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Sammamish Unified Development Code

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Sammamish Unified Development Code



Adopted December 14, 2021 Effective Date: January 1, 2022 Errata Issued: February 7, 2022


City Council

Citizens Advisory Group

Leslie Lardie Mary Johnson Mark Cross Mary Wictor Larry LeSueur Todd Levitt Jun Qui Bob Sorenson

Mayor Karen Moran Deputy Mayor Christie Malchow Councilmember Tom Odell Councilmember Kent Treen Councilmember Chris Ross Councilmember Ken Gamblin Councilmember Pam Stuart

Lynn Schneider Jay Regenstreif Christian Nichols Brett Pudists

Planning Commission

Mark Baughman, Chair Rituja Indapure, Vice-Chair Karthik Seetharaman

Mike Bresko Thorin Labby Josh Amato


Framework Code Studio

Karen Malcolm

Sammamish City Staff

David Pyle, Community Development Director Chris Hankins, Planning Project Manager Evan Fischer, Management Analyst


Chapter 21.01. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 21.02. Neighborhood Design


Chapter 21.03. Environment & Sustainability . . . . . . . 59

Chapter 21.04. Zoning Districts


Chapter21.05.Uses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265

Chapter 21.06. Development Standards


Chapter 21.07. Town Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401

Chapter 21.08. Public Works and Buildings . . . . . . . . 573

Chapter 21.09. Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . 617

Chapter 21.10. Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685


Page Section

Adopted Text

Corrected Text


February 7, 2022

Cross-reference: subsection 3.a.i. Cross-reference: subsection 3.a.ii.

Cross-reference: SDC 21.03.020.W.2.a.i Cross-reference: SDC 21.03.020.W.2.a.ii Cross-reference: SDC 21.09.010 Cross-reference: SDC 21.03.050 D.4.e.

81 21.03.020.W.2.a.

Scrivener’s error

145 21.03.050.D.3.c.ii. Cross-reference: Chapter 20.05 SMC

Scrivener’s error Scrivener’s error Scrivener’s error Scrivener’s error Scrivener’s error Scrivener’s error Scrivener’s error Scrivener’s error Scrivener’s error Scrivener’s error

145 21.03.050.D.4.e. 147 21.03.050.D.4.g. 351 21.06.040.J 499 21.07.060.C.4. 501 21.07.060.C.7. 502 21.07.060.C.8. 558 21.07.100.B.4. 625 21.09.010.F.2.e. 640 21.09.020.T.4. February 26, 2022 -- throughout April 8, 2022 87 21.03.020.W. 234 21.04.040B

Cross reference: SMC 13.20.040 Cross-reference: Chapter 20.05 SMC

Cross-reference: SDC 21.09.010

Title: school capabilities Title numbering e. 5., 6., 6.a.

Title: school capacities

Title renumbered f., g., h., renumber subsections Title numbering 5. Building design - Blank walls Title numbering 6. Building design - Parking garage design

Title numbering 7. Building design - Blank walls Title numbering 8. Building design - Parking garage design

Table Title: Temporary Signage

Table Title: Alternative Calculation Cross-reference: SDC 21.09.010 Cross-reference: SDC 21.06.040

Cross-reference: Chapter 20.05 SMC Cross-reference: SMC 21A.60.140


Digital cross-references


Cross-reference: “subsection 5.b. of this section.”

Cross-reference: “subsection 5.b. of this section.”

Scrivener’s error Scrivener’s error

Cross-reference: SDC 21.04.040B.134

Cross-reference: SDC 21.04.040B.135

Chapter 21.01. INTRODUCTION

21.01.010 Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 21.01.020 Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 21.01.030 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 21.01.040 Conformity With This Title Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 21.01.050EffectiveDate .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..2 21.01.060 Minimum Requirements 3 21.01.070 Interpretation 3 21.01.080 Administration, Review Authority 5 21.01.090 Review 5 21.01.100 Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 21.01.110 Severability 6

Introduction | Title

21.01.010 Title

21.01.040 Conformity With This Title Required A. No use or structure shall be established, substituted, expanded, constructed, altered, moved, maintained, or otherwise changed except in conformance with this Title. B. Creation of, or changes to, lot lines shall conform with the use provisions, dimensional and other standards, and procedures of this Title and SDC 21.02.060. C. All land uses and development authorized by this Title shall comply with all other regulations and/or requirements of this Title as well as any other applicable local, state, or federal law. Where a difference exists between this Title and other City regulations, the more restrictive requirements shall apply. D. Where more than one part of this Title applies to the same aspect of a proposed use or development, the more restrictive requirement shall apply. E. Temporary uses or activities conducted during an emergency event, or training exercises conducted at emergency sites, designated pursuant to an emergency management plan, shall not be subject to the provisions of this Title. 21.01.050 Effective Date The ordinance codified in this Title shall be published on the City’s website, and shall take effect and be in full force 5 days after the date of publication, or date certain after the expiration of 5 days, as stated in the adopting or amending ordinance.

This title shall be known as the City of Sammamish Development Code (SDC), hereinafter referred to as “this Title.”

21.01.020 Authority The City of Sammamish Development Code is adopted by City of Sammamish ordinance, pursuant to Article XI, Section 11 of the Washington State Constitution.

21.01.030 Purpose

The general purposes of this Title are:

A. To encourage land use decision making in accordance with the public interest and applicable laws of the state of Washington;

B. To protect the general public health, safety, and welfare;

C. To implement the City of Sammamish comprehensive plan’s policies and objectives through land use regulations; D. To provide for the economic, social, and aesthetic advantages of orderly development through harmonious groupings of compatible and complementary land uses and the application of appropriate development standards; E. To provide for adequate public facilities and services in conjunction with development; and F. To promote general public safety by regulating development of lands containing physical hazards and to minimize the adverse environmental impacts of development.

2 | Title 21: Sammamish Development Code

Effective | January 1, 2022

Interpretation | Introduction

21.01.060 Minimum Requirements In interpretation and application, the requirements set forth in this Title shall be considered the minimum requirements necessary to accomplish the purposes of this Title.

C. General

1. In case of inconsistency or conflict, regulations, conditions, or procedural requirements that are specific to an individual

land use shall supersede regulations, conditions, or procedural requirements of general application.

21.01.070 Interpretation A. Applicability

2. A land use includes the necessary structures to support the use, unless specifically prohibited or the context clearly indicates otherwise. 3. In case of any ambiguity, difference of meaning, or implication between the text and any heading, caption, or illustration, the text and the permitted use tables in Chapter 21.05 SDC shall control. All applicable requirements shall govern a use whether or not they are cross-referenced in a text section or land use table. 4. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, words in the present tense shall include past and future tense, and words in the singular shall include the plural, or vice versa. Except for words and terms defined in this title, all words and terms used in this title shall have their customary meanings. 5. A written interpretation by the Director of the provisions of the Sammamish Municipal Code clarifies conflicting or ambiguous wording, or the scope or intent of the provisions of the code. The written interpretation shall control application of the code sections discussed in it to any specific land use application. 6. Written interpretations issued for regulatory requirements that have been legislatively modified, repealed, or otherwise substantially changed, shall be considered null and void.

This chapter and SDC 21.09.070 authorize the Director to issue interpretations on regulations related to controls placed on development or land use activities by the City, including but not limited to zoning ordinances, critical areas ordinances, shoreline master program requirements, official controls, subdivision ordinances, and binding site plan ordinances, together with any amendments thereto. 1. Nothing in this chapter and SDC 21.09.070 shall prevent interpretations related to the applicability of specific regulatory requirements contained within the Sammamish Municipal Code to individual projects. 2. Further, nothing in this chapter or SDC 21.09.070 shall preclude the Director or Hearing Examiner from interpreting a regulatory requirement during the course of a public hearing.

B. Intent

This chapter and SDC 21.09.070 establish the procedure by which the City of Sammamish will render a formal interpretation of a development regulation. The purpose of such an interpretation includes clarifying conflicting or ambiguous provisions in the City’s development regulations.

Effective | January 1, 2022

Title 21: Sammamish Development Code | 3

Introduction | Interpretation

7. Any written interpretation shall not be applied retroactively, unless specifically required by the terms of the interpretation. 8. Whenever a reference is made to the Sammamish Municipal Code or to any portion of that code, the reference applies to all amendments, corrections and additions adopted by the City Council, regardless of whether such amendments, corrections and additions have been incorporated into the text of the Sammamish Municipal Code by means of codification.

identified has been modified by this title. The definition may include one or more SIC sub-classification numbers, or may define the use without reference to the SIC. 4. The Director shall determine whether a proposed land use not specifically listed in a land use table or specifically included within a SIC classification is allowed in a zone. The Director’s determination shall be based on whether or not permitting the proposed use in a particular zone is consistent with the purposes of this title and the zone’s purpose as set forth in SDC 21.04.020, by considering the following factors: a. The physical characteristics of the use and its supporting structures, including but not limited to scale, traffic and other impacts, and hours of operation; b. Whether or not the use complements or is compatible with other uses permitted in the zone; and c. The SIC classification, if any, assigned to the business or other entity that will carry on the primary activities of the proposed use.

D. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

1. All references to the standard industrial classification (SIC) are to the titles and descriptions found in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1987 Edition, prepared by the United States Office of Management and Budget that is hereby adopted by reference. The SIC is used, with modifications to suit the purposes of this title, to list and define land uses authorized to be located in the various zones, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan land use map. 2. The SIC categorizes each land use under a general two- digit major group number, or under a more specific three- or four-digit industry group or industry number. A use shown on a land use table with a two-digit number includes all uses listed in the SIC for that major group. A use shown with a three-digit or four-digit number includes only the uses listed in the SIC for that industry group or industry. 3. An asterisk (*) in the SIC number column of a land use table means that the SIC definition for the specific land use

E. Zoning Maps

Where uncertainties exist as to the location of any zone boundaries, the following rules of interpretation, listed in priority order, shall apply: 1. Where boundaries are indicated as paralleling the approximate centerline of the street right-of-way, the zone shall extend to each adjacent boundary of the right-of- way. Non-road-related uses by adjacent property owners,

4 | Title 21: Sammamish Development Code

Effective | January 1, 2022

Review | Introduction

if allowed in the right-of-way, shall meet the same zoning requirements regulating the property owner’s lot; 2. Where boundaries are indicated as approximately following lot lines, the actual lot lines shall be considered the boundaries; 3. Where boundaries are indicated as following lines of ordinary high water, or government meander line, the lines shall be considered to be the actual boundaries. If these lines should change the boundaries shall be considered to move with them; and 4. If none of the rules of interpretation described in subsections 1. through 3. of this section apply, then the zoning boundary shall be determined by map scaling. 21.01.080 Administration, Review Authority A. The Hearing Examiner shall have authority to hold public hearings and make decisions and recommendations on reclassifications, subdivisions and other development proposals, and appeals, as set forth in SDC 21.09.070. B. The director shall have the authority to grant, condition or deny applications for variances and conditional use permits, unless a public hearing is required as set forth in SDC 21.09.070, in which case this authority shall be exercised by the hearing examiner. C. The director shall have the authority to issue a written code interpretation in accordance with the review procedures contained within this chapter and SDC 21.09.070. The director shall issue such interpretations as he or she deems necessary, or upon the request of any person, in cases of any ambiguity,

difference of meaning, unclear procedural requirements, or other unclear regulatory requirements of the SMC. D. An interpretation related to a development proposal must be requested prior to the date of expiration of any applicable administrative appeal period for a land use decision on the application to which the request relates. E. The department shall have authority to grant, condition, or deny commercial and residential building permits, grading and clearing permits, and temporary use permits in accordance with the procedures set forth in SDC 21.09.070. F. Except for other agencies with authority to implement specific provisions of this title, the department shall have the sole authority to issue official interpretations of this title, pursuant to Chapter 2.55 SMC.

21.01.090 Review A. Decision Basis

In issuing an interpretation consistent with this chapter, the Director may consider the following: 1. The purpose and intent statements of the chapters in question; 2. Consistency with other regulatory requirements governing the same or a similar situation; 3. The legislative direction of the City Council, if any, provided with the adoption the code sections in question; 4. The policy direction provided by the Sammamish Comprehensive Plan, or other adopted policy documents;

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Title 21: Sammamish Development Code | 5

Introduction | Drawings

Sammamish Development Code

5. Relevant judicial actions related to the interpretation;

of rolling stock, utility lines and equipment, and facilities accessory to and used directly for the delivery and distribution of services to abutting property. 4. Where such right-of-way is vacated, the vacated area shall have the zone classification of the adjoining property with which it is first merged. 21.01.100 Drawings The City staff is hereby authorized to incorporate drawings as necessary for the purpose of illustrating concepts and regulatory standards contained in this title; provided, that the adopted provisions of the code shall control over such drawings. 21.01.110 Severability Should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Title, or its application to any person or circumstance, be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid for any reason, or should any portion of the ordinance codified in this Title be preempted by State or federal law or regulation, such decision or preemption shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Title or its application to other persons or circumstances.

6. Expected result or effect of the interpretation; and

7. Previous implementation of the regulatory requirements governing the situation.

B. Contents

Consistent with the requirements of SDC 21.09.070, the Director shall provide facts, findings, and conclusions supporting the interpretation. At a minimum, these shall include the following: 1. A brief summary of the issue that requires an interpretation by the Director; 2. The context of the interpretation, if not included or implied from the summary; 3. Citation of the decision basis from subsection A. of this section; and

4. The interpretation, signature, and date.

C. Classification of Right-of-Way

1. Land contained in rights-of-way for streets or alleys, or railroads shall be considered unclassified, except when such areas are specifically designated on the zoning map as being classified in one of the zones provided in this Title. 2. Uses within street or alley rights-of-way shall be limited to street purposes as defined by law. 3. Within railroad rights-of-way, allowed uses shall be limited to tracks, signals, or other operating devices, movement

6 | Title 21: Sammamish Development Code

Effective | January 1, 2022

Chapter 21.02. NEIGHBORHOOD DESIGN 9 21.02.020DesignPrinciples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 21.02.030 Neighborhood Design Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 21.02.040 Planned Unit Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 21.02.050 Residential Density Incentives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 21.02.060LandDivision.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..37 21.02.010 Purpose, Intent, Applicability


Sammamish is a vibrant bedroom community blessed with a well-preserved natural environment, a family-friendly, kid-safe culture, and unrivaled connectedness. From its expanding tree canopy, to its peaceful neighborhoods, to its multi-modal transportation resources, Sammamish captures the best of the past even as it embraces a burgeoning digital future and meets housing affordability through balanced, sustainable housing. It is a state-of-the art community—engaged, responsive, and generous in its support for the full range of human endeavor.

Purpose, Intent, Applicability | Neighborhood Design

21.02.010 Purpose, Intent, Applicability A. Purpose and Intent

The intent of this section is to provide design standards for residential neighborhoods. These design standards apply to subdivisions, binding site plans, and short subdivisions in the R-1 through R-18 Zoning Districts. The design principles and standards are specifically intended to implement the City’s Comprehensive Plan and vision statement. Neighborhood is defined as the block in which the subject property is located and the area of influence around the residence. For areas of the community that do not have an established block pattern, the neighborhood may be considered an area framed by arterial or collector streets, topographic or other natural features, or typified by one or more common characteristics. The nature of a neighborhood is often determined by the patterns shared between the houses and other structures that formed that neighborhood. These patterns or characteristics include similarities in mass, scale, complexity of form, topography, relationship to the street and to each other.

B. Applicability

The neighborhood design standards apply to all subdivisions, short-plats, and binding site plans in the Residential Zones (R- Zones). In limited instances standards apply to development on lots existing prior to December 31, 2021. The zoning map below identifies the R- Zones where the neighborhood design standards apply. If there is a discrepancy between the map below and the official zoning map the official zoning map shall apply.

Effective | January 1, 2022

Title 21: Sammamish Development Code | 9

Neighborhood Design | Design Principles

21.02.020 Design Principles The design principles illustrate the intent of the design standards and inform project design, particularly during the early stages. The application of the design principles will depend on the characteristics of the site and surrounding context. Applicants will be required to demonstrate how they have incorporated the design principles into their project but are not a basis for decision-making. The design standards in SDC 21.02.030 are used to review projects and determine compliance with this Chapter.

C. Design Intent

The intent of the Design Principles is to guide future development as closely as possible towards the stated vision of Sammamish as defined in its Comprehensive Plan. Design as defined for this section is a broad term that includes the project layout, utilities, streets and pathways, landscape, and building design.

A. Preserving Ecological Functions of the Land


Sammamish cares about preserving the ecological function of its land, especially as the City becomes built out and infill projects become more impactful to the character of the neighborhood. Therefore: 1. Site planning should retain the form of the land and the major vegetation to the extent possible, fitting development into its natural context rather than reshaping the land for ease of development. 2. Tree retention is a priority, making sure that trees will remain healthy in the long term by saving groups of trees and leaving undisturbed areas to protect roots. 3. Sustainable solutions for stormwater should be part of all new development, paying careful attention to hydrologic systems and limiting impervious surface. 4. Storm water facilities that will be visible from public and private spaces should be designed as community amenities.

Goal EC.4 Protect and promote a diversity of plant, pollinator, and animal species habitat in Sammamish. Goal EC.10 Maintain and improve the City’s forested character.

10 | Title 21: Sammamish Development Code

Effective | January 1, 2022

Design Principles | Neighborhood Design

5. Distinct natural features should be highlighted and retained in the site design.

can access public amenities such as parks, playgrounds, and transit. 2. Neighborhood streets should be designed to encourage low vehicle speeds, and where appropriate with low volumes of traffic, streets can be shared by people walking, cycling, and driving slowly.

B. Maintaining a Green Northwest Character

Sammamish cares about keeping their green Northwest character that makes it an attractive place to live. Therefore: 1. Well-landscaped areas should line arterials, with native drought-tolerant plants selected for an ability to provide year-round screening between buildings and traffic. 2. Landscape along residential streets should reflect the Northwest character and be designed for a pleasant streetscape over time. 3. Grade cuts should be limited so that tall walls are not necessary and when required are subtly integrated into the site design. 4. Fencing should be integrated into landscaping rather than standing alone as separation from streets and arterials. 5. Homes should be designed to respect the public interface along the street, with limited frontage devoted to garage entries and massing that avoids the feeling of a wall along the street.

D. Family-Friendly Neighborhoods with Amenities for All Ages

Sammamish values its family-friendly neighborhoods, with amenities that people of all ages and abilities can enjoy. Therefore: 1. Neighborhoods should include places to spend time, with play areas and benches. 2. Open spaces should be accessible, connected, and include a variety of active and passive recreation opportunities.

C. A Well-Connected Community

Sammamish cares about being a well-connected community, where walking and cycling are pleasant and safe. Therefore: 1. New development should improve connections for people walking and biking, with sidewalks and trails, and with consideration of existing and future networks where people

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Title 21: Sammamish Development Code | 11

Neighborhood Design | Neighborhood Design Standards

21.02.030 Neighborhood Design Standards A. Protection and Integration of Natural Features

to fit the slope rather than using extensive grading and vegetation removal for ease of construction.

d. Forested Areas and Habitat

1. Design Intent

Remaining forested areas in Sammamish are important to the character and ecosystem of the City. Development is expected to prioritize retention of forested areas to the extent possible, in a manner that will support the long-term health of the trees.

Sammamish values its well-preserved natural environment and aspires to expand its tree canopy as it balances future development. Natural features, including topography, hydrology, and habitat be respected with new development, minimizing impacts and improving environmental function where possible.

B. Open Space and Recreation

2. Design Standards


a. Nature Features Context

Goal P.1 Provide a network of parks, trails, athletic fields, and open spaces that delivers a variety of active and passive recreational opportunities to the Sammamish community. Goal EC.1 Serve as a leader in environmental stewardship of the natural environment for current and future generations.

In order to fit development into its context, the various elements of context must be understood. For natural features, that means understanding significant topography, hydrology, and habitat corridors on and beyond the site itself.

b. Nature Features

1. Design Intent

Natural features such as wooded stands, topographic features, or wetlands should be integrated into development as assets to the full extent possible, for environmental reasons and to highlight the unique character of each site.

Open space serves a variety of needs including environmental sustainability, and passive and active recreation. The design intent for open space and recreation is to prioritize protection of significant environmental features, and to distribute leisure and recreational opportunities so they are available to all neighborhoods.

c. Hillside Development

Development on hillsides should minimize clearing and grading instead buildings and streets must be designed

12 | Title 21: Sammamish Development Code

Effective | January 1, 2022

Neighborhood Design Standards | Neighborhood Design

2. Context

towards the project density is exempt from this section. Adverse impacts will also be considered in determining compliance with these standards such as views from arterial streets, compatibility with adjacent development, connectivity, and other potential impacts. To be considered for public benefit, projects must use design methods for providing additional open space as outlined below. Alternatives may be proposed that are consistent with the intent of this section, as approved by the City.

Sammamish’s goal of a network of open spaces, parks, and trails is the context for new development. The size, type, and location of open spaces should be considered as part of the City’s broader open space system . This system should provide future residents with local open space and recreation assets, while also connecting them to citywide open space and recreational assets. Open space opportunities will be determined in part by the context of the site and surrounding area. Applicants must analyze the site and neighborhood context that is summarized as part of an application to provide open space that is counted towards the net developable area for the site. Examples of site and neighborhood context that shall be considered are:

a. Design Intent

The design intent is to dedicate open space in alignment with Sammamish’s goals and maximize opportunities of each site. For example, open space should be dedicated to preserving significant stands of healthy woodland where possible, providing space for green stormwater infrastructure, or connecting trails. In some developments, localized park or recreation space may be appropriate, or opportunities may arise for other amenities such as benches, viewpoints, or play areas.

• mature forest that could be preserved.

• an adjacent trail system where a connection is possible.

• protection of a wildlife habitat corridor on-site.

• the presence of soils appropriate for small-scale agriculture.

b. Design Standards

i. Open space should be integrated throughout the development to provide benefits for homesite design, such as increased buffers with native forest and vegetation. ii. Integrate trail systems and other non-motorized connections within open space areas to increase connectivity where feasible.

• protection of landslide hazard areas.

• the need for additional recreation space to serve the development.

3. Calculation of Density and Public Benefit

Open space proposed beyond the on-site recreation space required in SDC 21.02.030I. must provide a clear public benefit to be counted towards the project density and approved by the City. Open space that is not counted

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Title 21: Sammamish Development Code | 13

Neighborhood Design | Neighborhood Design Standards

5. Neighborhood Buffers

iii. Integrate green infrastructure using low-impact development techniques into the design of open space areas.

a. Design Intent

To integrate buffers into the design of neighborhoods and homesites that contribute positively to the character of Sammamish for all developments.

4. Open Space Tracts

a. Design Intent

b. Design Standards

The design intent is to allow for larger open space tracts where there are clear public benefits, such as preserving wildlife habitat corridors, extending natural features with off-site connections, preserving mature forest and native vegetation, trail connections, and passive open space opportunities.

i. Buffers should maximize the preservation of mature forest and native vegetation when determining the appropriate locations. ii. Where there is no mature vegetation, buffers should be landscaped with substantial drought-tolerant native vegetation that will provide a year-round screen between traffic and homes. Pedestrian trails are allowed in buffers. iii. Buffers should provide benefits to individual homesites such as increased privacy, shading, minimized noise impacts, improved mobility for non-motorized travel, and improved aesthetics.

b. Design Standards

i. Open space tracts should not be provided for the purposes of reducing development costs, in cases where they prohibit necessary street or non- motorized connections, or where a clear public benefit is lacking. ii. Open space tracts should be provided on lands that have existing mature forest and native vegetation. iii. Open space tracts must be accessible as passive open space unless determined to be infeasible, unsafe, or a disturbance to a wildlife corridor or salmonid-bearing stream in a ravine.

6. Recreation + Trails

a. Design Intent

To maximize opportunities for recreation and trails, enhance neighborhood connectivity and expand access to recreation land and facilities.

b. Design Standards

i. Proposed trails must be designed to connect to adjacent properties where opportunities exist now

14 | Title 21: Sammamish Development Code

Effective | January 1, 2022

Neighborhood Design Standards | Neighborhood Design

2. Design Standards

or in the future and must be publicly accessible at all times. Connections should be consistent with the City’s Trails, Bikeways & Paths Plan unless an alternative is approved by the City. Trail corridors shall be consistent with the requirements in SDC 21.06.020F.1. through SDC 21.06.020F.3. ii. Recreation areas must be accessible and provide passive or active recreational opportunities. Recreation areas must be consistent with standards in SDC 21.02.030I. through SDC 21.02.030M. iii. Trails must be designed to be compatible with adjacent development, including providing safe and convenient trail access along the route. iv. Trails must be designed in accordance with Public Works Standards . Ownership and management of trails may be taken over by the City at their discretion.

a. Design parcels and sites to minimize the need for clearing and grading, and to preserve mature forest and native vegetation where feasible. b. The size, dimensions, and orientation of parcels must accommodate development that meets site design standards such as the Floor to Area (FAR) ratio, driveway width standards, parking design and location standards, and landscape frontage requirements. c. Through lots with two street frontages are prohibited (unless in cases of hardship or provisions of ADUs). Alleys and open spaces are not considered a street frontage.

D. Lot Segregations - Zero Lot Line Development

In any R zone or in the NB zone on property designated commercial outside of center in the urban area, rear yard and side yard setbacks may be modified during subdivision or short subdivision review as follows: 1. If a building is proposed to be located within a normally required rear yard or side yard setback in the NB zone: a. An easement shall be provided on the abutting lot of the subdivision that is wide enough to ensure a 10-foot separation between the walls of structures on adjoining lots, except as provided for common wall construction; b. The easement area shall be free of permanent structures and other obstructions that would prevent normal repair and maintenance of the structure’s exterior;

C. Lots and Sites

1. Design Intent

Layout of lots and sites creates long-term development patterns for the City and should strengthen the mutual relationship between housing units, roads, open space and pedestrian amenities for parcel and site layout that protect the privacy of individuals while creating pedestrian-oriented environments, and environmental stewardship.

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Neighborhood Design | Neighborhood Design Standards

c. Buildings utilizing reduced setbacks shall not have doors that open directly onto the private yard areas of abutting property. Windows in such buildings shall not be oriented toward such private yard areas unless they consist of materials such as glass block, textured glass, or other opaque materials, and shall not be capable of being opened, except for clerestory-style windows or skylights; and d. The final plat or short plat shall show the approximate location of buildings proposed to be placed in a standard setback area. 2. If a building is proposed to be located within a normally required rear yard or side yard setback in an R zone: a. The residential development must qualify for the attached housing incentive provided in SDC 21.03.030.D.; b. An easement shall be provided on the abutting lot of the subdivision that is wide enough to ensure a 10-foot separation between the walls of structures on adjoining lots, except as provided for common wall construction; c. The easement area shall be free of permanent structures and other obstructions that would prevent normal repair and maintenance of the structure’s exterior; d. Buildings utilizing reduced setbacks shall not have doors that open directly onto the private yard areas of abutting property. Windows in such buildings shall not be oriented toward such private yard areas unless they consist of materials such as glass block, textured glass, or other opaque materials, and shall not be capable of

being opened, except for clerestory-style windows or skylights; and e. The final plat or short plat shall show the approximate location of buildings proposed to be placed in a standard setback area.

E. Lot Segregations—Clustered Development

When residential lot clustering is proposed, the following provisions shall be met: 1. Any open space resulting from lot clustering should be located where existing stands of native vegetation exist and shall not be altered or disturbed except as specified on recorded documents creating the open space. Such open spaces may be retained under ownership by the subdivider, conveyed to residents of the development, or conveyed to a third party. When access to the open space is provided, the access shall be located in a separate tract; and 2. In the R-1 zone, open space tracts created by clustering required by SDC 21.04.030.C. shall be located and configured to create urban separators and greenbelts as required by the comprehensive plan, to connect and increase protective buffers for critical areas as defined in SDC 21.04.040B.70., to connect and protect wildlife habitat corridors designated by the comprehensive plan, and to connect existing or planned public parks or trails. The City may require open space tracts created under this subsection to be dedicated to the City, an appropriate managing public agency, or qualifying private entity such as a nature conservancy.

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F. Parking

back behind the face of the building, utilizing alleys, landscaping buffers, and narrow single-lane driveway widths.

1. Design Intent

The design intent of parking is to right-size the total amount of parking provided through neighborhood design, including on- and off-street parking. Design on-street parking to be compatible with adjacent development, pedestrian-oriented, and not oversized for anticipated traffic and parking volumes.

2. Parking Program Analysis

All development applications subject to the Neighborhood Design Standards must provide a parking analysis showing the location and amount of on- and off-street parking proposed, including the number of stalls provided per dwelling unit. All parking, including in garages, must be factored into the parking program analysis.

3. Design Standards

a. On-street parking stalls be right sized and not exceed 100% of the off-street parking requirement within the neighborhood, unless waived by the City upon determination that additional parking is warranted based on information submitted by the applicant for a neighborhood-specific analysis. b. Where uninterrupted parallel on-street parking is not warranted by the parking program analysis, provide bulb outs with landscaping and street trees between parking pockets. c. Design off-street parking to minimize aesthetic impacts on the street frontage such as setting the parking

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G. Arterial Street Frontages 1. Design Intent

3. Arterial Frontages Types

Arterial frontage standards apply to sites that front on an arterial the R- Districts. The following arterial frontage types are permitted along designated arterial streets shown in the map above including major arterials, minor arterials, and collectors. All applicable development must incorporate one or more of the permitted frontage types on designated arterial streets. Development that is more than 100’ from the edge of the arterial street public right- of-way is not subject to the arterial buffer standards. The minimum buffer for subdivisions, short subdivisions, and binding site plans on sites without mature forest along the arterial is the landscape frontage. The buffer standards may be modified on projects less than 5 net developable acres where application of the standards would reduce the project density as determined by the City based on information submitted by the applicant. Net developable acres exclude critical areas and buffers, no disturbance areas, and other portions of the site that are restricted from development. Net developable acres include all developable portions of the site including areas for streets, stormwater infrastructure, open space, and recreation space. The buffer area shall count towards the project density as provided in Section 21.04.030.H. even if it is provided in a separate open space tract. If the 100’ distance needs to be expanded to accommodate the frontage type and it meets the intent of this section, the additional land also counts toward the net density and project density. Undeveloped lots existing prior to December 31, 2021 with frontage along an arterial street must use the Front arterial frontage type unless the principal building is located more

People experience Sammamish through traveling along the city’s arterials. Development alongside these arterials is expected to retain or replant edges that keep or improve the character of Sammamish as a community in harmony with its natural setting. Edge buffers also benefit residents of homes along arterials. 2. Arterial Street Typologies

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a. Forest

than 100’ from the arterial street. Sloped sites may also incorporate the Retaining Wall frontage to accommodate sloped sites, in accordance with the standards below. Lots that are developed as of December 31, 2021 and become non-conforming due to these standards may be redeveloped or modified in accordance with SDC 21.09.030.E.3.

Forest is the required frontage type on sites that have mature trees and native vegetation that can be preserved. The forest buffer shall be a minimum of 100’ or the depth of the mature forest from the arterial street right-of-way, whichever is less. The minimum forest buffer is 50’. If the arterial frontage is deforested`, then reforestation is also an option consistent with the City of Sammamish’s Urban Forest Management Plan. Applicants must submit a reforestation plan by a certified arborist or other qualified expert for review and approval by the City.

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b. Stormwater/Green Infrastructure

c. Front-Facing

The stormwater/green infrastructure frontage type must have a minimum depth of 100’ and be designed for both stormwater functions and as an open space amenity using native vegetation and the incorporation of natural habitat features. The diagram below shows a stormwater pond fronting on an arterial street with street trees, natural fencing, and native vegetation which serves as a visual and physical amenity.

For parcels or sites existing prior to December 31, 2021, the only permitted arterial frontage type is Front if the home is within 100’ feet of the arterial street public right-of-way. Vehicle access must be from a non- arterial street unless determined infeasible by the City. The rear or side of a home is not permitted within 100’ from the edge of the arterial street public right-of-way. If the home is separated from the arterial using the landscape frontage type, then homes are exempt from the requirement to use the Front-facing frontage type.

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Neighborhood Design Standards | Neighborhood Design

d. Landscape

e. Open Space

The landscape arterial frontage type is appropriate on sites that do not have a forest condition with existing mature trees and native vegetation. The landscape arterial frontage must be a minimum of 25’ in the R-1 through R-8 zones and 10’ in the R-12 and R-18 zones. Landscaping must screen the development on the remainder of the site within the first three years by using native vegetation for Type I landscaping. Landscape arterial frontage plans must be prepared by a licensed landscape architect in the State of Washington.

Open space with natural landscape features can provide for a variety of functions including for wildlife habitat, active and passive recreation, trails, and can be integrated with stormwater and green infrastructure. The Open Space arterial frontage may be used to satisfy the requirements for on-site recreation requirements in SDC 21.02.030M. or be dedicated to the City for parks or open space at the City’s discretion. The Open Space arterial frontage must be a minimum depth of 100’.

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H. Adequacy of Public Facilities and Services

f. Retaining Wall

On parcels and sites existing prior to December 31, 2021, the use a retaining wall may be an appropriate design on sloped sites. Retaining walls are limited to four feet in height, and the front of the house or unit must face the arterial street if within 100’ from the public right-of-way. Vehicle access must be taken from a non-arterial street unless determined to be infeasible by the City. This frontage type does not apply to subdivision applications and is only for lots existing prior to the adoption of arterial frontage standards.


I. On-Site Recreation—Space Required

1. All single-family, multifamily and townhouse developments of more than four units, and mixed use developments of more than four units, shall provide recreation space excluding environmentally sensitive areas as defined by SDC 21.03.020 for leisure, play or sport activities as follows: a. Residential developments at a density of eight units or less per acre: 390 square feet per unit;

b. Attached residential developments at a density of greater than eight units per acre, and mixed use:

i. Studio and one bedroom: 90 square feet per unit;

ii. Two bedroom: 130 square feet per unit; and

iii. Three or more bedroom: 170 square feet per unit.

2. Any recreation space located outdoors shall:

a. Be of a grade and surface suitable for recreation;

b. Be on the site of the proposed development;

c. Have no dimensions less than 20 feet (except trail segments); d. When the required open space is less than 5,000 square feet, the required open space shall be located in a single area or tract;

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e. When the required open space exceeds 5,000 square feet: i. The space shall have a street roadway or parking area frontage along 10 percent or more of the recreation space perimeter (except trail segments); ii. A minimum of 60 percent of the required open space shall be located in a single area or tract; iii. At least one area or tract shall contain a minimum of 5,000 square feet; f. Be accessible and convenient to all residents within the development; and g. Be accessible by trail or walkway to any existing or planned community park, public open space or trail system, which may be located on adjoining property. 3. Indoor recreation areas may be credited towards the total recreation space requirement, when the City determines that such areas are located, designed and improved in a manner that provides recreational opportunities functionally equivalent to those recreational opportunities available outdoors. For senior citizen assisted housing, indoor recreation areas need not be functionally equivalent but may include social areas, game and craft rooms, and other multi-purpose entertainment and education areas. 4. Storm water runoff tracts may be credited for up to 100 percent of the on-site recreation space requirement, subject to the following criteria, which are intended to create ponds that are more natural in shape and appearance; provide opportunities for passive or active

recreation, wildlife viewing and educational opportunities; or to create more visual interest: a. The storm water runoff tract is dedicated or reserved as a part of a recreation space tract; b. To earn a 50 percent credit towards the on-site recreation space requirement, the detention pond shall be constructed to meet the following conditions: i. Side slopes shall not exceed 33 percent unless they are existing, natural, or covered with vegetation and meet the design criteria in the Surface Water Design Manual for side slopes. ii. A bypass system or an emergency overflow pathway shall be designed to handle flow exceeding the facility design and located so that it does not pass through active recreation areas or present a safety hazard. iii. The area surrounding the storm water pond above the live storage shall be landscaped in a manner to enhance passive recreational opportunities such as a trail or pathway around the pond perimeter. iv. The storm water pond shall be designed so that it does not require fencing per the fencing requirements in Chapter 5 of 2016 KCSWDM (page 5-6). v. Split-rail fencing (three feet minimum height) is required around the pond at the emergency overflow elevation of the pond or higher. Wire

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mesh backing of the fence is encouraged, but not required.

permitted if the proposed on-site recreation space does not meet the criteria of this chapter, or the recreation space provided within a City park in the vicinity will be of greater benefit to the prospective residents of the development. Fees provided in lieu of on-site recreation space shall be determined annually by the City on the basis of the typical market value of the required recreation space land area prior to the development. Any recreational space provided by the applicant shall be credited toward the required fees.

c. To receive a 100 percent credit, the storm water pond must meet all the additional requirements in the criteria in subsection G.b. of this section, and provide three or more of the following amenities: i. Provide seating using walls, benches and/or tables and chairs that view the storm water system. ii. Create overlook or destination points with views of the storm water pond. iii. Provide vertical planes (using stairs, platforms, etc. that allow storm water to be interacted with and viewed from different levels. iv. Provide interpretive signage describing the storm water feature, or the landscape features (such as highlighting the pollinator benefits of plantings incorporated into the storm water tract). v. Stack horizontal and vertical planes to create features such as pools and waterfalls.

K. On-site recreation—Play areas required

1. All single detached subdivisions, apartment, townhouse and mixed use development, excluding age-restricted senior citizen housing, shall provide children’s play areas within the recreation space on-site, except when facilities are available to the public within one-quarter mile that are developed as parks or playgrounds and are accessible without crossing of arterial streets. 2. Play apparatus provided in the play area shall meet Consumer Product Safety Standards for equipment, soft surfacing and spacing, and shall be located in an area that is: a. At least 400 square feet in size with no dimension less than 20 feet; and b. Adjacent to main pedestrian paths or near building entrances.

vi. Provide a fountain feature near the pond center.

vii. Provide at least one fitness station located near the pond accessible via a trail or pathway.

J. Recreation space—Fees in lieu of

L. Storage space and collection points for recyclables

If on-site recreation space is not provided, the applicant shall pay a fee-in-lieu of actual recreation space. The City’s acceptance of this payment is discretionary, and may be

Developments shall provide storage space for the collection of recyclables as follows:

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