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SIP 2018-19 final v1.2

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SIP 2018-19 final v1.2


Note: The first time that any acronym is used, it is written out in full. Subsequent use is acronym only to save space.


At Abbey, children are at the heart of what we do. We will foster a love of learning and make learning fun. We will take sensible risks leading to memorable, challenging learning. We will help our children to learn to think, challenge and have confidence to shape their world. Our children will have a voice. We recognise that each child is unique and celebrate the successes of all. We will promote tolerance and mutual respect as part of a global community. We want all our children to thrive and lead happy, healthy lives.


AN OVERVIEW OF SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR 2018-19. Grey summary is hyperlinked to relevant section.

Raising Attainment and Pupil progress

Quality of teaching, learning assessment

Personal development, Behaviour and welfare


Leadership. Management and Governance

1 – English (EN) Shared writing; spelling

1 – English (EN) – Shared writing; TAF update; spelling 2 – Mathematics (MA) – Mastery; Learning Support Practitioner (LSP) Assessment For Learning (AFL) 3 – Leadership & Management (L&M) Skill mapping 4 - (Non-Core) outdoor; active; profile; Bucket list, soft skills, life skills (B+S+L) 5 - Teaching, Learning and Assessment (TLA) Clevertouch, Assessment for Learning (AFL), Assessment for learning What a good one looks like (AFL WAGOLL) Link Governors: Laura Wheatley, Pam Eling, Ahmad Hayat,

6 – Inclusion (IN) Lunch; Well-being; Mental Health; Bank; Family Support Worker (FSW); Signposting support

7 – Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Moment; Bags; Outdoor; Child Initiated learning (CIL) 5 - Teaching, Learning and Assessment (TLA) Clevertouch, Assessment for Learning (AFL), Assessment for learning What a good one looks like (AFL WAGOLL) 2 – Mathematics (MA) – Mastery; Learning Support Practitioner (LSP) Assessment For Learning (AFL)

3 – Leadership & Management (L&M) Non- core Assistant Head Teacher (AHT); Non-Core

2 – Mathematics (MA) – Mastery; Learning Support Practitioner (LSP) Assessment For Learning (AFL) 3 – Leadership & Management (L&M) Non- core attainment & Progress

Teaching, learning responsibility (TLR)

4 - (Non-Core) outdoor; active; profile; Bucket list, soft skills, life skills (B+S+L)

5 – Teaching, Learning and Assessment (TLA) AFL grids

5 – Teaching, Learning and Assessment (TLA) AFL grids

6 – Inclusion (IN) Family Support Worker (FSW); Signposting support; lunch

Link Governors: Laura Wheatley; Marios Hadjianastasis, Lisa Simmons, Steve Tipping

Link Governors: Patrick Redmond; Jane Gowing; ; Rob Hart

Link Governors: Jane Gowing; Miriam Atkins; Lisa Simmons

Link Governors: Patrick Redmond; Laura Wheatley; Martin McGowan

Note: Governors linked either to the specific SIP or year group areas. Teaching governors are also included allocated to aspects of SIP. Year group link governors identifies in the school ͛ s ͚ Terms of reference ͛ document. Current situation as at June 2018. Both schools are now OE 2 (Inf @ May 2013 (full) and October 2017 (S8); Jr @ May 2015). Teaching is consistently good and progress is good across all key stages and rising at key stage 2. Behaviour is good and safety is outstanding. Leadership and Management is good overall with strengths in Senior Leadership Team & Governance. Safeguarding has been externally scrutinised by the Local Children ͛ s Safeguarding Board and is outstanding; Financial audit has rated infants as ͚ satisfactory assurances ͛ ; Juniors as ͚ Outstanding assurances ͛ ; deficit recovered at infants and budget remains balanced. Infants due for building solution within 2018-19; 50K annual investment for Key Stage 2 each and every year for three years; three-year budget within 5% of carry-forward although DFE funding review places considerable strain on the school(s) and a staffing reduction may be necessary. School has been awarded BSQM; AFPE; Music Mark; NAPTA; Sainsbury ͛ s Gold; Speaker ͛ s Award; PE Premium Award, ICT Mark, Coachmark. Application for (at least) Silver Arts Mark made; BSQM re-assessment July 2018.


Expectations by Summer 2019 – Overarching outcomes statement.

In Y1,3,4,5 the proportion of children making expected and better than expected progress against the school ͛ s own curriculum is 90%/35%.

In Y2 & Y6 the school ͛ s attainment places us close to Fischer Family Trust (FFT) 20 therefore in the top 20% of schools for progress.

In EYFS the Good level of Development (GLD) remains at national or above; the proportion of pupils making good progress against the school ͛ s curriculum is 90%/35% (pending new year baseline assessment)

Pupil premium children attainment and progress match the non-pupil premium in-school group and diminish the difference to the national non-disadvantaged group or is rapidly improving.

Specific outcomes from Assessing school ͛ s performance (ASP), post July 2018 outcomes & assessment information and Inspection >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25

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