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Schiller & Hamilton - May 2019

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Schiller & Hamilton - April 2019

Schiller & Hamilton - April 2019 A FAMILY HELPING FAMILIES WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK The Story of Schiller

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Schiller & Hamilton - June 2019

Schiller & Hamilton - June 2019 FIGHTING BACK WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK Joel Hamilton Honors His Father My

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Schiller & Hamilton - August 2019

Schiller & Hamilton - August 2019 MAKING PERRY MASON PROUD WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK David Manzi Explains

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Schiller & Hamilton - May/June 2020

June 2020 Honoring My Wife for Her Dedication to Our Children M y wife, Karoline, and I were married

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Schiller & Hamilton - July 2019

ROUNDUP The World Health Organization determined in 2015 that glyphosate was “probably cancerous.” T

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Schiller & Hamilton - January 2020

Schiller & Hamilton - January 2020 A DECADE OF GROWTH WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK January 2020 Celebrating a

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Schiller & Hamilton - March - April 2020

April 2020 Meet Some of the Dedicated Women at Schiller & Hamilton! For the past year, readers have

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Schiller & Hamilton - September/October 2020

panning-for-gold-activity for a great step-by-step guide on how to go panning for gold in your own b

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Schiller & Hamilton - July/August 2020

August 2020 Attorney Derek Harper Returns to His Hometown to Serve His Community W hen the opportuni

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Schiller & Hamilton - January/February 2021

or sharing information about what happened on set — both things his contract forbids. Hopefully, the

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Schiller & Hamilton - May 2019



How I Became a Lawyer and Gave Up My Political Career

My mom always thought I would be the governor of South Carolina someday. She could see her son, a very politically engaged student, working his way up to the governor’s mansion, but she wasn’t the only person to let me know that a career in politics might be in my future. By the time I reached middle school, I was outspoken. I was the kid who was actively engaged in class discussions about politics, and I wasn’t afraid to debate against the rest of the class. My teachers would often send home compliments about my work, but there was usually one caveat in these notes: When I finished my work early, I would distract my fellow classmates with my talking.

at The Citadel. This education gave me the foundation I would need later in law school and my career. Between The Citadel and law school, I took a gap year to work as an assistant and runner for a law firm, and while working in the lobbying department of the firm, I made a life-changing realization. I watched attorneys meet with legislators and observed how these politicians were being manipulated into supporting certain causes. I was disappointed to see this brash and cunning side of politics, and it was then that I lost all my desire for a statesman career. I loved and appreciated the support of my mother and teachers, but I wanted to use my talents and passions to make a difference. Working at that firm wasn’t a total wash, though. I learned valuable skills, and I met my wife, Karoline, there. But in law school, I was shown the value of the compassionate career I craved. While attending the South Carolina School of Law, I clerked for a personal injury law firm for more than two years, and I saw how these attorneys changed their clients’ lives with their expertise. In some cases, these lawyers were the difference between families going hungry and being able to put food on their tables. I was overwhelmed by the love these clients showed their lawyers, and I knew that’s what I was meant to do. During my 25 years of practice, I have worked hard to put the needs of my clients first and to build a law firm that wants to serve others as if they were a part of our own family. Karoline and I have been married for 27 years now, and we’re the proud parents of four children who we adopted on the same day. In my spare time, I ride a Harley Davidson motorcycle, spend time with local biker groups that raise money for various causes, and enjoy living on the coast with my family.

It was actually my eighth grade teacher, Mrs. Dantzler, who made me seriously consider a career in law and politics. It wasn’t that I was particularly

May 2019

argumentative, but she was the first person to

notice that my gusto for conversation could be used to really help people. However, the only way I could afford a college education was by earning scholarships. So, I became the class president, I was captain of the track and cross- country teams, and I did everything I could to earn my way to The Citadel, a military college in South Carolina. As a teenager, working hard to achieve goals was not a foreign concept to me. When I was just 8 years old, my father moved our family from Griffin, Georgia, to Columbia, South Carolina, so he could attend Columbia Bible College. He would attend class from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., work in the mill until 11 p.m., come home to his studies, and get up the next morning to do it again — all to provide a better life for my sister, my mom, and me. He exemplified a strong work ethic. With an academic scholarship to The Citadel, I was able to continue my education after high school. I was taught the value of responsibility, leadership, performing accurately under pressure, and time management by my fellow cadets and my teachers

803.366.0333 197 S Herlong Avenue Rock Hill, SC 29732 843.379.5006 78 Sams Point Road Beaufort, SC 29907 803.285.2900 302 N Main St c Lancaster, SC 29720 843.341.9418 16 William Pope Drive Suites 101 & 103 Bluffton, SC 29909

But one thing hasn’t changed since middle school: I still value serving and advocating for others.

At Schiller & Hamilton Law Firm, we would like to wish every mom a very happy Mother’s Day. The dedication and support you show your families is unparalleled and so appreciated. –Bennett Schiller III




What Is It Go

There are many different opinions on the healthiness of snacking. Some people think of snacks as processed foods with high calories, but snacks don’t have to be junk food. Depending on what snacks you’re eating, and how often, these little in-between-meal bites can be highly beneficial or detrimental to your overall health. HEALTHY VS. UNHEALTHY SNACKS People snack when they’re hungry, but they also do it when they’re stressed, bored, or have a habit. When people snack on unhealthy junk food when they’re bored, the result is weight gain. An excellent way to avoid unhealthy snacks is to surround yourself with healthy alternatives.

Fill your fridge and pantry with whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and nuts and legumes. With those in your kitchen, you’ll have plenty of healthy options to choose from when you’re hungry. WHO BENEFITS FROM SNACKING? Depending on your weight, fitness level, and medical conditions, snacking throughout the day can be more effective than eating three large meals a day. Individuals who are crunched for time, have particular health conditions, are athletic, or are trying to lose or maintain weight all benefit from healthy snacking throughout the day.

THE DANGERS OF SOCIAL MEDIA After an accident, a lot of questions have to be answered. “How will I pay for the medical bills?” “Should I hire an attorney?” “Am I going to be okay?” But one question few people think to ask is, “Can I still post on Facebook?” The most common social media mistake people make right after an accident is to post about it. Word of an accident spreads fast. Instead of calling or texting every person who may worry, it seems like the best way to reassure your loved ones after an accident is to make a post. The problem is that if you make a post online saying you’re “okay,” the insurance company can point to this and insist that your injuries aren’t as severe as you claim. On the other hand, if you make a post about how terrible your injuries are, but you later describe your injuries or pain differently, this could be seen as “evidence” that you’re lying. Even if you never mention the accident or your case online, anything you share on social media can be used to undermine your case. Let’s say the pain from a motorcycle accident makes it hard for you to walk. Then sometime after the accident, you post a photo of yourself in the park with your family. It doesn’t matter if you were in pain the whole time or if you only put on a happy face for your family. The insurance company can easily use this photo to deny your claims of pain and suffering. They can also use this tactic if someone else posts a picture of you. After an accident and during a personal injury case, it’s best to remove yourself from social media altogether. Don’t post anything, and request that your friends and family refrain from making any posts about your condition or sharing any photos of you online, even if your accounts are set to private. At this point, you may be wondering if you should delete your social media accounts altogether. No, deleting your accounts or posts makes it seem like you have something to hide. That suspicion, warranted or not, can be used to undermine your case. It’s better just to log out and not use social media until your case is over.

When Facebook Ruins

Your Case

The Wardle once again competitiv approximat swimmers more than We here at 2018 alone, Due to the sponsors a able to offe scholarship County resi will be safe enjoying th that swim Additional i can be foun BeaufortRi

If you have questions about your case, or you want to learn more about your legal options, contact Schiller & Hamilton Law Firm by calling 1.803.408.7722 or visiting




In 1973, a weed-killing product became the go-to option for landscapers and gardeners across the U.S. The glyphosate-based herbicide was paired with specialty seeds in 1996 to become Roundup, which killed invasive weeds while allowing crops to flourish. Its booming production signaled a win for green thumbs everywhere, but even as it killed weeds, it planted its own deadly seeds. glyphosate was “probably cancerous to humans” after the chemical tested positive in food, water, soil, and air. According to experts, the most serious side effects of glyphosate exposure are non-Hodgkin lymphoma, B-cell lymphoma, and leukemia. But Monsanto, the company that produced Roundup, continued to label their weed killer as safe. danger and causing substantial harm to plaintiff Dewayne Johnson, a father of three and former groundskeeper, who had been diagnosed with non- Hodgkin lymphoma after decades of using Roundup. This finding awarded Johnson $39 million in past and future losses and $240 million in punitive damages. A judge later reduced this to $78 million. But, like Johnson, it’s time for your day in court too. If you or a loved one has been exposed to Roundup and been diagnosed with cancer, you may be entitled to compensation. Complaints against Bayer, the current owner of Roundup, and Monsanto continue to spread internationally, as more farmers, gardeners, and landscapers face deadly diagnoses. If this sounds familiar, you may have a case. To qualify, you must meet two criteria points. First, you must have had prolonged use and exposure to Roundup. Second, you must have been diagnosed with non- Hodgkin lymphoma or other cancers. The experienced lawyers at Schiller & Hamilton Law Firm can evaluate your individual circumstances to determine if you qualify for a Roundup lawsuit. Learn more by calling 1.850.436.6304. We’ve got your back. In 2015, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer determined that In 2018, a California jury found the company guilty of negligence for failing to warn the public of Roundup’s

d For?

People who have high cholesterol or diabetes can better maintain their cholesterol and blood glucose

levels if they eat frequently during the day. For athletes, snacking helps

distribute the consumption of nutrients their body needs throughout the day instead of all at once. This way, their energy levels stay the same instead of fluctuating with their meal times. If you find yourself in need of a quick bite, think clementines and almonds instead of chips and Pop-Tarts. You’ll still satisfy your hunger without jeopardizing your health or increasing your waistline.


amily YMCA and the Beaufort Swim Committee are excited to ost the Beaufort River Swim (BRS) on May 18, 2019. This BRS course is approximately 3.2 miles and the fun swim course is ly 1 mile (both swimming with the tide). This event attracts nd athletes from across the state and expect to once again host 50 swimmers. chiller & Hamilton are one of the proud sponsors of this event. In here were over 7000 swim lessons taught at the Wardle facility. enerous support of d participants, they were

swim lessons through to Beaufort and Jasper ents in need, so they n and on the water while many health benefits ing affords. formation and sign up on the event website at




803.366.0333 197 S Herlong Avenue Rock Hill, SC 29732



Happy Mother’s Day to all of our Moms

1 2

Becoming a Lawyer

A Healthy Snack

Stop Posting on Facebook!


The Beaufort River Swim

Did Roundup Cause Your Cancer?


The Price You Pay for Stealing a Penguin

Animal Theft and Trespassing Don’t Go Unnoticed THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU STEAL A PROTECTED ANIMAL

You wake up slowly, still groggy from a raucous night out with your friends. As you look around, taking stock of your surroundings, you see the other inhabitants: a desk, your shoes, a penguin … a penguin?! While footage confirms that two young Welshmen stole Dirk the penguin from his SeaWorld Australia home, the men had little memory of the night’s misadventures the next morning — until they saw Dirk waddling around their rented apartment. The night before, after imbibing a hefty amount during their vacation in Australia, the men got the harebrained idea to break into SeaWorld and swim with the dolphins. After getting inside, video footage captured them stripping down to their skivvies and running around the facility — until they spotted the penguin enclosure. “Look at them!” one said. Distracted from their original plan, they made their way to the penguins, grabbed one, and left. Dirk, the 7-year-old fairy penguin (the smallest species of penguin), was bred in captivity and had never left his enclosure. The next morning, realizing what they’d done, the three young men panicked and released Dirk into a nearby canal. But Dirk’s misfortunes weren’t quite over. He was chased out of the canal by

what onlookers believe was a shark, only to be chased back in by a surprised dog. Fortunately, concerned passers-by called authorities, and SeaWorld workers came to rescue Dirk and bring him back to his family. Dirk returned unharmed to his partner, Peaches, but his kidnappers weren’t so lucky. Once a Facebook post recounting their misdeeds made its rounds, police traced the crime back to the two Welshmen. They were charged with trespassing, stealing, and keeping a protected animal, and there was no shortage of public shaming as their crime circulated the internet. Taking note of their letter of apology and admissions of guilt and regret, the judge enforced a heavy fine for the crime in lieu of jail time. Charges for kidnapping a protected animal vary from state to state, but the Endangered Species Act ensures perpetrators face harsh penalties, including fines and maximum sentences. The Animal Legal Defense Fund also provides free legal assistance and training to help protect animals from harm.

Be careful on your next night out, and please, enjoy wildlife without stealing it!

