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Spine & Sport: Say Goodbye To Pounding Headaches

neck pain with the Spine & Sport spine program. Common Problems Associated With Neck Pain UPPER NECK

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Say Goodbye to Neck Pains n° 318674 - Level Hard Play on your mobile these puzzles and find their solutions by fla

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Say Goodbye To Neck Pain

Say Goodbye To Neck Pain HEALTH & FITNESS The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

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Say Goodbye To Achy Knees

training do you have? I got my Bachelors of Science inApplied Exercise Science from the University o

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Centra Health: Say Goodbye To Neck Pain n° 312259 - Level Hard Farmville 434-315-2920

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Kinect: Say Goodbye To Neck Pain

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South Valley: Say Goodbye To Neck Pain n° 426079 - Level Expert

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Fit PT: Say Goodbye to Neck Pain

or stiffness effects your daily activities or sport •You are dealing with tension headaches •Youwant

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Advanced Wellness: Say Goodbye To Neck Pain

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KinetixPT: Say Goodbye To Neck Pain

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Say Goodbye To Pounding Headaches

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Do you want to say good bye to pounding headaches?

Hello, You can live life without those thumping headaches by relieving stress on your neck. Thismonth’s newsletter is about how you can relieve neck pain and how we can help. Those headaches at the end of the day can be an old tradition. We can help you find the root cause of those headaches, which is most likely undue stress on your neck muscles. Take a look at our patient spotlight to read a story of success over pain. We also have an easy to do exercise you may want to try. In this issue we provide information on neck pain Thank you for being a past or current patient of PTII! Have a great month.

Al Flores, PT, CFCE Director of Rehab

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

How nagging neck problems can cause thumping your headaches... NAGGING NECK PAIN?

AVOID NECK STRAIN FROM TEXTING. Texting or looking down at your cell phone or mobile device for any length of time puts excessive strain on your neck. Avoid neck damage from texting include raising the phone or mobile device to eye level, minimizing texting time, resting your hands and device on a pillow, and taking frequent breaks.

Doyoufindithardtogetcomfortable atnightbecauseoftheache inyour neckorfindyou justhurtwhenyou try to move in a certain direction? Many people suffer from chronic neck pain, tightness, and frequent headaches. However, few get the needed attention to address the root cause of the problem, trying to mask the symptoms with Advil or Tylenol. The neck is very complicated in its structure requiring good movement, posture, and support. Most of the rotating of your head comes from the upper part of the neck. Therefore, this is a very important part of your body. It is wherethethickestpartofthespinal cord goes through thespinalcanal to the brain. It is also an important area that determines how your body balances. Main Causes of Neck Pain Neck pain can start for a number of reasons such as poor posture with sitting, car accidents, stress, injuries, or even falls. Since the neck is where blood vessels travel through to supply your head, muscle tightness can cause spasms of the arteries around the nerves of the neck and head. This can cause headaches or even trigger migraines. People with

neck problems often experience pain, tingling, or numbness, into the arms, hands, and even fingers. This happens, because the nerves exiting the spine in your neck, supply sensations to your arms and hands. If you find these types of symptoms occurring, it is important that you see one of our expert physical therapists at Physical Therapy Institute of Illinois. There is a lot that you can do to help your neck pain. The key is preventing the neck pain from starting in the first place. However, our daily lives don’t always dictate what is good for our neck and shoulders. Intoday’ssocietywesit a lot inslouchedpositionswhich is not good for the neck, upper back, and shoulders. Our jobs, driving in the car, picking up heavy objects, andrepetitivestrainingcanhurtthe neck over a period of time. Have the spine experts at Physical Therapy Institute of Illinois examine your neck alignment, posture, movement, strength, and function to zero in on the root cause of your neck pain or headaches. Then with precise treatment and expert education we teach you how to prevent it from returning. Call us today to learnmorehowwecan relieveyour “pain in the neck”!

Whether you have back pain, neck pain, or radiating arm/leg pain, we can help. Your spine must be flexible, strong, and healthy in order for you to maintain a pain free body. We ensure that you’ll achieve the best results for your back/neck pain with the Physical Therapy Institute of Illinois spine program. UPPER NECK Common Problems Associated With Neck Pain

Pain or injury here is often responsible for headaches to the scalp and face. This area helps with overall body balance and the ability to rotate the neck.

LOWER NECK Pain or injury in this area often presents with limited motion and contributes to a forward head posture. As a result this increases strain on the neck causing muscle pain and tension. MID NECK Pain or injury here is responsible for weakness and pain to the shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers.

Physical Therapists Are The Mechanics Of Your Body!

Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes a Day, At-Home. It’s Easy!


Good for Those With Neck Pain SCALENE STRETCH Place your hands

Take Care of Your Aches and Pains Before It’s Too Late. Minor aches and pains are warning signals from your body to let you know something is not working properly. Don’t put off the pain until it’s too late. Come in today for a “Tune-Up.”

overlapping on your breast bone. Next, tilt your head upwards and away from the affected side until a gentle stretch is felt along the front and side of your neck.


PARK RIDGE LOCATION: T: 847-298-3079

Try this simple exercise to relieve your pain... Alwaysconsultyourphysical therapistorphysicianbeforestartingexercisesyouareunsureofdoing.

Virtually unheard of two years ago, “text neck” is a repetitive strain injury that’s becoming more common as more people hunch over smartphones. Aggravatingmuscle pain in the neck and shoulders, and sometimes lower back, is occurring even in teens and adolescents. “Typically, incidence of neck pain increases with age. But today we’re seeing and treating more patients — younger patients — who never reported neck pain before,” says Robert Bolash, MD, a pain specialist at Cleveland Clinic. A load of hurt How can using a smartphone or other mobile device cause so much hurt? It’s all in how you look at it. Literally. Looking down, dropping your head forward, changes the natural curvature of your neck. Over time, that misalignment can strain muscles and cause wear and tear on the structures of the neck. Three things happen when you drop your head: 1. Your neck moves forward. 2. Your shoulders round forward or lift up toward your ears. 3. Your neck and shoulder muscles spasm (contract). “Neck muscles, in their proper position, are designed to support the weightofyourhead,about10to12pounds,”saysDr.Bolash.“Research shows that for every inch you drop your head forward, you double the load on those muscles. Looking down at your smartphone, with your chin to your chest, can put about 60 pounds of force on your neck.” Besidesmusclepain, textneck cancauseahostofotherhealthconcerns. Sitting in a slumped position restricts your lungs’ ability to expand, impairing your lung capacity. Inhaling less oxygen means your heart needstopumphardertodistributemoreoxygen-carryingbloodthrough your body. Three tricks to nix text neck 1. Straighten up. Learn proper posture and neck alignment by peeking at your profile in a mirror. If you’re standing correctly, you should be able to draw a vertical line from your ear to your shoulder. 2.Archback. Ifyourposture isn’tperfect,trydoingshoulderextensions. Arch your neck and upper back backward, pulling your shoulders into alignment under your ears. This simple stretch can alleviate stress and muscle pain. 3. Look forward. Rather than tilting your chin down to read your mobile device, raise the device to eye level. The same goes for your desktop computer.Yourmonitorscreen should beateye levelso yourhead isn’t perpetually dropping and causing muscle strain. Is Your Smartphone Use Causing Your Neck Pain? Text Neck:

Patient Spotlight

DO I NEED A PRESCRIPTION TO START PHYSICAL THERAPY? NO, you don’t. In pain now? Don’t Wait! Call us for a Tune-Up and get started feeling better now. Remember: You have the right to choose your physical therapist. We treat necks, back, shoulders, hips, knees and feet. We treat runners, skiers, work related injuries and sports related injuries. Thanks Mike! “We highly recommend PT Institute of Illinois. Mike is an excellent PT and very knowledgeable in back rehab. He was awesome at getting my daughter back to the activities she loves. My daughter was very comfortable receiving treatments here and thrilled to be able to get back to cheerleading. The office staff is also very friendly and professional. Appointments were very easy to make and accommodating to our schedule. Thanks Mike!” C.G. & R.G.

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By Chronic Conditions Team | 3/24/15 8:00 a.m.

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