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Rosie's Radical Rescue Ride

Rosie's Radical Rescue Ride ILLUSTRATIONS Mike Howie & Flux Animation STORY Kyle Mewburn Down on

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Rosie to the Rescue


SPECIAL THANKS TO DairyNZ, King St Advertising and the team at Flux Animation for their contributions towards creating this book.


STORY Kyle Mewburn


Just before dawn the farm starts to wake. There’s coffee to brew and scones to bake. The cows all moo on their way to the shed, Our udders are full. So get out of bed!”

The milking machines start to gurgle and splutter. There’s plenty of cream to make cheese and butter. It’s all running smoothly with no major dramas . . . Till the farmhand turns up in his muddy pyjamas.

It’s been raining for weeks. The fields are a bog. The tractor’s got stuck and so has the dog.

The river’s aflood and the bridges are down. How will we get all the milk into town?”

We could build a big raft,” says farmhand Matt. Or a huge catapult!” says Toby the cat.

Mo o o o oo-reka !” says Rosie, and points at the sky. If we can’t go by land, we’ll just have to fly.”

She runs to the clothesline and snatches a sheet. Ties ropes to each corner and pegs to her feet.

Then off Rosie goes! She gallops and bucks. But the sheet doesn’t soar, it just drags in the muck.

I know!” cries Rosie, I have to climb higher. The ground is no place for a bovine flyer.”

She scales a tall haystack then s p r in gs from the top . . .

CRASH ! SPLASH ! in a puddle with a huge bellyflop.

Rosie’s upset and all covered in mud. Our milk will go sour because of this flood.”

Toby just laughs. Want to soar like a bird? What you can’t do alone you can do with a herd.”

Dismantle the clothesline and bind the sheets tight. Add a long undies tail . . . Ta-da! A cow kite!

Hang buckets of milk in a long sloshing row. Everyone ready? On your marks. Get set. GO!”

They run like the wind, quickly picking up pace. Splattering cowpats in everyone’s face. Then upwards they shoot, rising higher and higher, on a kite held together by number 8 wire.

Over the river the clothesline kite sails. Powered by wind and two helicopter tails. In no time they reach the outskirts of town. And now?” Toby wonders.

How do we get down?”

There’s no time to land.” Rosie shakes her big head. There’s plenty more milk waiting back at the shed.” She swings herself sideways. They flip upside down! Then it starts raining milk on the waking-up town.

W hi z z z z in g and w ho os h i ng in circles they go, dripping milkdrops on the people below.

It splashes in bowls and fills coffee cups . . . and cats all come running to lick the spills up.

Three cheers for Rosie!” the people all chime. She brought us lovely fresh milk, just in time. All the milk is delivered before it turns sour. Thanks to Rosie the cow and loads of herd power.”

Pantone Colours ABOUT ROSIE Rosie is the New Zealand dairy industry’s Cowbassador, whose job is to educate kids all about dairy farming and the story of milk. As a Cowbassador Rosie gets to do heaps of really cool stuff, like going on television, meeting our Prime Minister, performing in stage shows all over the country, and making her own moovellous moovies. All with the goal of helping Kiwi kids learn about an industry that plays a big part in the lives of every New Zealander. HANG OUT WITH ROSIE ONLINE 159 PC 143 PC 583 PC 320 PC 368 PC Rosie is web and technologically savvy, and has her own Facebook page, blog and website. Play her cool games, watch Rosie’s moovellous moovies, and join Rosie’s Fan Club. To get great giveaways, enter competitions, and receive regular updates from Rosie herself, go to FOR TEACHERS Rosie has joined up with some teachers to produce a range of entertaining teaching resources that focus on educating children about the dairy industry. These encompass years 1-7, and range from curriculum-based teaching units, to leading- edge digital enquiries. These can be found at

Rosie is funded by New Zealand dairy farmers through DairyNZ

A RANDOM HOUSE BOOK published by Random House New Zealand 18 Poland Road, Glenfield, Auckland, New Zealand

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A catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library of New Zealand

Random House New Zealand is part of the Random House Group New York London Sydney Auckland Delhi Johannesburg

First published 2013


2013 DairyNZ Limited

The moral rights of the author have been asserted

ISBN 978 1 77553 573 7

This book is copyright. Except for the purposes of fair reviewing no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Design: Carla Sy Printed in China by Asia Pacific Offset Ltd