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Schiller & Hamilton - January/February 2021

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Schiller & Hamilton - January/February 2021



Approaching 2021 With the Right Mindset

This past year wasn’t easy for anyone. We sheltered in our homes during a pandemic and faced major division over a tumultuous election. We dealt with unemployment, unexpected deaths, and disappointment over postponed and canceled events. It’s a year that will go down in infamy, but it doesn’t mean this year was wasted. As we enter 2021, I feel encouraged. It’s a chance to start new. It’s like opening your windows on a perfect fall day: fresh, exciting, and rejuvenating.

Then, evaluate your goals. Do they make sense for you? Are they tangible? For example, don’t just try to lose weight. Instead, resolve to live healthier. Start by incorporating one fruit or vegetable into your meals and taking daily walks. Slowly, these will become habits, and you’ll see the pounds flying off. Your goals need to be realistic, and you need to take each just one step at a time. And don’t be afraid to show yourself a little grace. You’re going to mess up, and you will have days that feel too hard to keep going. You will have days where you want that cigarette or the junk food you used to snack on. It will happen, but it’s okay to allow yourself a cheat meal or a little vice to get you through. Forgive yourself in the moments when you give in to the temptations. If we’ve learned anything in 2020, it’s that we have to adapt to life as it comes. We can’t give up the moment things get hard, nor should we stop just because we failed at one point along our journey. Remember, you have 365 days! It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Finally, ask yourself this question every single day: How can I be better than I was yesterday? I ask myself this every morning. How can I be a better father? How can I be a better husband? How can I be a better attorney, a better boss, a better person to strangers? This is what you control. You decide who you get to be that day, and while we can’t control the elections or when pandemics will strike, we can control our reactions and our attitudes. You have the power to be better than you were yesterday and at 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 31, 2020. We can be better each day, even in the years that take their toll on us. I’m already really excited for this year, and I hope that, with your goals, your new mindset, and this inspiration, you are too.

It’s common for many people to use the new year as a time to set new goals, and given the storm that was 2020, I’m sure many of us are looking

for big changes in 2021. I’m not immune to this. I often make goals for the new year, but these typically look more like reflections. I ask myself if I made enough time for my dad this past year or if I could

have done more. I think about the friends I didn’t reach out to enough or the ways in which I could have been a

803.366.0333 197 S Herlong Avenue Rock Hill, SC 29732 843.379.5006 78 Sams Point Road Beaufort, SC 29907 803.285.2900 302 N Main St., Ste. C Lancaster, SC 29720 843.341.9418 16 William Pope Drive Suites 101 & 103 Bluffton, SC 29909

better father or husband. I think about Schiller & Hamilton Law Firm, and I consider the ways we can better serve our communities. Change isn’t easy, but it’s necessary to evolve and build a better future. Though change can be hard, and we often struggle to live up to our resolutions, I know we can do better, be better, and strive for better in 2021. We just mucked through a lot of mud to get to this point, and we owe it to ourselves to take the lessons we learned this year to heart and use them to improve in the new year. How can you ensure you stick to your goals? Write them down this year! I believe this is the most important step because if you don’t have your goals written down, they are just thoughts. Goals become real when we put pen to paper and give them life. If you can’t write them down, tell a friend or your spouse. Hold yourself accountable for the goals you want to achieve this year.

Happy New Year!

–Bennett Schiller




When Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away and Judge Amy Coney Barrett was nominated to take her place, the eyes of the country turned to the U.S. Supreme Court. It’s no secret that the court has a lot of power. Its decisions, like Loving v. Virginia , Brown v. Board of Education , and Roe v. Wade, have reshaped America. But how did just nine people come to hold so much sway? Well, the answer lies with two rival second cousins: Thomas Jefferson and John Marshall. Back in 1803, the Supreme Court was the laughingstock of Washington. It was a collection of misfits (including a man nicknamed “Red Old Bacon Face”) and met in Congress’ basement. When Marshall was chief justice of the court and Jefferson was president, the cousin controversy reared its head. Marshall and Jefferson were in rival political parties and, to add insult to injury, Marshall’s mother-in-law had once spurned Jefferson’s romantic advances, according to Washington legend. In 1803, Jefferson (a Republican) was upset because a judge whom his predecessor, President John Adams (a Federalist), had tried to appoint was suing Jefferson’s secretary of state over failing to actually appoint him.

This judge-to-be was named William Marbury, and he took his case straight to the U.S. Supreme Court. After hearing the case, Marshall had two options. He could side with Jefferson, even though he believed he was legally wrong, or he could side with Marbury and risk the wrath of the president, who he feared would dissolve the court. In a historic twist, he chose door No. 3. Digging through the Constitution, Marshall discovered a line that required cases to go through a lower court before coming to the Supreme Court. That made Marbury v. Madison , which had come to the Supreme Court directly, out of Marshall’s jurisdiction. It also made the law Marbury had operated under unconstitutional. When Marshall pointed this out, it was the first time the Supreme Court had ever ruled on constitutionality, which set the precedent for its power today. If Marshall hadn’t cared so much about opposing his second cousin in 1803, it’s possible that Judge Barrett’s nomination in 2020 would have been much less contentious. To learn more about this crazy piece of history, check out “Kitten Kick the Giggly Blue Robot All Summer,” an episode of the podcast “Radiolab.”

The pandemic made holiday gatherings difficult, but there’s no reason to cancel celebrations completely. From Zoom get-togethers to intimate dinners with your immediate family, we all learned how to adapt and celebrate safely in 2020. As we approach our first Valentine’s Day in this pandemic world, our team wanted to offer some safe, budget-friendly date night ideas. Swoon with your sweetheart on one of these great dates!

end each hunt with a grand gesture, like dinner or a coffee date in the park. It will be a fun memory to make this Valentine’s Day rival the others!

Surprise Takeout

Dinner for two is a time-honored Valentine’s Day tradition, and while dining out at restaurants may not be in your comfort zone this February, that doesn’t mean you can’t support your local favorites by getting takeout. But let’s make it a little more fun than your traditional Friday night dish. Have your partner order the appetizers and desserts, and you can order the main course. Surprise each other with the treats you know the other will like. You might end up with fried calamari, burritos, and ice cream sundaes, but it will be a fun reminder of how well you know each other.

Plan a Scavenger Hunt

Whether you hide little notes and trinkets around the house or you tuck these items away at outdoor spaces around town, a scavenger hunt can be the perfect activity to do together! Plan one for your partner one day, and then they can plan the next. You don’t have to be a great poet to make each note meaningful. Just leave a little clue as to where your partner should search next and

Learn How to Dance at Home

What better way to show your love than to dance together? With free online dance classes, like Duet Dance Studio and Ballroom Mastery TV, you can try your hand at the classic waltz, salsa, tango, and other moves without ever leaving the living room. Don’t forget to dress up! You just might find a new favorite hobby, or you can chalk it up to a new experience that will always give you a laugh. Either way, it’s the perfect Valentine’s Day memory.

No matter how you celebrate this day of love, you can make it special and stay safe, too. Happy Valentine’s Day!




When you have Schiller & Hamilton Law Firm serving you after an accident, you have a strong network of support systems in your corner. After all, we’ve got your back. But that support doesn’t just come from the legal experts in our office. No, you’re also backed up by the experts we rely on to prove your right to compensation. One of the most important members of this team is your very own doctor. Medical experts keep detailed records of your appointments. That is why it’s so vital that you see your doctor immediately after an accident and that you tell them what happened. To start, your body is likely going to be running on adrenaline. You’re going to claim that you feel “fine” because your body is using adrenaline to keep you in survival mode. Many people don’t realize the extent of their injuries until they receive treatment or until weeks or months later when the pain becomes unbearable. By seeing a doctor immediately, you can avoid worsening pain or injuries, which could result in devastating diagnoses, expensive treatments, and long recoveries. Doctors can diagnose and treat injuries more effectively the sooner they are found. This is important because your well-being and healing should be your main priority after an accident. For Your Healing and Your Personal Injury Claim



Your doctor’s report from this first meeting can also serve as a tool in the courtroom. The diagnosis and the details of the event as told to your doctor will appear in this medical report. This could be a valuable burden of proof that we can use to show just how extensive and necessary your right to compensation is.

Remember, defense teams and insurance companies are going to actively try to dispute your claim. Make sure you explain to your doctor that you were in an accident and what happened that resulted in your appointment. Ask them to take notes, even if you are unsure of your legal rights. It’s always better to be prepared and have a paper trail to back you up. Our team will always have your back, and we will ensure your medical teams do, too. If you have a question about the aftermath of your accident or if we can help you seek treatment for your healing, please contact our team today by calling 803.366.0333. We’ve got your back.







803.366.0333 197 S Herlong Avenue Rock Hill, SC 29732



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How 2021 Can Be Better

The Cousin Rivalry That Gave the Supreme Court Its Power

Stay Safe and Save Money With These Valentine’s Day Plans

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Why You Need to See a Doctor Immediately After an Accident

‘The Bachelorette’ Contestants Go to Court


Judge, Will You Accept This Rose?

The reality TV show “The Bachelorette” is known for being packed with drama, but last year there was just as much scandal among its contestants off- screen as there was while the cameras were rolling. Late in 2020, not one but two past “Bachelorette” contestants ended up in court. One of them was Chad Johnson, hailing from the group of hunks who competed for Bachelorette JoJo Fletcher’s attention in season 12. That season aired in 2016, but it wasn’t until two years later that Johnson sued Sunset Studios Entertainment and one of its executives, Cristina Cimino, for sexual harassment, failure to prevent harassment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, fraud by intentional misrepresentation, and wrongful failure to hire in violation of public policy. According to Deadline, Cimino told Johnson she would help him get movie roles with her studio, but that never happened. Instead, she allegedly lured him into in-person meetings and bombarded him with inappropriate calls and text messages. After years of back-and-forth, the case is finally moving forward. In July 2020, a judge ruled that all of

Johnson’s accusations were proven except failure to hire. Upping the drama, Deadline reported that “no attorneys for Cimino or the studio participated in the hearing.” Meanwhile, another “Bachelorette” contestant, Luke Parker, has been ordered by the court to pay $100,000 for breach of contract. Parker, who vied for the affection of Hannah Brown in the 2019 season, has allegedly been making media appearances without the consent of the show’s production company, NZK Productions Inc. Each appearance was a breach of contract, and now he owes the company a pretty penny: $25,000 per appearance. According to Page Six, Parker might also be on the hook for bad-mouthing the show and/or sharing information about what happened on set — both things his contract forbids. Hopefully, the 2021 season of “The Bachelorette,” which should air later this year following the postponed 2020 season, will feature less drama than these real-life legal battles.

