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4 Simple Ways To Beat Pain

freezer and get them off to a good start in 2017. Our family this year consisted of a single parent

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Farmingdale: Gain Back Pain Relief


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PTS_4 Quick Ways to Relieve Sciatica Pain

PTS_4 Quick Ways to Relieve Sciatica Pain 4 QUICK WAYS TO RELIEVE SCIATICA PAIN Health & The Newslet

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Discover How To Gain Back Pain Relief Forever

Owner working with patients of all ages---from children to seniors. She grew up in Zionsville, a gra

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MSR Newsletter: 5 Simple Ways to Beat Knee Pain / Runners

eliminate pain make him number 1 in my book.” - Nicole Z. Practice News Thank you to everyone who ca

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Fit 4 Life: 5 Simple Ways To Beat Knee Pain

jasmine • ¼ cup lemon juice • 2 tbsp chopped fresh Italian parsley (optional) • 1 lemon, sliced (opt

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Advantage PT: 5 Simple Ways To Beat Knee Pain

or joint stability. BFR canalsobeusedalone inperiodsof immobilization—suchaspost-surgery or being in

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Canyon Sports Therapy. 5 Simple Ways To Beat Knee Pain

running • Lack of flexibility DON’T PUSH THROUGH THE PAIN While feeling a stretching sensation or mu

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Nebraska_5 Simple Ways To Beat Knee Pain While Running n° 28718 - Level Medium This coupon good for 9 Mention or bring in this coupon for a FRE

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Centra Health: 5 Simple Ways To Beat Knee Pain n° 312259 - Level Hard on your mobile these puzzles and find their solutions by flashing

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Simple Ways To Gain Sciatica Pain Relief

Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body “ Why Can’t I Achieve My Fitness Goals Without Enduring Back Pain? ”

Physical therapist intervention includes strengthening of core muscle groups, including the abdominal wall, which has positive effects on people with this condition. Exercise and hands on therapy have been shown to alleviate pain in many people. In addition, education on how to protect your spine and remain active is beneficial. Our physical therapists are trained to identify your problem and plan out the most effective treatment for you. Along with building your core muscle groups, hands-on physical therapy to move your spine has shown to be very effective. Our physical therapists develop a safe and effective treatment program that is tailored to your specific needs and goals. Surgery should always be the last option, but too often people think of surgery as a cure all and are eager to embark on it withoutknowing the long term risks.Receivingcare fromourknowledgeable and licensed physical therapists first, can improve your odds that you can What are the benefits of a slow training program? In order to understand why Fit 4 Life has chosen slow training, you must first have the knowledge of what slow training is. Slow training is simply a more time efficient, safer, and more effective work-out. By using one-on-one strength training with our trainers, your goals can be exceeded. Strength training stimulates the muscles to become longer and stronger, therefore you burn body fat. Let’s discuss the reasons why… Safe Environment and Time Efficient. The work-out is safer in the sense that there are no jerking motions to over-exacerbate the muscle. Clients who choose the Fit 4 Life, slow training work-outs, will achieve a 10 second positivephase (the liftingmovementwherethemostenergy isexerted)anda 10secondnegativephase (loweringmovementwhere resisting theweight). Thepurposeofthework-out istofullyfatiguetheprimarymusclebeingused. Sequentially, to do this one set of each machine is accomplished. There is no need to do several sets of each machine because once the muscle has reached full exertion; the muscle fibers have stretched to their maximum Simple Ways To Gain Sciatica Pain Relief quickly reduce your pain and maintain your quality of life. A Slow Training Program To Aide In Your Fitness Goals

potential. Pushing he muscle to full fatigue a second time is unnecessary and could lead to injury. Anotherreasonwhy,slowtrainingcreatesasafeenvironment isbecausethe Fit4Life trainershavehadextensive trainingon techniqueand formoneach exercisedperformed. Throughoutyourpersonal trainingsession, the trainer will instructyouon thepropermovementswhilemotivatingyou tomaintain this form within each repetition. Applying the correct form and technique with slow strength training prevents injury and leaves no room for error. Since this work-out is so intense, yet safe, the muscles you exercised need to have a recovery period of two days before being pushed to this level again. Hence, this work-out is not to be performed every day, resulting in time efficiency. Effectiveness. Slow training does not only have short-term benefits, but long-termaswell. Overyour lifetime,your jointsweardown. Thisoccursover time with strength training equipment or running and jogging. The Fit 4 Life work-out isaslowpacedwork-out,soexcess force isnotgeneratedonto the muscle. Not only does the slow trainingbenefit you in the long run, butwith the use of the best equipment on the market, Med X, you cannot go wrong. Duringstrengthtraining,youactuallyburnmorecaloriesthandoingtheregular cardiovascularwork-out. Moreenergy isbeingexertedthroughoutthework- out because there is a higher resistance than with regular cardiovascular equipment. With the Fit 4 Life work-out, you are not only burning numerous caloriesbecauseofthestrengthtraining,butwealsomaintainacardiovascular work-out. How is this possible? Fit 4 Life uses a circuit work-out. What this means is that throughout your personalized training session, there will be no rest time in between sets. By maintaining about a zero second rest between sets, your heart rate does not have the opportunity to drop to the restingheart rate,henceyouhaveacardiovascularwork-outcombinedwith strength training. Call us today to learn more!

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17419 Bridge Hill Court Tampa, FL, 33647 P: 813-PP P: 907-7879

Offer valid for the first 25 people to schedule. Expires 02-28-17.

“ You May Still Be Suffering With Sciatica Pain Because You’re Not Receiving Proper Treatment.” The Challenge Of Treating Back Pain

Back pain is the second most common diagnosis seen by physicians in their offices. 85% of the US population will suffer an episode of back pain sometime in their life. Why is this? A lot has to do with the design of our body. It is the price we pay for walking upright on two legs. In humans, the force of gravity pulls directly down through the vertical spine compressing it together over the years. In other mammals such as horses, apes and cows, the spine is horizontal and the pull of gravity does not compress the spine together. Most back pain falls under the category of mechanical back pain, meaning the mechanics of the movement are not correct. The spine has to move in intricate ways to make whole movements of bending, extending and twisting. Therefore, the “mechanics” of the spine are important in order for all the vertebrae (the bones) to be able to move. Mechanical back pain means that the joints, muscles and ligaments of the spine are not moving correctly at the right time. This can cause increased strain on certain parts of your back, especially the very lower back. Why do the mechanics of the spine change and cause pain? This is due to a variety of reasons including small injuries from lifting heavy objects,

bending, twisting, repetitive strain, accidents, weakness from prolonged sitting and changes in your core strength. In today’s world, most of our daily activities involve sitting which causes the abdominal and back muscles to weaken. This in turn lessens the necessary support to the spine, causing strain. The strain causes inflammation, which leads to pain. Back pain can be localized to the back area or even radiate into the buttocks or backs of the legs. Millions of people a year rely on over the counter medication and back braces to get through their day. However, the unfortunate reality is that unless treated properly, 75% of people with back problems will have another episode of their back pain. This is because the cause of the problem, the mechanical movement, is not addressed by treating it with drugs or a hot pack. More and more people with back pain are realizing the full benefits of our specialized hands on physical therapy to address the cause of their back pain and understand what they can do to have lasting relief. Call us today to learn more how we can help quickly relieve your back pain!

Staff Spotlight

Personal Trainer Spotlight

Beth Deren Personal Trainer

Alyssa Hurless DPT, PT Clinical Director

BethDeren isournewest personal trainer at Fit 4 Life.She isanOhionative

Meetourphysical therapist, Alyssa Hurless. She received her Bachelor of

andcomesfromanathleticbackground, NCAA Basketball and Boxing. She has learned the value of hard work and how to incorporate that into the fitness industry by motivating others to make

Science from the University of Pittsburgh with Certificates in Pathokinesiology and Psychosocial Issues in Rehabilitation. She then went on to receive her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Arcadia University.

a lifestyle change. Beth believes the key to reaching any goal is balance. She strives to give her clients the knowledge and motivation to reach all of their goals with confidence.

Alyssa was born and raised in Pennsylvania and recently relocated to Tampa, Florida. Her interests have focused on outpatient orthopedics, and as a member of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), she is dedicated to theprofessionofphysical therapy.Her focusparallels thevision of Fit 4 Life to improve and restore physical function, maximize outcomes, and provide excellent care to the community through rehabilitative and fitness services.


Think Fit 4 Life FIRST Why You Need To Come In For Another Check-Up: � Move without pain “I no longer take pain medication!” - Tifini G. “My journey with Fit 4 Life began in October 2014 after an injury to my lower back. From my initial consultation for physical therapy I knew Fit 4 Life was something special. After progressing through weeks of physical therapy I transitioned to personal training. I look forward to my weekly personal training sessions with Adrian. After incorporating the 15-week competition diet into my regimen, I really began to see and feel changes. Weight loss, decreased body fat, increased energy, strength and muscle tone are just a few of the benefits. With the competition diet I was able put my eating and meal planning on auto pilot. I shared the competition diet with a few family and friends and they too have seen some remarkable results from changing their eating habits. The competition diet is an excellent way to reset your eating habits while training. The personalized strength training program and 15-week competition diet have helped transform my life. My chronic back pain has significantly decreased, and as a result I no longer take daily pain medication. With Fit 4 Life, personal transformation is within everyone’s reach. AWESOMEandAMAZING ishow IdescribemyFit4Lifeexperience. The staff is warm, welcoming and dedicated to everyone. Fit 4 Life is not just a slogan but has truly become my new way of life.” “Greatly increasing range of motion!” - Jim G. “I came here after 6 months of chiropractic care following a rear end car collision. The goal was to strengthen the core muscles to support the spinal column. Success achieved. My spine has maintained alignment, while strengthening the muscles is greatly increasing range of motion.” Patient Spotlights

Tech Spotlight HISTORY OF MEDX: Arthur Jones is the legendary founder of Nautilus. In 1986, he foundedMedX toperfect the testingof humanstrength,enduranceand rangeof motion. After years of development and testing,validatedby independent research teams at the University of Florida, MedX perfected its medical Lumbar Extension machine. It has since helped tens of thousands of people around the world reduce or eliminate their back pain. Subsequentdevelopmentsproduced the MedXCervicalExtension,RotaryNeckand Torso, and Knee/Hamstring machines, providing themedicalcommunitywith the first tools capable of producing specific andaccurate testsof functionalability,as well as the finest source of rehabilitative exercise.

Top Notch Equipment To Help You Get Results!

exerciseversionsof itsmedicalmachines andbranded them theCoreSpinalFitness System.™ In less than 20 minutes, twice a week, these five machines can help reduceoreliminatebackpainby focusing on strength, stability, flexibility and enduranceof thebody’score,providinga solid foundation forwhole-bodystrength. BIOMECHANICALLY DESIGNED EXERCISE EQUIPMENT: Incorporated into every MedX product are decades of experience and millions of dollars of independent, university-based research. MedX is the most technologically advanced fitness, sports and medical/ rehabilitationequipmentavailable.MedX products achieve training efficiency through resistance curves matched to testedandprovenstrengthprofiles.They operate at a very low level of friction and offer a choice of resistance in 2-pound increments,ensuringaweight that’s just right -not tooheavyandnot too light– for rapid and steady progress. Biomechanicalprecisionand low-friction makesMedXstate-of-the-art.Engineering excellenceandqualitycomponentsmean thatMedXequipment requiresvirtuallyno maintenance other than cleaning. Resource:

MedX applied the knowledge gained from its medical machines to the design of a full line of exercise-only machines. These machines incorporated MedX’s patented compound weight stack which produces less frictionandenablesseveral hundred levels of available resistance in incrementsof2ft-lbs.This feature reduces user strain and, for the first time,made it possible for individuals toselect theexact level of resistance required regardless of their strength. In 2002, MedX created

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17419 Bridge Hill Court • Tampa, FL, 33647 P: 813-907-7879

“Hi! I am Alyssa. Read more about me in my staff spotlight, inside!”


Travis Monday, Owner and President