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SBMS Newsletter Issue 01

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SBMS Newsletter Issue 07

SBMS Newsletter Issue 07 • Ongoing Initiatives in Anatomy Teaching • 10-Year Anniversary of HKU Body

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SBMS Newsletter Issue 01

Issue 01 September 2020

Interim Director’s Message

The School recently established a committee for Knowledge Exchange and Global chaired by our Associate Director Dr. Stephanie Ma, and team members, Dr. Lydia Cheung, Dr. Masayo Kotaka and Dr. Alan Wong. I am delighted to present their inaugural edition of our regular Newsletters of the School. Despite the challenges in the last 12 months, our BBMS students have performed admirably with many on the Dean’s Honours List (2020), and congratulations to awardees of the Dr. Veronica Lam prizes. Our School is expanding with recruitment of outstanding professorial staff at all levels. We are proud to present them in this Newsletter, as well as the success of teachers in competitive research funding and their excellent research outputs. Looking into the future, you will see that the School is embracing a strong culture in Teaching and Learning and a collaborative environment for Research and Innovation.

Prof. Danny Chan Interim Director School of Biomedical Sciences

Feature Story

Teaching and Learning Chau Tran

Full story

Ms. Chau Tran, an undergraduate majoring in Biochemistry, has been awarded First Place at the 3MT Competition 2019 at University College London (UCL) and the Laidlaw Scholar. Her project was recently featured on Laidlaw Scholar Spotlight.


BSc (Major: Biochemistry), Year 4 2019 Laidlaw Undergraduate Research and Leadership Scholarship

Prof. Julian A. Tanner School of Biomedical Sciences Supervisor

won the competition. I also had a trip to Vietnam with my supervisor and mentor where we discussed the potential collaboration with the National Hospital in Hanoi and the possibility of testing the device using clinical samples in the future. The excitement, joy, and encouragement from seeing the potential application of my project in real life really inspired me to continue doing research and believe in the power of science to help people. My dream is to create better and more sustainable solutions in healthcare and medicine to help people live a healthier and happier life. To achieve this goal, I think it’s important for me as a young researcher to identify the needs of others, the gaps to be filled between the current challenges and the available tools of biotechnology. Therefore, I will continue doing research to understand more of these issues and learn from other researchers who are much more experienced in these fields. Hopefully, I will be able to contribute to the progress of science and technology development to create innovative solutions in the future.

Aptamer-mediated DNA nanocage encapsulated gold nanoparticles for high-sensitivity malaria diagnosis medical devices Project

As an undergraduate student, I am really thankful to my supervisor, Prof. Julian Tanner, for this opportunity to have a hands-on, in-depth research experience in the laboratory. Although it was quite challenging to conduct my research last year, I received a lot of help, support, and guidance from my supervisor, mentors, and everyone in the lab to continue my learning journey and finish both my Laidlaw Scholar Programme and Final Year Project. Additionally, there were two occasions that came surprising to me throughout this project. The first one was the opportunity to join the 2019 Laidlaw Conference at University College London and participate in the 3MT Competition where I was able to present my project to scholars from different universities around the world. Luckily, my presentation came across many of the audience and I


Feature Story

to balance safety and efficacy. Thus, we need to offer protective immune responses and avoid non-protective immune responses at the same time. In this way, it is not ideal to construct a vaccine without selecting antigens. In the long run, an ideal vaccine should be designed rationally, which can generate neutralizing antibodies only but not disease enhancing antibodies. It is better to avoid all useless antibodies,” said Prof. Jian-dong Huang. He and his colleagues will continue to design safe and effective vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 by utilizing synthetic biology system, and further explore the feasibility of pan-coronavirus vaccine.

In collaboration with researchers at the Institute of Synthetic Biology of Chinese Academy of Sciences - Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology and the College of Life Science and Technology of Beijing University of Chemical Technology, we conducted a study to mine immunogenic information from 39 COVID-19 patients in Hong Kong. The study analyzed and tested immunogenic information of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein, and used the information to explore on the feasibility of rational design of vaccine against SARS-CoV2. The results are now published in the life sciences journal Cell Research . Our study identied 9 sites of Spike protein in COVID-19 patients, of which 4 linear B cell epitopes were found in the RBD region of SARS-Cov-2. These sites will provide new clues for better design of vaccine against the virus.

“It might be difficult to develop SARS-CoV-2 vaccine since we need

The research was led by Prof. Jian-dong Huang, L & T Charitable Foundation Professor in Biomedical Sciences, School of Biomedical Sciences, HKUMed, in collaboration with Dr. Thomas Chung-cheung Yau, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, HKUMed; Prof. Ivan Fan-ngai Hung, Ru Chien and Helen Lieh Professor in Health Sciences Pedagogy, Chief of Infectious Diseases Division at Department of Medicine and Assistant Dean (Admissions) of HKUMed; Dr. Kelvin Kai-wang To, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, HKUMed and Prof. Kwok-yung Yuen, Henry Fok Professor in Infectious Diseases and Chair of Infectious Diseases, Department of Microbiology, HKUMed. About the Research Team

Knowledge Exchange

Feature Story

Crossing the Life Boundary Achieving Medical Miracles

Our School’s annual event, Body Donation Day was successfully held on June 27 at the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU.

a platform for participants to discuss their thoughts on after-life arrangement with family members.

March 3 is designated by the Faculty as Body Donation Day since 2013. We take the idea of an old adage “san-san-bu-jin” 三三不盡 to resemble the continuous and everlasting quality of life after death. Not only do we wish to promote spirit of overcoming the presumed limitations of death, we also hope to educate people to treasure our every living moment, as life is fragile and can be full of unexpected circumstances. This year, our event was postponed to June due to the COVID-19 outbreak. We chose “A Taste of Life – how death teaches us to live” as our theme to share with the participants the contribution to the advancement of medical education and research by donating deceased body as Great Body Teacher (GBT), as well as to provide

With the participation of Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and Sheng Kung Hui Holy Carpenter Church, we have arranged 5 distinctive educational booths to educate the general public on the Body Donation Programme, usage of GBT and specimens in medical training, integration of advanced VR/AR technology to traditional anatomy classes, and also a face-to-face interaction with participants to discuss the meaning of life. Around 200 people joined our event and we are thankful to the positive feedbacks received and for their enthusiasm at our booths and discussions.

Event Snapshots

School Highlights Summer Internship BBMS summer internship provides students with an early exposure to research activities in the laboratory within the University or in a R&D program within the industry sector. This internship program is initiated by the student and financially sponsored by the School. The application is open in the beginning of the second semester yearly. In 2020, there are 50 and 2 intern positions offered in our research lab and industry sector, respectively.

Mr. Michael Wang (BBMS, Year 2) Intern at eNano Health Limited

This summer I interned at eNano Health Limited to assist their distribution and production of a novel saliva-based viral infection test.

It has been a great experience talking to clinics, manufacturers and distributors, to learn about their views on emerging health technologies. I am surprised to learn that even as a relatively conservative society, businesses and organizations of different sectors are open to working together to fight COVID-19. As a student in BioMed, I didn’t have a lot of experience in content and partnerships. I’m glad that the start-up internship experience has made me more adaptable and more proactive in developing the relevant skill sets, which would definitely help in my future career.

In the beginning, I expected myself to get a taste of bench work and follow every guidance given by seniors. But then I realise the core of doing research is raising questions and self-exploration. The enlightenment and sense of accomplishment after troubleshooting are fantastic. Thanks to this program, now I become a person who is willing to probe into an unfamiliar research domain and do research more independently. Miss Xiyue Pan, Liz – (BBMS, Year 1) Intern at Prof. Michael Shing Yan Huen’s laboratory of the School of Biomedical Sciences

School Highlights In the Media

June 8 2020 Body of Knowledge on TVB Pearl Magazine

Dr. George Lim Tipoe, our programme coordinator, Mr. Patrick Wong, our Technical Manager of our Anatomy Education Team, medical students and also family member of our Great Body Teacher, Mrs Yuen Ping Tang, were featured on the program “Body of Knowledge” broadcasted on TVB Pearl Magazine on June 8, where they shared their views and learning experience through the Body Donation Programme.

June 15 & 18 2020 Featured Interviews on National Business Daily of China

Prof. Dongyan Jin, our School’s molecular virologist, had provided numerous expert commentaries to both local and international media during the COVID-19 pandemic. In his featured interviews on National Business Daily of China, Prof. Jin mentioned that it is now the critical period of COVID-19 vaccine development and there is positive progress at the moment. “Though the first batch of vaccine would not be perfect, it is already good enough for preventing cases from deterioration.” said Prof. Jin.

New Faces

Prof. Ren Sun

Every summer, ~100 students, competitively selected from top universities in Asia, came to UCLA to do research for ten weeks. In addition, for students to engage intensive research, I took the students to hike to Mt Baldy, from 1300m to 3068m. Coming here, I hope to have chances to work closely with students and colleagues, taking challenges in science, education and sports.

As a HKU graduate, I am so happy to come back home after a short stay in UC Berkeley, where I learnt a lot about alcohol, American football and Cyber Monday. My research interest is on chemical biology and drug discovery, with a short-term goal of not serving any pizza in group meetings for the next 10 years! Dr. Yik Sham Chung, Clive

Dr. Sung Chul Kwon

I am a RNA Biologist. I have studied RNA-binding proteins and microRNAs in the Narry Kim group. Using structural, biochemical, and sequencing-based approaches, I elucidated the molecular mechanism of a microRNA-processing enzyme, DROSHA. At HKU, I am going to develop new methodologies that can be used in RNA therapeutics and genome editing. Also, I will reveal the molecular details underlying diseases related to RNA-binding proteins. It is my great honor to be a part of HKU and Hong Kong. Gam-sa-hab-ni-da (“Thank you” in Korean).

Full details

Press releases of our School members’ research findings were held to communicate our work to the general public.

Utilized an evolution in a test tube approach to develop new molecules for malaria diagnosis

Revealed the pathogenic gene of carpal tunnel syndrome

Uncovered a novel DNA repair network as promising cancer drug targets

Unlocked the molecular mechanism that promotes ovarian cancer growth

Congratulations Awarded Research Grants

Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) COVID-19 A grand total of HK$6,202,688 has been awarded to Prof. J.D. Huang and Prof. D.Y. Jin.

Competitive Earmarked Research Grant (CERG) General Research Fund (GRF) 2020/21 A grand total of HK$19,270,365 has been awarded to 17 Principle Investigators, including Prof. Q. Hao, Prof. M.S.Y. Huen, Prof. M.H. Sham, Prof. J.A. Tanner, Prof. G.S. Tsao, Dr. M.C.H. Cheung, Dr. R. Jauch, Dr. S.K.Y. Ma, Dr. C. Qian, Dr. J.W.H. Wong, Dr. K.M. Yao, Dr. B. Gao, Dr. C.S.W. Lai, Dr. K.O. Lai, Dr. L.W.T. Lim, Dr. A.S.L. Wong and Dr. C.H. Yu.

Early Career Scheme (ECS) 2020/21 A grand total of HK$1,873,040 has been awarded to Dr. G.S.H. Ling and Dr. S.C. Ti.

Seed Funding for Strategic Interdisciplinary Research Scheme 2019/20 A grand total of HK$1,474,260 has been awarded to Prof. M.S.Y. Huen, Prof. J.A. Tanner and Dr. Y.P. Ching.

Platform Technology Funding (PTF) 2019/20 A grand total of HK$1,000,000 has been awarded to Prof. P.T. Liu.

Student Awards


University Postgraduate Fellowships (UPF)

Dean’s Honours List (2020)



Miss R.H.L. Kwan has been awarded the UPF Integrative Medicine 2020-21.

BBMS Year 1 student

Mr. H. Chan, Mr. H.M. Chung, Mr. W.H. Chung, Mr. C.H.N. Lau, Miss C. Nadya, Miss X.Y. Pan, Mr. H.L. Pao, Miss A.W.J. So, Miss C.T. So, Mr. K.Y. Tse, Miss Y.L. Tsoi, Miss C.C. Wu, Miss L.S. Yeung and Miss T.Y. Yeung Miss W.Y. Au, Miss I.M. Lam, Miss Y.H. Lam, Miss W.S. Lee, Miss X.Z. Lee, Mr. C.H. Leung, Mr. Y.C. Li, Miss C.Y. Pang, Miss M. Sukriti and Miss W.W. Yu Miss H.Y.S. Chan and Mr. D.T.Y. Cheung

Dr Veronica Lam Prizes (2020) The following students have been awarded Dr Veronica Lam Prizes:

BBMS Year 2 student

Mr. W.H. Chung BBMS Year 1 student

Miss C.Y. Pang BBMS Year 2 student

BBMS Year 4 student

Mr. K.H. Wong BBMS Year 3 student

Miss H.Y.S. Chan BBMS Year 4 student

Long Service Awards This year, six colleagues, Dr. B.C.W. Wong, Mr. E.K.W. Koo, Ms. S.Y. Law, Ms. M.W. Lui, Mr. A.C.C. Tsang and Ms. S.L. Tsang from our School received Long Service Awards, including 1 receiving the 40 years award, 3 receiving the 25 years award and 2 for the 15 years award.

Our School held a Long Service Awards Photo Session and a mini celebration party on June 10 2020 to thank the awardees for their dedication, commitment and loyalty to the School.

Publications Highlights

1. Dong C , West KL, Tan XY , Li J , Ishibashi T, Yu CH , Sy SM , Leung JW, Huen MS (2020) Screen identifies DYRK1B network as mediator of transcription repression on damaged chromatin. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA Jul 21; 117(29):17019-30. 2. Zhang BZ , Hu YF , Chen LL, Yau T, Tong YG, Hu JC, Cai JP, Chan KH, Dou Y , Deng J , Wang XL , Hung IF, To KK, Yuen KY, Huang JD (2020) Mining of epitopes on spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 from COVID-19 patients. Cell Res Aug; 30(8):702-4. 3. Lo LH , Dong R , Lyu Q , Lai KO (2020) The protein arginine methyltransferase PRMT8 and substrate G3BP1 control Rac1-PAK1 signaling and actin cytoskeleton for dendritic spine maturation. Cell Rep Jun 9; 31(10):107744. 4. Cheung PH , Lee TT , Kew C , Chen H, Yuen KY, Chan CP , Jin DY (2020) Virus subtype-specific suppression of MAVS aggregation and activation by PB1-F2 protein of influenza A (H7N9) virus. PLoS Pathog Jun 8; 16(6):e1008611. 5. Li C, Wang N , Schäffer AA, Liu X, Zhao Z, Elliott G, Garrett L, Choi NT , Wang Y, Wang Y, Wang C , Wang J , Chan D , Su P, Cui S, Yang Y, Gao B (2020) Mutations in COMP cause familial carpal tunnel syndrome. Nat Commun Jul 20; 11(1):3642. 6. Cheung YW , Röthlisberger P, Mechaly AE, Weber P, Levi-Acobas F, Lo Y , Wong AW , Kinghorn AB , Haouz A, Savage GP, Hollenstein M, Tanner JA (2020) Evolution of abiotic cubane chemistries in a nucleic acid apatamer allows selective recognition of a malaria biomarker. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA Jul 21;117(29):16790-8. 7. Tan Z , Kong M , Wen S , Tsang KY , Niu B , Hartmann C, Chan D , Hui CC, Cheah KS (2020) IRX3 and IRX5 inhibit adipogenic differentiation of hypertrophic chondrocytes and promote osteogenesis. J Bone Miner Res Jul 14. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.4132. 8. Zhou P , Chan KC , Wan YK , Yuen TL , Choi CG , Li X , Tong SW , Zhong SW , Sun J , Bao Y, Mak YL, Chow ZY, Khaw JV , Leung SY, Zheng Z, Cheung WT , Tan K, Wong KH, Chan HYE, Wong SL (2020) Three-way combinatorial CRISPR screen for analysing interactions among druggable targets. Cell Rep; Aug 11; 32(6):108020. 9. Curatolo AI, Zhou N , Zhao Y , Liu C, Daerr A, Tailleur J, Huang JD (2020) Cooperative pattern formation in multi-species bacterial colonies. Nat Phys; in press.