellent low-impact alternatives to keep your body fit and healthy. neighbor or friend if they would like their dog walked, start a dog-walking service, or volunteer at a local animal shelter.

REDUCE TV TIME. It can be tempting to plop down in front of the television after a long day at work or after dinner, but you can also use this time to be active. Get the family together for a walk around the neighborhood, take a few minutes to dance to some of your favorite tunes, or do some light cleaning around the house. PUT A SPIN ON DATE NIGHT. Forget dinner and a movie. Instead, try taking your date out for a round of miniature golf, indoor rock climbing, an evening stroll, a bike ride, or dancing. You’ll have more fun while doing your body good. GRAB A LEASH. Having a dog gives you plenty of opportunities to stay active. If you don’t have a dog, try asking a

neighborhood for a few minutes a day. There are plenty of ways to exercise during daily activities like shopping, spending time with your kids, or hanging around the house. PARK FARTHER AWAY. A lot of people will spend several minutes trying to find a parking space as close as they can to the entrance of a store. However, parking a little farther away will help you score a better parking space and make sure you get your steps in for the day. DO SOME YOGA. You don’t have to push yourself to your absolute limit in order to stay active. There are other, gentler ways to exercise than running 5 miles a day. Tai chi or yoga are

There are plenty of ways to make staying active a part of your daily routine! With enough creativity and motivation, you can turn any activity into an active one.

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